VOL 32 NO 8 AUGUST 2007 Fish News Legislative Update Journal Highlights FisheriesFisheries Calendar American Fisheries Society • www.fisheries.org Job Center Conservation Status of Crayfish Species Paddlefish Conservation Case Study Fisheries • VOL 32 NO 8 • AUGUST 2007 • WWW.FISHERIES.ORG 365 Northwest Marine Tcchnology, Inc. 366 Fisheries • VOL 32 NO 8 • AUGUST 2007 • WWW.FISHERIES.ORG VOL 32 NO 8 AUGUST 2007 372 AMERIFisheriescan FIshERIES SOCIETY • WWW.FIshERIES.ORG EDitOriaL / SUbsCriPtiON / CirCULatiON OffiCES 5410 Grosvenor Lane, Suite 110 • Bethesda, MD 20814-2199 301/897-8616 • fax 301/897-8096 • [email protected] The American Fisheries Society (AFS), founded in 1870, is the oldest and largest professional society representing fisheries scientists. The AFS promotes scientific research and enlightened management of aquatic resources 390 for optimum use and enjoyment by the public. It also XXX encourages comprehensive education of fisheries scientists and continuing on-the-job training. AFS OFFICERS FISHERIES EDITORS Contents STAFF PRESIDENT SENIOR EDITOR SCIENCE Jennifer L. Nielsen Ghassan “Gus” N. EDITORS COLUMN: COLUMN: PRESIDENT ElECT Rassam Madeleine 368 PRESIDENT’S HOOK 398 GUEST DIRECTOR’S LINE Mary C. Fabrizio DIRECTOR OF Hall-Arber New Features for AFS Publications FIRST PUBLICATIONS Ken Ashley Thanks for an Incredible Year VICE PRESIDENT Aaron Lerner Doug Beard As part of an ongoing effort to make AFS William G. Franzin MANAGING Ken Currens Through commitment and hardwork the AFS publications more and more useful for fisheries SECOND EDITOR William E. Kelso volunteer membership has accomplished professionals, several new features have been VICE PRESIDENT Beth Beard Deirdre M. Kimball Donald C. Jackson PRODUCTION Robert T. Lackey significant changes in direction and a long- added in the past few months, including all PAST PRESIDENT EDITOR Dennis Lassuy awaited sea change in information technology issues of The Progressive Fish-Culturist. Christopher Kohler Cherie Worth Allen Rutherford Aaron Lerner EXECUTIVE BOOK REVIEW and membership services. These folks are the DIRECTOR EDITORS heroes of our Society and they deserve all Ghassan “Gus” N. Francis Juanes OPINION: Rassam Ben Letcher the acknowledgements and thanks you can 399 FARM BILL Keith Nislow muster. Farm Bill 2007: Placing Fisheries Upstream of Conservation Provisions Dues and fees for 2007 are $76 in North America Jennifer L. Nielsen ($88 elsewhere) for regular members, $19 in North The 2007 Farm Bill includes many provisions of interest to fisheries scientists, with far- America ($22 elsewhere) for student members, and $38 JOURNAL ($44) retired members. Fees include $19 for Fisheries reaching consequences for water quality subscription. Nonmember and library subscription rates 370 HIGHLIGHTS and conservation of aquatic habitats. are $106 ($127). Price per copy: $3.50 member; $6 nonmember. Fisheries (ISSN 0363-2415) is published Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 2007 Farm Bill Advisory Committee monthly by the American Fisheries Society; 5410 North American Journal of Aquaculture of the American Fisheries Society Grosvenor Lane, Suite 110; Bethesda, MD 20814-2199 ©copyright 2007. Periodicals postage paid at Bethesda, Maryland, and at an additional mailing office. A copy of FEATURE: AMERICAN FISHERIES SOCIETY Fisheries Guide for Authors is available from the editor 405 2007 REPORT or the AFS website, www.fisheries.org. If requesting 372 ENDANGERED SPECIES Thinking Downstream from the managing editor, please enclose a stamped, A Reassessment of the Conservation Status of self-addressed envelope with your request. Republication and Downcurrent or systematic or multiple reproduction of material in this Crayfishes of the united States and Canada publication is permitted only under consent or license after 10+ Years of increased awareness CALENDAR: from the American Fisheries Society. Postmaster: Send address changes to Fisheries, American Fisheries Society; The AFS Endangered Species Committee has 413 FISHERIES EVENTS 5410 Grosvenor Lane, Suite 110; Bethesda, MD 20814-2199. updated the conservation status list for all U.S. Fisheries is printed on 10% post-consumer and Canadian crayfish species. Almost half ANNOUNCEMENTS: recycled paper with soy-based printing inks. of crayfish species are listed as endangered, 414 JOB CENTER threatened, or vulnerable. Christopher A. Taylor, Guenter A. Schuster, Advertising Index John E. Cooper, Robert J. DiStefano, Arnold G. Eversole, Premek Hamr, Horton H. Advanced Telemetry Systems, Inc. 415 Hobbs III, Henry W. Robison, Christopher Alpha Mach, Inc. 397 E. Skelton, and Roger F. Thoma Biosonics . 403 Flash Technology . 371 FEATURE: Floy Tag and Mfg., Inc. 401 390 FISHERIES Frigid Units, Inc.. 413 MANAGEMENT Halltech . 401 Protecting paddlefish from Overfishing: Hydroacoustic Technology, Inc. 369 a Case history of the research Lotek Wireless Inc. 398 and regulatory process Miller Net Company. 370 New regulations are enacted to protect Northwest Marine Tcchnology, Inc. 366 paddlefish from commercial overfishing O.S. Systems, Inc. 381 following a stock assessment and carefully planned meetings with stakeholders and Ocean Marine Industries . 403 regulators Smith-Root, Inc. 416 Phillip W. Bettoli, George D. Sonotronics, Inc. 381 Scholten, and Willliam C. Reeves Vemco (Amirix Systems, Inc.) . 387 Vemco (Amirix Systems, Inc.) . 389 COVER: The Short Mountain crayfish (Cambarus clivosus) is a narrowly endemic species found Tell advertisers you found them through only in central Tennessee and ranked as Threatened. Fisheries! PHOTO: R. Thoma. Fisheries • VOL 32 NO 8 • AUGUST 2007 • WWW.FISHERIES.ORG 367 Jennifer L. Nielsen COLUMN: AFS President Nielsen PRESIDENT’S HOOK can be contacted at [email protected]. Thanks for an Incredible Year The last Hook of an AFS president’s professional leadership like John’s that makes Wiltzbach, Kathy term is typically dedicated to listing her/his Section membership at AFS a valuable com- Hieb, Bellory accomplishments during the previous year mitment. Thanks, John, for setting an excel- Fong, Diana and looking forward to the impending lent example of leadership in divisive times. Watters, Noriko Annual Meeting. While this has been a year Steve Cooke—Last year, we had a Kawamoto, Joe Margraf, Mark Gard, of many activities, with significant changes difficult situation centering on the develop- Shawn Chase, Jean Baldridge, Ted Frink, in direction at AFS and a long-awaited ment of our new coastal and marine journal. Betsy Fritz, Tom Keegan, Mike Meinz, sea change in information technology The chair of the Publications Overview Steve Herrera, Dan Logan, Victoria and membership services, I feel like the Committee (POC) resigned after our meet- Poage, Rob Aramyo, David Hu, Jeff vehicle, not the primary force, behind ing in Lake Placid and I needed a quick and McLain, Tim Heyne, Lourdes Rugge, these accomplishments. It is the volunteer effective replacement. Steve Cooke’s long list Holly Herod, Sharon Shiba, Sarah membership, working hard with unending of publications made him seem the appro- Giovanetti, Chris Wilkinson, Demian commitment, that makes this Society what priate choice to lead AFS back into forward Ebert, Michael Carbiener, Natalie it is. The president, at best, helps to guide motion on this issue. He was a good choice Cosentino-Manning, Ken Hashagen, the ship of state across calm and turbulent indeed! Through difficult times and with Chuck Knutson, Tricia Parker, Zeke waters as the business of the Society moves a knack for handling diverse personalities, Grader, Don Potz, Walt Duffy, Joe Cech, forward. So, in my last column, I would Steve has brought a sea change to the POC. Bill Kier, Pat Coulston, Jerry Morinaka, like to highlight a few of the behind-the- He has overseen and guided the selection of Bob Fujimura, Darren Fong, David Cook, scenes accomplishments made by others our new marine journal development editor, Lenny Grimaldo, Josh Fuller, Louise this year. These folks are the heroes of our Jim Cowan. He has set the goals high for Conrad, Tina Swanson, Russ Bellmer, Society and they deserve all the acknowl- changes in time-to-publication at our current and Peter LaCivita—This fine group of edgements and thanks you can muster. journals and assisted in development options people has worked tirelessly over the last Gwen White—The role of consti- for increased impact for all AFS publications. two years to bring you the 2007 AFS Annual tutional consultant for AFS is a poorly Thanks, Steve, for your guidance, reconcilia- Meeting in San Francisco. You have no idea recognized but critical component of our tion skills, and leadership over the last year. of all of the work involved in planning and governance. Gwen has been the most Joel Carlin—Out of the dark corners of implementation of this meeting! It is a work significant contributor to the final stages of the Genetics Section, I pulled a whopper of a of absolute commitment and true love. We reformatting the procedures for the Society candidate to lead the renewal and revitaliza- are entirely dependent on local Chapters and and defining the roles of the different tion of information technology (IT) at AFS. Units to provide the driving force and energy officer positions for future reference and Joel came to the table at our IT workshop for these meetings and the volunteer hours guidance. I cannot begin to tell you how in Bethesda with his guns loaded and we and contributions are enormous. Everyone important this documentation is. Once made
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