September 24, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1695 demonstrate continuous improvement in safe- veloping countries in Latin America and Africa. HISPANIC ENGINEERING SCIENCE ty, based on criteria administered by the Na- U.N. should recognize and reward Taiwan’s AND TECHNOLOGY WEEK tional Safety Council. Only 1 percent of U.S. global outreach to needy countries. ´ slaughter plants receive this honor. Maybe the solution is parallel representation HON. RUBEN HINOJOSA Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in for both Taiwan and the People’s Republic of OF TEXAS congratulating Premium Standard Farms on China on the pattern of the previous East and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 10 years of safe and productive operations at West Germanys and the North and South Ko- the Milan Processing Facility. Thursday, September 23, 2004 reas. Such an arrangement would provide Tai- f Mr. HINOJOSA. I rise today to commend wan and China with a forum for dialogue the University of Texas Pan American on or- SUPPORTING TAIWAN’S EFFORT whereby they may forge closer ties based on ganizing the 3rd annual Hispanic Engineering TO RETURN TO THE UNITED NA- mutual understanding and respect, leading to Science and Technology Week (HESTEC), a TIONS permanent peace in the Taiwan Strait. national celebration, emphasizing the impor- For all the reasons named above, my col- tance of math and science literacy by high- HON. NICK LAMPSON leagues and I urge the United Nations to con- lighting rewarding career paths in engineering, OF TEXAS sider Taiwan’s bid to return to the U.N. with science, and technology. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES thought and wisdom. The University of Texas Pan American is one of the premier Hispanic-Serving Institu- Thursday, September 23, 2004 f tions in the Nation not just because of the Mr. LAMPSON. Mr. Speaker, in seeking to large number of Hispanic students that attend return to the United Nations, the Republic of HONORING THE JOFFREY BALLET classes here but because of the university’s China on Taiwan will once again ask diplo- OF CHICAGO longstanding and deeply rooted commitment matic allies to present its case before the to expanding access to education for our com- United Nations this fall. I am in total sympathy munity. HESTEC is just one example of that with Taiwan’s effort. Taiwan is the only nation HON. RAHM EMANUEL commitment to our young people, our future. not represented in the U.N. Taiwan’s exclusion We are in the midst of celebrating Hispanic from the U.N. violates the principles and spirit OF ILLINOIS Heritage Month—a time to celebrate Hispanic of the U.N. Charter, especially the funda- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES culture and the many contributions Hispanic mental principle of universality and the Uni- Americans have made to this great Nation. versal Declaration of Human Rights. Thursday, September 23, 2004 The University of Texas Pan American, As we all know, the U.N. Charter demands through the HESTEC initiative, has decided to Mr. EMANUEL. Mr. Speaker, I rise to con- that this global body welcome the participation celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month by looking gratulate The Joffrey Ballet of Chicago on of all people, including the 23 million people of to the future. more than 40 years of excellence and artistic Taiwan. Those who object to Taiwan’s partici- Love of country is a fundamental value in pation in the U.N. argue that U.N. Resolution achievement. the Hispanic community. When the nation is in 2758, adopted in 1971, makes the People’s Since its foundation in 1956, the Joffrey Bal- need, Hispanic Americans have always an- Republic of China the legitimate representative let has brought a unique and innovative ap- swered the call to serve. It is in this fine tradi- of Taiwan. The fact is that the PRC has never proach to American dance theater. In addition tion that University of Texas Pan American exercised jurisdiction over Taiwan. It is absurd to entertaining Chicago audiences for dec- founded HESTEC. to claim that the PRC can speak for a land ades, the Joffrey exists as a touring company HESTEC is a call to serve. It is a call to our and people over which it has no control. If the with a repertoire of original ballets and cho- Hispanic youth to step in and fill the pressing United Nations is founded on the principle of reography that have been enjoyed by ballet national need for highly trained professionals the equality of sovereign nations, it has no fans worldwide. in the fields of science, engineering, and tech- reason not to recognize Taiwan’s sovereignty nology. Created by Robert Joffrey and Gerald as an independent nation. It must and should Our Nation is facing a shortage of critical Arpino, the Joffrey held its first major produc- give Taiwan representation. proportions in the fields of math, science, en- Moreover, as we live in an era of the as- tion at Chicago’s 8th Street Theater on Janu- gineering and technology. Science and engi- cendancy of democracy and human rights, we ary 22, 1957. The performance proved to be neering employment opportunities are increas- must see that Taiwan has been a vibrant de- a tremendous success, and helped establish ing three times faster than all other occupa- mocracy with a democratically elected presi- the Joffrey as one of the best national compa- tions. Yet, the number of college students en- dent and legislature. Taiwan’s government up- nies of the day. In addition, the Joffrey has re- tering the fields of math, science and engi- holds human rights. Its citizens enjoy freedom ceived international acclaim for its perform- neering continues to decline, placing Amer- of assembly, association and religion. Free na- ances in 25 foreign countries, including Korea, ica’s position as the world’s leader in science tions of the world cannot allow Taiwan, a bea- Syria, and Afghanistan. and technology at risk. Increasingly, Hispanics con of democracy, to be subdued by an au- Renowned for a remarkable repertory of will be called upon to reverse that trend. By thoritarian China. more than 225 ballets by 85 choreographers, the year 2010, Hispanics will represent 1 out Besides being a multiparty democracy, Tai- The Joffrey commissioned the first ballets of of 4 students in U.S. schools, but today only wan is an economic powerhouse, now ranking such notable American choreographers as 4 percent of U.S. scientists and engineers are as the world’s 14th largest economy. It has Alvin Ailey, Laura Dean, Anna Sokolow, and Hispanic. This presents both a challenge and the potential to be a valuable party to ensure Chicagoan Randy Duncan. Furthermore, the an opportunity for higher education institutions peace, security and progress in the Pacific re- company has revived many of the lost classics to attract more Hispanics entering the career gion. Clearly it does not serve anyone’s inter- such as Parade from 1909, and The Three- fields of science and technology. est to keep Taiwan out of the United Nations. Cornered Hat from 1919. In addition, The Jof- The University of Texas Pan American rec- Also, as Asian-Pacific nations are confronted frey has achieved great success by incor- ognized that Hispanic Serving Institutions have with problems of environmental degradation, porating modern technology and pop culture a unique responsibility to meet this challenge greenhouse effects, depletion of marine and into its productions to create ballets that are and to increase the number of Hispanics in other resources, poverty and disease, Taiwan appealing to modern audiences. math, science, engineering and technology could play a significant role in grappling with fields. Therefore, in October 2002, under the some of these concerns if it were allowed to Mr. Speaker, I join with the people of Chi- leadership and vision of Roland Arriola, vice work with the United Nations and its agencies. cago in congratulating The Joffrey Ballet of president of external affairs, the university No such opportunity avails Taiwan today. Chicago, one of Chicago’s finest cultural insti- hosted the first Hispanic Engineering Science Mr. Speaker, I truly believe that Taiwan has tutions. From its brilliant original productions, Technology Conference (HESTEC). been poorly treated by the United Nations. to its extraordinary presentations of the Since its inception, HESTEC has captured Taiwan has been a responsible global citizen classics, the company continues to perform the imagination of South Texas and galva- for years. It has done a good job, for example, ballet at the very highest of levels. I am happy nized the community around the goal of pre- in helping to resettle refugees in Afghanistan, to applaud their numerous achievements, and paring the next generation of mathematicians, in preventing AIDS in Africa and in dispatching to wish them continued growth and future suc- scientists, engineers, and technology experts. numerous technical and medical teams to de- cess. This event has engaged our community on all VerDate jul 14 2003 01:16 Sep 25, 2004 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A23SE8.016 E24PT1 E1696 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 24, 2004 levels. Last year, HESTEC reached over ted to the American Bar Association in 1952. promoted again to Lieutenant in 1996. Mr. 1,500 teachers, 25,000 community members, He was National President of Sigma Delta Witulski was deemed Firefighter of the Year in and 330,000 students from across Texas. The Kappa from 1963–1964, Town Attorney of 2001 by the city of Sterling Heights and Amer- initiative also has generated $1 million in Dyer, Indiana from 1957–1960, 1962, and ican Legion Post 151.
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