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Circle 48 on reader service card. Revision2 Experience it at Booth 314 NADGUG'93 SYSTEMS, INC. 89K Cabot Court, Hauppauge, NY 11788 (516) 231-7730 • 1-800-645-9898 • FAX: (516) 231-7283 Circle 21 on reader service card. FOCUS The Magazine of the North American Data General Users Group EXECUTIVE MESSAGE AVIION PERFORMANCE Something for everyone by Calvi" Dllrdtll TUNING 4 Process alld "ehvork mallagemellt The allthor cOlltilllles a series of artieles PUBLISHER'S NOTE explaillillg the performallce mOllitor IItilities FARE WELL:TILL NEXT TIME amilable for solving some of the m05t commOIl by GregFanllall -- 6 bottlellecks tlmt affect DG/UX process alld lIetwork mallagemf!llt performallce ill a mlllli- llser server ellvirOlllllellt SCREEN TEST by 11,omas E. SOllkup A debugger to fall in love with 27 ICobol debllggers have ill ti,e post fallf!ll sllOrt of patf!lltial, opilles ollr coillmllist, bllt IIOt PRODUCTS AND SERVICES allymore. Get ready for a sooll-io-he-illirodllced The latest prodllcts for Data tool called RAlD from Wild Hare Compllter Gelleral systems 37 Systems by Tim Boyer 16 ON-LINE HELP Who to call for illformatioll UNIX NOTEBOOK abollt NADGUG alld FoclIs 38 Nostalgia Ollr co/llmllisl offers a toostto ti,e memories of bygolle times ill the comp"ter illdllstry (they BULLETIN BOARDS werell 'l all that good, by Ihe way), alld sees a DASH items from ti,e Data promisillg flit lire for a reorgallized Data Gelleral ClIstomer SlIppart Cellter 40 Gelleral by David Novy 20 FOCUS ON: DG HISTORY Cover desigll by AII II Soto alld /01111 HOllser Of time and the computer industry 'Forever' has arrived, Data Gelleral has galle throllgh birth, and sooner than we thought growtll , adolescellce, a bit of middle age, by David ovy 20 alld perhaps evell a midlife crisis, ill- ellldillg a crash redllcillg program alld ICOBOL otl,er trallmatic evelltS. /1 '5 hef!ll a wild, Legacy for the future careellillg ride filII of challge tllnt IIever ICobol is a matllre (read "legacy' or "old "), really stops semi-proprietary Cobollallgllage created to by DOllg /0111150" 8 address mlllli-llser, data-elltry applicatiolls ill the 19705.11 performed its illitial job admirably Milestones 11 ill ti,e 705 alld 805, blltlleeds to adapt to flit lire IIser reqllirelllf!llts if it is to remaill all effective applicatiolliallgllage by Bruce K. Ray 22 FOCUS, IIII' Magazille of Ille Norlll Americall Dala G<'IIeral Us",s Cro"p (ISS 0883- Data General Corporation, nor does it represent the poliCies or opinions of Data General 8194) is the official publication of the orth American Data General U er Group Corporation. The view expressed herein are the opinions of the authors, and do not ( ADGUG) in cooperation with Turnkey Publishing. necessMily represent the policies or opinions of ADGUG or of Turnkey Publishing, Edi torial and bu ines offic are at P.O. Box 200549, Au tin, TX 7 720, phone Inc. 512/335-2286. ADGUG headquarters are located at ADGUG, c/o Danieli & O'Keefe Advertisements in FOCUS, Ille Magaz ;"e of Ille Norlll Amer;ca" Dala C<'IIeral USl'rS As ociate , Inc., Chi wick Park, 490 Boston Post Rd ., Sudbury, MA 01776, phone C""'P do not constitute an endorsement of the advertised products by ADGUG or 508/443-3330. Turnkey Publi hing. Inc. FOCUS, Ille Magazille of Ille Norlll Americall Dolo Celleral U&'rs C"'''P is distributed to Copyright © 1993 by the orth American Data General U er Group. All rights members of the orth American Data General Users Group. Membership fees are $60 reserved. Reproduction or transmi ion of contents in whole or in part i prohib­ per person ($110 out ide orth America). A one-year (J2 issues) ubscription to FOCUS, ited without written permi ion of the Publisher. The Ille Magazme of III,' Norlll Am,'r;call Dala C,'",'ral U&'rs Cro"p, cost $48. For memberships Publisher a umes no respon ibility for the care and NOR T HAM E RIC A N and subscriptions out ide the U.s., add $50 to defray the cost of mailing. return of unsolicited material . Return postage must 0 A TAG ENE R A L The cost of ingle copies i $4. Requests to replace missing issues free of charge are accompany all material if it is to be returned. In USERS GROUP honored only up to ix months after date of i ue. Send request to FOCUS, Ille Magaz;//(' no event hall receipt of unsolicited material subject uf II", Nurlll America" Dala C,'"eral U&'rs C"'''P, c/o Turnkey Publishing. this magazine to any claim for holding fees or ADGUG is an independent a sociation of computer users; it is not affiliated with imilar charges. Volume 9, I ue 10. 2 October 1993 GENE ISOPENING A LOT OF EYES WITHTHE OPEN EMS SERVER IN THE WORLD! AVIION -The complete open enterprise solution: The AViiON 9500- Flexibility-Choose the size server you require today. Scalability-As your needs expand, the AViiON 9500 grows for performance range, to 1600 MIPS of power. High Availability & Data Integrity & Storage Management­ high availabilit~ data integrity, The comination of AViiON servers, CLARiiOl'r storage products storage management and the DGNXN operating system is unmatched. Prlce/Performance-AViiON is a recognized industry leader. and price/performance. AVIION-lmpeccabie credentials: A $1 Billion customer base in less than four years. It's simply the best Voted #1 for Customer Satisfaction in Computerworld's ~ON Guide to Servers~· open systems server AVIION-The world's best server! From a company that understands your enterprise in the world! computing needs. Call 1-80O-DATA GEN Data General Where the W>rld ISgomg• • .I '· AVliON is a registered trademark and CLARIiON and OG/UX Circle 13 on reader service card. are tradomart<s 01 Data General Corporation. 0 Data General Corporation t993 'March 22.1993 EXECUTIVE MESSAGE ------------------------------------ NADGUG LEADERSHIP President Jan Grossman Vice President Tim Boyer Treasurer Steve Pounds Recording Secretary Something Thomas Bounds Audit Committee/ Conference Comm ittee for everyone Calvin Durden Membership Committee Frank Perry by Calvin Durden integration of the half-day Data General Planning Committee Special to Focus Education seminars into tracks of the Dennis Doyle conference, and making them FREE. "Something for everyone," is what Class size is limited, on a "first come" Publications Committee you will find at NADGUG 93. basis, so sign up early. Maggie Morris The theme of this year's conference Also new is a special Healthcare RIG/SIG Comm ittee is "Training, etworking, Technology," Symposium, hosted jointly by AI Devitt and we covered all the bases. From PCs ADGUG's Healthcare Special Interest to MVs, from open systems to propri­ Group and Data General on Wednes­ By-Laws Committee etary systems, from technical to concep­ day, October 27th. Industry experts will Brad Friedlander tual topics, from general information to address a wide range of topics of inter­ future trends, if you use Data General est to healthcare professionals. FOCUS MAGAZINE equipment we've got something for NADGUG 93 will take place in Publisher you. Atlanta, Georgia, October 25-28. It Greg Farman , Ph .D. Thinking of moving from MVs to marks a new era for the user group and open systems? a new look for our conference. Associate Publisher Then attend our full-day executive With the SIG meetings and round­ Robin Perry seminar on downsizing. tables moved to Monday, any hot Editor Want to find out about open sys­ issues, problems, or questions that Doug Johnson tems? come up can be presented to the proper Then attend our full-day "Intro­ persons for answer or resolution over Contributing Editors duction to Open Systems" seminar. the course of the conference.
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