Vol. 2, 549-552, March 1996 Clinical Cancer Research 549 Evaluation of Carboplatin Pharmacokinetics in the Absence and Presence of Paclitaxel’ Coleman K. Obasaju, Steven W. Johnson, INTRODUCTION Andre Rogatko, Debbie Kilpatrick, Paclitaxel (Taxol) has demonstrated substantial activity as James M. Brennan, Thomas C. Hamilton, a single agent in the treatment of various solid tumors, including ovarian, breast, and lung cancers (1-6). Preclinical studies in- Robert F. Ozols, Peter J. O’Dwyer, dicated that the combination of Taxol and platinum compounds and James M. Gallo2 was superadditive in several models (1, 7, 8). The cellular basis Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191 1 1 for this favorable interaction has not yet been elucidated, but aspects of appropriate dosing strategies have been described in preclinical and early clinical studies. In MCF-7 breast cancer ABSTRACT and A549 lung cancer xenografts, the activity of simultaneous In a clinical trial of paclitaxel (Taxol) and carboplatin drug administration and that of the sequence Taxol preceding in combination, the severity of thrombocytopenia was less carbopiatin administration was superior to that of the reverse than would be expected with an equivalent dose of carbo- order (9). In a Phase I clinical trial of cispiatin and Taxol, more platin alone. To determine whether a pharmacokinetic in- severe neutropenia was associated with the sequence in which teraction was responsible for this observation, the effect of cisplatin was given first, and this sequence was associated with pretreatment with Taxol on the pharmacokinetics of carbo- a lower clearance of Taxol (10). The substantial clinical activity platin was examined in 1 1 patients. Each patient was ran- of the Taxol/cisplatin combination has been demonstrated in a domized to one of two treatment groups that determined the randomized trial in ovarian cancer ( 1 1 ), and studies in other order of drug treatments. The treatments were carboplatin diseases are in progress. as a 30-mm infusion alone or immediately following 175 Early clinical combination studies of Taxol with carbopla- mg/m2 Taxol administered as a 3-h i.v. infusion. The treat- tin lagged behind those with cisplatin because of concern re- ments were separated by 1 week. The carboplatin dose was garding additive myeiosuppression. In a Phase I trial in ovarian chosen to produce a target area under the concentration- cancer, in which the carboplatin dose was individualized ac- time curve (AUC) of 3.75 mg-mm/mi according to a previ- cording to the formula of Caivert et a!. (12), we found that full ously published formula (A. H. Calvert et a!., J. Clin Oncol., doses of each agent could be administered safely.3 Indeed, the 7: 1748-1756, 1989). The mean administered dose of carbo- severity of thrombocytopenia appeared to be even less than platin was 338 mg. Serial blood samples were collected over expected.3 The kinetics of both agents was characterized in that 24 h and analyzed for total and free platinum, and, in some study; although an initial impression suggested that carbopiatin patients, Taxol. The pharmacokinetics of carboplatin (i.e., AUC4 values were less than predicted, the analysis of the total clearance and volume of distribution at steady state), completed study demonstrated that the mean measured carbo- was not significantly affected by pretreatment with Taxol. platin AUC was 7.2 mg-mm/mI at a targeted AUC of 7.5 Total clearances of carbopiatin were 67.2 ± 28.8 ml/min and mg-min/ml.3 To determine more precisely whether the apparent 64.6 ± 27.9 mI/mm in the absence and presence of Taxol, alteration in platelet toxicity could be explained by a pharma- respectively (P 0.56). The AUC of free carboplatin (3.45 cokinetic interaction between Taxol and carboplatin, we de- mg-min/ml) obtained in the absence of Taxol was not signif- signed a study in which patients were treated both with carbo- icantly different from that measured in the presence of platin alone and with carboplatin following a 3-h infusion of Taxol (3.27 mg-min/ml). The AUC of carboplatin in both the Taxol. absence and presence of Taxol agreed with the projected target AUC of 3.75 mg-mm/mi. In conclusion, the applica- MATERIALS AND METHODS tion of an individualized dosing strategy is valid for the calculation of the carboplatin dose in this combination. The Study Design pharmacokinetics of carboplatin is not altered by pretreat- This trial was designed to test the effect of Taxol on ment with Taxol at a standard dose, and a pharmacokinetic carboplatin pharmacokinetics. Each patient received both car- interaction is not responsible for the altered toxicity of the combination. 3 M. A. Bookman, W. P. McGuire III, D. Kilpatrick, E. Keenan, W. M. Hogan, S. W. Johnson, P. J. O’Dwyer, E. Rowinsky, H. H. Gallion, and Received 8/1/95; revised 1 1/6/95; accepted 1 1/15/95. R. F. Ozols. Carboplatin and paxlitaxel in ovarian and peritoneal car- I Supported in part by NIH Grant CA-06972 and an appropriation from cinoma: a phase I study of the Gynecologic Oncology Group, submitted the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. for publication. 2To whom requests for reprints should be addressed, at Fox Chase 4The abbreviations used are: AUC, area under the concentration-time Cancer Center, 7701 Burholme Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19111. curve; GFR, glomerular filtration rate; AUC24, partial area under the Phone: (215) 728-2461; Fax: (215) 728-2741. curve to 24 h; volume of distribution of steady state. Downloaded from clincancerres.aacrjournals.org on September 23, 2021. © 1996 American Association for Cancer Research. 550 Carboplatin Pharmacokinetics with Taxol boplatin alone and Taxol in combination with carboplatin. To Taxol Sampling minimize patient loss from the trial, the carboplatin dose was Two 8-ml blood samples were collected at the end of the split, and half administered in successive weeks. Patients re- Taxol infusion and at I 0 h from the start of infusion. Serum was ceived the Taxol before the first or second carboplatin dose by obtained from the blood samples and stored at - 80#{176}Cuntil random assignment. The end point of the study was the corn- analyzed for Taxol by a high-pressure liquid chromatography parison of the carbopiatin AUC and other pharmacokinetic assay. parameters with or without Taxol. Measurements of Carboplatin and Taxol Eligibility Criteria Total platinum in serum and ultrafiltrate platinum in serum The eligibility criteria included patients with histologically were measured with a flameless atomic absorption spectropho- confirmed malignant tumor for which treatment with Taxol and tometry. Samples were diluted in duplicate with 0.2% nitric acid carboplatin was appropriate therapy. Patients were required to containing 0.1% (v/v) Triton X-100 and injected (20 p.1) onto a have an Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance sta- Perkin Elmer/Cetus model 3 100 atomic absorption spectrometer tus 0-2, adequate bone marrow function (neutrophils 2000/ equipped with an HGA 600 graphite furnace. Platinum concen- mm3, platelet count I 00,000/mm3), renal function (creatinine trations were determined relative to a freshly prepared standard 2 mg/dl), and hepatic function (bilirubin 2 mg/dl). Pregnant curve for elemental platinum (0.2-4.0 ng). The limit of detec- or lactating women were excluded from the trial. Patients with tion was 0.01 p.g/ml (14). child-bearing potential had to implement adequate contraceptive A previously published high-pressure liquid chromatogra- measures during participation in this study. They had to be free phy method was used to quantitate Taxol in serum (15). In brief, of clinically significant infection and must have signed an a solid-phase extraction procedure was used to extract Taxol approved informed consent. from serum. Cephalomannine (final concentration 10 JaM) was used as an internal standard. Taxol was eluted from a C18 Treatment Plan Bond-Elut extraction column with acetonitrile. The acetonitrile Patients were randomized to one of two treatment groups. was evaporated, and the dried residue was reconstituted in 150 Group A. Patients received carbopiatin as a 30-mm i.v. p.1 mobile phase. The mobile phase consisted of 45% (v:v) 8 infusion at a dose calculated to produce a target AUC of 3.75 acetonitrile: water, pumped at 1 mi/mm through a Hypersil (100 mm X 4.6 mm) column. Taxol and internal standard were mg-mm/mi on day 1 . The dose was determined based on the detected at 230 nm, with a limit of quantitation of 15 ng/ml. formula of Calvert et al. (1 2): Dose (rng) = AUC (GFR + 25). This was followed on day 8 by the administration of 175 mg/rn2 Pharmacokinetic Analysis Taxol as a 3-h iv. infusion, followed immediately by carbopla- Pharmacokinetic analysis of carboplatin was conducted by tin at the same dose as on day 1 . GFR was estimated as (13): noncornpartmental analysis using the LAGRAN computer pro- gram (16). Cl1, and the terminal elimination half-life (t112) . (140 - age) weight GFR (ml/min) = . (22) in the absence and presence of Taxol were obtained using 72 (serum creatinine) standard formulas and examined for significant differences with paired t tests. A AUC24 was also obtained from the noncom- for males, and for females GFR is 0.85 times this formula. In partmental analysis and used for comparisons to the target AUC this formula, age is in years, weight in kgs, and serum creatinine of 3.75 mg-mm/mi. in mg/dl. Group B. Patients received the two treatments in reverse RESULTS order. Patient characteristics are shown in Table 1. A total of 13 All patients were premedicated with dexarnethasone (20 patients were accrued to the study; however, only 1 1 patients mg i.v or p.o.) 12 h, 6 h, and 1 h prior to Taxol.
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