WILLIAMSON COUNTY, TEXAS CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: 2 1. CONTRACTOR: BPI Environmental Services, Inc. Project: 131FB00119 2. Change Order Work Limits: Sta. 10+00 to Sta. 36+63 Roadway: CR 170 3. Type of Change(on federal-aid non-exempt projects): Minor (Major/Minor) Purchase Order Number: 4. Reasons: ____-=2:..:E::-,_1~A..:..-___ (3 Max - In order of importance - Primary first) 5. Describe the work being revised: 2E: Differing Site Conditions (unforeseeable). Miscellaneous Difference in Site Conditions (unforeseeable)(ltem 9). 1A: Design Error or Omission. Incorrect PS&E. This Change Order compensates the Contractor for new bid items that will be used to construct permanent traffic transitions that will move the project into Phase 3. These transitions are necessary due to the elevation difference between eXisting and proposed pavement. but were inadvertently omitted from the original plans . 6. Work to be performed In accordance with Items: ..:S:..:e:..:;e:..,:A:..=tt:::a:::c.:.;h:::e.:;:d;-;-:-___________________ 7. New or revised plan sheet(s) are attached and numbered: N/A 8. New Special Provisions to the contract are attached: -cO"".. i-'---Y-e-s-----:[Z]=----:N...,.O---------­ 9. New Special Provisions to Item~ No. N/A . Special Specification item N/A are attached. Each signatory hereby warrants that each has the authority to execute this Change Order (CO). The following information must be provided The conlmClO( must Sign me Change Order alld. by doing SQ. agrees to waive any and all claims for addilional compensation due to any and all orner expanses. additional cMnges lor time. overhead and PIOM; or loss 01 Time Ext. # : Days added on this CO: _.....;7,--_ comp6nsa/ron as a result 01 thIS change. ~2.'flV Amount added by this change order: $45,710.94 THE CONTRACTOR ate #& By ,!lI~.1 7'ArJ /.? /}z~ c..,t;- ~ TypedlPrinted Name Mt;4J/77i;yr/ c~~ (Y2k/ TypedlPrinted Title r.>tIft"""''''DED FOR EXECUTION : County Commissioner Precinct 1 Date o APPROVED 0 REQUEST APPROVAL Project Manager Date Construction Observer County Commissioner Precinct 2 Date NIA o APPROVED 0 REQUEST APPROVAL Design Engineer Date I ) ('I ' • <: c,_ 1,1 County Commissioner Precinct 3 Date ;' I ... 1""1 ~ o APPROVED 0 REQUEST APPROVAL / Program Manager ./ Date Design Engineer's Seal: County Commissioner Precinct 4 Date NIA o APPROVED 0 REQUEST APPROVAL ~ 'f - :J 0/' - / 'f ~~ County Judge Date ,ar:15PROVED WILLIAMSON COUNTY, TEXAS CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: 2 Project # 131FB00119 T ABLE A: Force Account Work and Materials Placed into Stock _L _ LABOR HOURLY HDURlY RATE I TABLE B: Contract items - - - - ORIGINAL. PREVIOUSLY ADD or (DEDUCT) NEW REVISED OVERRUN! ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT UNIT PRICE QUANnn ITEM COST QUANTITY QUANnn ITEM COST UNDERRUN 0105-2002 REMOVING STAB BASE AND ASPH PAV 12") SY $1.41 11,488.00 $16,198.08 (505.00) 10,983.00 $15,486.03 ($712.05 0110-2001 EXCAVATION RDWY) CY $6.00 27,729.00 $166.374.00 4.'18 .00 27,291 .00 $163,746.00 ($2,628.00 0247-2366 Fl BS CMP IN PLC TY A GR5 FINAL P~S CY $24.82 14,413.00 $357,730.66 337.00 14,076.00 $349,366.32 $8.364.34 3267-2032 D-GR HMA SA) aC-QA TV B SAC B PG64-22 TN $64.85 0.00 $0.00 471.00 471.00 $30,544.35 $30,544.35 9999-003 NORTH & SOUTH END TRAFFIC TRANSITIONS LS $14,690.98 0.00 $0.00 1.00 1.00 $14,690.98 $14,690.98 9999-004 SPOILS HAUL OFF HR $84.00 0.00 $0.00 20.00 20.00 $1,680.00 $1,680.00 9999-005 PEN TEX MOBILIZA nON EA $840.00 0.00 $0.00 2.00 2.00 $1.680.00 $1,680.00 9999-006 PEN TEX MILLING HR $551.25 0.00 $0.00 16.00 16.00 $8,820.00 $8,820.00 , TOTALS $540,302.74 $586,013.68 $45,710.94 (!) trl'l)JILl CHANGE ORDER REASON(S) CODE CHART 1A . [ncon-ect PS&E 16 Other 2. Oil"lering Sile Condition.$ 2A [)i5pulO: resolution (c)(pen~e c.lused by colldittQl'lS and/or re,s,ul!mg delay) (unfore!.eaable) :26. UnavaiJaolo material 2C , New development Icondllton$ ch8ng~nq attur PS&E compleled) 20. Envlronmenlal remedi3tion 2E. Mi~Qltaneou.s dIfference in silO conditi()n, (un(ofe-seeablllt)(lIem 9) 2F Site condition$ altered by an ac1 of nature 2G . Un3dJusted' utriity (unfoNlseeabfe) 21--1 . Unacq:ulfetd Righl-ol·W,y (un(oresee.bla) 21 Additional salery needi {unfofasoeabfe) 2J. Otne, 3. County Convenionce 3A Dispute (.!Solution (nor resulting from error In plans or diHering sile conditions) 38. FlublJC re latIons I mJlro~em"nI 3C Implementallon 0' a Vlillue Engineering finding JO Act'uavemenl of an es/'t'j project complelion 3£ ReductIOn 01 future maintenance 3F Aodltional worll: desired by Ina County 3G . Compliance requirements ot new laws and/or polfClln 3H. ellSI ~""'lnQI opportunity discovered dunng COfis.lruClJon 31 Implementat!on of Improved !echnolog'J or better proccs.s 3J . Flnce adju8tmenl on fini"she<i YKlrk (pnce reduced in Hxchange for acceplance) 3K Adailion 01 slock .C<;OUn! or malenal s.upplfed by stale pra~i.sion 3L ReIJi$lnQ safety work/measures desirud by the County 3M . Other 4. Ttwd Flarty Accommodation 4A . Fallu.re or a third P8rt'y to meet commir~nl 4B. Th lrd part'y roquesled woO< 4C. Compuanco reqUirements of new 'a"lllt and/or poHCtas (impacting Ihim party) 40 Olh(tr .5. Contr8clorConvenience SA. Contractor exercises opllon 10 change Ihe traffIC control plan 58. Conv3clor requested change in the sequence ind/or melhod of work 5C Payment lar Par1nenng work.shop !lO. A<lditlonai safety wor)(fmea~ure-s de,rred by the contra~lo( SE. Othttr e. UntImely RO\N/UtJliIIe5 GA . Right·or· Way nol deOilr (toka p.JIrty rnponsibihty for RO\N) sa Right-of-Way nol cle.r (County respon.sJ.bility for ROVV) 6C. U!1111!es nol Clear 80. Olh., Williamson County Road Bond Program CR 170 Williamson County Project No. 131FB00119 Change Order No.2 Reason for Change This Change Order compensates the contractor for new bid items that will be used to construct permanent traffic transitions that will move the project into Phase 3. These transitions are necessary due to the elevation difference between existing and proposed pavement, but were inadvertently omitted from the original plans. Following is a summary of the new items required for this Change Order. ITEM OESCRIPTION QTY UNIT " ... """._­ 3267-2032 O-GR HMA JSA) (QC-QA) TY B SAC B PG64-22 471 .00 TN 9999-003 NORTH & SOUTH END TRAFFIC TRANSITIONS 1.00 LS " -- 9999-004 SPOILS HA UL OFF 20.00 HR 9999-005 PEN TEX MOBILIZATION 2.00 EA 9999-006 PEN TEX M ILUNG 16.00 HR .._..... - " This Change Order results in a net increase of $45,710.94 to the Contract amount, for an adjusted Contract total of $2,183.988.66. The original Contract amount was $2,141,898.78. As a result of this and all Change Orders to-date, $42,089.88 has been added to the Contract. resulting in a 2.0% net increase in the Contract cost. Seven (7) additional days will be added to or deducted from the Contract as a result of this Change Order. HNTB Corporation James Klotz, P.E. Proposal For Extra Work "Transitions" CR 170 Williamson County. DATE: 3-26-14 RFP # 2 To: HNTB From: Jeff Coursey Attention: Ryan Rivera Project: CR 170 _X_Original Owner: Williamson County nd --2 submittal .-­ Subject of RFP Specification Section Transitions; North and South Ends - - Per HNTB's Design And Di~ection .......... _. ..._.­ -_ -- - - ~ - - ---- - f---- ­ _ _ We have verified that the material or equipment in this submittal meets all the requirements specified or shown. __We have verified that the material or equipment in this submittal meets all the requirements specified or shown, except for the following deviations. (List Deviations):___________ Authoriled Representative___1-t-1)~....::3=t~~O:::/Tk-'£.l · u'le-,¥f--------­ 4/9/1014 Change Order Request ~p!) I,,"okS' 1311=100311 9! 110 :J "Traffic Transitions" l!!!!!; lI!t; Unit T'~If4: Tl i/ln~ ;'io !\"o SO<; " l~riilnCt&T~ :~ l!!!!>!i . .!I!l: !m..HtS; ~R.1te : !tt..HrsCost; Ol'l!>; O1R.J If: 01101($(0$1" ~..I!m: ,... lou! Cent k (Y.V! Ertel Lo.lOOf OO! f .co $1< 12 SI6'SO 10 $2 1.18 Slll gc $71t>.bO SA 21 .13 ~ll""'A' Sl .UO.l2 ~Iie r ' 0 512 Ja SS11 1 0 10 $1'9.17 $191.10 $702 .90 f lS6 ·60 SlOS ..... Sl , l~ . 93 For~~n 40 SV.J t! $1.11 L20 0 $41 6 7 $000 $1.111.20 S61U6 \lUU Sl ,.B!9 04 lilbQr S12 ..2:7 $.392.6.' 8 $J8 -41 S1. 4n~ SS39 .B13 Sl~ti , 9 J \1l().9B S' 17.fl~ " Tmls; 51 llO.5. H.m ~10 . ~s.n1.9' M.arttlm: Qty; Eo.'......' Hn: k.n~. 1 R...at'l! : leul anc': l~ 'oU' (:o<t, r\)l'fTl.Jl'orickup ,. S18 .~2 $.444.48 $66 .6 7 SS ll is whttt l OOl W 5 Uj;(~ ,. $57 .23 $Un.Sl 11OG D) 11.'7'-51 6,..., . 0 Sl788 Sl.S lS.1O S22J .21 Sl .]41 .AB MotOt('.JdeI' tl~ ,. S7t.>'> ,,-&801' $2&2 .92 52.169.08 0t>0b6t On..", RoIA-r lC $.4S.62 Sl,{)!)4 .38 $16..,) 51 59 .11 PI"\t;U m.ftJtP.
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