THE OHR SOMAYACH TORAH MAGAZINE ON THE INTERNET • WWW.OHR.EDU O H R N E T SHABBAT PARSHAT MIKETZ - CHANUKA • 2 TEVET 5763 • DEC. 7, 2002 • VOL. 10 NO. 10 THIS ISSUE IS SPONSORED BY KOF-K KOSHER SUPERVISION • WWW.KOF-K.ORG • [email protected] PARSHA INSIGHTS In a year when Miketz occurs during Chanuka, the haftara SEVENS AND EIGHTS read is Zechariah 2:14-4:7. Zechariah is shown a vision of a “Out of the river there emerged seven cows....” (41:2) menorah made entirely of gold, complete with a reservoir, he Torah portion Miketz almost always falls during the tubes to bring it oil and two olive trees to bear olives. week of Chanuka. This year it is read on the last day A complete self-supporting system. Tof the festival. There is obviously a very strong link The symbolism is that G-d provides a system which sup- between the portion of Miketz and Chanuka. ports us continuously. However, we have to open our eyes At the beginning of this week’s reading, Pharaoh has a to see where that support is coming from. dream about seven cows coming up from the river. These To remind ourselves that Mother Nature has a Father. cows were healthy looking, robust, full of flesh. After them emerged seven other cows. These cows were gaunt and ugly. The gaunt ugly cows ate the fleshy cows and left no RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK trace of them. “Yet the chamberlain of the cup bearers did not Egyptian life was dominated by the Nile. To the extent remember Yosef, but forgot him.” (40:23) that the Nile overflowed its banks, to that same degree aiders Of The Lost Ark” was one of the biggest would there be prosperity and food in Egypt. For this rea- box-office hits of all-time. As the title suggests, the son, the Egyptians worshiped the Nile. On its vagaries “Rstory centers on the Lost Ark, which is none other depended life and death. than the Holy Ark that Moshe constructed to house the orig- Seven cows emerged from the Nile. Seven is the number inal Torah and the tablets of the Ten Commandments. which connotes this-worldliness. There are seven colors in During the movie’s climax, the villain garbs himself in the the rainbow; seven notes in the diatonic scale; seven days in vestments of the Kohen Gadol High Priest as he battles with the week. the movie’s hero, Indiana Jones. Chanuka is the festival where we celebrate eight; when Truth, as they say, is stranger than fiction, for there is fas- we connect to that which is beyond this world. Chanuka is cinating real-life connection between the Jewish People and where we take one step beyond. The one flask of pure oil Indiana Jones. that is found in the Holy Temple can only burn for one day, In 1911, Hiram Bingham III discovered the legendary Inca but it burns for eight whole days. It is not just a miracle — city of Macchu Picchu in Peru. Indiana Jones, the hero of but a miracle of eight. “Raiders of the Lost Ark” was patterned after Hiram The idolatry of Egypt was to take the natural world, the Bingham. Hiram had a son called, not very imaginatively, Nile, the world of seven, and worship it. To take nature and Hiram Bingham IV. make into a god. As Pharaoh said to Moshe: “Who is Hashem? A few months ago, the Secretary of State, Colin Powell, I do not know Hashem...” (Shmot 5:2) Pharaoh recognized gave a posthumous award for “constructive dissent” to that there was a “god” in the world, but he only recognized Hiram (or Harry) Bingham IV. For over fifty years, the State a god of nature. In Hebrew the word “Elokim” — G-d — has Department resisted any attempt to honor Bingham. To the same gematria (numerical equivalent) as hateva which them, he was an insubordinate member of the U.S. diplo- means “nature.” When we make nature a supernatural matic service, a dangerous maverick who was eventually force, we take the world of seven and make that into eight. demoted. Now, after his death, he has been officially recog- continued on page six www. ohr.edu 1 PARSHA OVERVIEW t is two years later. Pharaoh has a dream. He is unsatisfied harshly, accusing them of being spies. Yosef sells them food, with all attempts to interpret it. Pharaoh’s wine chamber- but keeps Shimon hostage until they bring their brother Ilain remembers that Yosef accurately interpreted his Binyamin to him as proof of their honesty. Yosef commands dream while in prison. Yosef is released from prison and his servants to replace the purchase-money in their sacks. brought before Pharaoh. He interprets that soon will begin On the return journey, they discover the money and their seven years of abundance followed by seven years of severe hearts sink. They return to Yaakov and retell everything. famine. He tells Pharaoh to appoint a wise person to store Yaakov refuses to let Binyamin go to Egypt, but when the grain in preparation for the famine. Pharaoh appoints him as famine grows unbearable, he accedes. Yehuda guarantees viceroy to oversee the project. Pharaoh gives Yosef an Binyamin’s safety, and the brothers go to Egypt. Yosef wel- Egyptian name, Tsafnat Panayach, and selects Osnat, Yosef’s comes the brothers lavishly as honored guests. When he ex-master’s daughter, as Yosef’s wife. Egypt becomes the sees Binyamin he rushes from the room and weeps. Yosef granary of the world. Yosef has two sons, Menashe and instructs his servants to replace the money in the sacks, and Ephraim. Yaakov sends his sons to Egypt to buy food. The to put his goblet inside Binyamin’s sack. When the goblet is brothers come before Yosef and bow to him. Yosef recog- discovered, Yosef demands Binyamin become his slave as nizes them but they do not recognize him. Mindful of his punishment. Yehuda interposes and offers himself instead, dreams, Yosef plays the part of an Egyptian overlord and acts but Yosef refuses. ISRAEL Forever THE WAITRESS THE TEACHER AND THE KNESSET MEMBER hree years ago a 22 year old waitress in an Eilat hotel, culture of Xmas or the Jewish culture of Chanuka? If they Basmat Tzabari, lost her job. There was nothing wrong were around in the time of the Maccabees would they join Twith her performance or her work ethic. The trouble them in the battle for religious freedom or would they be on was that when her boss ordered her to wear a Santa Claus the side of Greek “enlightenment”? fur-trimmed hat on Xmas Eve she vehemently refused, declar- The answer to this painful question was perhaps supplied ing, “I am Jewish and it’s not my hat!” the other week by MK Avraham Poraz, a member of the vio- Shortly after this incident Sarah Honig noted in her column lently anti-religious Shinui Party when he congratulated the in the Jerusalem Post that her daughter’s 10th grade history Dutch government for banning shechita in Holland on the teacher marched into class the day Basmat lost her job, grounds of “cruelty to animals”. extending festive Yuletide salutations and delivering a long les- In our blessing before lighting the Chanuka lamp we praise son about the life and times of the Nazarene. This same our Creator for the miracles He performed for our ancestors teacher, just before Chanuka, taught the class that the “in those days at this time”. There is a concept of the spirit of Maccabees were not freedom fighters but extreme charedim a miracle reemerging at the time of year it first took place. Let who attacked representatives of enlightenment and progress. us hope and pray that this spirit will reemerge this year in such This sharp contrast between the waitress and the teacher force that all Jews in Israel will choose to be on the side of the raises the question many people in Israel must ask themselves Maccabees and protect the Jewishness of Israel forever. at this time of the year. Do they identify with the non-Jewish HAPPY CHANUKA jbufv anj jbufv from the Ohr Somayach family Published by Ohr Somayach Tanenbaum College POB 18103, Jerusalem 91180, Israel • Tel: +972-2-581-0315 • Email: [email protected] • www.ohr.edu © 2002 Ohr Somayach Institutions - All rights reserved • This publication contains words of Torah. Please treat it with due respect. www. ohr.edu 2 Historical and textual backgrounds for passages from Tanach for the seven pages of Talmud studied in the course of the worldwide Daf Yomi cycle. WEEKLY DAFootnotes SANHEDRIN 79 - 85 What if the father is in need of bloodletting for his health THE STRANGE SKULL – may his son perform that procedure even though it causes ne of the last kings of Judea was Yehoiyakim who a loss of blood which constitutes a wound? ruled for eleven years and followed in the ways of Conflicting opinions seem to emerge from our gemara. Ohis sinful ancestor Menashe (Melachim II 23:36-37). Rabbi Matna rules that it is permissible on the basis of the The Prophet Yirmiyahu foretold the grim fate that awaited command to “love your fellow Jew as yourself” (Vayikra him because of his evil: “His burial will be like that of a don- 19:18). Rabbi Dinu bar Chinena points to the equation the key, dragged away from here till the gates of Yerushalayim.” Torah makes (Vayikra 24:21) between the obligation to pay (Yirmiyahu 21:19) for wounding someone’s animal and the death penalty for How this prophecy was fulfilled is detailed in our gemara.
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