SIX MORE SUSPECTS OF RAKHINE STATE ATTACK ARRESTED P-2 (NATIONAL) Vol. IV, No. 91, 9th Waning of Waso 1379 ME www.globalnewlightofmyanmar.com Monday, 17 July 2017 Martyrs’ Day to be broadcast live The observance of the 70th Anniversary Martyrs’ Day (Arzani Day) at the Mar- tyrs’ Mausoleum in Bahan, Yangon, will be broadcast live by MRTV, Myanmar Radio, MRTV Entertain- ment and MRTV National Races channels beginning 7:15 am today. Fallen leaders will be memorialized by state of- ficials and relatives at the Martyrs’ Day anniversa- ry which starts on 8 am. — Myanmar News Agency Successfully separated conjoined twins Sai Hkam and Sai Ngin at Children’s Hospital in Yangon. PHOTO: PE ZAW Conjoined twin boys N ATIONAL Speaker of Amyotha successfully separated Hluttaw, Mahn Win Khaing Than attends Stake driving ceremony DOCTORS of Children’s Hospi- The two boys have been and group 2 led by Associate “We never thought that we PAGE-3 tal in Yangon successfully sep- under intensive care of Medi- Professor Dr. Nyo Nyo Win would have Siamese twins. We arated Siamese twins at 9 am cal Superintendent Dr. Su Su (Pediatric Surgeon, Yangon thank all the doctors and the today after a surgical operation Dway, Professor Dr. Aye Aye General Hospital) with the medical staff for the successful that lasted over two hours, ac- (Pediatric Surgeon), Profes- help of a number of medical operation,” said the father. cording to the hospital. sor Dr. Ye Myint Kyaw (Child professionals. “We conducted medical The twins – Sai Hkam Specialist), and Professor Dr. “The boys were joined at checks on the twins at different and Sai Ngin – are the sons Hla Myat Nwe (Neonatologist) the navel. The surgical opera- stages and made preparations of U Sai Aung and Daw Nang since they were transferred to tion was successful. Currently for the operation,” said Dr. Nyo Hkam Nan of Wanhok village operation ward I of the Chil- they are under close care in the Nyo Win (Pediatric Surgeon). in Kengtung Township, eastern dren’s Hospital on 4 May 2015. operation theatre. It is the sixth surgical op- N ATIONAL Shan State. They were born The surgical operation We will place them in oth- eration on the Conjoined twins Stake Driving at Kengtung General Hospi- was conducted by surgical er ward when their situation at the hospital, and the cost of Ceremony for Mandalay tal two years ago on 7 March operation group 1 led by Dr. improves,” said Dr. Aye Aye the operation was born by the High Court held morning. Aye Aye (Pediatric Surgeon) (Pediatric Surgeon). State.—Zaw Gyi (Panita) PAGE-2 17 JULY 2017 2 NATIONAL THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Stake Driving Ceremony for Mandalay High Court held Stake Driving Ceremony of or, Region Minister for Natural Mandalay High Court was held Resources and Environmental at auspicious pandal in the place Conservation and Minister for of construction situated at 66th Finance participated in Stake and 67th road between Tharaphi Driving Ceremony and sprayed and Gangaw street at 9:50 am the scented water around the of 16 July. Union Chief Justice pandal. U Htun Htun Oo attended the Feeding dragon ritual was ceremony. done by Union Chief Justice U Union Minister U Win Htun Htun Oo in the event as a Khaing for Electricity and En- symbol of successful execution ergy and Construction, Chief of Stake Driving Ceremony. Minister Dr Zaw Myint Maung The Region High Court of Mandalay Region, Deputy building is 240 ft long and 240 Minister Dr Htun Naing for ft wide RC, 3-storied building Electricity and Energy, Deputy which will be constructed on the Stake Driving Ceremony Minister U Kyaw Lin for Con- land of 4.89 acres by Building of Mandalay High Court struction, Speaker of Hluttaw of Department (2) special team in progress. PHOTO: the Region, Union Chief Justice (6) of Ministry of Construction. MNA of the Region, Mandalay May- —Myanmar News Agency Six more suspects arrested Kidnapped victim found dead in Buthidaung in connection with October Abdu Sulwon who was abducted driver, in Nga Yant Chaung vil- identified the dead person as Rakhine State attack by about 15 masked men at his lage, Buthidaung found a body Abdu Sulwon of Maunghnama home in Maunghnama Village stranded near Kalan Pann Zin village. on 4 July was found dead near creek and reported to the Taung The case is under inves- MYANMAR security forces Rakhine State in October. Kalan Pann Zin creek on 15 July. Ba Zar Police Station. After an tigation. — Myanmar News arrested six suspects on 15 The suspects were detained Mar Mauk Tuhel, a boat investigation the security forces Agency July allegedly connected to in Ngakhura police station an armed attack in Ngakhura pending further investigation. village, Maungtaw Township, —Myanmar News Agency Ms. Yanghee Lee meets Kayin State Government officials Ms. Yanghee Lee, United Na- Ms. Lee met with Inter- resettlement of displaced My- tions Special Rapporteur on im Kayin State Chief Minister anmar people along the Myan- the Situation of Human Rights and Minister of State Project, mar-Thai border and local devel- in Myanmar led a delegation to Finance and Development U opment projects, including mine meet with Kayin State govern- Than Naing; with state govern- clearance. ment officials at Pyidaungsu ment ministers and with Govern- Following the meeting, Yeiktha in Hpa-an yesterday, ment Secretary U Pyone Cho to the UN delegation met with according to a report from the discuss Kayin State’s security civil society organizations at Information and Public Rela- situation. Thiri Hpa-an Hotel, Hpa-an. tions Department (IPRD). The discussion also covered —Saw Myo Min Thein (IPRD) Maungtaw crab catchers benefit from breeding season CRAB catchers are earning an average of Ks10,000 during the rainy season, according to local fishermen in Maungtaw Town- Independent media group collecting news in Rakhine State. PHOTO: MNA ship, Rakhine State. “Crabs are bred in rainy season and consequently the crab catching is good during Independent media this season” said Ko Soe Aung of Aungminglar Village of group tours Rakhine Maungtaw Township. Sea crabs are caught by placing traps in prawn ponds. “Sea crabs caught AN independent media group They also gathered news from Maungtaw area are sent Crab catchers enjoying good business in Rakhine State. PHOTO: THETKA including foreign journalists at Thetkai-pyin and Dar-paing to Sittway through Angumaw interviewed the chief minister relief camps in Rakhine State. by Hilux pick-ups. Daily output and ministers of Rakhine State The media group arrived is three Hilux truckloads. They Township. “Dead crabs are sold price Ks15,000 to 25,000 per batch cabinet at the government of- back Yangon from Sittway by are sent alive to China from Sit- to local consumers at a reason- (usually a recycled 110-pound fice in the regional capital Sit- air in the evening. —Myanmar tway”, said crab trader U Tin able price.” Crab traders buy rice bag).—Myint Muang Soe, tway yesterday morning. News Agency Maung of 4th Ward of Buthitaung crabs from crab catchers at the Aung Kyaw Oo 17 JULY 2017 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NATIONAL 3 Spread democracy! We must spread democracy, and must try to build an independent Myanmar through this system. Only democracy is suitable for inde- pendence as it is the only system that supports peace. So, democracy must be our goal! (Excerpt from the speech delivered at the fourth State leaders meeting in August 1945) Speaker of Amyotha Hluttaw, Mahn Win Khaing Than attended the Stake Driving Ceremony for the building of Bronze Statue of the Martyrs Meet and encourage the returning displaced workers SPEAKER of Amyotha Hluttaw, I wish you to work for the good of Mahn Win Khaing Than arrived the country.” Then, the Speaker at the acceptance station for the of Amyotha Hluttaw cordially returning workers opened at the greeted the workers after giving office of the displaced worker the food to them. He, then attend- in Myawaddy and warmly wel- ed the Stake Driving Ceremony comed the workers repatriated for bronze statues of the Mar- from Thailand and encourage tyrs. He drove the stake for the them. Then he inspected the re- bronze statue of Mahn Ba Khaing ceiving of the returning workers, and other responsible officials sending the workers back home sprayed the scented water over and health care services. the statue. Speaker of Amyotha Hluttaw, Afterwards, the Speaker of Mahn Win Khaing Than encour- Amyotha Hluttaw met with the aged the returning workers and members of Hluttaw, departmen- said “ Be no longer anxious as you tal officials, ward and village ad- are now back in your country and minister at the meeting hall of tell the difficulties encountered to Myawaddy combined office and the authorities concerned frankly. explained the matters relating Now the new investment law has to the allotment of Hluttaw Fund been enacted and rules and reg- and works of the Hluttaw. Then ulations are also ratified. There he outlined the guidance upon will be job opportunities when the expending of Union Hluttaw the foreign companies invest in development Fund.—Htein Lin Speaker of Amyotha Hluttaw Mahn Win Khaing Than presenting foodstuff to returnees from the country. When the jobs come Aung (IPRD) Thailand. PHOTO: HTEIN LIN AUNG (IPRD) Kachin State capital Myitkyina gets community centre the people apart from its main the Information Ministry, the store, IPRD district office, youth task of providing the public with Daw Khin Kyi Foundation and centre and gymnasium run by local and international news and the Information and Public Re- Daw Khin Kyi Foundation. events. At the same time it is lations Department-IPRD jointly Normally, a community cen- enhancing public knowledge or opened the centre that will serve tre has other many functions public education through librar- as a place where people can work as it can be used as a place for ies.
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