P 1.3: 21850 POSTAL BULLET7N PUMJSWD SINM MARCH 4,1880 PB 21850-SvnMHii 16,1993 OCT 1 11993 CONTENTS f«^e I |i pr-s«s Risip^/f^? y M ^&k fiip^fE^rl |! I! H |Nft Wif Treasury Department Checks Administrative Services ^^^OO^S^D October Social Security benefit checks nor- 1994 Year Type for Hand Stamp and Canceling Machines 2 ' Credit Card Policies and Procedures (Handbook AS-709 Revision) 2 mal|Y delivered on the third of the month are Issuance of Management Instructions 1 scheduled for delivery on Friday, October 1. The Customer Services envelopes will bear the legend: AIDS Awareness Postage Stamp 6 Postmaster: Requested delivery date is Customer Satisfaction Posters and Standup Talks 9 ^ _»u Mai) A|ert ;, 8 tne 1st daY of tne month. Missing Children Poster 37 Civil Service annuity and Railroad Retirement National Consumers Week 3 checks are scheduled for delivery on the normal Treasury Department Checks 1 . ,. x _.. _ A . * , Domestic Mail delivery date, Friday, October 1. The envelopes Authorizations to Prepare Mail on Pallets (Correction) 15 wil1bea r the legend: Conditions Applied to Mail Addressed to Military Post Offices Overseas 16 Postmaster: Requested delivery date is Express Mail Security Measures,(DMMT Correction) 12 the 1 st day of the month or Flat Mail Barcodmg—85 Percent Qualification 13 ' Metered Stamp Barcode Errors 13 the first delivery date there- Postage Stamp Conversions (DMM Revision) 11 after. Revised Post Office to Addressee Express Mail Label 14 Soda| Securjt benefjt checks are ^^^^ Special Cancellations 13 ' United States Navy: Change in Mailing Status 10 for delivery on the normal delivery date, Fnday, Fraud Alerts October 1. The envelopes will bear the legend: D6mestic Order 63 Postmaster: Requested delivery date is Invalid Express Mail Corporate Account Numbers 69 th 1 t ri f th mnn*h Missing Money Orders-Canadian 67 Ine 1STaay oune monm- Missing Money Orders—U.S 65 —Processing and Distnbution, 9-16-93 International Mail !!£S!rSSi^i^ei^niBSiv^i^::::::::::: 3 lssuance °* Management instructions Philately The Management Instructions titled Telephone Stamp Announcement 93-24 (Country Music Commemorative Stamps) 56 Courtesy and Complaint Resolution and Proper Use Consi are StamISp ESXSS£Announcemen t £93-2«7 B!ffi3£ri===(Beecher Hall Postal Card) z S60 to reflec °< •t» new organizationa""- ««*l• responsibilitie^ "^s for Pictorial Cancellations Announcement 93-5 39 effectively dealing with customers in a manner Pictorial Cancellation Announcement 93-2 (Correction) : 55 th t Dromotes customer satisfaction All offices Stamps Recalled From Philatelic Fulfillment 54 tnat Promotes customer satisiaction. AH omces Stamps and Stationery—Bulk Ordering Quantities (Handbook F-48 Revision).... 51 will receive copies of these instructions. Stamps and Stationery—Minimum Ordering Quantities From Stamp Proper telephone techniques and procedures Distribution Offices (Handbook F-1 Revision) 53 are critica| tQ ^ success Qf ^ posta, ^.^ Postal Employees .. , . _._ __. __ . _ . Bargaining Unit Employees' COLA Increase (Correction) 31 Management Instruction PO-250-9a-1, Tele- form 2181-A, Pre-Employment Screening—Authorization and Release 31 phone Courtesy, establishes policy and provides Holiday Poster (Columbus Day) 35 guidance on this important method of customer Materiel Management Self-Study Courses (Reminder) 31 ... National Workhour Reporting System Changes 24 communication. Post Offices Consumer Service Cards provide customer Post Office Changes Number 7 32 feedback about concerns, issues, and compli- ments. Management Instruction PO-250-93-2, Complaint resolution and Proper Use of the Con- sumer Service Card, establishes policies and 1992 Annual Index: Latest Quarterly index: procedures to ensure that employees handle cus- PB 21834 2-4-93 PR OIRQQ A_i_Q<a tomerfeedback in a uniform, timely, efficient man- ro ^ i ooo,^-1 »o ner Customer feedback is essential to USPS (January-Marcn) efforts to identify and correct service deficiencies ro^ioHo.PR91ft4.fi 7—P9—Q*f ££. »o} that negatively impact customer satisfaction. (April-June) —Consumer Affairs, 9-1&-93 UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE POSTAL BULLETIN 1994 Year Type for Hand Stamp and Canceling Machines Postal installations must submit requirements for 1994 2. Item 0103HD2 for Model HD-2 canceling ma- year type for hand stamp and canceling machines to their chines. supporting materiel distribution center (MDC) between 3. Item 0133E for Model Flier and M machines using October 1, 1993, and November 19, 1993. Use Form 1207 die hubs. 7380, MDC Supply Requisition, and write Year Type 4. Item 0217E for Model G canceling machines using below the return address block on the envelope. MDCs 218 die hubs. will mail year type no later than December 13,1993. 5. Item 0691G for Model Flier and M machines using Postmasters must check the model number on the ma- 1207-G die hubs. chine nameplate to requisition the proper year type for 6. Item 0702A for steel postmarking stamp, hammer canceling machines. Postal Service drawing 14-340, Year type. Type for Hand Stamps and Canceling Machines, revised 7. Item 0718A for steel postmarking stamp, rotary May 21, 1971, is in Publication 247, U.S. Materiel Man- type. agement Equipment and Supply Catalog, page 2-23, as a 8. Item 0642, rubber, for use on Nos. 550, 570, and guide for ordering the correct type. 552. The requisition must indicate the year type, quantity 9. Item 0744, steel, for use with No. 700 without needed, and the facility's FEDSTRIP address code and flange. finance number. Staple a self-addressed penalty label to 10. Item 0747, steel, for use with No. 700 with flange. the requisition. Do not request any other items on this The 1994 year type for the Mark II facer-canceler is special requisition. available under NSN 3610-02-000-1894 from the Topeka Indicate quantities required on the following: MDC. This NSN is also used on the MRC small canceling machine, Models 3601/3602, and the APCS machine, 1. Item 076E for Models, D, K, and G new style can- both lead and trail. Only authorized offices should requisi- celing machines using 77, 225, and 218-A die tion it using Form 4984, Repair Parts Requistion. hubs. —Purchasing, 9-16-93 HANDBOOK AS-709 REVISION Credit Card Policies and Procedures Rocky Mountain BankCard System established a single cials, and cardholders must make a pen and ink revision telephone number for reporting lost or stolen IMPAC to Handbook AS-109, Credit Card Policies and Proce- credit cards. Customers may call this telephone number dures, section 451.1 (page 18), deleting the four phone 24 hours a day. numbers and replacing them with 1-800-227-6736. All credit card local points of contact, approving offi- —Purchasing, 9-16-93 LOOKS ARE DECEIVING Consider weight, size and shape before lifting. POSTAL BULLETIN 21850,9-16-93, PAGE 3 CUSTOMER SERVICES National Consumers Week The United States Office of Consumer Affairs has se- guides discuss how customers can help the Postal lected the week of October 24 through 30 for this year's Service utilize full automation capabilities through com- observance of National Consumers Week. As in the past, plete addressing and correct mail preparation. the Postal Service supports this consumer education • Hold special training/education sessions on mail effort by encouraging all postmasters and facility manag- preparation for mailers/customers in conjunction with ers to sponsor activities that will educate customers about NCW. USPS products and services, as well as Inspection Serv- • Focus on an improvement or educational area— ice efforts to protect consumers from perpetrators of such as creating customer friendly information sheets in fraudulent schemes and other postal crimes. other languages to inform and deal more effectively This article replaces the National Consumers Week kit with the diverse customer base; mail forwarding; or an formerly sent to postmasters annually. awareness of how to handle unwanted mail. Postmasters and facility managers are urged to partici- • Be a guest on local TV and radio talk shows dis- pate in one of the customer service initiatives in this cussing consumer protection/ satisfaction issues. Postal Bulletin during National Consumers Week. Docu- • Establish a Customer Advisory Council. Develop a mentation regarding local observances (e.g., newspaper community partnership to benefit the Postal Service and articles, taped TV interviews, descriptions of events), the community. The district consumer affairs and claims should be provided to district consumer affairs and claims manager will provide a handbook on how to get started. managers by Friday, November 12. Consumer affairs and A good first project for the council could be to link claims managers will consolidate the feedback and for- consumer protection efforts with the Postal Inspection ward information regarding particularly noteworthy ob- Service and local law enforcement. servances to Headquarters Consumer Affairs. A checklist • Work with the local postal inspector and hold a of suggested initiatives is provided for ease of referral joint press conference. The postal inspector could dis- (see page 5). cuss the latest postal-related scams, and the postmas- ter can discuss proper addressing, packaging, mail tips, Suggested Activities for Postmasters etc. • Hold an open house/postal fair during NCW. Pro- • Work with the local postal inspector to involve vide an information booth for local consumer affairs and senior citizens in combating fraud against the elderly. claims manager to give demonstrations on proper pack- Postal inspectors can discuss prevalent schemes, how aging and how to get the most from postal products to detect spurious offers, etc. The local postal inspector and services. Provide a booth for the local postal in- can also send out news releases on consumer issues spectors to discuss the danger of mail promotions that and postal crimes. offer items that are too good to be true. Consider infor- • Open dialogue with other city, county, or state con- mation booths for: proper and complete addressing; sumer affairs professionals.
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