Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com MHI Copy 3 FM 17-12 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FIELD MANUAL TANK GUNNERY HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY NOVEMBER 1964 Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com PREPARE TO FIRE Instructional Card (M41A3, M48, and M60 Tanks) TANK COMMANDER GUNNER DRIVER LOADER Commond: PREPARE TO Observe looder's actionr in Cleon periscopes, Check indicotor tape for FIRE. making check of replenisher in. lower seat, close proper amount of recoil oil Inspect coaxial machine- dicotor tope. Clean nd inspect hoatch, nd turn in replenilher. Check posi- gun ond telescope ports gunner s direct-fire sights. Check on master switch. tion of breechblock crank to ensure gun shield operaoion of sight covers if op. stop. Open breech (assisted cover is correctly posi- cable. Check instrument lights. by gunner); inspect cham- tioned ond clomps are Assist loader in opening breech. ber ond tube, and clote secure. Clean exterior breech. Check coxial lenses and vision devices. mochinegun and adjust and clean ond inspect head space if opplicble. commander's direct-fire Check coaxial machinegun sight(s). Inspect cupolao mount ond odjust solenoid. sowed ammunilion if Inspect turret-stowed am. applicable. munitlon. Command: CHECK FIR- Ploce main gun safety in FIRE Start auxiliary Place moin gun safety ING SWITCHES. position if located on right side engine (moin en- in FIREposition if loated If main gun has percus- of gun. Turn gun switch ON. gin. if tank has on left side of gun. If sion mechanism, cock gun Check firing triggers on power no auxiliary en- moin gun hoaspercussion for eoch firing check if control handle if applicable. gine). mechanism, cock gun for cocking mechonism is Check firing trigger on manual eoch firing check if cocking locoatd on right side of elevating handle. Check manual mechanism is located on gun. Check firing trig- or auxiliary firing control. (If left side of gun; watch ger when moin gun moin gun has electric firing, n- dctionof linkage, ond switch is ON and when nounce FIRE eoch time o trigger listen for oction of percus- coaxiol mochinegun is checked with the main gun sion mechanism during switch is ON. switch ON.) Turn moin gun each firing heck. If maoin switch OFF; turn coaxial gun hoaselectric firing, mochinegun switch ON. Check position circuit tester ond firing triggers on power control watch indicator (light or handle if applicable. Check scale). When the gunner firing triger on manual ela- announces FIRE light ting handle. Turn coaxial should be iluminated or mochinegun switch OFF. rescribed reading should shown on cale; if not, .nnounce NO FIRE. When the check Is completed, re- move circuit tester. Cock coaxial mochinegun for each firing check, nd listen for firing action. Command: CHECK GUN Check oil in power control Check for obstruion to CONTROLS. system as applicable. Unlock Itravr.e nd unlock turret Check elevation ond turret if lock is located on righl if Ick is located on left traverse with power side of turret. Check manual side of turret. Coordinoate control handle. elevotion. Check manual tra.- with gunner to check hull. erse and ensure handle is re- stowed ammunition. turned to a ltched position. Turn turret motor switch ON (ond elevation power switch, if applicable). Check power control hondle for power elevation and power traverse s opplicable. Check mognetic broke if appli- coble. Receck oil in gun control system on tanks with controlled pressure system. Check azimuth (deflection) indicator for ac- curacy nd slippage. Turn turret motor switch OFF (and elevation power swilch if applicable). Check accurocy of quadrants as opplicable ond odjust as re- quired. Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com TANK COMMANDER GUNNER DRIVER LOADER Command: CHECK FIRE On tanks with a computer, Assist in boresighting main CONTROL. index zero on rnge correction gun aond coaxial machine- If tank has a range knob. Check to ensure that gun. Open breech (assist- finder, check ond place inner pointer on computer .d by gunner). Assist tank in operation. On talonks indictes sme ranges as in- commander in od'ueing with a computer. check dexed on ronge finder. Ensure head spce on caliber .50 for binding by rotating circuit breaker switch is on and mochinegun if opplicable. ranging knob through depress reset button. Check that entire range scole; turn outer ond inner pointers on com- computer ON; index puter match at various ranges. various ranges on range Check that suprelevation wale finder ond have gunner on computer indicates proper ensure that they ore in- superelevation for the range dexed on computer. and ammunition seleted; check Boresight diret-fire sight superelevator action if o pli- for main gun and opply cable. On tanks without a com- establishe zero. Set puter, chck operation of ballis- prescribed bttlesight lic unit. Baresight and opply range on rnge finder if established zero. Index ammu- pplicobl. Check caliber nition (and range if pplicable) 50 machinegun and in fire control system for pre- dijust head space nd wribed batlesight if applicable. timing if applicable. Check caliber .50 mochinegun mount and controls. Boresight cali- ber .50 machinegun if applicable. Note. When perfoming the prepare-to-fire checks in prepartlon for a combat mission, all wepon ore oded or half-loaded and placed on SAFE as a lt step before the report. When performed in conjunction wih training exercis, wepons or loaded on y on order. TANK COMMANDER GUNNER DRIVER LOADER Command: REPORT. Reprt; 'GUNNER READY. Repod: *DRIVER Repor 'LOADER READY. READY. Or reports uncorrected deficiencies. Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com PREPARE TO FIRE CHECKLIST M 60 TANKS AE GTA 17-010 TANK Command: PREPARE TO FIRE. COMDR Clean exterior lens and vision devices on turret. GUNNER Observe loader's action in checking replenisher indicator tape. Clean and inspect periscope and telescope (interior). Install bat- teries and check instruments lights and rheostats for proper operation. DRIVER Clean periscopes, lower seat, close hatch, and turn on master switch. LOADER Check recoil oil by feeling indicator tape, open breech; inspect tube and chamber for obstructions and cleanliness. Check coaxial machine gun mount. Inspect all turret-stowed ammunition for completeness of stowage, type, and serviceability. Check breech- block crank stop to insure it is in the rearward position. TANK Command: CHECK FIRING SWITCHES. COMDR Check firing trigger on power control handle when main gun switch is ON and again when coaxial machine gun switch is ON. GUNNER Turn main gun switch on. Check firing triggers on power control handle and trigger on manual elevation control handle. Turn main gun switch to OFF position. Actuate handle of manual firing de- vice. NOTE: Each time the handle is actuated the circuit tester light should come on. While actuating the handle announce FIRE. Turn main gun switch off, then turn coaxial machine gun switch. Check firing triggers on power control handle. Check firing trig- gers on.power control handle. Check firing trigger on manual elevation control handle. Turn off coaxial machine gun switch. DRIVER Start engine. LOADER Turn safety to OFF. Position circuit tester between breech ring and breech block. Turn safety to FIRE position. During check of triggers and firing button with main gun switch on, observe for lighting of bulb in circuit tester. Light should be illuminated when gunner announces FIRE. If the light falls to illuminate announce NO FIRE. Close the cover, cock the coaxial machine gun, and listen for the action of the barrel and barrel extension going forward during firing trigger checks. Recock coaxial machine gun after each check. AG (1) l1-64.4M-100592 (L) Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com TANK Command: CHECK GUN CONTROLS. COMDR Check power control handle for power elevation and power traverse. Check magnetic brake. GUNNER Check oil in turret power control system. Check manual traverse to ensure free movement of turret. Insure that handle is returned to a latched position. Check manual elevation. Turn turret motor switch on. Check power control handle for power elevation and power traverse. Check magnetic brake. Re-check oil in turret control system. Check azimuth indicator for accuracy. Check turret ring for obstructions. Check elevating cylinder for leaks. Manually traverse turret a complete rotation, stopping to permit loader to check ammunition in hull stowage. Coordinate with crew mem- bers. Place turret in power and check azimuth indicator for slip- page. Turn off turret motor switch. Check for leaks. LOADER Check for obstruction to traverse. Unlock turret. Check hull-stowed ammunition for completeness of stowage and serviceability; co- ordinate with gunner while checking ammunition. NOTE: Traverse manually for safety reasons. TANK Command: CHECK FIRE CONTROL. COMDR Check and adjust head space and timing on cal. .50 machine gun (This check does not apply on tanks equipped with the M85, cal .50 machine gun). Turn on cupola power switch. Check operation of cal .50 machine gun mount and controls. Index various ranges on range finder. Calibrate and boresight range finder and apply established zero. NOTE: If an established zero has not been de- termined, apply the emergency zero. Set unit battlesight on range finder. Boresight the cal .50 machine gun on tanks equipped with the M85 machine gun. Half-load the cal .50 machine gun. GUNNER Set range correction knob to reflect the number of rounds fired. Check manual operation of computer to ensure there is no bind in computer or linkage. Push RESET button on computer. Observe to see that pointers on computer synchronize at various indexed ranges. Index various types of ammunition and check for syn- chronization of pointers each time ammunition selector handle is released. Boresight periscope and telescope and apply estab- lished zero to these sights. NOTE: If an established zero has not been determined, apply the emergency zero.
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