DANISH FOREIGN POLICY YEARBOOK 2012 EDITED BY NANNA HVIDT AND HANS MOURITZEN DIIS · DANISH INSTITUTE FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDIES DANISH FOREIGN POLICY YEARBOOK 2012 Edited by Nanna Hvidt and Hans Mouritzen DIIS Danish Institute for International Studies 2012 © Copenhagen 2012 Danish Institute for International Studies, DIIS Strandgade 56, DK-1401 Copenhagen, Denmark Ph: +45 32 69 87 87 Fax: +45 32 69 87 00 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.diis.dk Editors: Nanna Hvidt and Hans Mouritzen Layout: Mark Gry Christiansen Print: Gullanders Bogtryk a-s, Denmark ISBN: 978-87-7605-502-8 ISSN: 1397-2480 The full text of this book can also be found electronically in EBSCO Publishing’s databases. DIIS publications can be obtained from the booksellers or ordered at [email protected] Contents 3 Preface · 7 Chapter 1: Articles · 9 The International Situation and Danish Foreign Policy 2011 · 16 Claus Grube Denmark and France between Independence and Allegiance. The Peregrinations of the Enfants Terribles in the Euro-Atlantic Defence · 51 Matthieu Chillaud The Arab Spring and Denmark’s Promotion of Democracy in the Arab World · 84 Rasmus Alenius Boserup Good News: Libya and the Danish Way of War · 106 Peter Viggo Jakobsen and Karsten Jakob Møller The Blind, the Deaf and the Dumb! How Domestic Politics Turned the Danish Schengen Controversy into a Foreign Policy Crisis · 131 Marlene Wind What did Denmark Gain? Iraq, Afghanistan and the Relationship with Washington · 157 Anders Henriksen and Jens Ringsmose Chapter 2: Selected Documents · 182 Chapter 3: Danish Foreign Policy in Figures · 247 Chapter 4: Opinion Polls · 252 Chapter 5: Selected Bibliography · 263 D Danish Foreign Policy ANISH 5 F Yearbook OREIGN P OLICY Editors YEARBOOK Nanna Hvidt Hans Mouritzen Editorial e-mail: [email protected] Editorial Assistant Louise Lading Clausen Linguistic Consultant Robert Parkin Editorial Advisory Board Clive Archer, Manchester Metropolitan University Hans Branner, rtd. Eric Einhorn, University of Massachusetts Daniel Hamilton, The Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies Christine Ingebritsen, University of Washington, Seattle Tonny Brems Knudsen, University of Aarhus Henrik Larsen, University of Copenhagen Sverre Lodgaard, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs Ove Kai Pedersen, Copenhagen Business School Sten Rynning, University of Southern Denmark Helle Rytkønen, Stanford University Bengt Sundelius, Uppsala University Ben Tonra, University College Dublin PRE F Preface ACE 7 The Danish Foreign Policy Yearbook focuses on Danish foreign policy and Denmark’s position both internationally and transnationally, as well as at the regional and global levels. This volume presents the official outline of Den- mark’s 2011 foreign policy by the Permanent Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Claus Grube. In addition, we have included other articles by scholars who represent only themselves and their academic expertise. The intriguing topic of Danish-French relations, as addressed by ­­Matthieu Chillaud, is under-researched, to say the least, probably because the two countries superficially look like an ‘odd couple’. After this article, we shift attention to the Arab Spring, which caught world diplomacy by surprise in early 2011; Rasmus Boserup analyses Danish adaptations to this dramatic set of developments. The civil war in Libya was an outgrowth of the Arab Spring, and Peter Viggo Jakobsen and Karsten Møller have scrutinized Den- mark’s military contribution in depth. One apparently unexpected crisis for Danish foreign policy in 2011 were European – especially German – criti- cisms of Denmark’s plans to strengthen its border controls; this chain of events, ended only with the change of government in October, is analysed by Marlene Wind. Finally, Anders Henriksen and Jens Ringsmose ask what Denmark has gained from its close military partnership with the American superpower in the post-Cold War era. The articles are abstracted in English and Danish before chapter one (for authors’ titles and affiliations, see each article). After the articles fol- lows a selection of official documents which we consider to be pioneering or characteristic of Danish foreign policy during 2011. This is supplemented by essential statistics on Danish foreign policy, as well as some of the most relevant polls on the attitudes of the Danish population to key foreign pol- icy questions. Finally, a bibliography offers a limited selection of scholarly 8 books, articles and chapters published in 2011 in English or German dealing with the yearbook’s topic. The editors of theDanish Foreign Policy Yearbook are Director Nanna Hvidt and Dr Hans Mouritzen. Louise Lading Clausen, BSc and master’s student in political science, has served as the assistant editor. The editors DIIS, Copenhagen May 2012 DANISH FOREIGN POLICY YEARBOOK 2012 FOREIGN POLICY DANISH C HA P 9 Chapter 1 TER 1· A Articles RTICLES Abstracts in English and Danish The International Situation and Danish Foreign Policy 2011 Claus Grube The Permanent Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs analyses Danish foreign- policy priorities in 2011. The troublesome situation for the global econ- omy, including an uncertain outlook for the future, was the most impor- tant backdrop for Danish foreign policy in that year. Low growth prospects, combined with high levels of public debt, had wide foreign-policy implica- tions, amongst other things for the agenda of the EU and as a result also for the preparations for the Danish EU Presidency in the first half of 2012. This article therefore takes its point of departure in the state of the global economy, the state of the European economies and the challenges that this presented to the EU. It then goes on to discuss the emerging world powers, the Arab Spring, the world’s conflict areas, security policy, Denmark’s north- ern neighbours and various global issues, such as development cooperation, green growth and human rights. Finally, some reflections are offered on the core tasks of the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs at a time when there is increased pressure on Denmark’s public finances and the world influence of Denmark’s traditional partners and allies is waning. Udenrigsministeriets departementschef analyserer prioriteterne i dansk uden- rigspolitik i 2011. Den vanskelige globale økonomiske situation og de usikre økonomiske fremtidsperspektiver var den dominerende baggrund for dansk uden- rigspolitik i 2011. Udsigten til lave vækstrater, kombineret med høje offentlige 10 gældsniveauer, fik omfattende betydning for udenrigspolitikken, herunder for EU-dagsordenen og således også for forberedelserne af det danske EU-formand- skab i første halvår af 2012. Derfor tager denne artikel udgangspunkt i den globale økonomiske situation, de europæiske økonomiers tilstand samt de deraf følgende udfordringer for EU. Der fortsættes med en diskussion af verdens nye stormagter, det arabiske forår, verdens konfliktområder, sikkerhedspolitik, Dan- marks nordlige naboer samt globale problemstillinger som udviklingssamarbejde, grøn vækst og menneskerettigheder. Der afsluttes med nogle overvejelser om Uden- rigsministeriets kerneopgaver i en tid præget af et øget pres på de danske offentlige DANISH FOREIGN POLICY YEARBOOK 2012 FOREIGN POLICY DANISH budgetter og en aftagende global indflydelse for Danmarks traditionelle partnere og allierede. C Denmark and France between Independence and Allegiance: HA P 11 The Peregrinations of the Enfants Terribles in Euro-Atlantic TER 1· Defence A RTICLES Matthieu Chillaud In modern times Denmark and France have seldom shown a strong mutual interest in security affairs, even though they have been close allies for several decades. Yet the two countries have much more in common than is usually assumed. The aim of this article is to show that, in spite of their obvious dif- ferences in terms of political and strategic ambitions, the two countries share a strong predisposition to cultivate an ambiguous posture vis-à-vis Euro- Atlantic defence. It is shown that the strategies of both countries – consid- ered by their Euro-Atlantic partners as being sometimes reliable, sometimes mysterious – have fluctuated since 1945 between a strong transatlantic lean- ing and a multi-faceted independence on the fringes of NATO or the EU. Although these cycles did not always tally, some recent developments indi- cate that both Denmark and France are now willing to toe the line. I nyere tid har Danmark og Frankrig på det militære plan sjældent interesseret sig synderligt for hinanden, selv om de har været nære allierede i årtier. Allige- vel har de to lande meget mere til fælles, end man normalt antager. Artiklen viser, at de to lande, til trods for deres tydelige forskelle i politiske og strategiske ambitioner, deler en tilbøjelighed til at dyrke en tvetydig holdning over for det euro-atlantiske forsvarssamarbejde. Det påvises, at landenes strategier – som af deres euro-atlantiske partnere i perioder er blevet anset for pålidelige, i perioder svært forståelige – siden 1945 har fluktueret mellem en stærk atlantisk hældning og en multifacetteret uafhængighed i forhold til NATO eller EU. Til trods for at landenes cyklusser ikke altid har fulgt hinanden, tyder de seneste udviklinger på, at både Danmark og Frankrig nu er villige til at ‘indordne sig’. 12 The Arab Spring and Danish Democracy Promotion in the Arab World Rasmus Alenius Boserup The article analyses how the endogenously driven political processes of change that occurred in the Arab region in 2011 – the so-called ‘Arab spring’
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