l'he Undergraduate Publication of ~tinitp t ' C!tolltge Volume XXIII HARTFORD, CONN., FRIDAY, M.A!R:CH 25, 1927 Number 22 DR. HENRY C. BLACK DIES SHEPARD RECEIVES GREAT FRESHMEN DEFEATED IN ST. OGILBY DISCUSSES STUDENT JUNIOR 'VARSITY HONOR. PATRICK'S DAY SCRAP. SUICIDES. BASKETBALl.. Was Recently Elected Trustee and Lays Part Blame on Church Awarded Guggenheim Fellowship S<•phomores Show Efficient Organiza­ Leeke's Men Make Creditable Long a Prominent Alumnus. Formalism. for 1927-28. tion. Showing. Dr. Henry Campbell Black, 67 years Formalisms of the church that run Professor Odell Shepard, Goodwin · About the seventh hour on th(> The Junior 'Varsity basketball years old, law ·author and editor of the cNmter to the experience of college .Professor of English Literature and morning of March 17, in the year o: proved to be one of the bright lights "Constitutional Review," died Satur­ cur Lord 1927, it befell that the mem­ f. tudents are partly responsible for of the basketball season. While the day afternoon at 2.45 o'clock at his head of the English department, has been awarded a Guggenheim Fellow­ bers of the Class of '29, duly enrolled many student suicides, in the opinion 'varsity was unable to score many 1·esidence, 2516 Fourteenth Street, of President Remsen B. Ogilby. ship for the year 1927-28. The fel­ 1n Trinity College, handed to the viotories to their credit the juniors Washington, D. C., after an illness of "Of grave concern to us," said Dr. lowship is one of those awarded by members of the Class of '30 what made the fine record of eleven wins three weeks. He had been in failing Ogilby in an address in old Christ the trustees of the John Simon Gug­ might be termed as a decisive "past­ out of sixteen contests. This shows health for the past year. Church in Philadelphia, Pa., on Mon­ genheim Memorial Foundation which ing." This same "pasting" was de­ that we have, in their ranks, some (l.ay, March 21, "is that group of young Dr. Black is survived by his widow, was established in 1925 by former livered in what is known throughout good material which can be called up­ h!en, largely college students, to whom who was Miss Bertha Brown. Fune­ United States Senator and Mrs. Simon the city of Hartford and vicinity as on in future seasons. A good jun­ ral services were conducted at the Guggenheim as a memorial to their 1he St. Patrick's Day Scrap. ~he world is an absolute mess. They ior team is one of the best assets home Monday afternoon at 2.30 son who died in 1922. The founda­ I The scrap was not an unheralded ~annot see any possibility of a reason­ which the 'varsity can have and al­ o'clock by Rev. George F. Dudley, rec­ tion has a capital fund of $3,500,000, affair. For twelve hours previous to ~ d attitude towards it. This is se­ though the basketball played by the seventh hour mentioned above the ter of St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, the gift of Senator and Mrs. Guggen­ f;,, hous, not only because of those who Trinity juniors· was naturally not up ~vorthy burghers of our fair city had give up the problem, but of which Dr. Black was a former ves­ heim. The entire income of this fund ~eliberately to 'varsity stand·ard we can safely say peen fully aware of unusual event3 tryman and in which there is a tablet is devoted to the award, in the spring ~ lFo because for every one who ends that they· showed promise of real abil­ being in the air. At 6 p. m. the pre­ his life there are hundreds more who to the memory of Dr. Black's father, of each year, of fellowships to schol­ ity. Coach Stan Leeke deserves con­ ceding evening the members of the the late Rev. Dr. John Henry Black. ars and artists who have demonstrated can give no better answer than, 'Oh, siderable credit for the accomplish­ Class of '30, otherwise known as Interment was in Rock Creek Ceme­ unusual capacity for productive schol­ Hell, what's it all about, ·anyway'?" ments of his team. Freshmen or Frosh, had deserted the "Part of their trouble we can readily tery. arship or unusual creative ability. .Knurek and Prete, both freshmen, campus of their alma mater and taken 'understand. The conception of re­ were the high scorers for the season. Through his contributions to legal Professor Shepard was awarded the up headquarters somewhere on North .ligion they required in early years is They played well at the forward posi­ literature, including more than 15 fellowship to permit him to continue Main Street. ,quite inadequate for the intelligence tion and both can be expected to put treatises, besides numerous articles the preparation of a book to be en­ From 6 p. m. until after 10 p. m. a :of a college student. They are re­ across some good work in the future. in legal journals, Dr. Black won recog­ titled, "Romantic Solitude", and also deep quiet prevailed-due largely t:J velled by an exterior of formalism, an Loomis held down the center position nition as one of the leading authori­ for research in the history of the Ro­ meetings of the various fraternit.ie.> imagined content of scientifically im­ in fine style. !He dropped back to ties on constitutional law in this coun­ mantic movement. He will leave for which kept the hoards of '29 (nee probable miracles and perhaps a riot guard in offensive play, doing tl).is try. He had been editor of the "Con­ England on June 9, and will spend the Sophs) off the streets of the city. But of vague emotion. part of his assignment equally as stitutional Review" for the past 10 summer at Boar's Hill, a literary the hour of ten found the entire "More important is the influence of well as his work at center. Platt, years and had recently completed a colony near Oxford University. Pro­ Sophomore class boarding a truck in the modern school of psychology call­ Jackson, Burleigh, Hardman, and Cut­ manuscript on constitutional law, f essor Shepard will return to this the back of college (having first for­ ed behaviorism, which interprets life ler all featured in the greater part of which probably will be published post ­ country in the fall of 1928, and in the cibly removed a number of Jun:ors solely in terms of reflexes from in­ the games and praise is due them humously. meantime will be on leave of absence •vho were looking for a free ride) <..!:<1 ternal stimuli. If that is all, if for their part in oa successful season. Dr. Black was elected as one of the from the collGge. Most of the re­ driving away in pursuit of any stray thought, conscience and will are sim­ 'Morgan, Cooper, Belden, and Walt­ Alumni Trustees last June and was ~e arch, Professor Shepard said, will Freshmen that might fall into thf~ir ply concommitants of action they can­ er, although they were not able to president of the Washington Branch be done at the Bodlean Library at path. not control, life is indeed a mess. take such a prominent part in the of the Trinity College Alumni Asso­ Oxford and at the British Museum in Came midnight, but no Freshmen. Time is ripe for a protest against be­ games, oare deserving of credit for ciation. In 1917 he was a lecturer London. The latter had an uncanny ability iu haviorism in the name of truth." their work as substitutes. at Trinity on con!:'titut ional govern­ l ~ee ping out of sight... A raid upon ment. He was a member of the Delta what was reputed to be the Fresh­ Kappa Epsilon National College Fra­ NOMINATIONS FOR ALUMNI man headquarters in West Hartford TRUSTEE ANNOUNCED. ternity and of the Cosmos Club. netted nothing for the Sophs but a ATTENTION CALLED TO PR~ZES. POLITICAL SCIENCE CLUB TO In addition to his professional activ­ waste of gasoline and violent lan­ Lieutenant Colonel J . H. .Kelso MEET. itives !as an author of legal treatises guage. Thus it was a weary an(! dis­ Davis, '99, and Blinn F. Yates, '11, Many Awards Open to Competition. he was a musician of ability and was appointed truck load of Sophomores vice-president of the United States Coleman and Ernst to Speak. widely known to musical circles in that returned to town empty handed. Mortgage and Trust Company of New Washington. The Administration desires very But at this point a new factor en­ York, have been nominated for the On Tuesday, March 29, the Political much to call the attention of the stu­ tered in the evening's amusements in three-year term as alumni trustee of Science Club will have Mr. McAlister dents to the many prizes which are the form of a group of disconsol:J.te the college which becomes vacant next Coleman and Mr. Morris Ernst for a warded each year by the College. J uniors who claimed to have a griev­ June. Colonel Davis is the present speakers. These men, because of BY-LAWS CONCERNING FINANCE General information concerning these ance with the Sophomore class be­ incumbent of the office. All holders their wide traveling and first-hand ex­ COMMITTEE ADOPTED. prizes can be found in the catalogue cause of the unmannerly way in which of a degree from the college are eligi­ periences, will be able to treat their and more specific details can be got­ ttey had been removed from the Soph ble to vote on the candidates and the subjects adequately and interestingly.
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