FRAMEWORK www.unipd.it OF THE RESEARCH THE OF JTI PEOPLE AT THE UNIVERSITY OF PADOVA OF UNIVERSITY THE AT COOPERATION CAPACITIES IDEAS EURATOM AAL CIP CULTURE 2007-2014 DG HOME AFFAIRS ERANET RESEARCH FUND FOR COAL AND STEEL EUROPEAN INSTITUTE FOR GENDER EQUALITY DG JUSTICE DG HEALTH AND CONSUMERS LIFE + EUROSTARS FET FLAGSHIP FRAMEWORK OF THE RESEARCH AT THE UNIVERSITY OF PADOVA 2007-2014 2007-2014 FRAMEWORK OF THE RESEARCH AT THE UNIVERSITY OF PADOVA The great variety of projects financed by different research programmes, indicates the University’s excellent resources in most of the scientific areas. International research at the University of Padova has been particularly successful over the last year. The University now runs 196 projects within the 7th Framework Programme and almost 50 further European research programmes, supported by an overall EU contribution close to € 72 Million over the last seven years. The remarkable success of the University of Padova in the research field has been recently highlighted by the results of the national Research Quality Evaluation (VQR) carried out by the ANVUR (National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes) for the period 2004-2010. The main role of the ANVUR is to assess the quality of scientific research carried out by universities as well as by public and private research institutions. The VQR results are the outcome of a huge effort by the Italian Ministry for Education, University and Research, encompassing the evaluation of 185.000 scientific products and the involvement of 15.000 international referees. At the end of this process, in July 2013, the University of Padova obtained extraordinary results, being ranked in 1st position among Universities of comparable size in 7 out of the 14 scientific areas defined in the evaluation process, namely in Physics, Earth Sciences, Biology, Medicine, Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Industrial and Information Engineering, Economics and Statistics, as well as in second position in the following areas Chemistry, Philosophy, History, Psychology and Pedagogy and in third position in Jurisprudence. The large variety of projects funded by various research programmes demonstrates the excellence of the University’s researchers in most branches of science. I remain firmly convinced of the importance of participation in international research and I am sure that our recent results will pave the way for an ever-growing research commitment within the framework of Horizon 2020. I would like to express my gratitude to all colleagues involved in research activities and to our administrative staff for the essential support they continue to provide. The University of Padua looks to the future with great confidence, owing to the high level of staff skills and to a strong commitment to excellence in international scientific research. The Rector Giuseppe Zaccaria INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH PROJECTS The University of Padova places emphasis on activities in Europe. FET Flagships in FP7 are being an internationally-oriented research ambitious large-scale, science-driven, research university, and is involved in a wide variety of initiatives that aim to achieve a visionary goal; international research activities. 2. The Competitiveness and Innovation The several challenges that researchers nowadays Framework Programme (CIP) supports meet can only be faced at European level. A innovation activities. It is divided into three researcher can carry on her/his own work at operational programmes: the Entrepreneurship best only by being involved in international and Innovation Programme (EIP), the collaborations, which bring him/her the following Information Communication Technologies benefits: Policy Support Programme (ICT-PSP), and the • Make visible the excellence of her/his own Intelligent Energy Europe Programme (IEE); research team and of her/his research itself 3. Furthermore, there are programmes related to • Increase funds for advanced research specific research areas and usually managed • Enhance her/his own research capacities by the competent Directorates General. The thanks to external high-level resources (both University of Padova participates, among human and infrastructural) others, in the following programmes: • Integrate young researchers in her/his research • Health Programme has three overarching team and train them up objectives: (i) improve citizens’ health • Reinforce collaboration with industry and have security, (ii) promote health and reduce health an impact on society. inequalities, (iii) generate and disseminate International research projects at the University of health information and knowledge; Padova continue to increase in number and size. • Justice Programme 2007- 2013 contributes to This fits the goal of our University to develop its the further development of a European area research potentiality at an international level and of justice based on mutual recognition and promote it to standards of excellence. mutual trust. Dg Home Affairs funding aim The aim of this publication is to show the level of at strengthening and developing common participation of the University of Padova in FP7 approaches to asylum, immigration, security and other European projects during the period and borders; 2007 – 2013, and to promote further commitment • Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) has the in international collaboration and research objective to enhance the quality of life of older projects. people and strengthen the industrial base in Europe through the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT); EUROPEAN RESEARCH • Life Plus is the EU main instrument for the PROGRAMMES 2007-2013 environment and the general objective is to European Research is one of the priorities on the contribute to the implementation, updating policy agenda in Europe. The European Union and development of EU environmental policy employs different funding instruments to support and legislation by co-financing pilot or research and innovation: demonstration projects with European added 1. The 7th Framework Programme for Research value; and Technological Development (FP7) is the • Eurostar is a programme that supports EU’s main instrument for funding research research-performing small and medium 4 FRAMEWORK OF THE RESEARCH 2007-2014 enterprises, which develop innovative IDEAS products, processes and services, to gain Ideas supports frontier research in Europe within competitive advantage; all areas of research and technology. It is not a re- • ERA-NET scheme develops and strengthens quirement that the collaboration cross national bor- the coordination of national and regional ders, but that it promote creativity and excellence in research programmes through two specific European research. The programme is implemented actions: ‘ERA-NET actions’ – and ‘ERA-NET through the European Research Council (ERC). Plus actions’; EIGE is a European Union agency PEOPLE which supports the EU and its Member States People supports researcher mobility and career in their efforts to promote gender equality, to development for researchers in Europe and in third fight discrimination based on sex and to raise countries. The programme is implemented through awareness about gender equality issues; different instruments in the Marie Curie Actions. • The Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS) They all entail researcher mobility across national supports innovative research in the coal and borders, and can support individual mobility, larger steel sectors. Steel and coal are key areas for the networks and conferences. continuous sustainable economic development CAPACITIES of Europe. Capacities must stimulate realization of Europe’s research potential for a viable knowledge economy. The activities cover several areas – such as research THE SEVENTH FRAMEWORK infrastructures, small and medium-sized enter- PROGRAMME FOR RESEARCH AND prises (SMEs), Europe’s regions and competence TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT development in third countries. The Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7) is the EU’s EURATOM The programme promotes pacific use of nuclear main instrument for funding research in Europe research and technology. It comprises research, and it runs from 2007 to 2013. technological development, international coopera- FP7 supports research in selected priority areas - tion, dissemination of technical information, and the aim being to make, or keep, the EU as a world exploitation activities, as well as training. leader in those sectors. The EU budget for the FP7 is € 50.5 billion. JOINT TECNOLOGIES INITIATIVES (JTI) Joint Technology Initiatives are long-term FP7 is made up of 4 main blocks of activities public-private partnerships that pursue ambi- forming 4 specific programmes plus a fifth specific tious common research objectives. They support programme on nuclear research, Euratom; moreo- large-scale multinational research activities in areas ver, Joint Technology Initiatives are established in of major interest to European industrial competiti- relation with some themes of the first programme veness and issues of high societal relevance. (Cooperation): COOPERATION Cooperation is the largest subarea of FP7, and supports transnational research ventures within PERFORMANCE Europe and between EU countries and third OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PADOVA countries. Cooperation covers 10 themes, and The University of Padova manages almost 250 different project funding schemes. The programme European research projects. Most of them are is intended
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