ILLUMINATIONS NEW FOR APRIL FEB 2015 SCARLETT COUTURE! CONVERGENCE MONTH! ULTRON FOREVER! ARCHIE VS PREDATOR! EMPIRE UPRISING! DESDES TAYLOR’STAYLOR’S SECRETSECRET AGENTAGENT BIFF’S BIT INFINITE CROSSOVER CRISIS? SCARLETTSCARLETT NOVEL IDEAS COUTURECOUTURE AND MORE! DEBUTSDEBUTS WITHWITH TITANTITAN COMICS!COMICS! CONTENTS: Kanan: The Last Padawan #1 (Marvel Comics) PAGE 03... New Series and One-Shots for April: Dark Horse PAGE 04... New Series and One-Shots for April: DC Comics PAGE 05... New Series and One-Shots for April: DC Comics PAGE 06... New Series and One-Shots for April: DC Comics PAGE 07... New Series and One-Shots for April: DC Comics PAGE 08... New Series and One-Shots for April: IDW Publishing PAGE 09... New Series and One-Shots for April: Image Comics PAGE 10... New Series and One-Shots for April: Image Comics PAGE 11... New Series and One-Shots for April: Marvel Comics PAGE 12... New Series and One-Shots for April: Marvel Comics PAGE 13... New Series and One-Shots for April: Indies PAGE 14... New Series and One-Shots for April : Indies PAGE 15... Novel Ideas - Part One PAGE 16... Novel Ideas - Part Two PAGE 17... Biff’s Bit: Crisis In Infinite Crossovers? PAGE 18... Top 20 Graphic Novels: December’s Bestselling Books acecomics.co.uk 02 DARK HORSE NEW SERIES AND ONE-SHOTS FOR APRIL ORDER OF THE FORGE #1 REBELS #1 Victor Gischler, Brian Wood, Tazio Bettin, Andrea Mutti, Juan Ferreyra Tula Lotay Before he fathered a nation, young In a rush of great public resistance George Washington forged his to an oppressive and excessive legend in blood! Imbued with the government, a homegrown militia mystical powers of America’s origi- movement is formed in rural Ameri- nal inhabitants, George-along with ca. This is not 2015, but 1775. With his friends Ben Franklin and Paul the war for independence playing Revere-must stop an evil governor out across the colonies, young Seth who wishes to rule an empire! and Mercy Abbott find their new In Shops: 29/04/2015 marriage tested at every turn, as the demands of the frontlines and the home front collide. In Shops: 08/04/2015 RESIDENT ALIEN: SAM HAIN MYSTERY #0 Peter Hogan, Steve Parkhouse THE A stranded alien scientist hides out in WITCHER: the sleepy town of Patience, Wash- FOX ington, while federal agents begin CHILDREN #1 to close in on him. Secrets about Paul Tobin,Joe his home planet-as well as his first Querio ARCHIE VS PREDATOR #1 beach games are soon replaced by the Most months on Earth-are revealed! Pe- Geralt’s journey leads him aboard a Dangerous Game! What mysterious attraction ter Hogan (Tom Strong) and Steve ship of fools, renegades, and crimi- Alex De Campi, Rich Koslowski, Parkhouse (The Bojeffries Saga) re- nals-but some passengers are more Fernando Ruiz does the gang hold for the trophy-collecting turn to their unique science-fiction/ dangerous than others, and one Predator, and will the kids even realize they’re America’s favourite teen meets the galaxy’s mystery series! hides a hideous secret! in danger before it claims them all? fiercest hunter! Archie and friends hit Costa In Shops: 29/04/2015 In Shops: 01/04/2015 Rica for Spring Break, where party games and In Shops: 15/04/2015 03 FULL CONVERGENCE ONE-SHOTS LIST ON THE NEXT PAGES! DC NEW SERIES AND ONE-SHOTS FOR APRIL CONVERGENCE #1 Scott Lobdell, Jeff King, Carlo Pagulayan, Jason Paz, Ivan Reis, Joe Prado This is it! The entire DC Universe, from the dawn of time through The New 52, But why is he forcing this conflict? Join the refugees from Earth-2 as they unlock must fight to survive against a threat that bends the Multiverse to its will. Your the truth behind this world that exists outside time and space and is very much favourite characters from every era and every forgotten series are all here! But alive! Is Brainiac really in control - or is this planet named Telos an unparalleled are you going to say hello again just to say goodbye forever? The stakes have force of evil? never been higher as the heroes of Crisis, Zero Hour, Elseworlds, and more are This extra-sized issue is packed with twists and turns and appearances you brought together for Convergence! never thought you’d see - including the heroes from the hit series Injustice! In the first issue of this weekly series, Brainiac has collected cities of doomed and In Shops: 08/04/2015 forgotten worlds, who must battle each other - and the losers will be destroyed! 04 CONVERGENCE: BATGIRL #1 CONVERGENCE: CONVERGENCE: CONVERGENCE: GREEN Alisa Kwitney, Rick Leonardi, BLUE BEETLE #1 DETECTIVE COMICS #1 LANTERN PARALLAX #1 Various Scott Lobdell, Yishan Li, Bret Len Wein, Denys Cowan, Bill Antony Bedard, Ron Wagner, CONVERGENCE: Starring heroes from the Pre-Flash- Blevins Sienkiewicz Various ACTION COMICS #1 point DCU! After a year living un- Starring heroes from Crisis On Infi- Starring heroes from Crisis On In- Starring heroes from Crisis On Infi- Justin Gray, Jean-Claude St. Au- der the confinement of the dome, nite Earths! Hub City is on the brink finite Earths! Helena Wayne and nite Earths! A powerless Kyle Rayner bin, Amanda Conner Stephanie Brown isn’t sure she of collapse and anarchy! But its he- Dick Grayson fight side by side in visits a Metropolis prison to see a Starring heroes from Crisis On In- wants to be Batgirl again. But when roes - Blue Beetle, Captain Atom, and memory of Bruce Wayne as they devastated Hal Jordan who believes finite Earths! Superman teams up she’s attacked by Catman and Go- The Question - find inspiration and decide who will become the next he has murdered the Green Lantern with Power Girl, but can they stop rilla Grodd from the world of Flash- strength from a most unlikely source. Batman. Corps. But if the dome falls and pow- a nuclear strike by Lex Luthor and point, she’s forced to put on the In Shops: 29/04/2015 In Shops: 29/04/2015 ers are restored, will Parallax return Stalin of Red Son Moscow? cape and cowl to fight alongside to defend the city or destroy it? Red Robin and Cassandra Cain! CONVERGENCE: CONVERGENCE: FLASH #1 In Shops: 15/04/2015 In Shops: 29/04/2015 BOOSTER GOLD #1 In Shops: 4/8/2015 Dan Abnett, Federico Dallocchio, CONVERGENCE: Dan Jurgens, Alvaro Martinez, Michael Allred CONVERGENCE: ADVENTURES OF SUPER- CONVERGENCE: Raul Fernandez, Danny Miki Starring heroes from Crisis On In- HARLEY QUINN #1 MAN #1 BATMAN AND ROBIN #1 Starring heroes from Crisis On Infi- finite Earths! Trapped in Gotham Steve Pugh, Phil Winslade, John Dell Marv Wolfman, Roberto Viacava, Ron Marz, Denys Cowan, Various nite Earths! Trapped with Rip Hunter City, Barry Allen has nowhere to Andy Owens, Mikel Janin and other time travellers, Booster run. He fights on, seeking justice Starring heroes from the Pre-Flash- Starring heroes from the Pre- Gold and his future self must work as well as a way to save the city, point DCU! Life for Harley Quinn has Starring heroes from Crisis On Infi- Flashpoint DCU! Being trapped in together to get out of prison and off but he faces a Tangent Universe become downright normal over the nite Earths! Superman and Super- a domed city makes for a tense, the planet. foe who thinks faster than even The last year. Will she be ready to go girl attempt to free their city via the inescapable family reunion as Bat- Phantom Zone but learn that if they Flash can run! nuts when Catwoman and Poison man struggles to keep the friction In Shops: 29/04/2015 succeed, a terrible fate awaits Su- Ivy draft her to fight - Captain Car- between Damian Wayne and Jason In Shops: 22/04/2015 pergirl in Crisis on Infinite Earths! CONVERGENCE: rot?! Todd from exploding! CATWOMAN #1 In Shops: 22/04/2015 CONVERGENCE: In Shops: 08/04/2015 In Shops: 4/8/2015 Justin Gray, Ron Randall, Claire GREEN ARROW #1 CONVERGENCE: Wendling Christy Marx, Rags Morales, CONVERGENCE: AQUAMAN #1 CONVERGENCE: BATMAN HAWKMAN #1 AND THE OUTSIDERS #1 Starring heroes from Zero Hour! A Jean-Claude St. Aubin Antony Bedard, Cliff Richards, year under the dome can change Starring heroes from Zero Hour! Jeff Parker, Timothy Truman, En- Becky Cloonan Marc Andreyko, Carlos D’Anda, anyone - even Catwoman. She’s set rique Alcatena, Rafael Albuquer- Andy Kubert Don’t miss the first meeting be- Starring heroes from Zero Hour! Aq- aside her life of crime to become the tween Oliver Queen and his son, que uaman has lost his home, his pow- Starring heroes from Crisis On In- protector of Suicide Slum, but when Connor Hawke! Father and son may Starring heroes from Crisis On Infi- ers, and his hand - but now he faces finite Earths! After a year under the the dome falls she will face her be united, but is their world about nite Earths! Hawkman and Hawkgirl his most difficult challenge: a battle dome, the Outsiders have gone their greatest challenge: Kingdom Come to end? put their Shadow War on hold as separate ways, but when OMAC at- to the finish with Deathblow! Batman! In Shops: 15/04/2015 they face the might of anthropo- tacks, Batman must find out if they In Shops: 15/04/2015 In Shops: 15/04/2015 morphic rat-men and bat-men in have what it takes to still be a team. CONVERGENCE: the deadly land of Kamandi! CONVERGENCE: ATOM #1 In Shops: 4/22/2015 CONVERGENCE: GREEN LANTERN CORPS #1 In Shops: 00/04/2015 Tom Peyer, Steve Yeowell, Andy CRIME SYNDICATE #1 David Gallaher, Steve Ellis, Ande Owens, Steve Dillon CONVERGENCE: BATMAN - Brian Buccellato, Phil Winslade Parks, Tony Harris CONVERGENCE: SHADOW OF THE BAT #1 INFINITY INC #1 Starring heroes from the Pre-Flash- Starring heroes from Crisis On Infi- Starring heroes from Crisis On Infi- point DCU! There’s a mysterious Larry Hama, Philip Tan, Jason Paz nite Earths! The Crime Syndicate’s nite Earths! Say the Oath, save the Jerry Ordway, Ben Caldwell voice in Ray Palmer’s head! Does Starring heroes from Zero Hour! absolute control over their city of a world! If only being in the Green Starring heroes from Crisis On Infi- that mean The Atom is going mad? Fresh out of recovery from a broken bygone era comes crashing down Lantern Corps was that easy.
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