University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 9-13-1914 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 09-13-1914 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_mj_news Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 09-13-1914." (1914). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ abq_mj_news/1052 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURN THIKTY-SITT- H YF.AH x... t.v TWELVE PAGES. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 131914, SECTION ONE-P-ages 1 to 8. nlly l Carrier or Mall COa vol. t.xxxxm. Month. Single 'rie. Bo, BULGARIAN MINISTER Mnnlniiiiill. chnrts. document anil SUMMARY GIVEN personal paper Kliamloiieil by Ihe FOR UNITED STATES ii'iii'iny, and hIm hu kauri, of letter TO SCIIIIL which had lain received or weie RIGHT LIE ready to lie forwarded. OERitl 116 filOIG 0D "In the tliMirlct of ihe SnfiM, Sept. 12 iv ! London, 3 : r5 p. enemy abandoned sevcrul butlerns of in.) Stephen Piiiiturftof. who wus OUT 11 ALLIES iiinlt.irn mid it number of caisson nf for u long lime profcasnr of Holier! ammunition.'' PUBLIG III CBIIIIECIIOIHII college, Constantinople, bus been nom- NORTH FASTER THAU IT WENT inated iiiilKHtliin iiiliilMi.'r 1 the lit K.I AN I'oltt I Ml MS IN I 'li II oil Slate. OF OPERATIONS I'ONSlNMON Ol IlitMOMM imtiiii stati.k v i ci'ts fallx, Kept. 12 10 37 p. in. I A OFFICIAL HERtJANDEZ m; mimsti.ii appointf!) ilUputch to the HaviiH Aitelic) from ACTS AlilWerp nlve the follou iiik official SOUTH, ALLIES GENERALLY Wushington, Sept. 13. The miming OF PARIS coiiiiniinicittliin: of u nilnlHtfr from litiluiirla to thr EAST "I he llelftlan army ban r ucciipled ' l ii I r oil siui will establish a new Tetmnnih' and nearly nil of rasf legation In WiiNhlnttton. The United Hullilel n h Well an Ihe province of III PAY FROM TICKET Slntrs ha accredited ii sinule dlplo-mi- ll Antwerp and l.lmhurK are free frum SUCCESSFUL III JAR ZO JE REM lo till the linlkun stale.' Servla, (he enemy. The operalloiiK reMimud MulKiiri.i mid Montenegro, which have Germans, After Stubborn Re- by our army at Antwerp are prnKieB-iti- liiul no representative In Wash- KatlHliiclorlly. The HermanM are ington. Hulgnria Iiuh been advised sistance, in Full Retreat in Htifl'erinK Impo'iant Ionscm, prim ip, il- Hint (he iifw miniMlrr In acceptable. ly from our heavy held artillery ' Northeasterly Direction From which I doinx remarkable Hervlce." WHILE TREASURER OF COUNTY DIDIER MASSON GOES KAISER'S FORCES RETREATING French Capital, H n un it rovnini ti or TO AID OF FRANCE (. i:l.lt M. I.I IIMW Itl i ltl r HE MARKED TAXES THAT AT PRACTICALLY ALL POINTS; PAID ParlH, Sept. 12 (11:31 n. ni.l A- mT HONMlM JOURNAL .r.CIAL LIAMO Will RIGHT WING ALMOST nother official communication i.ticd J 2. Fl Paso, Tex., Sept. Duller i nlKht .ivx: An- ROUTED WERE NOT ACCOUNTED FOR MiiNxon, the French aviator of Los COMPLETELY "Kirm, on our left win the Keneral ENGLISH CAVALRY PURSUING geles, who acted us a nihil of wur aero. ' retreat of the (iermatiM conlmiieH be- plane during the curly part f the fore ihe Krem h and llruiHh forces, constitutionalist revolution In Mexico. who rcijchi'd ruurm- on hi in hnv the lower It passed through here tonight Heavy Losses Sustained ot Ihe Aimie. of Candi-Ua- y army Whole Theater of Action Appears Favorable to Amador Mercantile Company, Which Republican to j..m the french at hrm "Sncotiil, Success of He probably will he recruited ln the Retrograde Movement and likewise in the center ihe for Congress Was an Owner, Was Shown on Books to aeroplane corn of French .my. (li riiiim arm lea are retrcntlmt. We France, Great Britain and Russia; Czar's Troops Again date have iTokhi d Hie Mi rile bclwein y . ? . .. .. Masson participated with hi oeni. Morale of Kaiser's Army Have Pair. Tflxps But Mnnev Never Cn ented Unti Alter uinne m the van-- unsuccessful - anil Vitrv-le-Frai- ii ol. on our Delivering Smashing Blows to Austrians in Galicia; One Ik . rlnht wIiik Ihe eiu'mv baa in like man- . fiiiulln on Ouaymu, Mexico. He n Badly Damaged, ...... ....oy ... - licensed mem tier of Ihe International lier bcKuu loiiay a retlrimt movi nient, of Francis Joseph's Corps Is Expected to Be Annihilated Expiration o? utuce ana unecKing up iraveung auoi- n Aero duo, bh well Iwlng enlisted s abandoiiliiK Ihe Ilk-Io- around Nancy. Were Made Good by Check of Business a reservist Ir. the French army. We have l.uneville." Unless It Surrenders Soon; Little Information Comes, tor; Then Deficits lr MonNiN jou.l .nci.k if winri Iimlon. Hept. 13 (ll:Sfi p. m.) From House Most Largely Concerned; Mother of Standard Bearer: HOUSE AGREES TO The official pr"M Uuronu nnikcx the in iui: i k;iiti(j stiii, East Prussia; Servians Claim Further Victories Near : o m:. wtwijii' followliiK announcement ()i(j Their Border, and Contest I Being Back Into Bos- Also Among Those Favored by Having Taxes Marked, SENATE AMENDMENTS "A nummary, neccwarlly Incom- Pressed 1:1 (2:2l in.) plete, may be attempted of tho ope- - lomloii. S'.l. n. Paid. The Antwerp correspondent of the nia by Slav Armies. jeuDMAL Minti "itloliH of the HriliHli ex ed lonnry mohnih inciu ii.iio thy the Kxchatme Telegraph company In a WaHhliiKton. Kept. 12. Houxe and French uriuy duriiiK dispatch dated Saturday, says: fercc on the Clayton anll-tr- ut 1f0,'r,.,1.a'.':',.... , ...h "Fierce lighting continued today The German retreat continues steadily. lioth l'rcnch and Uritisli (,Diccial correspondence ol Morning Journal.; virtually agreed today to accept the southeast of Antwerp. To the left our ex- - vance ol the Herman riuht reached the Knnto, Fe. Sept. 12. Revelutloni$G73.81 wu due from tho AmadorVnato amendment relating to the division was obliged tu give way be- official reports declare that the Germans are heino; forced hack with . - (loulommufTs and .. ii. .n n .... imiitna rrnm int. oiiii- extreme point at rnemy's offensive. In have Just become public, which had Mercantile compHny, of ' fore the the losses. Vitry-le-l;ranco- is anti-tr- law. ' roviim, cavalry p.uroin many They have evacuated and the they been made before the republi- Hernandci la one of the owner, and ration of the Shern in B,"t.Hur center and on the right wing we made InjunctionH i trn ten ua far noutr. a Fe, $H2.((3 was due from Mra. M. C. Her- - land restricting the u.)e of I good progress. The battle w be re- - I'rench, in addition, have occupied Luneville and Soissons. can state convention at Santa e w.o can-- 1 in labor dispute. The coniereni It i would mudo of nandei, mother of the republican --.j mimed tomorrow (Sunday), when 'n,,. r,'.rl,t ..., tl,,. ,.., I.M...;,,... MM,,.. have the nomination 11 U C I .o. , fiiminn ,.f . t Jr ...u- .1 IVPPk C Si Till n III ninnia.' ,.. j .I........ - Ui.nllnnil ti..Vt re- - ' ,,v' " m imhuii.-- i n.ii It. C. Hernandez for congress, or fur uiuuie nui coiiKie .V" ..... urge flank nu force west of Ihe line Is hoped that the llelgluns will ",v " """u""1 mvooii ui county """!" cover ground which was lost on!,thc German forces in Arjjoiine any other office, Impossible. There treasurer. c'la, a.".,,.,.!..n.!..r the river our,,,, the outer the the district has hejjim to retire, and are those who believe. In view of the The remainder of the deficit . trtefenaew any allied force the left wing.' .."?,, phibltlons. and that it is relieved that the pressure on the forts to the southwest of 'publicity bound lo he given, that Mr. made up of Items marked paid hy! l. ,..v.w.,rui. !,IV,, f,.. ,l,...,i Hernandez will resign from the various firms located In the county, "The southward movement of the Verdun, which a Hcrlm report said was lieing lxiniharded, is likely ticket, thus relieving the party of a but not paid, bo far as the cash ac- (enemy left his right wing In a POWERS REFUSE to he relieved. load Impossible to curry. counted for, showed. Of the taxes FILIBUSTER ON position, as he had evacuated M.inllct r,.irl..n ' The is terri- Should Mr. Hernandez inslut upon marked paid and unaccounted for,! I""'tlla f'r.il- . Cuiiniluiiiitia I'elgian army reported to have won success in the remaining on the ticket, It Is regarded the traveling auditor's report says: ' through which his advance had been the of has j tory to east Antwerp and occupied Aerschot and Malines. bh certain thut Halph C. Ely will re- - "Mr. Hernandef .admitted marklntfi pushed. kign as ptate chairman and wash his paid, but his explanation In that he j "The allies attacked this exposed TO A Renter report from Ostend nays reports are current there that wing In on RECOGNIZE hum!, nf 11 nniitpp of which he was intended to deduct same from his PORK BARREL both front and the flank Crown Prince Frederick William and Prince us treasurer, but durinit on September 8. The covering force Adalliert. sons of the totally Ignorant when he agreed to commissions t accept position no one wHO,nn term 01 over inrre hi cam was UHsnlled by a French army bused German emperor and f'rincc Carl of Wucrttenihenr.
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