MoMAExh_1400_MasterChecklist LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Origmol titles (followed by English rranslarions) 25%" (97.8 x 65.8 cm.). Sprengel XIX Bild f 926, l lKleines Seesnannshein, arc given In [he form and language used by Museum, Hannover. Extended loan from (Small Sastors: Home), 1926. Assemblage, chwitters whenever known through Marlborough Fine Art, London. 26lfz" x 20 liz" (67.5 x 52 cm.). inscripnons on the recto or verso of [he work or VII Konstmktion [ur edle Frauen Kunstsauunlung Nordrhein- Westfalcn, through contemporary documents. In [he case (Construction (or Noble Ladies), 1919. Dusseldorf. '1'1"1 /Y. '!, (M/llj o( those works on paper for which popular [ides as.... derived from words, wcrd-Iragrnenrs or images Assemblage, 40Vz" x 3Y(IOJ x 83.3 ern.). XX (elikan),c.1925.Collagc, 17W'x 141/4" The Los Angeles County Museum of Art. (43.5 x 36.2clll.). The Museum of Modern 10 the works, bur presumed nor to have been given by chwirters, have become established, Purchased with Funds Provided by Mr. Art, New York. Katherine S. Dreier these titles are enclosed in parenthesis. and Mrs. Norton Simon, The junior Arts Bequest. 2-09.53 Definite dates are given ro [hose works rhar Council, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick R. Weisman, Mr. and Mrs. Taft Schreiber, XXI Nelles Alerzbild (New Mer~fJi'tl/re), ;V. y. ~LoNOt:>Ij either bear inscribed recto or verso dates in [he Hans De Schulrhess, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin 1931. Assemblage, J2lJ ..H x 431/z"(81.9 x tJNL.y ernst's hand or can be firmly dated through janss, Mr. and Mrs. Gillord Phillips. i~,JH' 110.5 crn.j.Inscl Hombroich. ~ ;'130 contemporary documents; otherwise a c. (circa) 5" designarion is used. VIII Mmbild32A.DasKirschbM(The ",.y UhL.jXXII Oorlog, 1930.ColI'ge, 12'1,"x9'/<" Dimensions have been verified wherever Cherry Picture), 1921. Assemblage, 36 'At L 1.2 x 23.5 cm.). COllt'C[IOnDonald B. possible but in IllOS[ cases have been supplied by x 27'1," (91.8 x 70.5 cm.). The Museum 01 nrron. 95·181 the owners of the works. They are given in Modern Arc, New York. Me and Mrs. A. XXIII (Pl1IoAmom/,c. 1933-34. ollage, inches then In centimeters, heighr preceding Arwarcr Keru.jr.Fund. 2.1.7'4 231/<1":< 177!1t( 9.1 :<45.Scm.).C llccrion width; a third dimension, depth, isgiven for IX Zeicbnung Al.Haflsi, 1918. Cottage, 71!H"x Branco Weiss, ZUrich. sculptures. CSs-~':3tq eneri descriprions ofSchwirrers' media SJf.t (18. J x 14.6 em.I. The Museum of . XXIV Dre FriihU"gs!iir(TheSprlllg Door), N. y, I.EJNO/),.) MoMAExh_1400_MasterChecklist have been u cd throughout, since irhas not been Modern Art, CW York. Purchase Fund.qb.' b I~38. AS~(,lI1bla.8c,34112"x 28~H"(87.8 x lJNUj poSSIbleto provide dct~llled invcmorics of [he X (MaiI91),c.1919.ColI:'lge,8l/1"x6Y..... 7_cm.). otlccuon1\!lrs.Ant011lIla comentS o( cach work. The term collage has (21.6 x17 . I)cm.. Mar Ib oroug he'rilleA n, Gmurt.yn,ka, Colngne. "5,Z> C'OOJ' been reserved for works mainly composed of cur London. g5. 5"65' xxv Mertbi/de med reglllme (Mer~picture or torn and pa red papersi painted collage (or RF· with Rainbo/v),e. 1939. As!Scmbluge, (usually large) works where collage and XI Mz169.Fomumtnl aw,,( ormsmSpflcel, 61"" 47~1"(1559 121 ) I" 1920 C II 7111!"SV,"(18 143) III X III • X cm .. rJvarc painnng IS combined; and assemblage for works • 0 ::lge, x II. X • cm.. collection. "s-. "-1 .... 1 Mil, ONLY with promll1cm relief clements. The remaining Kunsrsammlung Nordrhem- Wesrfalcll, TV I generic descrlptions are sel(-explanatory. Dusseldorf. ~:>-' Y~'1 "·Y·4NLy XXVI MmbildAI(, 1939. AsseOl1bl'ge, 12V<" x 12 V...•(32.5 x .32.5 em.). Private ollecrions have been idenrified in XII Mz231. Miss Blancbe. 1923. Collage, 6 IN' collection. o*,).A.::ra accordance wlrh requests by owners. xS"(IS.9x 12.7cm.).Collec[ionDr. 0 ,,1 Werner Schmalenbach, Dusscld.!2.rf. XXVII Ore bcliigc Nacht vall AntOl1io AlJcgri 35,,d..4q gen. orregglo.lI'orked through by Kurt XIII Ml410 irgctu!.sowas(someth'''gor ot)Jer). Scbwitters (The Holy Night by Antonio 1922. Collage,71/H"xSY."(IS.2x 14.5 AlJegrt.k11ownasCorreggio ... ),1947. Hochgel)lrgsfriedho((Mounta;'t Graveyard), cm.). Sprcngel Museum, Hannover. g? 1'17 ol13ge, 20%" x 1Sif4" (52.9 x 33.8 Clll.). 1919. Oil on board. 36" x 28'/z" (91.5 x 72. cm.). Solomon R. Guggenheim XIV Ml252. Farbige Quadrate (Colored Private collcction, Lug~lno. g'S, 4- q 0 Museum, New York. Gi(to(Mr. and Mrs. Sqllares), 1921. Collage, 71IJ,"x S¥." (IS x XXVIII Heavy Relief, 1945. A!Ssemblagc, Frederick M. Stcrn. %'i.456 14.4 cm.).The Museulll o(Modern Arr, 20V1."x 17V,,"(S2x45cm.).Galerie N'Y·6N1...Y New York. TheSldney and Harri~t]anis Gmurqllska, Cologne. ~ '5.501 II Aquare/l J Das Herzgeht vom 2uckerwm Collection (Iruction,1 gilt). {;/1" , b., Kaffee (The Heart Goes (rom Sugar to -\ XXIX Glass Flotver, 1940. Assemblage, 30112" Coffee), 1919. Watercolor and pencil on XV Der Weihnachtsmamt (Saitta Claus), 1922. x 26%" x 10"(77.5 x 67.5 x 25.5 em.). paper, I Fig x 8 y. (30.2 x 22.3 em.). The Collage, II 'I,"x 8Y," (28.4 x 20. cm.). Ludwig Colleclion. 8'.4'11il Museum o( Modern An, New York. The Museumo( Modern Art, ew York. Purchase. Purchase. 2--f-g. 3S XXX (Difficult).c. 1942--43. Collage, 3 I 'N' x 5'3.35 J 24"(79.5x61 cm.).Albrighr·KuoxArr '6~ 2.61 III Mertbild Rossfe/t, c. 1919. Assemblage, 8"x XVI Blatler Vogel (Blue Bird), c. 1922. 85. ~ Gallery, Buffalo, New York. Gift of The • 6~'At(20.4 x 17..4 cm.~. Priva[~eoll~e[iO~5. Collag~, S"x 7" (20.3 x 17.8 em.). "'1,(., an'1 Seymour H. Knox Foundation,lne., 1965. IV Bi/dl1l1the//erMltte(PleturewahLtght '1JI.3 Co.l1~cnonMr.an~Mrs.~urr~yA. XXXI (HitlerGang},c.1944.Collagc, 13'~Atx05' 4 n Center), 1919. Painted collage, 33 'I.."x Grtbm, BeverlyHilts, California. 95tH" (34.7 x 24.5 em.). Private collection. 1) I 7 25 /tI" (84.5 x 6S.7 cm.). The Museum of XVII Merzbild /924. 1. Reliefmit Kreuz rmd XXXII For Kale, 1947. Collage, 37At x SIAl" Modern An, ew York. Purchase·IS. SO Kugel (Re/iefwillJ Cross a"d SIJ!Jere),S,.r;~, (9.8 x 13 em.). Private collecrion. ~ g~.'i IJ.. V Das Kreiscn (Revolving), J9l9. Assemblage, 1924. Paimed rclief, 27 tilt x 13112'1 (69 x 48%" x 35" (122.7 x 88.7 em.). The 34.2 cm.). Marlborough Fine Art, London. Museum of Modern Art, New York. XVIII Bild 1926,J.Cicero, [~26.Painted relief, Advisory Committee Fund. Frontispiece 2'?1. 68 26%"x 19112"(68.1x49.6cll1.).Sprengcl Announcement for a Men evening at VI Merlhild Eimmddreissig (Mcrzpictllre Museum, Hannover. Exrended loan from Schwitters' house in Hannover, mid Thirty·One), 1920. Assemblage, 38112"x Marlborough FineAn, London. 1920,. 8')·101 g5.1OIJ 412 MoMAExh_1400_MasterChecklist List of Illustrations 81 M< 170.Leer.Im~VoldinSpace), Oil on canvas, 31 W')( 2N liMN (80.5" 71.4 64 Alexander Archipenko. Femme a l'eventaiJ 1920. Collage, 7W SW(18.1 x 13.4 cm.). The Museum of Modem Art, New (Woman with Fan), 1914. Assemblage, cm.).Privateco~ York. The Sidney and Harrier janis 34"x 22"x5"(86.4x55.9x 12.7em.). Tel Collection (fractional gift). Aviv Museum, Eric Goerirz Bequest. 82 MaximilianMopp .... Weltkrieg(The WorldWar).191~.~loncanvas,21"x 51 Mer:bi/d J.lA. Derkleine Merle/(Small 65 Max Ernst. Fnu:ht einer langen Erfahrung 17%" (53.3 x 44.8 .... ).n.. Museum of Merul). 1919. Assemblage, 161/4"X tB1t (fruitso{ Long Experience), c. 1919. (42.5 x 32.7 cm.). Indiana University Art Assemblage, 18"x 15"(45.7x 38.0 em.). Modem Art, NeYI~GlVen Museum, Bloomington. Private collection, Geneva. anonymously. 66 Merzbild 31B. Strab1enwelt (Radiating 83 M.79.Herz"KI .. ( .~2DesUndbild{The And P'cturel,1919. 7 Assemblage, 14"x II" (35.5 x 28 em.). World) 1920. Painted collage, 3711z" x Collage, 5 /0"X 454" Private coll.e:tioll. .,,~. Sraatsgalcrie Sturtgart. gs. q5<! 26'1." (95.2 x ss cm.). The Pbillips Collection, Washington, D.C. Bequest of 84 (DleHandtJmg ".~n)(The S3 DasHuthbi/d(TheHuthPieture),1919. Katberme Si Dreier, 1953." fiIS·~-z,.. Painted collage, .141/-1"x 291111"(87 x 74 Action Tak3esp, 'lIiebes),c.1918- cm.). Private collection. 67 Merzbild 29A. Bild mit Drehrad (Picture ~ 19.Collage, tlI.2x20em.). with FIywh«/).1920and 1939. ~ Private coli 54 Mer:bild 18. BUd mit totem Kreu4 !~4 Assemblage, 32" x 40\oli"(81.2 x 102 cm.). ... 85 Collagenver (l'icture with Red Cross), 19 t 9. Painted Sprengel Museum, Hannover. y.lR- collage, 26%"x 207N'{68 x 53 cm.). g,. ~ 1chbild,1922.5 Whercabours unknown. 68 Merzbi/d46a. Dos Kegelbild (TheSkiule ~ Galerie Gmlurr;~"<~1P' Picture),1921.Assemblage,21J!H~x 161f2" 55 Robert Delaunay. Une [enitre (Etude pour 86 Collage over (54.3 x 42.2em.). Sprengel Museum, ~ 1922.5 12". les trois fenetres) (A Window IStudy for Hannover. ' the three windows]), 1912-13. Oil on Gmurzynska, c:mv3li,43'/4"x35Vlt(lll x 90cm.). 69 Ivan Puni. Suprematist Sculpture. Reconstruction of 1915 original from a c. ~ 87 Colla8eover<.:.:.,.~ .. Muscc National d'Art Moderne, Centre Sebwitten, 1921;5 Georges Pompidou, Paris. 1920-21 gouache drawing in Puni's MoMAExh_1400_MasterChecklist February 1921 Sturm exhibition.
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