THE CUMBERLAND ISLANDER 1< mth which la consolidated the Cumberland New*. p *k>vliicia, Llbr "y Mar.j,27 FORTY-SIXTH YEAR—No. io. CUMBERLAND, BRITISH COLUMBIA FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 1927. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM BASEBALL GAMES END IN VICTORIA VISITOR Union Stage Company's Bus Blair Mystery Is Solved WINS FOR HOME TEAM RECEIVES SHOCK Cumberland and Japanese put on a A resident of Victoria, who, for the snappy exhibition of baseball last time being, Is doing quite a lot of Rolls Over Embankment Sunday on the Recreation Ground, the business In Cumberland, was sur­ Cumberland's Old Goalie, Impersonated former team winning out by 12 runs prised to be told by a man working ONE MAN SERIOUSLY HURT—19 OTHER PASSENGERS to 3. The score might, perhaps, on a job in this city that "Courtenny RECEIVE CUTS AND BRUISES. appear one-sided, but the game cer­ ls a good place to trade ln." The visitor from Victoria took him to task EXPOSURE OF MYSTERY MAN'S POSE tainly was not, as those who saw It Two Cumberland people were pas­ He tried to get by but there was not wlll testify. Features were the bril­ over the remark, considering he was sengers in the Union Stage Co's Bus enough room. The stage turned com­ AS THE WELL KNOWN TOM BLAIR liant batting of the Cumberland nine earning money In Cumberland. Ono which on Tuesday last turned over at pletely over once and came down on as well ns some excellent plays by could hardly blame the chap as he Is Beaver Creek on Its way up the Is­ its wheels again, the fore part resting land. Miss Hannah Harrison and Mr. against a tree. This probably saved both infields. a resident of Courtenay, but working On June 10th the Islander published suspicions ln the shape of the follow­ J. Coombs, tlie two Cumberland pas- the lives of Mr. Lewis Parker, of ing cablegram:— Cumberland won again Wednesday here temporarily. Hengers, were badly cut and bruised, Plncher Creek, nnd Miss Harrison, of a short story taken from an Old I but ut the time of writing arc resting "Sunday Post," Glasgow. evening, taking the measure of Camp Two days ago this same Victoria Cumberland, who were under the run­ Country paper, setting forth the fact j easily. ning bourd. One man was thrown that Tom Blair, Cumberland's old Still ln Fall River. Like lt . 3 by 14 runs to 6. "Chot" Bobba gentleman had occasion to visit thc The Cumberland stage wns follow­ out into the bottom of the fifty foot goalie, had worked his passage back Immensely. Doing well. dazzled the fans with his four base Post Offlco and on coming from there ing the Alherni stage on its road to ravine and did nut regain conscious­ TOM BLAIR. to England, where he was stranded. clout over the fence, while BUI Boyd accosted a well known resident of Cumberland. Coming round n corner ness for u quarter of an hour after­ This is welcome news to the rel­ did tho same for the loggers. Riley Cumberland. "Say Friend, I am u at Beaver Creek 15 miles north of wards. Tlie singe itself must have The following story, taken from the atives of the player, who have been Nanaimo, tbe driver wus suddenly gone down tlie bunk twenty or thirty Glasgow "Sunday Post" of May 29th naturally much distressed by the also did some great hitting, bagging stranger here," said the Victorian, confronted with the road grader in feet. Medical assistance was olrtalned Is self-explanatory: stories circulated. three doubles. "where Is a good place to buy a pair the middle of the road, the Alberni from Parksville nnd flrst aid was ad­ "To say that I was surprised at Apparently Cumberland has a fast of boots?" The answer was: "If you stage to the right of it und an oil ministered. It was. [ound that all Clangow, Saturday, May 28. these stories ls to put lt mildly," said hold on the $75.00 prize being offered want a good pair of boots, I would Iruck to tlie left, the latter coming could proceed on their journey but soutli. The driver had the alternative Mr, Parker, who was taken to Parks­ "The Sunday Post" ls able to reveal Mrs. Moore, Blair's married sister, for tho baseball game at Courtenay advise you to go to Courtenay." Of tonight that Tom Blair, the well- who resides at Gartcosh. of crashing into the other stage or vllle for treatment. The stage, itself, known goalkeeper, of Kilmarnock and The last letter I received from Tom on July 2nd. course quite an argument followed; the grader or of attempting to get by. is completely wrecked. Manchester City, who recently accept­ in Fall River contained no hint of his The Cumberland Baseball team has but honestly, can you beat It? A man ed an offer to go to America, has been coming home. What puzzled me still developed Into a snappy aggregation, living here, earning his money here, Impersonated by someone with a more was the statement that my bro­ and not only spending his money In knowledge of the Kilmarnock man's ther had worked his passabe home, and the management is now bemoan­ School Report And July Celebration career. and was practically penniless. Neither ing the fact that other teams ln the Courtenay but advising visitors to tlic This Individual arrived at Hull on his nor his wife's letters Indicated district are not strong enough to fur­ city to go to our neighbors at Courte­ the 12th of May last, and, stating that financial difficulties. On the con­ nish worth-while opposition. nay. To the writer, it appears there List Of Promotions For Cumberland ? he was Tom Blair, he was Interviewed trary, there was every reason to be­ Is only one thing for the merchants lieve that they were in comfortable his story being widely circulated lu i'uplls of the Cumberland Public the Scottish and English newspapers. circumstances, and perfectly content­ JUNE PROMOTIONS of Cumberland to do—give more pub­ Mayor Maxwell wan unavoidably This mysterious individual told the ed. Naturally. I expected that Tom licity to the goods tbey are handling. School entrance class flnlsued writing absent from the meeting held in the would immediately come to Gartcosl» reporters that he had arrived ln Hull GRADES 9 AND 10 AT This Is not a bunco yarn, but was tlielr examinations yesterday. Sev­ Council Chambers on Wednesday from New York, having worked his He has friends in Glasgow, but I felt eral also wrote the Candlan History evening, and as a result it was con­ (Continued on Page Two) related to the writer by a well known passage In thu capacity of messroom LOCAL HIGH SCHOOL examination In the Diamond Jubilee siderably after 8 o'clock before the steward. He advised professional Cumberland merchant. medals contest. chair was finally taken by Aid. Parn­ football players to "keep away from June promotions lu Grades 9 and 10 America, ns It was far from being a ham and tlie meeting called to order. of the Cumberland High School are Miss Aspesy's class, with a percent­ bed of roses." New High School age of 96.7, won the attendance shield Some twenty-five citizens were meet­ Tom Mini*', it should be explained, as follows, names being in order of Council Favorable (or June. ing for the purpose of arranging .some was transferred from 'Kilmarnock to merit: suitable celebration to mark the six­ Manchester City in 1922, and some Site Reported On The schools re-open on Tuesday, C time later he accepted an offer to go GRADE IX To Insurance For tieth anniversary of Canadian Con- to Americu us goalkeeper to the Fall First class rank—Stephen Jackson, of September. Parents nre asked to fedreation on July lsl. note that children who are six years Hiver Club, Mass. By Committee Norman Frelone. Dr. MacNaughton, a member of the According to Ihe pseudo Blair, the Second class rank—Harold Conrod, Local Firemen old by October 31 may attend. Ways and Means Committee appointed terms were fifty dollars a week for COURTENAY, Juno 22—Much of Jack McLean, Andrew Brown, John Geo. E. Apps, Principal. at a previous meeting, reported that playing anil a joli at his trade, which the time of Monday night's council he and Mr. Bickle had interviewed would bring another thirty dollars meeting was taken up discussing the Wrlgley, Marlon Brown. Present at Monday's council meet­ DIVISION I the City Council and bad been prom­ weekly. assistance to be given tbe Diamond Pass rank — Josephine Freeburn, ing were His Worship Mayor Maxwell H. E. Murray, tencber. No. on roll. ised a donation of Silon for the cele­ Jubilee celebration. In co-operation Dick Marpole, Mary Gozzano, Robert and Aldermen Parnham, Ledlngham, 38; lates, 1; perfect attendances, 32; bration, if such he held. Mr. Tom _ A False Story with the Volunteer Fire Dept., the city Collins, Barbara Grant. percentage of attendance, 97.6. Carney spoke also on behalf of the wlll erect an arch and prepare a suit­ Henderson and Williams. Aid. Mum­ Eagles Lodge. Informing that If a From Ihe story circulated by his Passed with supplemental—Nor­ Honor rolls—Punctuality, Beatrice inipersonutor. Tommy, ufter fourteen able lloat for the occasion. In addi­ ford was in Victoria, whilst Aid. Cavallero, Sadako Iwasa, Lena Mer­ parade is to be held the EalgeB will months, wns told that, owing to bad tion to covering the cost of these, thc man Hill, Kathleen Emily.
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