TUESDAY, OCTOBEE 2 ,194S The Wcathtt Average Daily Circulation Faraeast af G. B. Wcathar Manchester Evening Herald roe tiM Moata af Aagaat. 1945 [iVB H («vy frost, fair aad caldar ta- 8,985 nlght; Tlinraday fair, aaaUaaad The Women’s League of the Sec State Legion colA The Women’s Missionary Socl^ ond Congregational Church will Hotv To Make Direct Donations H A LE'S M enber af Uw A adit' ty of Emanuel meet tomorrow ; Boraaa a< Gteaalatioas l>oiit T ow n v^ l meet at the church o’clock at the church, and aU fu­ Head G>ming Manchewter— A City of Village Charm at 2-30 DevoUons will he led by ture meetings ’wHl-be.held on ^ e To War Fund M rs.'Edward M M ltt 'The speaker HEALTH MARKET first Wednesday In each month. | (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRIC8 THREE CKI Nathan Sandals la chalr- wlU be-Miss Gertrude Hilt o f Min The Kiiest speaker tomorrow af- The Original In New England! MANCHESTER, CONN,, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1945 llra. Harry Foiatot, co- neapolls, field workef for the Those who wish to make their donations direct to the To Install Officers of irot. LXV„ NO. 3 (OInaBtSad Advartlalag on Paga 14) tern o^ will to Mrs. Philip Hans- treasurer of Manchester’s War Fund c^paign ^n do w „ of the rummage sale Boart of Parish EducaUon of the Ung of Hartford whoae^ Local Post at Meeting Uw Sisterhood of Temple Augustana Synod, '^•'o Is In the Will to "Trees.” An Invitation Is at the Manchester Trust Company. Checks should be WEbNESDAY MORNING lorn will conduct Thura- E ast Miss Hill formerly Hvedjta extended to Garden Oub members On Monday^ Oct. 15 California w d wlU speak on Honne made payable to “ Manchester War Fund. They Gah^t Take It H. nine o’clock on at tte or others Interested. Truman Urges M Teen and Tot" Shop. 647 stickers which indicate that your home has subscribed Missions In that state. f Newly elected offlcera of DH- SPECIALS! Russians Want Hand The committee has to the fund, and lapel buttons wilLbe furnished to those Cubs Shell Tigers’ All realdenU In the Buckland worth-Comell Post. The American ■B a number of woolen rem- this meeUng. Th«, “ osUMes ^ 1 1 ^ and Oakland sections of the town subscribing at the Bank. W t hsve a nice selection of Cold Cuts, Including the Congress Act trom the Independent Cloak Mrs August Carlson. Mrs. Calvin Le^on, and of the Legion AuxU- are reminded of the organlmtlon lary, will t o Installed at the Le­ following Specials: of Pine street Davlson.^Mrs. Arthur Hultman meeting tomorrow evening at 7:30 The house-to-house canvass for funds has already be­ and MUs Slgrld Freeburg. gion Home on Monday evening, at the Buckland school, for tne gun and it is expected that it will be completed by the October 15 at eight o’clock. It was Ace From Mound; On Waterway Ladiea Aid Society of Ooa- purpofle of forminfr • comiTUinlty end of th week or the middle of next week. announced today by Elmer A. We- lAitheran church will meet Miss Blanche Heffrpn of-Center ■odal and recreational group. *3 Pressed Hum lb. 4 9 c tag at 7:30. Tomorrow den, chairman of the Installation ■street and Miss Nadine Sulllvmi of com.mittee.' the Church Board will McKee street left Sunday for a rix The Section of Pack 4 Sub Recommends A|)proval meeting. weeks’ vacation In Los Angeles. Scouts meeting ■ regularly at the The Post officers will he In­ Lead in 3rd, 7-0 Of Agreement With Center Church on, Wednesdays will An open meeting of the Buck­ stalled by State Commander Jos­ lb. 2 9 c on the SS Argentina Calif. Tbs Past Matrons Association eph Leonard of Staipford, and Ws Bologna Byrnes Gets De not meet this week until Thurs­ ingham Congregational church Canada to Carry Out Few York yesterday from the of Temple Chapter, Order of corps of assistants. All veterans Mons Ypres AuxlUary. British day. lAdica’ Aid Society, will be held Mewhouser Sent to j v4» Hieater was T-5 James Vct^^rana, will hold it® inontn* Eastern Star, will hold Us fUst tomorrow afternoon at 2 o’clock organizations ta town will to In­ Young Vet St. Lawrence Project meeting of the season, Thuraday of this town. IV meeting tomorrow evening at Suihuel Hewitt of Detroit, Mich., at the church. Rev. Clifford O. vited to attend the ceremonies and Showers by Eight-Hit | Presented at Final Dl 7:30 In the Brltlsh-American club­ Tvenlng In the John Mather r^ m Simpson of the Center Congrega­ posts In the first district will be Baked Meat Loaf lb. 29c h u been vlslUng with his mother, of the Maaonlc TempI^ M r a .^ r - 8arrage in First and | Washington, Oct. 8.— —Pres house on Maple street. _____ , tional church Will to the guest asked to send delegations. Of Meetings of Ffl Mrs. Annl* Hewitt o f 24 Hsw- tha Keeney and Mrs. Ethel Davla ’ Details regarding the Installa- Seeks VFW Ident Truman urged Congress to­ MacArthur Restricts thome street. Sam w m w-ell will to hoateaseA and memtora speaker. Fresh Ground ^ Thii^;' 8orowy Alsp| day to enact legislation speedily kno-wn In local baseball circles Uon of the Auxiliary officers are eign Ministers; Shouk lON WILLIS unable to to present should noti­ not yet complete and will be an­ to carry out construction of the many years back. " George C. Ecatort, Seaman, Sec Runs Into Trouble Junior Job ,St. Lawrence waterway and pow­ Washing Machines fy them. nounced later. lb. 2 7 c ering of Common Re GARAGE ond Class, of 7 Maple street, ■Ver­ Hamburg During First Inning er project. Jap Communmations non, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles iplete Auto Senrie* Ste Mary’s Ladles Guild wUl In a special message,' be recom­ sponsibility by Fot Repaired Ecabert, of 463 Center street, has mended approval of a United ELECTRIC MOTORS resunie meetings Thursday after- Briggs stadium, Detroit, One Candidate Openly Allied Powers Playit M ain 8 t T rI. 8085 Repairing • Rewinding noon at two o’clock In the Guild completed basic training at Camp States-Canada agrieement of Rusiness Release All Makes and Models. Sampson, N. Y., and is home on Polish Bologna lb. 39c Out for Tradition^ March 19, 1941 for development Financial and All Work Guaranteed room. The hoate^aea will to Mrs. WANTED 3ct. 3.— The feared Decisive Role in De Phone 8822 or 2-1164 Joseph Johnston- and Mra Gordon leave. left-handed pitching of Hal of the St. Lawrence basin as Messages Must Be A p^ © Ace Electric Motor Repairs Stepping Stone to part "of our program of interna­ feat Suggested by Re Fogg. Man for Permanent Posi­ Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales! Newhouser, which awed and proved; Told to Keep 221 N. Main St., 0pp. Depot tion At Gas Station. Good Commander • in - Chief tional cooperation, expanding for Of Policemen Telephone 5642 frightened the ' American liegn trade and domestic progress Hands O0 in Korea A public card party will to held Mn. Delia Sullivan opportunity — steady work. ta commerce and Industry.” London, Oct. 3.- LECLERC In the Buckingham Congregational League to win 25 games this SPCNCRR COR8ETIER Chicago, Oct. 3.—(>P)—World war The president described the vast Moscow broadcast disclo FUNERAL HOME church Friday evening at ? Apply in Person. year, was no mystery to the Sullen-faced Japs turn away aa British and Australian soldiers From Service II veterans made a bid today to seaway power project, rejected by stream out of the prison camp, oh Formosa. Some of the Allies had Tokyo,.. Oct* 3.— Gciir. today that a Russian der o’clock. The committee- In charge Chicago Cubs in the first Congress -In the past, as one of 28 M ain Street conaiata of .Sarah Plank, Clifford 5 Broad begin taking over leadership of the been captives In this compound for three and a half years.— (Marine eral MacArthur today re- for I four-power control gojj Street The J W H A I ^ COM clash of the World Series to- the "great constructive projects Corps photo from NEA telephoto.) ■, Phone 528f Plank and Harry May. ______ fay and the National leaguers Veterans of Foreign Wars. fltricted Japanese overseas fi- M assachusetts Official ernment for Japan had MANCHESTER VAN'S MAtaCMISTCn COMM* o f the North American continent, \ Can 2-0900 i^led him from the mound In At least one cajididate ampng.the ta fact, one of the great projecU nancial and business commu-, presented to U. S. Secret AUTO BODY Service Station three Inntaga today with a seven younger men at the 46th national of the world, which was delayed nications to messages he has, of State James F. Byrnes • for Bcorlng apree, by the exigencies of war.” approved, and warned the' emor on Wave of Hold­ the dnal day of the meetinf ALICE CWniAN 50 Oak Street Bookkeeping, Taxes, Payroll 427 Hartford Road Rack Gp Extra Base Hite encampment was openly out for the Telephone 3979 Appoint­ post of.junior vice commander, a Resointion Introduced Seeking to Restore Nipponesie. government to of the foreign ministers (K bowb As Qnew ^ For Small Firms An elght-hlt barrage ta the Majority Leader Barkley of ups in Boston Area I Daughter of a Seventh Son Auto Body and ment At Srat and third innlngi, paced by traditional stepping atone to the keep its hands off Korea— five leading Allied powers. Bom With a VeO post of commander-in-chief of the Kentucky and nine other senators 44 Fender Repairing John S.
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