Aye, Thou shalt vaccinate or else be W. I. Hilles, of Leon, who purchased afflicted with smallpox. A family in the J. M. Brown residence and Wm. 4 w ' .,v:.V. the north part of Osceola who have Bramhall farm arrived yesterday and is steadily refused vaccination is now in now a welcome citizen of Warren seclusion with a yellow iiag on their county.—Indianola Advocate Tribune. house. Of course, if people would rather You will never wish to take another I have the smallpox than vaccination, dose of pills if you once try Chamber­ tSaid the Jester why, so mote it be, but sometimes it is lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They an affliction upon their friends.—Osceola are easier to take and more pleasant in to the King— Sentinel, effect. They cleanse the stomach and \ * «..£*' v,*" ^1* ~ ^ Now's the time, spring time. Take regulate the liyer and bowels. For sale n Rocky Mountain Tea; keeps the whole by W. A. Alexander. > family well. A great medicine for spring The 20 year old son oft J. W. Scott Uneeda tiredness. 35c at W. 0. Stempel & Co. was kicked in the face by a horse Thurs­ day and received a fracture of the lower 14*.° J. H. Friend, who, about a year ago, took a very active part to secure from jaw and several bad cuts on the face. the government, according to law pro­ Dr. Wailes, the attending physician, Biscuit vided, marble headstones, appropriately reports the young man doing well.— inscribed, to be placed on the grave of Davis City Lariat. every old soldier buried in this county, Rocky Mountain Tea taken now will requires physical and mental 199 received the first consignment of the keep the whole family well; If it fails, ability of a high degree to "Cadzooks ! same a few days ago, direct from the bring it back and get your cash. 35c at withstand its hard labors. The marble quarries, at Vermont. There W. C. Stempel & Co. high tension to which the quoth the king— are seventy-eight in all, and they weigh, nervous system is constantly An exchange said: "Do you want to subjected, has a depressing ef­ all told, 12,870 pounds, or about 165 make ?5,358,909.13? It's easy. Just "It's no jest to pounds each. Mr. Friend has furnished fect, and soon headache, back­ deposit a penny in the bank on the 1st ache, neuralgia, rheumatism, us with a full description of the same, day of January, and on the second day together with name, company and regi­ sciatica, etc., develop in severe make a man hungry. deposit two pennies, and so on every form. Such was the case of ment, which are inscribed in raised day in the month, doubling your de­ letters on each headstone, of the parties Mail Carrier S. F. Sweinhart, posit each day. On the 31st day of of Huntsville, Ala., he says: intended for, which description and list December you will be surprised to find "An attack of pneumonia left me :c ®- NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY will appear in full in this paper next that you haye oyer five million dollars with muscular rheumatism, headache, rrw-s T week.—Bethany Republican. and pains that seemed to be all over to your credit. We tried it but run out me. I was scarcely able to move for abcut a month when I decided to give Horseless carriaees, fuelless engines, of cash on the fourth day. "?v Dr. and the wireless telegraph are the great­ Changes in the Weather V." R. mcuINNIS, Miles' est innovations. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Mean slight "spells" of headache or "81 Lawyer. and Nerve Plasters a trial. In three Successor to Curry & McGinnis. Office in Pepsin is next and cures constipation, aflect your appetite. Irregularities in days I was again on my route and in Ray lilock indigestion, sick headache and stomach eating cause dyspepsia. Take Dr. Cald­ two weeks I was free from pain and well's Syrup Pepsin and feel good re­ gaining in flesh and strength. troubles. Sold by L. Van Werden. Sold by all Druggists. Dr. J. W. ROWELL, gardless of these elements or habits. ^Dr.^Ues^lediea! Co,, Elkhs.-t, Ind. Dentist- Mr. Chambers and a helper have been Sold by L. Van Werden. Office in Loni; Block. Opera keeping bachelor's] ball at the stone quarries northwest of town. A stick of The time of Justice Booth's court W. F. WAIGHT, dynamite was put in the oven "to dry" was taken up all day Saturday with the Physician and Surgeon. Special study and attention «ivon to the by Mr. Chambers assistant, anil lie then trinl of a calf case which bids fair to trcsiiiRi»nt of chronic discuses. Ollice rival the celebrated Jones calf case if liou^sj) to I.) a. in.. 2 to Ci p. m. Tele very considerately went away. l\Ir. phono No. :)!> ottieo and residence. Chambers had occasion to go towards the parties are not cp.refal. It was a case wherein the ownership of a calf the shanty a short time afterward but If you IwivoTi't a reprulnr, liealHiy movement of the B. R. McALLASTER, boweld «-very cl«y, you're ill or will Kerji your before he got there something happen­ worth about §12 was disputed, the bowols open, and 1m wall. l-'uriMsin tho slwipisuf vio« Physician and Surgeon. parties to the dispute being Klius lent phytic: oi* pill poison, i* duntffrous. Tim smooth' OMcoin Migjys lilock. ed. The restless atomic particles of the out, easiest, most p.trfwt way of keeping iho bovrela dynamite lost their cohesive iorce and Shriver and E. Baldwin, both good and tleur and clean is to take A. BROWN, let loose of each other all at once, that reputable farmers living near town. CANDY Physician and Surgeon' The case was tried to a jury and took CATHARTIC Office m Warner Ulock. is, quite suddenly, so suddenly in lact W. S. Campbell offers that the stove separated in small pieces the whole of the day away into the H. R. LAYTON, and went in all directions, the shanty night, the jury finally determined that •Physician and Surgeon. Miss Jennie Wetmore floor was torn up and a hole made in Elias Shriver was entitled to owner­ Offlce phone 7. Residence phone 7. In the greatest of all the earth, the Tom cat under the stoye ship. The costs of the trial amounted ' FRED A. BOWMAN, New England Comedies lost his a-Tomie cohesion also, and went to $35.55, and we understand the case Physician .'and Surgeon. will be appealed to the district court.— Office phono 7. Residence phone 38. up (or else down) and probaby is still Offlce with Pr. Lay ton. going up (or down) as not so much as a Corydon Democrat. EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY Office hours 11 to 12 a. m.—1:30 to 3:30 p. m. Ploasant, Palatable, Potent. Tasto Good, I)oGoo<f«. hair of him has been seen Bince. The Convince yourself that Ely's Cream Never Sickcn, Weaken, or Gripe, 10, 25, and f>0 eenta fier box. Write for ireo sample, and booklet o& AUNT JERUSHA affair somewhat surprised Mr. Chamber­ iculth. Address 433 W. H. ALBAUGH. Balm deserves all that has been said of LING 11KHEDY COMPANY, CHICAGO or NEW TOUT. IV. Lawyer. lain and he became an interested spec­ it as a means of quick relief and cure in fe1' * Office over Alexander's drug store. tator.—Osceola Sentinel. obstinate cases of nasal catarrh and hay YOUR BLOOD CLEAN 4 4 A GREAT PLAY J N feyer. A trial size costs but ten cents. V How are you, anyway? Dr. Caldwell's DR. D. R, DUDLEY, Ably presented by Syrup Pepsin is a perfect laxative. Sold Full size, 50 cents. Sold by druggists or Dentist. mailed by Ely Bros., 56 Warren Street, THEY CRUSH THE POWERS' First door east of postofflce, Garden Grove, In. by L. Van Werden. This is written in mid-October. The long,; New York. oppressive summer is quite gone. Fading ... A GREAT COMPANY When you wake up with a bad taste MARION F. STOQKEY, Mt. Olive, Ark., May 17,1901. leaf, withering tree and the rustlinglcom Jo.v ' in your mouth you may know that you MESSRS. ELY BROS the fields are signs of the seasonr Fog, ^ 3#* i Lawyer. .:—Please send me Pn and beaded bv need a dose of Chanfberlain's Stomach frost, rain, snow,—they are coByng. You 6fflce in Long Kiocfe. one bottle of Cream Balm, family size. remember last winter; of 1900 and 1901. < and Liver Tablets. They will cleanse your I think it is the best medicine for ca­ The weather was cruel. Ah 1 the thous­ A GREAT STAR stomach, improve your appetite and tarrh in the world. Very respectfully, J. ands it killed, and the hundreds of thous- FRANK 600DS0N, make you feel like a new man. They M. SCHOLTZ. ands it maimed and crippled. Oh, the are easy to take, being sugar coated, and rough grasp it laid on men at work, women Veterinary Surgeon. A story has been going the rounds of at home, and children in cribs and cradles. pleasant in effect. For sale by W. A LEON, IOWA. In conjunction with the the press to the eSect that an inmate of Coughs that began before Thanksgiving Famous Bitter Root Farm Alexander, druggist. Day are racking and tearing them still; yes, f the Appanoose county tarm named John and growing worse as they dig deeper into * Calls by telephone and telegraph an- Rube Trio.
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