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Go c..YI~¥' *lll)J,oO,. --------------------------------- R.n '8 Pa.~S~t..J-D .. , J ~ k¥~AH·,s~ric..~~tWhlr Wi \\t,W\ C.~t\'\t'J~'t~-~ ~oo't. "',.~ T"~¥\'r~".ve E S....*\&) ~\,,~ta..W....~ ~W\)c ... + 8~lu- C> 'c.""""'Y' &+,,, 11-00' R.,\ 8 p.,~ SH·4.%.~"'At- ~2"'~.~A ~i~"·l>~I~ MLS.Y' ., ~.., .. ~.",e. ·,,9.1J ~~ -'''t. • Se.a.*\. J t(\,W) c.) ~u'" Fa.c. i,,) W....... e., le.~~\c.-*}I\)"" ~~52.'i't .\\8 f,.vo\( ScJa.Sol> ., r ~1lo~",~~ ~'.~y(c.D'sWf~T P&k&y-.Y\- K.'h'ICvtr.~.~ M--e.. ,." 33 Tc.~~ );.ye, E S&&fl.) K i,,~c.) W.....~ F&c.l~,W~ &~~te..C>' c..~~*J"I-r Ro" e Pa$ 5,. %..1>'" C\~ ~Ro,., 1).~A A'.~.,c""Ot..wt",~ P..*"~.'t)uu~.~.~ ~'5(. T~~ ~~e. .s~ \~\",c...JWu~ Flc.i"') No~\'~~~.~ 9\1 \. ...4. o'Ce/'¥a~ \ At- IlI2.00r Landmark Preservation Board Report on Designation: Montlake Community Center REPORT ON DESIGNATION LPB 37/05 Name and Address of Property: Montlake Community Center 1618 E. Calhoun St. Legal Description: All that part of the NE1/4 of Section 20 and the NW1/4 of Section 21, township 25 North, Range 4 East described as follows: All of Lots 1,2, part of Lots 3,4, lying southwesterly of a line drawn from the most northerly corner of Lot 16 in Block 41, Pike’s Second Addition to Union City, to the most northerly corner of Lot 2 in Block 1, all of Blocks 2,3,4,5,7,8, Lake Union Shore Lands less right of way of State Highway 520; Also, Lot 4, Block 9-A, Lots 1,2, Block 6-A, Block 2-A, Second Supplemental maps of Lake Union Shore Lands less right of way of State Highway 520; Also, Blocks 41,42,43,48,49,50,52 of Pikes Second Addition to Union City, less right of way of State Highway 520; Also, That portion of Block 10 of Union City Addition lying westerly of a line described as follows: Beginning at a point on the north line of South Louisa Street a distance of 69.51 feet east of 19th Avenue East; thence northeasterly to a point on the north line of the south 70 feet which is 113.09 feet east of the east line of 19th Avenue East; thence easterly along said north line 10 feet; thence northeasterly to a point on the north line of the south 140 feet which is 28.74 feet west of the east line of the west half; thence easterly along said north line to the east line of the west half, thence northerly along said east line to the southerly right of way line of State Highway 520 Together with the following vacated avenues and streets adjoining: 15th Avenue East from East Louisa to a line drawn southeasterly from the most southerly corner of Block 7, Lake Union Shore Lands 16th Avenue East from the north line of East Calhoun Street to the South line of East Louisa Street 18th Avenue East from the north line of Calhoun Street to the northwesterly line of Block 1, Lake Union Shore Lands Administered by The Historic Preservation Program, The Seattle Department of Neighborhoods “Printed on Recycled Paper” 19th Avenue East from the production west of the north line of East Louisa Street to the southerly right of way line of State Highway 520 East Louisa Street from the production northwesterly of the northeasterly line of Fuhrman Avenue East to the westerly boundary of 19th Avenue East East Miller Street from the northeasterly line of Fuhrman Avenue East to the westerly boundary of 19th Avenue East At the public meeting held on January 19, 2005, the City of Seattle's Landmarks Preservation Board voted to approve designation of the Montlake Community Center as a Seattle Landmark based upon satisfaction of the following standards for designation of SMC 25.12.350: C.
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