SKS ZZaa BBohaoha a nnárodárod FForor GodGod andand NNationation SSlovaklovak CCatholicatholic FFalconalcon SSLOVENSKÝLOVENSKÝ KKATOLÍCKYATOLÍCKY SSOKOLOKOL OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE SLOVAK CATHOLIC SOKOL • MEMBERSHIP 30,000 • HOME OFFICE: 205 MADISON ST., PASSAIC, NJ 07055 Periodical Postage Paid at original entry of Passaic, NJ 07055 and additional mailing offices VOLUME CVIII PASSAIC, NJ, DECEMBER 18, 2019 NUMBER 5134 SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, DECEMBER 18, 2019 MMessageessage fromfrom oourur SupremeSupreme PresidentPresident Slovak Catholic Falcon MMichaelichael J.J. HorvathHorvath Slovenský Katolícky Sokol There is no other holiday that ex- Day Mass and hear the many Slovak presses love and family more than songs of Christmas being sung. No ISSN:0897-8107 Christmas. The fi rst Christmas shows matter what age you are, these songs Established April 15, 1911 us the way the family is the unit of love are able to open our hearts, put pleas- and caring. This has ant though in our mind and smiles on Official Publication continued throughout our face. Then after Mass we go home of the Slovak Catholic Sokol the centuries, espe- or to a family or friend’s house to enjoy cially on Christmas Christmas Day dinner. At this Christmas Issued Monthly Eve and Christmas gathering we are amazed to see how Day. These two spe- big the children have grown since last Editor: Daniel F. Tanzone cial days bring fami- year and are delighted to see the new Editorial Office: 973-777-4010 lies and friends to- babies, which light up any heart just as gether to show their Baby Jesus did for us two millennia ago. Annual Subscription Rates: love for one another Make this Christmas better that the United States $40.00 and to celebrate the past Christmas, by remembering the All others countries $45.00 birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. reason for Christmas and try to live it’s Everyone has rich traditions and meaning of peace and love every day. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to customs that were handed down to On behalf of the Supreme Assem- Slovak Catholic Falcon them from their Slovak great-grandpar- bly, and from me and my wife Suzanne, P.O.Box 899, 205 Madison Street ents, grandparents and parents from and daughters Heather, Jennifer and Passaic, NJ 07055 wherever they originated in Slovakia, her husband Carl, and their daughter our Motherland. The traditions and cus- Kelci, and Megan and her husband Member of the Catholic Press Association toms we follow from the Christmas Eve James, and their son Jonathan, Sea- and the supper, Vilija, with all of the foods that mus and Andrew, we wish all Slovak Slovak Newspapermen’s we enjoy and probably have just once Catholic Sokol members and friends a Association of America a year. These foods might differ since Very Merry Christmas, Veselé Vianoce, they come from all over Slovakia, but all and Happy New Year, Št’astný Nový Proprietor and Publisher have special meaning and purpose; to Rok. SLOVAK CATHOLIC SOKOL prepare us to celebrate Christmas Day. P.O.Box 899 Then on Christmas Day we are With God’s Blessings to All! 205 Madison Street blessed to be able to enjoy Christmas Zdar Boh! Passaic, NJ 07055 HOME OFFICE HOURS: MONDAY THROUGH THURSDAY 8:00 a.m. – 4.30 p.m. FRIDAY 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. PHONE NUMBERS: TOLL FREE NUMBER: 1-800-886-7656 HOME OFFICE: (973) 777-2605 or 777-2606 DIRECTOR OF SALES: 1-855-874-9179 or (412) 381-5431 UNDERWRITING: (973) 777-4704 FAX NUMBER: (973) 779-8245 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEB SITE: www.slovakcatholicsokol.org FOLLOW US ON: Clifford A. Moeller, Sr., shown center, was honored as our 2019 Slovak Catholic TWITTER: www.twitter.com Sokol Fraternalist of the Year. He was feted at a dinner at the Penn Brewery in Pitts- INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com burgh, PA on Saturday, November 16. Shown on the photo with him are, from the left: Sharon Monahan, Supreme Secretary Scott T. Pogorelec, F.I.C., Diane Moeller, FIND US ON FACEBOOK: Brother Moeller; Clifford A. Moeller, Jr., Veronica Moeller, Supreme Vice President Slovak Catholic Sokol Edward D. Moeller, Supreme President Michael J. Horvath and Keith Moeller. – 2 – SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, DECEMBER 18, 2019 From the desk of the Supreme Secretary SSLOVAKLOVAK CCATHOLICATHOLIC FFALCONALCON PPUBLICATIONUBLICATION DDATESATES The 2019 Annual Review Book will MERRY CHRISTMAS be published on January 1, 2020. by Scott T. Pogorelec, F.I.C. The next regular issue of the Slovak Catholic Falcon will be that of Febru- “A merry heart does good like medicine.” our members have instilled in us a true ary 1, 2020. DEADLINE for all photos – Proverbs 17:22 family atmosphere at all of our fraternal and information for this issue will be I would fi rst like to take this oppor- events. I ask you to continue those efforts JANUARY 23, 2020. tunity to wish all of our members a very and look for ways to increase membership Merry Christmas. Remembering the true and participation. You have been and will NNEWEW PPUBLISHINGUBLISHING DDATEATE meaning and signifi cance of Christmas is always be our best promoters. We not only sometimes overlooked provide outstanding fi nancial security with Beginning in the month of January, amid all that is going on our insurance and annuity products, but 2020 the publishing date for the Slo- in our lives during this we also offer so many fraternal benefi ts vak Catholic Falcon will be the fi rst of busy time. We need to geared to our members. It is who we are, the month and the newsletter will be th remind ourselves that a family. published on the 15 of the month. Christmas is about the This time of the year also gives us a celebration of the birth chance to refl ect on the past year and look of Jesus Christ and not forward to the New Year ahead. I urge all HHOLIDAYO L I D A Y HHOMEO M E just another day off or our members to evaluate your personal life OOFFICEF F I C E CCLOSINGSL O S I N G S a holiday. This special insurance needs, as well as the needs of time allows us the opportunity to enjoy your family. You can help strengthen our In observance of Christmas, the the excitement and emotion of the holiday organization while also protecting your Home Offi ce will be closed on Tues- season, especially through the eyes of our family and friends. Membership in the Slo- day, December 24 and Wednesday, little ones. vak Catholic Sokol is a wonderful gift for December 25. Likewise, to commem- As the year 2019 comes to an end, I a child or grandchild. Allowing them to be orate the New Year’s observance, the would like to express my thanks and grati- part of another strong “Family” is truly an Home Offi ce will be closed on Tues- tude to all our members for making this enduring gift. day, December 31, 2019 and Wednes- year another successful one. I would es- In conclusion, I would like to formally day, January 1, 2020. pecially like to thank our Supreme Presi- thank the people that make the Slovak dent, Michael J. Horvath, our Board of Di- Catholic Sokol engine go. The Home Of- rectors, and our Supreme Offi cers for all fi ce Staff and our Director of Sales, Albert sokol calendar your efforts and hard work in promoting our J. Suess, Jr., F.I.C., work tirelessly for our wonderful organization. I would also like to Society and rarely get the recognition that thank our Group Offi cers, Assembly Offi - is justifi ed. Thank you for all your hard SATURDAY, JANUARY 11 cers, and Wreath Offi cers for your dedica- work and Merry Christmas to you and your ASSEMBLY 16 GENERAL MEETING tion to our Society. Your efforts throughout Families. for January will be held at 11 a.m. at the Slo- the year allow us to thrive as the Slovak On behalf of my beautiful wife, Maggie, vak Catholic Sokol Club, 2912 East Carson Catholic Sokol. A fraternal benefi t society our sons, Reid and Cole, my entire fam- Street, South Side, Pittsburgh, PA. The An- like ours is really an extension of our own ily, the Board of Directors, and our Home nual Meeting will follow immediately at 12 family. It is what our founders had in mind Offi ce, I would like to wish everyone a p.m. Food will be served. in 1905 and it is what our organization has Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year! SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8 become. Over the years, generations of Peace be with you and Zdar Boh! ASSEMBLY 11 ANNUAL MEETING at the home of the Financial Secretary Therese M. Buc,9024 Del Prado Dr., Palos GEORGE J. KOSTELNIK, OUR LATE SUPREME PRESIDENT, PASSES AWAY Hills, IL beginning at 2 p.m., those planning George J. Kostelnik, who served as Feb. 27, 1917, to the late Urban Kostelnik to attend should call Therese at tel. 708 our Supreme President and the former Anna Bilik. He attended the 598-1468. and most recently as former SS. Cyril and Methodius School as SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22 an Honorary Supreme was a member of the 1945 class of Liberty SLOVAK BALL at the Royal Manor in Offi cer, passed away High School. He attended the Moravian Garfi eld, NJ from 7 p.m. until 2 a.m. More on December 5 at Preparatory School and Lehigh University. information: SlovakAmericanCC.org St. Luke’s Hospital in He received his undergraduate degree at SUNDAY, MARCH 1 Fountain Hill, PA after West Virginia University School of Mines.
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