Jt£sBlL& bomber Development g First flown n« a bomber in 1936 f*r& fl^t>roximnt«ly 50 had been, built by the beginning of 1939. Bftsic design was subsequently p<?nr»ted for p wide variety of duties and JU«88 *ircmft in vrrious forms were in oner ation ?nd production when hostilities ceased. Subtypes" 1? subtyoes in the A~acrie& were produced, powered by various subtypes of the Juiao«2ll; sever? 11 of those subtypes were trainer tyt>CB» Sea cripfrkpn* Twin~en.pinsd low-wing monoplane. Win# center section slightly I? gulled* . 'A>p find bottom of fuselpg© ptb flat, sides curved. Kose ifjid cockpit of pn-^ulflr, faceted typfi. Single fin »nd rndder. Slotted dive "brpk-38 nre fitted under wings. Lpnding retracts re»rwerd iaito nacellfts, wheels turning through 90°. All metal, stressed skin construe^ tios. 2iEa3iai2aai£tls Sve,ni 65.9 Lengths 47.0 Wing eraa (sq ft)s 590 iftiShiialllLal* Kormal t^ke»offi 38,400 H«ximums 31,600 £Bi?fi2Ljiiaai.ft T^o Jumo-Sll J, 12*-cylia«ier, linuid-coolsd, inverted "V". Arpipjuent/jßom^ Lpffd^'flexible noses 1 5?,9 mm. Dorsris 1 x 7.9 em /­ 1 xl3mo. Yentrsls 1 x twin 7.9 mm. Bomb losds u-o to 6,600 lbs. lm;~X£a:m£&£&* K«3t &needi -H'-: oph ?t S.L.I 291 mph at 14,000 ft. Servi cs celling* R7,0^0 ft. Rnte of climb? 'i-o 16,500 in SI.4 mia. Range! 1,310 miles *t I^3 m-)h ] with normal 1,230 milee at 254 mph ] fuel *nrt boab lond ESFiaJ^S* D&t-a sunpliod. is for A-4 nnd pp.iliee b^sicplly to subtypes A-1 to A«l4. 9­ UNCLASSIFIED «• W4SSIFIfD iQiiSaa SillLiJ,' Bomber-Glider toying rrrpnst)ort Development? IWeloped from the JtJ~9O nnd intended to supersede the FW~2OO for long-range, over-^nter, nnti-shi'tTOlng nvA TJ«tont cooperation work. Originally designed for transport work *md firat test flown in 1941. Pub- types a A-l, transport; A-3 r>nd A-5 reccß; iw6 transport; A«8, r«cce (With provision for carrying two KS-293). B subtype wns a projected heavily nrined long~rs.nge bombpr Version, with a strengthened fuselage and mortified nose design. C (transport-recce), D (long rnnge "bomter) pr.d 38 (pro,lect»d ni^ht-bomber) eubtyr)eB alao identified Pftgpri-ptionj Four-engine^ lox^winff monor)lriie. Hetal stresseri akin conBtruntion. 3Hiselage is of squp.re section with rounder? corners* Pilot's coclcoit well forward in nose. 3Vin fine and rudders at ex­ tremities of horiz-rmtal stabiliser. L&nding gear hr>3 double wheels pnd retracts hydrpulically renru-ard into inboard nacelles. Dimanaiong(ftf):; SryanS 138 Length? 92. 9 Wing «re?i (s ft).? 2,210 Weight sf^bs) 5 l^rmal t?ike-offs 90.000 Mejcimun^ 100,000 Power plants Four BKV-SOl L-2, 14-cylin^.er, twi.n-row, air-cooled, radial. Armftment/Bqmb Lpp4* Varies according to duty. Nose-heavily armed reconnaissance version carries 2 x 20 mm (dorsal front), 2 x 20 mm (dorsal rear), 1 x 20 mm (toil), 1 x 20 nun (ventral forward), 1 x 13 mm (ventral re*r), 2 x 20 mm (lateral) and 1 x 20 aun (nose). Performances Fax snepdl 209 mph at $,L.l 280 mph at 18,000 ft. Service ceiling? 19,000 ft. Rate of climbs To 18,000 in 43.5 mia. Ranges 1030 miles at 191 mph ) With normal 990 miles at 203 mph ) fuel/bomb lo*d 2490 miles with 17,600 lbs of freight. Remarks g Transport version carries up to 48 passftng^rs or 22,000 lbs of freight. Underneath of fuselage constitutes hinged ramp to facilitate loading. «320­ *­ IKHSBHED JU-59.Q 2&&i&ft* lighter Development g The JU-388 wrs the latest of the JU-S8 series t«» reach the -oroductioa stage. First test flown in 1943, it v»aa included in the restricted "oroduction -orogr^m which we3in forcn when hostilities ended, Developed basically from the JU-188, many features of which are retained, and of which it is essentially a pressurized version. Sub- frymta 3 JU-388 X bomber version has large bomb bulge similar to th*t on the JU~BB S and JU-188 S. Only armament Is rear turret - twin MG 131. *T0 388 h recce aircraft similar to X, bomb bulge omitted. J subtypes are night fighter reraions, with heovy . De^criytio^^ Twin-engined, lov-ving monoplane. All subtypes hp.ve provision for pressurized cabin. Basic appearance is same as the JV»188, except for remotely-controlled tail turret. On the long-range versions, the fuselage beneath the bomb-bay has a "bath-tub" effect. Pirr.ensions(ft); Wing area (3q ft) 5 602 Weight a(lbg)s Normal take-off, 30,000 Maximum: 32,350 to 30,700 Power p3,nnl}: 2 x BMW 801 TJ or 2 x Jumo 213 F (tui'bo-super charged). Armamen b/Bomb Loads Night fighter? Bolp 2 x MOx 151/20 f2 x MK-108; pblique ?>xMG 151; rear turret-twin KG 131 (remote-control). Bomber and recce i Twin MO 131 in remote-control rear turret. Provision for both internal and external bomb stov/age. Perform.* ncas Max speeds 272-285 mph at S.L.j 389-407 mph at 30,000 ft. (witi MW-50). Service ceiling: 40,000 ft* Rate of climb? 1545 ft/mm at S.L.; to 30,000 ft in 27.5 mins Ranges 1400-1600 miles. at 36,000 ft (no drop tanks) ** ,\ _ . ._ ______ . / ... 1700-2000 miles pt 36,000 ft (with drop tanks). i Ronmriw: Crew of 3 (4 in night-fighter) well protected by armor-plate.- The L subtypes were intended for photo reconnaissance. Jumo 222 A/B engines were Dlanner* r? alternative power units. A special neriscopic sight^fas fitted f^r ir.e *1t.h the remote-control tail turret o »321« UNCLASSIFIED • JU-390 Ihiiij&l sport/ "bomber/ long- TFJige recce Q&J&l2$3S£B& ;: A six-engined development of the JU«39O with incrn.nsed sr*an and overall leagtlt- An extra tmiel m mating a BMW 601 £ engine introduced in each wing. New fuselage centre section increased length, " Test flown in 1943. ¦§S^JsX3ISSI- herein ie for transport version- i*oag-range recce type has six built-in fuselage tanks. Armament identical with JU 290 G (recce). Long-range bomber version has four \>u.ild-in fuselage tnnks and equipment for HS«"93 operptiona is added. J&£££l£L&LPJl* Sis«-en^in6d % lovr-ving mcnoplnne 8(ft)4 P-i.>nenBion l Sp^ns 165 *'lng ares (sq ft) ? 2,723 MXg&teiJ,kzh Normrl tak^-off, 161,000 E2K£3uJ2liA£dfc 5 S x B^7«v«301 3S 14- cylinder , tv;in-rov, air-cooled r^dipl, Armainen.fe/^fiinb .,.I»oa4 g *win 20 .mm in forward dorsal, sft dorsal, tail, central and nose positions Z^d-a.rjuaaai?J' *iax speed i 360- mph at 18,700 ft. Rate of climbs At S.L. (Wt. 161,000 lbs) 690 ft -ier mm Range § 4,970 rllro at PO5 ffiph at 6,500 ft (7,500 gals° fuel) 4,040 miles at 217 mr»h at 6,500 ft (6,000 M ) «322­ X, Bd IB <^v HB fl : fl'^V''' '^^B fi %^P V VmBJ wittB B r '¦¦'^Bfcift^^B^^r £sb&££ UNCLASSIFIED Dev.ejp'pinezi.t; a With the o"bject of developing s. feur-eivdned 'bonber vith a minimum cf disturbance to existing design *»n3 r>roriuction prrar^ewentf?, the Germans experimented With fitting four ermines to 'basic Jtf»BB, JU~ 188 ?nd JU-288 designs. Jfone of the developments sxceded r>rotot;/}^ stage. Dgsflr^pt^qfiS Fo^ir«er^inod lov-viii^monoplftne. %w inboard wins sections each mounting one eztrp engine. Ho go siailsr to «?U=lBB. fuaela^e lengthened "by Mding new sections. Tail unit similar to JV«2BS with twin fins pnd rudders. D4mfi^y^,pna(ft) : Span? 100 Lengths 66.? Powflr TyUnntt Four BMW 801 engines 14- cylinder, f»ir-cooled rarfi?!. =333^ A sRS^ ™^ H&.1f19.g attack S&XSIS&SSJ&i *& 109 S developed faou original MS 109 which airseared 1936­ 1937. Used ps standard single aGet fighter until end of 1940, when it v/&,« superseded by the F antf G types, y'in&l main role p.s advanced trainer. Q&RSIIJIjI&LSUI* Single-engined, lov-wing monoplane. Automatic slots and slotted flaps tre fitted. Adjustable strut-braced stabiliser. i>al?nced rudder and elevator. Fixed tail wheel. Ending gear retracts outwardly (hy&rsulically). Dimens^onsCft)* Sp^n* 32.5 Lengths 29.0 Wing Rrea (sq ft)i 175 WeififrfoUfrHb Normal take-off , 5,850 Maximum 5 6,500 £&tt£JUel£&&: DB 601 A, 13-cylinder, liquid«c-oled inverted W V». GM-l may - "be Installed. 2 x 7.9 mm :"ixed forward fuselage 2 x fixed forward winga 4 x GO kg typicpl bomb stowage; alternative 1 s S5O k^. SjSXlaßiaafiig.? speed; 300 rar>h at S.L. ? 355 in-ph at 18^000 ft. Service ceiling? 35,000 ft, Hate of clivtoi To 16,500 in 6.2 mm. Hangf?", 555 adies fit 200 aiph (with normal fuel ,^nd 450 miles at 300 aph ("horoT) load Beiqflrfrg l Germpny originally intended to concentrate on o single tyoe of fighter but neither the IB 601 nor the BMW 801 engine could bfi produced in sufficient quantities.
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