VOLUME 70 NUMBER 5 Celebrating APLA and Open Access By Jennifer Richard As an APLA member you are probably aware that the by creating ERIC and PubMed. The National Agricul- CLA/APLA/NLLA APLA Bulletin will be going online in the fall, but you ture Library followed four years later with the creation Annual Conference ...............1-3, 5 may not realize that the Bulletin is also going open ac- of Agricola. In the late nineties, with shrinking library From the President’s Desk ...........4 cess (OA). During the APLA OGM in May 2007 the fol- budgets and rising journal costs, associations such Norman Horrocks Award ..............5 lowing motions were passed (unanimously): as the Association of Research Libraries launched the SPARC initiative to begin experimenting with differ- Tech To Try Today, Zotero .............6 Motion: It is moved that APLA support open access ent models of publishing. This time period gave rise Off the Shelf ...............................6 publishing, and begin with Volume 71 of the APLA bul- to online repositories and pre-print archives. Since Hackmatack ............................7-8 letin, to be open access. News from the 2000, the open access movement has exploded, with Motion: It is moved that APLA adopt a creative com- Provinces ........................9-14, 17 even for-profit publishers responding in various ways mons copyright statement with the first online issue, to St. Jerome’s Den ......................15 (such as granting permission to authors to self archive) replace the current copyright statement. Annual Reports ....................16-20 to the need and interest by researchers, faculty, stu- Interest Groups ....................20-21 Though the British Columbia Library Association (BCLA) dents and the library community. For a very detailed Notices of Motion ......................22 in 2004 was an early adopter of open access, APLA is timeline of the open access movement, please see New Members ..........................22 the second library association in the country to support Peter Suber’s Timeline of the Open Access Movement true open access publishing. This is a very important www.earlham.edu/~peters/fos/timeline.htm. milestone, not only for our membership, but for the So what exactly is open access? Open-access library community in Canada. APLA has received con- (OA) literature is digital, online, free of charge, gratulatory notes from Deb Thomas, President of BCLA, and free of most copyright and licensing restric- Jennifer Knowlan, President of the Northwest Territories tions. (from Peter Suber’s Open Access Overview, at Library Association, Heather Morrison and even Peter www.earlham.edu/~peters/fos/overview.htm. Suber from the Open Access Forum. The main focus of the open access movement is on A Brief History and Description of Open Access peer-reviewed scholarly research, although it seems to The origins of the open access movement go back be broadening with the inclusion of association publica- over 40 years. Institutes such as the National Library tions and other types of repositories. of Education and the National Library of Health in the Open access is not black and white however; there United States began providing access to government can be varying levels of access an author or institution/ funded research in the areas of education and health continued on page 3 > THE ATLANTIC PROVINCES LIBRARY ASSOCIATION APLA BULLETIN SUMMER 2007 Publication Information The APLA Bulletin (ISSN 0001- APLA Executive 2006 – 2007 2203) is the official organ of the Atlantic Provinces Library PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT (NEW BRUNSWICK) Association. Donna Bourne-Tyson, University Librarian Nadine Goguen, Librarian Frequency: The APLA Bulletin is pub- Mount Saint Vincent University Albert - Westmorland - Kent Library Region lished 5 times a year. 166 Bedford Highway 644 Main Street Subscriptions: Institutions may subscribe to the Halifax NS B3M 2J6 Moncton, NB E2K 5C3 Bulletin for $55 per annum ($55 US for foreign Tel: (902) 457-6108 Fax: (902) 457-6445 Tel: (506) 869-6022 Fax: (506) 869-6022 subscriptions). Subscriptions and claims for miss- Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] ing issues should be sent to the Treasurer of the Association, c/o The School of Information Man- agement Faculty of Management - Kenneth C. VICE PRESIDENT, PRESIDENT ELECT VICE PRESIDENT (NEWFOUNDLAND & Rowe Management Building, 6100 University LABRADOR) Su Cleyle, Associate University Librarian Avenue, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3H 3J5. Queen Elizabeth II Library Pat Parsons, Manager Back volumes are available from UMI, Ann Arbor, Memorial University of Newfoundland Central Region Libraries, MI, www.umi.com/umi/. St. John’s NL A1B 3Y1 Newfoundland & Labrador Public Libraries Submissions: Submissions should be sent to the Tel: (709)-737-3188 Fax: (709)-737-2153 P.O. Box 3333 editors. Deadlines for submissions are as follows: Email: [email protected] Gander, NL A1V 1X2 October 1, November 30, February 1, April 1 and Tel: (709) 651-5351 Fax: (709) 256-2194 July 1. Email: [email protected] Advertising: All correspondence regarding ad- PAST PRESIDENT vertising should be sent to the Advertising Editor. Ivan Douthwright, Librarian VICE PRESIDENT (Nova SCotia) A rate card is available upon request. George A. Rawlyk Library Indexing: The APLA Bulletin is indexed in CPI.Q. Atlantic Baptist University Debbie Costelo, Public Services Librarian Copyright: Individual authors hold the copyright P.O. Box 6004 Nova Scotia Community College-Library to articles published in the APLA Bulletin. Under Moncton, NB E1C 9L7 Services the copyright laws, those who wish to reprint Tel: (506) 863-6443 Fax: (506) 858-9694 Waterfront Campus Library articles for any use must contact the individual Email: [email protected] 80 Mawiomi Place author for permission. The opinions expressed in Dartmouth NS B2Y 0A5 articles are not necessarily those of the editors or Tel: (902) 491-1031 the Association. TREASURER Email: [email protected] The editors can be reached at the following Penny Logan, Manager Library Services addresses: Capital Health VICE PRESIDENT (PRINCE EDWARD 1796 Summer St., Room 2212 Bulletin Editor: Stacey Penney ISLAND) Halifax NS B3H 3A7 Bibliographic Control, Queen Elizabeth II Library Tel: (902)-473-4383 Fax: (902)-473-8651 Don Moses Memorial University of Newfoundland Email: [email protected] Resource Centre St. John’s, NL A1B 3Y1 Tourism and Culinary Centre, Tel: (709) 737-3183 Holland College, Fax: (709) 737-2153 VICE PRESIDENT (MEMBERSHIP) 4 Sydney Street Email: [email protected] Charlottetown, PE C1A 1E9 Ruthmary Macpherson Bulletin Editor: Dianne Taylor-Harding Tel: (902) 894-6837 Fax: (902) 894-8637 Technical Services Librarian Information Services, Queen Elizabeth II Library Email: [email protected] Mount Allison University Libraries and Memorial University of Newfoundland Archives St. John’s, NL A1B 3Y1 49 York Street Tel: (709) 737-7427 Sackville, NB E4L 1C6 SECRETARY Fax: (709) 737-2153 Tel: (506) 364-2691 Fax: (506) 364-2617 Email: [email protected] Collette Saunders, Librarian Email: [email protected] Patrick Power Library Bulletin Advertising Editor: Ruth Cordes, St. Mary’s University Information Consultant 5932 Inglis Street 1731 Walnut St. Halifax, NS B3H 3C3 Halifax, NS B3H 3S6 Tel: (902) 422-4666 Fax: (902) 422-4666 2 THE ATLANTIC PROVINCES LIBRARY ASSOCIATION APLA BULLETIN SUMMER 2007 publisher allow to a publication. According to statements for the association. CLA has now ac- format which hopefully can become a revenue Heather Morrison from Simon Fraser University cepted many of the recommendations made by line to generate new opportunities and services there are two main approaches to open access: the taskforce, though it will still embargo the most for our membership. The cost savings in using our publishing (gold) and self-archiving (green). True current issue of Feliciter. CLA was also supportive own expertise to set up the Open Journal System open access gives full access to the entire pub- of the Evidence based Librarianship and Practice on APLA server is tremendous. A big thank you to lication immediately without cost to either the Journal through the Evidence based Librarianship Donald Moses, Stan Orlov, Ruth Cordes and the reader or the author. Delayed access involves Interest Group. The Partnership as a whole sup- Provincial Vice Presidents for all their work in the withholding certain materials – usually the most ports OA through its new broad appeal journal: development of our new and improved Bulletin! current issue in a journal type publication. There Partnership: the Canadian Journal of Library and is also limited access, often provided through Information Practice and Research. Selected Open Access publisher’s websites. The Canadian Association of Research Libraries Resources Other issues that arise regarding the nature of (CARL) is heavily involved in the creation of insti- Open Access News open access publishing are the sustainability of tutional repositories and has developed the CARL open access publications without traditional sub- Harvester and the newly formed Alouette Canada www.earlham.edu/~peters/fos/fosblog.html scription or user fees as well as the pros and cons will be a strong advocate for OA. Most recently, This comprehensive news source by Peter Suber of OA. These points were addressed by Heather the Synergies Project, received an eleven million highlights information from various websites and Morrison in the presentation
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