Oral Roberts University Digital Showcase Oracle: ORU Student Newspaper Oral Roberts University Collection 10-25-1974 Oracle (Oct 25, 1974) Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalshowcase.oru.edu/oracle Part of the Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, Christianity Commons, and the Higher Education Commons Volume ì0, Number 8 ORAL ROBERTS UNIVERSITY, TULSA, OKLAHOMA October 25,1974 Senqte purchqses events cqlendqr "What's happening on campus Cost for the calendar, which this weekend anylvay?" will be paid for by Senate Pro- By the middle of next week, ject Fund, is $2,000, but this will ORU students will be well ac- be considered a lO-year invest- quainted not onJy with the week- ment. Approval for the calendar end's events, but with those of was passed in the Senate meeting the next two weeks as well. October 16. Student Senate has recently Southern Methodist University purchased a large, 6x16 ft. plex- currently uses 5 or 6 of these iglass calendar, vi'ith 10" squares calendars alone, and many are depicting campus activities for also utilized by other state the upcomnig days, or 2 weeks schools throughout this area. and 3 weekends. The large, easy-to-see calendar Plans include displaying the should help to eliminate some of calendar on the curved wall of the confusion as to just exactly the second floor of the LRC, the what is going on which nights. center of ORU classroom life. Or, according to Jim Moore, Lights wiil also be illuminated Project Committee Chaþerson, above to draw attention to the "Our main purpose in purchas- board. Activities will be listed ing the board is to give the guys weekly in grease pencil by Com- 3 weeks advance notice in asking munications Chairperson. for dates." Highlighting the Greot Pumpkin Ponic will be the Jeremioh People Concert ot 8 p.m. in Howord Auditorium, 45 mqke Who's Who October 32. Gospel music, comedy, ond dromo ore port of their ministry. Forty-five students from Oral Vy'ayne Jacobsen, K. Sue James, Roberts University were chosen Paul King, John Kramme, Jeanie to represent ORU th;s year in Lawson, Dixie Lemmon, Tom- Pumpki n pon c proudly presents Who's Who Among Students in my Hicks, Lawana Williams, Bert American Uníversities and Col- Vorhees, Ronald Mclntosh, Ao- leges. These students are chosen drew Melilli, Linda Potts, Ka¡en tor their unique abilities, skills, Stanford, Larry Stockstill, Timo- People, porode porA, prizes and tastes. thy Thurston, John Hood, Randy , Chosen this year to represent Sterns, Tommy Tucker, Ellen H al I o w e e n celebrations at awarded students ORU are Doug Beltzner, David Von Fange, Dennis Sprouse, Paul for the top three win- iiving on campus, com- ORU will begin with a Proud ning V!V's. muter and Bender, Thomas Benson, Calvin Peterson, Gordon Phil students their families, flelm, Pumpkin Dinner at 4 p.m. on The party will be at the Aero- and faculty Beresh, Kathleen Blake, Greg Wood, Gary Mclntosh, Lonnie the ORU and their October 32, in thie cafeteria. Sa- Center. Entertainment will be pro- families. Bledsoe, Marilynda Brown, I-ewis Spencer, Greg Webb, Patti Mar- Admission is $1 for ga will provide popcorn, and vided by each dorm wing and will adults at the door. Advance tick- Carr, Susan Chriser, Dale Ditto, tin, Robert Butcher, Andrew Si- there will be facilities for students include cartoons purchased David Ellsworth, Michael Fink, moson, Anita Stump, and Delane and c¡eature fea- ets may be for 75 to make their own candied ap- ture films the movie houses, a cents social chairman Ca¡l Gruenler, Lindy Huotley, Fielden. in from the ples. Dinner entertainment will kissing booth, balloon popping, of each wing beginning Thursday, be provided by various dorm dart throws, a dunking machine, October 24. Children 72 years wlngs. bobbing for apples, a cookie- and under will be admitted for Tim Comeron oppointed At 8 p.m., in Howard Audi- jumping contest, a pumpkin-carv- 50 cents. A nursery service will torium following dinner, the Jer- ing contest, and Campus Life's be provided for children five emiah People will perform. The famous "hot seat." There will also year and under. group, consisting guys odmissions counselor of four be a contest for the best dressed Senate Social Function and three girls, is associated with The couple. expects from 2,000 Cameron has been Cameron received his Bachelor the Continental Singers' ministry Committee Tim ap- Musical entertainment during 3,000 persons to attend the pointed an admissions counselor of Science degree with cum laude of Los Angeles. "Their ministry to the party will be provided by party. "This should be the biggest ORU, according Charles distinction from ORU in the field is aimed at viewing hypocrisy in at to Harvesl an ORU commuter event the year," said Ramsay, Jr., Vice-President physical education, and holds the church in a satirical manner," social of for of group. James, Social Functions Admissions and Records. a Master in Teachiog Arts degree said Ed Kesterson, Chairman of Ric The party is open to all ORU Chairma¡. Cameron, a 1972 graduate of from University of Tulsa. He was the Student Senate Entertainment ORU and former Titan basket- an adjunct faculty member in the Committee. ball player, assumed his new po- physical-education department at Their performance will feature sition October 15. ORU before this appointment. drama, comedy, and gospel mu- sic and will last about an hour and a half. The Jeremiah People AMS/nwS Rood Rolly held have performed for high schools, Cheerleqder clinic to be colleges, and churches in all 50 states. This will be the group's in Aerobics Center Soturdoy third performance at ORU. The set for November 2 concert is free to ORU students Oral Roberts University and lications and a film on gyrnnas- having activity cards. For the Saturday, November 2, has Drivers and riders should register the Universal Cheerleaders Asso- tics for cheerleaders. He is a for- public and for those students been set as the date for the first together. Fees will be $1 for ciation will sponsor a gymnastics mer head cheerleader at Univer- having no activity cards, the ad- annual road rally. Cosponsored drivers and navigators with pas- clinic for high school and pros- sity of Iowa and West Texas mission fee is $1. by the Associated Men Students senger fees set at 50 cents. pective cheerleaders, Saturday, State University. After the concert, everyone and Associated Womens Stu- Cash prizes will be awarded to October 26. The one-day clinic Those interested should phone will meet at the Mabee Center dents, the event will begin at 2 the five drivers coming closest will be held in the Kenneth H. 743-6161 ext. 374 for advance parking lot. The Great Pumpkin p.m. Cars will leave Mabee Cen- to the predetermined time. It Cooper Aerobics Center from 8 registration or more information, Parade will begin its procession to ter at 2-minute intervals. Direc- should be stressed that this is not a.m. to 4:30 p.m. or write the Office of Student the Aerobics Cente¡. Dean Wal- tions will be given each driver a race of speed but one of follow- Novice, intermediate, and ad- Activities, Oral Roberts Univer- lace and his wife Jo will be the as he leaves. Checkpoints will be ing directions, confusing ones at vanced classes will be taught con- sity. Cheerleaders may also regis- honorary grand marshalls leading set up along the way to keep that. There will be food and currently, and safety techniques ter at the Kenneth H. Cooper the parade. The procession will cars from missing the course games at the end of the rally. will be emphasized. Aerobics Center on October 26 be accompanied by two drill completely and to hand out ad- "It's going to be a lot of fun. Gymnast Gilmore Williams at 8 a.m. Fee for the day is $5 teams, a marching band, and ditional instructions. Everyone ought to come sign will conduct the classes. Mr. Wil- for cheerleaders and prospective Volkswagens decorated by var- Entries will be taken begin- up," said Carl Grunler, president liams is the author of two pub- cheerleaders. ious dorm wings. Prizes will be ning Monday in the cafeteria. of AMS and di¡ector of the rally. Pose 2-THE ORACLE, October 25, 1974 GAILERY CATANg Whqt's hqppening? Awqke! Bellmon speqks to few StLrdent Senate has made the Senator Bellmon, R-Okla., came wâ(ing ulr' some,'At least now flrst move in putting a big dent to speak to ORU students Octo- some pofiticians are speaking on inio that big problem of com- ber 10. He was sponsored by the campus. If only tlþ people they nrunication :rt ORU. In the Oc- Senate Political Affairs Com- are coming to speak to would tcber l0 meeting of Student Sen- mittee ancl spoke to a not very wake up, the whole situation ate it was vcted to purchase a impressive crowd of about 150 might change. 6'. l6 i't. calendar to be installed people. Not many students even real- cn the second floor of the LRC. Bellmon, one of two persons ize therc is a constitution for the "What's happening?" may not be representing Oklahoma in the Associated Student Body of which the biggest question on campus U. S. Senate, was able to speak they are all members. There is, a, ier its instailation. knowledgeably about problems and it is printed in the student Four ol' the f ive freshman class that concern the average Ameri- handbook.
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