THE KELOWNA COURIER Nl'Mm-R 45 Kelowna, I'nilish ( oliniiltia, I'lun sda\’. |une Oili, l ‘* l() VOLUMK CHERRIES ARE THEY ARE TRAINING FOR WAR BOAT OWNERS Home Defence Unit Detailed Policy Not NOW MOVING ASK COUNCIL FOR SLIPWAY Inaugurated W ith FROM SOUTH i To be Formulated Delegation Seeks City’s Assist­ Ten Days Earlier Than Usual ance for Accommodation of —Vegetables Moving :v Parade of 400 Men For Two Months i f Pleasure Craft Clierrii'S will mature in the Ok- Jlei )resenting more tluin forty boat miacan al least teu clays earlier owners in the Kelowna district, a Large Turnout Last Night in City Park Athletic Dominion Department of Agriculture Gives Sym ttuui usual. li.C. Tree Pruits Ltd., delegation of six interested persons Grounds—More Than 300 Men Line up in Seven sitif'le sellinii aiieucy, stated on met the Kelowna City Council on pathetic Ear but Points Out that it is Uoolhardy Yt^ednesday. Already eheiu'ies have Monday evening to request that a Platoons—Another Hundred from Districts Are A/Tnlrp. Dpfinifp PlansT>Ionc forfnr Government Assist- been moved from the OlWer-Osoy- boat slipway be eonstiueted for the Ready for Action—Officer Commanding Bill to Make Dennite r-iailb lui ^ T?nrUr'i11v oos section and Binf?.s will be rnov- purpose of floating boats into tlie Shugg Outlines Plans for Converting Volunteers ance Now When Progress of War M a y R adically quantities from the sciuih by water in the spring and taking them Within Short Space of T. ime--- the end of next wwk. PenUcUm is into “Best Unit in B.C.”—Platoon Cornmanders Alter picture vviunu ::;m-eted to have Iling chonin out in Uie fall. Previously, the C. ll.P. slip at the foot of Bernard in City are Appointed and Districts will be Or­ Canadian Advertising Campaign Defini^ y commercial quantities by June 22 avenue was used for this purpose, __Xo Endeavor to Increase the Domestic u„d ouver win be at least at the but this slip has now been torn ganized Next—Again Urge Mobilizing of B.C. peak by that time. down with the purchase of the pro­ Dragoons for Protection and Training Depot for Consumption Another two cars of lettuce wore SiiilPiiSis perty by the city. ship,t)ed from Armstrong on Tui'S- . Active Service Forces—500' Men to be Trained day, m aking a total of six ears thi.s E. H. Oswcll was spokt'sman for the delegation which also consisted season. It is expected that a car 'ii-lir'pf :l '|a-.y: ■ for Guard Duty in B.C. Situation Reviewed Exhaustively t ■V'} ■■ ■■ . - ' ' n ‘r- ^ of Earl M urchison, Dr. C. D. Newby, of lettuce will move from Kelowna A. Lloyd-Joncs, Gordon Finch and before the week-end. <^fj|ON. J. G. Gardiner, Dominion Minister of Agriculture, Market prices are strong and Ok- George Ellis. Expect Recruiting in Valley Shortly lettucc is commanding a The delegation requested that the H gave us a most cordial hearing but as the export prlc^of $2.50 per case There are slipway be built at the foot of Ber­ tion may° be entirely changed-1______ 1 m six weeks time hfihe ISis not ore-pre ^ ^ ...................."r of lettuce. In each car nard avenue and adjacent to the 334 cases park promenade entrance. More ORE than 400 men, ranging in ages from 18 to 55, turned n nnrrd to formulate any definite plans until the end of July or shipped from the Okanagan, than forty signatures were attached out on parade at the Kelowna City Park athletic grounds parca - d e c la re d A K Loyd, General Manager of Hothouse tomatoes are on the M early in August, declarea /a. iv. J^oyu.^c Wednr^dav move to the outside markets and to the petition presented. The re- night for the inaugural parade of the Kelowna Volunteer B.C.-Tree Fruits Ltd., on his return to his office on Wednesday vegetables are being pre­ Home D^efenee Unit. Under the able direction of Bill Shugg, morning, following his trip to Ottawa. Mr. Loyd was accom- The Kelowna Detachment of the B.C. Women’s & — ,, . o_i-- njf------- ------ f TTriiitc- rant. ^jje 1939 apple crop Is ex- of the membership of which is shown above,above Isis one oiof nine mIn me^ S r h S ? ? u r T tV e Officer Commanding the Unit, the men were appointed to their nanied bv Dave McNair, Sales Manager of Tree Fruits; Capt. --------- ------------- province of BriUsh Columbia. In October, 1939, Mrs. N.R. Kennedy fall. platoons according to districts in which they reside and the D M. Rattray, B.C.F.G.A. President; Major M. V. McGuire, peeled to move from_ KalecJe*! and Oliver by the end of the week or L d Mrs. C. H. Rayment, of Victoria, organized the Kelowna and Such a slipway could be composed preliminary organization has now been completed. More than Secretary of the O kanagan Federated Shippers Associadon ; g,^The‘^"late”s\.^■ ■ it. These two Vernon units with headquarters at Vitoria. of flagstones set f iu s h ^ registered with the Home Defence Unit and still ______ _________ ones .with ap- at Victoria Vancouver, Duncan, New Westminster, Port Alberni and W. E. Haskins, Chairman of the B.C. Fruit Board; and it,. J. gj-e the only on ailow"a truck and trailer to lower a further applications are being received. Only persons of rVnmhers Associated Growers President and General Manager, pfea in storage, bn Monday, the Port Moodie. The B.C. Women’s Service Club is the only organiza­ Chambe , balance unsold was .5.600 boxes. tion of its kind in the Dominion of Canada. The necessity of » ^ ^ boat into deep water. or French origin are being accepted in this organization, which This delegation went to Ottawa of this nature for the training of Canadian women to .“J® Most of the City Council members jg planned for the protection of Kelowna in case of any sub- to ascertain what assistance the Do­ GETS GRANT. FOB $50 ----------- “ essential industries of everyday life when mobilization comes into themselves in sympathy ygj.gj^g qj. “Fifth Column” activities in the city. „ „ e , 4 mr. NEW BANDSTAND IN PARK minion Government contemplates m Passage of a grant for $50 to the effect, is becoming increasingly evident. , relieving the situation ■ regarding th*o taSL^nlought by the boat own- Once the organization is complete in Kelowna proper. the Okanagan Musical Festival Asso- Recent A*] The club divides its course of study into four groups.—(1) The marketing of the 1940 fruit crop ciation, Kelowna branch, was made Park have been the pain _^g o ^ __ St. John’s Ambulance Course in First Aid, under Dr. W. F. Anderson, ers, as it would interfere with plans various districts will be organized on the same lines, Mr. Shugg iromfrom methe inienurinterior ui.of this province. *),„ Kelowna Council on Mon- old fire engine and placing it on followed by Home Nursing under Mrs. C. G. Burnett. (2) Elementary to beautify that section of the beach states. A meeting is being held in East Kelowna this evening LWm The delegation met the Domimon by Generally, the grants cement blocks, and the buildipg of an(J practical mechanics with actual training through the courtesy o m ight i S ™ lot this purpose and a platoon is already organized in West- minister on Monday morning, May ^ until near the end of a new bandstand opposite the local garages. (3) Clerical, army office routine, 27, but it was not until last week- ‘ vear^but as the musical group Aquatic Club. 'The Kelowna Jun- (4) Commissariat, sanitation and canteen work, under Mrs. S. M. Turn to Page 5, Story 5 bank, as reported m another column of this issue. end that any definite announcement |g g^^ggy^ring to wind up ifs at- ior Band will be using this band- More than 300 men were formed emanat^ from the Department of S exception has stand for its concert this evening ^'^^Lectures are held every Monday and Wednesday evenings. Parade into their platoons last night for the m Agriculture. ^ before the opening Aquatic dance. is held each Monday evening at the Armory with drill and army Kelowna area proper and another Mr. Gardiner was quite prepared oeen maae.--------------------- -------- discipline by Major A. R, Willan. Keen enthusiasm for No Appeal Contemplated in hundred represented the district to discuss the export situation as it is shown by all and parades in full uniform, are sniartly performed. surrounding- Kelowna, such as Ben- exists at present, but he pointed out All women in B.C. over 18 years of age are eligible for member­ voulin, South and East Kelowna, m the futility of preparing any definite ship, the desire of the club being to find each member s level, of Combine Case When Wismer Rutland, Winfield, Glenmore and plans when the war situation may Vancouver Board of Trade Here. natural ability. Those wishing to become new recruits may get in Okanagan Mission. alter the picture entirely. touch with Miss E. Dunn. About fifteen hundred persons Gardiner’s Statement Next Wednes. for Conferences The officers of the Kelowna Detachment are as follows. Chiei Says Further Action Hopeless** crowded the athletic grounds rails K i In a prepared statement, Mr. Gar­ Commandant, Miss M. Elmore; Senior Commandant, Mrs. E. Davis; and took seats in the grandstand To Adjutant, Miss M. Gore; Secretary, Miss A. Hughes; 'i^easurer, watch the organization of this Vol diner declared: “The Minister of Agriculture has NVith Members of Local Board Miss M.
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