436 NUR NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. [KELLY'S NURSING INSTITUTIONS!&: 7"OIL ENGINE MANUFAOTRS. Tansley George W. 16 Market street &; NURSES' HOMES. Crossley Bros. Lim. Guildhall road, Rockingham road, Kettering Bra.clcley Cottage Hospital &; Nurses' Northampton Ward Charles William, School street, Institution (J. Farmer M.R.O.S. Woodford Halse, Byfield R.S.O Eng. G. N. Stathers M.RC.S.Eng. rOMNIBUS PROPRIETORS. Webb Bros. 22 Silver st. Wellingborot John Samuel Fenton M.D., RCh. Adnitt William, Welfore, Rugby Wells John Lamley, 6a, AbingtEln st. &; Lewis Evan Parkhurst M.A., M.R Peterborough Omnibus &; Carriage Co. &; Dychurch lane, Northampton &; RCh. medical officers; Mrs. C. Lim. (The) (H. Cecil Gaches, sec.), Wilkins &; Merivale, High st.Towcester B. Barnes, hon. treas. &; sec.); Miss Broadway, Peterborough Wilkins &; Stead, 34 Narrow BridgE) Suns, matron), Brackley street, Peterborough Distriob NUirses' Home (Frank Berrill, OPTICIANS. Wilkins &; Co. Market place, Oundle sec.), Tennyson road, Kettering Arthurs Sydney Clench, 18 Guildhall Wilkins F.F. 4 Abington st.Northmptn District Nursing Home (Sister Rose road, Northampton Wilton Frank A. 45 High st.Daventr] Jennings, matron), East Haddon, Charnley &; Sons, 4 Club buildings, Northampton Lincoln road, Peterborough OUTFITTERS-LADIES' &­ Northampton~hireAssoctn. o.f Trained Jones Harry, 13 The Al'Cade,Nthmptn CHILDREN'S. Nurses (MISS Agatha Stl'lde, mat- Knight &Sons,2Mercer's row,Nthmptn Adnitt Brothers, 33, 35, 37 &; 39 Th6' ron), 56 Hazelwood I'd. Northampton Primaresi Richard Henry, 56 Gold st. Drapery & Swan yd. Northampton Peterborough Dis,trict NursingAssocia- Northampton Beak Mrs.C.T.55St.Giles' st.Nthmptn tion (Miss rt0rence ~aunders,s~pt.), Rider Miss Helen, 83 Midland road, Brice &; 80ns,43,45,47 & 49TheDrapery St. Oswald s close,Mmster precIncts, Wellingborough &; 13 & 15 Bradshaw st. Northmptn Peterborough Sharman Fdk. Silver st. Wellingboro' Harding Mrs. Lovetta, 6 Sheep st. Wellingborough OIL BOILERS & REFINERS. Ross Limited, III New Bond street, Harris Edgar, 15 Newton road, Rush~ Rose Sir W. A. & Co. 66 Upper London W den R S. 0 '~r: Thames street EO&; Rose's wharf E, Riggins J.& G. 7 S Parade,Nthmptn London ORGAN BUILDER. Hix Miss Kate, 21 Narrow Bridge st. Barker William, 16 Stanley road, St. Peterboruugh OIL DEALERS. James's, Northampton McFarland Brothers, Hig-h st.Ketterng­ Mlljor Mrs. Sarah (&; children'8), See Lamp &; Oil Dealers. ORGAN TUNER. Market place, Peterborough OIL MANUFACTURERS. ~haw Wm.S.Hardingstone, Nrthmptn Shepherd &; Manning, 11 &; 13 The Drapery &; College st. Northampton. Vacuum Oil Co. Limited (Howard R ORGAN WAREHOUSE. Slater :Miss E. 36 High st.Wellingboro" Case, managing director), Norfolk Ireson Frank Herbert, 40 Cambridge Surridge Henry, Rockingham road, street, Strand, London WC street, Wellingborough. See advert Kettering ......ERCHANTS. ORPHANAGE. Thomas Mrs. AT?Y Catherine, 10 G~ld' OIL .-. T' • street, Kettermg Anglo-American Oil Co. Lim. Albert :Nort~amp~onshlfeOrphanage for GlI'ls Webster Mrs. Esther, 86 Washbrook. place, Peterborough & Old Towcester (~lS~ K. Walker, hon. sec.), St. road, Rushden RS.O road, Cotton End, Northampton Glles street, Northampton Willsdon Miss Jane, 68 Abington st~ Buckingham's Ironmongery Stores, 44 OUTFITTERS. Northampton Sheep st.reet, Northampton Alderman &; Sons, 43 Lincoln road, PACKING CASE MAKERS. Cleaver RIchard, 12 &; I4 Wood street, Peterborough Northampton. Bailey Chas.8 &9 Horse mrkt.Kettel'ing Luck &; Andrew, Wellington st.Kettrng- Darby H. H. &; Co. StatIOn yal'd,Rush- Beckett Edward Mann, 42 Narrow Percival William Hurnphries, Carring- den R.S.O ., Bridge street, Peterborough ton street, Kettering . Eady Thomas, GUllsbo~o, Northmptn Blunsom, Son &; 00. 50 High street, Rushden Machine Joinery Works (G-_ Gray, Parker &; Co. LIm. 18 College Kettering Denton, propr.), Sartoris road,Rush- street, Northampton Erice &; Sons 43 45 47 & 49 The Dra- den R.S.O Hay,ward, Reffell &. Co. North street & pery &13 &'15 Bradshaw st.Nthmptn Smith's Timber Company Limited; Lmcoln road, Peterborough Brice William (exors of) High street l'egistered offices, 10 Guildhall road. Hill Rowland, Kingswell st. Nthmptn Towcester ., , Northampton; &; at Sutton Bridge,.. Law;ence Bros. Chapel st. Peterboro' Butler Frank John &; 00. Raunds, ~icester, Bedford & Cambridge Le,?s &; .A.llan, Market st. Kettermg Thrapston Wr~ght Bros. Lo;ver mnts. Nrthmptn SmIth Bros. 28 Gold st. Northampton Chappell James 52 Narrow Bridge WrIght Samuel,Newland,Northampton- Watkin Bros. Ltd. West Bridge works, street, Petel'b~rough PAINT MANUFACTURERS Northampton Christian John 132 High street Rush- . Young Walter John, Blisworth R.S.O den R.S.O ' 'Rose Sir W. A. & Co. 66 Upper' Clark John,II4 High st. RushdenR.S.O Thames street, EO & Rose's wharf.. OIL CAKE MERCHANTS. Cooper Ernest, Midgate, Peterborough E, London Abbott Wm. Titehmarsh, Thrapston Gaunt William, 56 Narrow Bridge PAINT MERCHANTS. Ellis &; Everard Lim. Queen Street street, Peterborough yard, Peterborough; Midland Rail- Harris S. H. 6 Abington sq.Northmptn Buckingham's Ironmongery Stores, H way station, St. Martin'-s, Stamford; Herbert John Arthur, Bridge house, Sheep street, Northampton & at Wakerley Broad Bridge street, Peterborough Hadge Henry P. Lower st. Kettering Emery Joseph Nathaniel, 60 &; 62 High Holden George William, 16 Narrow Smith Bros. 28 Gold st. Northampton street, Daventry Bridge street, Peterborough PAINTERS & HOUSE Godfrey John &; Co. Lim.Midland Sta- Jenkinson Wm.S. 38 High st.Kettering DECORATORS. tion ya,rd, St. Martin's, Stamford McIntyre Tom Peyman, 41, 42 .& 43 See also Plumbers. Jackson Charles V. Corn Exchange Sheaf street, Daventry buildings, Parade, Northampton Marshall Harry, 15 Cowgate,Peterboro' Marked thus t are also Glaziers. Lenton William &; Son, Weston street, MartiIliCharles,Wellington st.Kettering Marked thus t are also Plumbers. Northampton &; St. Osyth's lane, Matthews J. W. & Co. 2 &; 4 Midland Adson John Sanderson, 30 Margarefi Oundle. road, Wellingborough street, ~orthampton Siddons & Sons, West street, Oundle Mills William &; Son,I3, IS &; 35 Bridge Ager Jsph.St.George's 5lt.Northamptn· Smith William Wilson, Griffith street, street, Northampton Allen Thomas, Bridge st. Northampton Rmhden R.S.O Morton William Edmund, 105 Ketter- Ashby James, II2 Wellingborough rd~ Wallis T. &; J. Ltd. Burton Latimer, ing road, Northampton Northampton Kettermg. Partridge John E. 48 Sheep street &; Barfoot Hy. 93 Eastfield I'd. Peterboro' Wal'd M.J. &; Son,Bndge st.Nrthmptn 234 Wellingborough I'd. Northmptn Barrett W.Middleton Cheney,Banbury OIL & COLOR MEN. Prosser &; Co. 54 High st. Kettering Beech Ernest W. 32 Lincoln road, Saunderson Herbert George, 165 & Peterborough . Buckingham's Ironmongery Stores, 44 I65a, Kettering road, Northampton Beech Richard Rouse, 187 CromweIJ Sheep street, Northampton Smith Alfred &; Son, 183 Kettering road, Peterborough Smith George Mence, 2a, Mercer's road, Northampton Berrill Fredk. 48 Wood st. Nrthmptn row; Drum lane; 77 Wellingboro' Spoor &; Son,corner of Abington street Berwick & Allin, Irthlingboro',Highalll road; 3 Wellington place, Barrack <& Wood hill, Northampton Ferrers R.S.O road, Northampton &; 27 & 28 Market Stevens Fdk. W. 7 Regent sq.Nthmptn Billing Henry, Duston, Northampton street, Wellingborough Stock George, Raunds, Thrapston Binley William, Geddington,KetteriDg Wood &; Co. Montagu street, Kettering Talbot James, Thrapston Bird & Barnes,Padholme rd.Peterboro' • •.
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