H4934 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 15, 2017 CELEBRATING JUNETEENTH deur, as every one of us have—and have LISE, his wife, and his family. We pray (Ms. JACKSON LEE asked and was a chance of making sure we can vote for their strength, their courage, and given permission to address the House for everyone to be part of this. their faith as they deal with the un- for 1 minute.) I think it is time that America thinkable. Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, as should stop colonizing. If I am not mis- I pray for STEVE’s speedy recovery. we reflect on our colleagues and pray taken, this is the last Nation that has We know he is a fighter, and we pray for their speedy recovery, let me stop a colony. The great America of the he will be back soon fighting for the for a moment to pay tribute to a very United States has a colony, and I think people of Louisiana’s First District. We offer prayers for Matt and his special time in certain parts of the it is time that we change that. Vote in family, who was also injured during the United States now being celebrated, Congress to make sure that we have shooting. really, across the land. the 51st State. I rise today to remember the coura- As I go home this weekend, we will Mr. HOYER. Will the gentleman geous Capitol Police officers who were be celebrating, commemorating yield? injured; our heroes. If not for their Juneteenth. As President Lincoln gave Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. I yield to the bravery, more people could have been the Emancipation Proclamation in gentleman from Maryland. wounded and possibly killed. They risk 1863, my constituency’s ancestors did Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, I want to their lives to protect us. The U.S. Cap- not hear of the freeing of the slaves join my friend who has been such a great leader in dealing with those who itol Police do this every day for us, for until more than 21⁄2 years later when have associations with our country but our staff, and for the public. Major Granger landed in Galveston to We stand together during this chal- announce that the slaves were free and are not States. I join with his remarks. The Puerto Rican election that was lenging time. When it happens to one emancipated. of us, it happens to all of us. It is a serious time to honor those held overwhelmingly voted for state- and the legacies of all of those who hood as the option of governance they f gave to this country, and we celebrate wanted to pursue. It is now, it seems to COMMENDING CAPITOL POLICE it with excitement and honor and dig- me, the responsibility of the United FOR OUTSTANDING BRAVERY nity. States Congress and the administra- AND COURAGE tion to recognize the overwhelming Today, or this weekend, I am excited (Mr. RUTHERFORD asked and was sentiment of the Puerto Rican people, that we will rededicate the Emanci- given permission to address the House expressed in a free and open election. pation Park. We will name the street for 1 minute.) Emancipation Street. We are delighted f Mr. RUTHERFORD. Mr. Speaker, that the OST/Almeda TIRZ donated $33 SUPPORTING STATEHOOD OF ‘‘As a law enforcement officer, my fun- million, along with foundations, to the PUERTO RICO damental duty is to serve mankind; to city of Houston and community dol- safeguard lives and property; to protect lars. (Mr. HOYER asked and was given the innocent against deception, the We will acknowledge those who permission to address the House for 1 weak against oppression or intimida- bought the land, some many, many minute and to revise and extend his re- tion, and the peaceful against violence years ago, and this restoration will marks.) or disorder. .’’ give the opportunity, not only for Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, I thank Mr. Speaker, that is the first para- those in the Third Ward, where I am my friend from Alaska (Mr. YOUNG) for graph of the Law Enforcement Code of privileged to represent, and all of those his leadership on this effort, a Rep- Ethics that every law enforcement offi- heroes and sheroes, but it will be a resentative on the most recent State. cer across this country swears to upon park that will welcome everyone, from I didn’t want to take all of his time. their becoming a law enforcement offi- not only around the community and Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Will the gen- cer and accepting that badge. the city, but it will welcome those tleman yield? I can tell you, yesterday, during the from across the Nation. Mr. HOYER. I yield to the gentleman horrible event that took place, Officers Today, I introduce a Juneteenth res- from Alaska. Bailey and Griner with the Capitol Hill olution honoring Juneteenth with 51- Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Mr. Speaker, I Police performed their duties above plus sponsors. I am proud to acknowl- thank my good friend from Maryland, and beyond the expected. edge that, yes, we got the news late, STENY HOYER, for the support. It is Mr. Speaker, I just want to take this but we celebrate freedom and we recog- going to take a lot of effort. There is a opportunity on behalf of law enforce- nize that America is at her greatest be- lot of naysayers out there. But, again, ment officers across America to thank cause we are free, and freedom is cher- I believe so strongly that we treat them for doing their job with such out- ished. every American equally. standing bravery and courage. To all the fathers across the land, to This is a civil rights issue, and they I also want to let the Scalise family my husband and relatives, and in mem- have voted 97 percent in favor of state- and the Mika family know that they ory of my late father, Ezra C. Jackson, hood. As you know, I led this battle are in our prayers. We pray for their I honor those who celebrate Father’s with your help in 1997. We had a vote, speedy recovery. Day as well on Sunday. Happy Father’s and, with your side, I won by one vote. God bless. Day. Puerto Rico and Alaska didn’t go any- f f where, but I ask every American to LOVE NOTE TO MADISON AND think about it. b 1415 HARRISON SCALISE AND SPEEDY Let’s make this the last colony. Let’s RECOVERY TO ALL SUPPORTING STATEHOOD OF make this the 51st State. PUERTO RICO (Ms. SPEIER asked and was given f permission to address the House for 1 (Mr. YOUNG of Alaska asked and was PRAYING FOR VICTIMS OF CON- minute.) given permission to address the House GRESSIONAL BASEBALL TRAG- Ms. SPEIER. Mr. Speaker, I, too, for 1 minute and to revise and extend EDY want to join with all of my colleagues his remarks.) in recognizing the heroism of David Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Mr. Speaker, I (Mrs. DEMINGS asked and was given Bailey and Crystal Griner, wishing had the privilege last Sunday to be an permission to address the House for 1 them a speedy recovery, and that they observer in Puerto Rico for the plebi- minute.) take time to recover emotionally as scite and watch the people of Puerto Mrs. DEMINGS. Mr. Speaker, 1 Co- well. Rico make the decision that they rinthians 12:26 reads: I also want to extend a love note to would like to be the 51st State. If one member suffers, all the members suf- the children of STEVE SCALISE. This is I think it is time for this Congress to fer together. a love note to Madison and Harrison: make the 3,400,000 American citizens I stand today to show my support for Father’s Day is on Sunday, and I part of the United States—in full gran- my colleague, Congressman STEVE SCA- know for both of you it is going to be VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:04 Jun 16, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15JN7.033 H15JNPT1.
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