July Calendar “BROOKLYN” (2015-111 min.). Irish im- PORT WRITES. On the 4th Wednesday Exhibits migrant Eilis Lacey (Oscar nominee of every month, discuss your work and In the Karen and Ed Adler Gallery Friday Saoirse Ronan) lands in 1950s Brook- Friday how to get it published. No meeting in 8 lyn, where she quickly falls into a ro- 22 August. 8 p.m. AAC MEMBERS’ SUMMER SHOW. The SANDWICHED IN: “Fraud.” Elizabeth mance with a local lad, Tony (Emory SANDWICHED IN: “Old Bethpage Vil- members of the Art Advisory Council Hansen, a representative from the U.S. Cohen). When her past catches up lage Restoration.” This recreation of a exhibit their work. July 1 through Au- Postal Service, will inform you how with her, however, she must choose mid-19th-century American village in- gust 31. to protect yourself against the many between two countries. Nick Hornby cludes homes, farms and businesses. It fraud schemes that appear in your scripted, from Colm Toibin’s novel, for opened in 1970 with dozens of historic mailbox. 12:10 p.m. director John Crowley. 7:30 p.m. structures that were saved from demo- 28 Thursday Registrations lition, and features costumed actors providing demonstrations and discus- “THE REVENANT” (2015-156 min.). In progress sions of 19th century life. Join Tim Van Hugh Glass (Oscar winner Leonardo Di- Wickler and Emily Werner, of the Nas- Caprio), a guide on a fur trading expe- Tech Tools for the Workplace......... July 5 sau County Department of Recreation, dition in the 1820s, fights for survival Saturday for an introduction to this Long Island after being mauled by a bear and left 9 for dead by his team. Director Alejan- Beginning treasure. 12:10 p.m. NEXT CHAPTER: Join in a discussion of dro G. Inarritu (Birdman) scripted with Tai Chi.................................................... July 1 current events. Bring your opinions! 10 Mark L. Smith, from Michaell Punke’s a.m. to noon. novel. Recommended for adults. 7 p.m. Events 11 Monday 29 Friday SANDWICHED IN: “Mop Tops No More! Friday VIRTUAL VISITS. Declared at his death 1 The Beatles’ Final Tour and the Expan- to be “first in peace, first in war, and sion of Pop Music’s Horizons.” Fifty TAI CHI. Registration begins today at first in the hearts of his countrymen,” George Washington was revered dur- years ago this summer, the most pop- 9 a.m. for classes on Thursdays, July 7, ular group in the world stopped per- 14, 21 and 28 and August 4, 11 and 18 ing his lifetime. Through works at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the SOUNDSWAP: The THE BAND Band. forming before live audiences. This led from 12:45 to 1:45 p.m. Fee of $20 is to a new era in studio experimentation due at registration. Sponsored by the Brooklyn Museum, the Princeton Uni- While iconic roots rock group The Band versity Art Museum and the Zimmerli may be long gone from the stage, The that would push popular music into Health Advisory Council and the Fay J. areas that had been unimaginable just Lindner Foundation. Art Museum of Rutgers, explore how THE BAND Band is keeping their sound his peers saw him and how his country and spirit alive and well with authentic, a few years earlier. Tony Traguardo will Monday discuss this monumental shift and fea- SCRABBLE. Join us for a game! Fridays remembered him. Join Michael Norris 18 true-to-form renditions of the group’s ture rarely seen performance footage in July. 2 to 5 p.m. for this illustrated discussion. 2:30 p.m. legendary repertoire. Made possible AFTERNOON ON BROADWAY: “Merman by The Friends of the Library. 7:30 p.m. and studio session recordings. 12:10 THE CENTENNIALS: KIRK DOUGLAS. & Martin: Broadway’s Leading Ladies.” p.m. HAPPY 100TH BIRTHDAY, OLIVIA DE For decades, Ethel Merman and Mary HAVILLAND! Born on July 1, 1916, Ol- Film historian Philip Harwood honors celebrities born in the year 1916 with Martin were fixtures of the Broadway ivia De Havilland is a living reminder musical. All of the major composers of Hollywood’s golden age. Tonight we screenings of their classic films. He begins with Kirk Douglas, born on De- wrote shows for them, including Ger- Monday honor her with a screening of Princess shwin, Porter and Rodgers and Ham- 25 O’Rourke (1943-94 min.), in which pilot cember 9, 1916, and who is still going strong at age 99, with a screening of merstein. Neither had major successes THE CENTENNIALS: GREGORY PECK. Eddie O’Rourke (Robert Cummings) in Hollywood, but both dominated the falls in love with Mary Williams (Olivia), Vincent Minnelli’s Technicolor ode to Film historian Philip Harwood will dis- painter Vincent Van Gogh, Lust for Life Broadway stage. Marc Courtade will cuss the life and career of Gregory Peck believing her to be a maid, little sus- examine their lives and careers, with pecting that she’s actually a princess. (1956-122 min.). 7 p.m. (1916-2003) with a screening of To Kill a plenty of music from their legendary Mockingbird (1962-130 min.). Peck won Look for another De Havilland screen- shows. 3 p.m. ing on July 11! 7:30 p.m. an Oscar playing Southern lawyer Atti- cus Finch, who tries to be a good father THE CENTENNIALS: OLIVIA DE HAVIL- as he prepares to defend a black field LAND. Film historian Philip Harwood hand accused of rape. Horton Foote celebrates the career of Olivia De Havil- adapted Harper Lee’s novel for director land, who was born on July 1, 1916, Robert Mulligan. 7 p.m. with a screening of The Snake Pit (1948- Tuesday 5 108 min.). Robert Cunningham (Mark Stevens) places his disturbed wife Vir- CHESS. Join us for a game! Tuesdays in ginia (Olivia) in a hellish mental insti- July from 2 to 4 p.m. tution, where a compassionate doctor (Leo Genn) helps her face her troubling ADULT COLORING. Tuesdays July 5, secrets. Frank Partos and Millen Brand 12, 19 and 26. It’s just like coloring for scripted, from Mary Jane Ward’s novel, kids, but more complex—it’s definitely for director Anatole Litvak. 7 p.m. harder to stay in the lines. Meetups are relaxed and informal; they’re great for OLYMPIC BOOK DISCUSSION: In cele- stress relief and getting to know your bration of the 2016 Summer Olympics neighbors. 7 to 8:30 p.m. and the 80th anniversary of the Gold Medal winning men’s crew team, we TOP TECH TOOLS FOR THE 21ST CEN- will discuss The Boys in the Boat by Dan TURY WORKPLACE. In this informative Brown. Discussion led by Keith Klang. workshop, Ellen Williams will teach you Tuesday Books available at the Information about current trends and tools in work- 12 Desk. 7 p.m. THE CENTENNNIALS: PETER FINCH. place technology, and how they affect HYPERTENSION SCREENING: Free Film expert Philip Harwood will discuss business processes. Sign up at the In- the life and career of the actor (1916- formation Desk, or call 516-883-4400, blood pressure screening conducted by St. Francis Hospital. 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. 77) with a screening of Sidney Lumet’s ext. 136. 7 p.m. Network (1976-121 min.). Finch won a posthumous Academy Award for his “MARIE’S STORY” (2008-102 min.). Born portrayal of Howard Beale, a suicidal blind and deaf, Marie Heurtin (Ariana newscaster who becomes a media Rivoire) learns how to express herself hero. Co-stars Faye Dunaway and Bea- from her teacher, Sister Marguerite (Is- Wednesday trice Straight also won Oscars, as did abelle Carré). Director Jean-Pierre Am- 13 screenwriter Paddy Chayefsky. 7 p.m. eris scripted with Philippe Blasband. Also, a blind mother spies on her son MEDICAID SIGN-UP HELP. Free, walk-in in writer/director Navid Azad’s short, assistance from Nassau-Suffolk Hospi- 27 Wednesday Motherly (Maadaraaneh) (2013-13 tal Council. 2:30 to 5 p.m. min.). Both movies are subtitled. 7:30 FAMILY FILM: Goosebumps (2015-103 PWPL hours p.m. min.-rated PG). Teenager Zach (Dylan Minnette) teams up with Hannah Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 9 to 9 (Odeya Rush), the daughter of young Wednesday: 11 to 9 adult horror author R. L. Stine (Jack Friday Black) to prevent demons from the Saturday: 9 to 5 15 20 Wednesday writer’s imagination from taking over Sunday: Closed Wednesday SANDWICHED IN: “Unfinished: the town of Madison, Delaware. Darren 6 “THE MAN WHO BROKE THE BANK AT Thoughts Left Visible.” Metropolitan Lemke scripted for director Rob Letter- MONTE CARLO” (1935-67 min.). Dap- TECHDESK. Every Wednesday in July Museum of Art docent Vivian Gordon man. 7:30 p.m. Sponsorships discusses the inaugural show at the per mystery man Paul Gallard (Ronald AAC Art Advisory Council from 2 to 4 p.m., bring your tech ques- Colman) arrives in Monte Carlo and tions and devices to the South Wing Met Breuer. Visitors to the exhibition CAC Children’s Advisory Council can examine the question of when a swiftly breaks the bank at the baccarat for one-on-one assistance. Learn to table. Helen Berkeley (Joan Bennett) is HAC Health Advisory Council use online resources and get tips on work of art is finished by looking close- ly at works from The Met’s collection, a mystery woman sent to Paris to lure MAC Music Advisory Council how to make the most of your gadgets. Paul back to Monte Carlo. Howard Ellis Don’t forget to bring your passwords! from Renaissance to contemporary art.
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