Jarai As a Member of the Malayo-Polynesian Family of Languages

Jarai As a Member of the Malayo-Polynesian Family of Languages

Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota Session Volume 1 Article 10 1957 Jarai as a member of the Malayo-Polynesian family of languages Richard S. Pittman SIL-UND Follow this and additional works at: https://commons.und.edu/sil-work-papers Part of the Linguistics Commons Recommended Citation Pittman, Richard S. (1957) "Jarai as a member of the Malayo-Polynesian family of languages," Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota Session: Vol. 1 , Article 10. DOI: 10.31356/silwp.vol01.10 Available at: https://commons.und.edu/sil-work-papers/vol1/iss1/10 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by UND Scholarly Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota Session by an authorized editor of UND Scholarly Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. JARAI AS A l\lEMBER OF THE MALA.YO-POLYNESIAN FAMILY OF LANGUAGES R. s. Pittman Summer Institute of Linguistics University of North Dakota That some of the mountain languages of South Viet Nam are members of the Malaya-Polynesian language family has appa:rently been known by the French for some time. This fact, however, and the data on which it is based, are not so well known elsewhere. In February and March 1956, I had the privilege of visiting South Viet Nam, and recording word lists in some of the mountain languages there. During this trip, I was given a list of 234 words in the Jarai language by !fr. Grady Mangham, of the Christian and Missionary Alliance mission. In spite of the fact that I have not had opportunity to check personally the phonemicization of this list, even a cursory comparison of it with Malayo-Polynesian languages reveals a high number of probable cognates. Since the most convenient point of reference available to me at the time was a translation of Dempi.nrolff 1s word list of Proto-Malayo-Polynesian done by Miss Christine Laurens and Miss Trudy Pauwels, I checked the entire Jarai list rrith Demp,ivolff. The results, I felt, were of sufficient value and interest so that they should not be withheld from interested scholars, whatever may be their reservations with regard to the validity of Dempv,olff's reconstructions or the phonemicity of the Jarai materials. In the IBmp,i7olff materials we have used Dyen•s orthography. In the Jarai materials we have used Mangham's orthograpcy except for the "whiskered 0 11 , which we have written as e, and one or two infrequent symbols which will require later clarificationo - These, then, are the correspondences observed. A list of apparent discrepancies will follow. 1. Vowels. Only a and e appear in the first syllable of disyllabic Jarai word oases.- e characteristically replaces all original vowels in this syllable except*,::, -3fqudip 'live, alive', Jar. hedi,;e.; */a,eN, hujiN 'charcoal', 'Jar~ hedang; i!-kapas 'cotton', Jar .. kepaih; * t ulaN 'bone', Jar. telang; *batuk 'cough', Jar. hetuk; Indo. rusa 'deer', Jar. resa 'Aristotle deer'; -l!-hinum 'dririki-; Jar. iiieiium *taliNah 1eari--;-Jar. tengia; *tanaq, taneq 'earth', Jar. tenah; *limah 'five•, Jar. rema; *buNah 'flower', Jar. benga; *qataz 'liver 1, Jar. !].~; *Ratus 'hundred 1, Jar. haretuh, -lf-basih, besih 'iron', Jar. pesei; i!-kutuh 1head lice', Jar. ~ei_a~_; kayuh 1log I, Jar. keyao-r~ilakih'male I, Jaro rekeij *babuy 'pig', Jar. bebuy; -lf~~ 'rat', Jar. tekuih; *pajay 'rice', (harvested but unhuslced), Jaro ~~; ~f,batuh •stone', Jar.,itco; *kapal 1thick 1, Jar. kepal; *dilag 'tongue 1, Jar. jelaJ!; ..!!__E.-.E)taq •vomit', Jar. petah; *Oa!an, zalan 'way, road', Jar. jelan; Ramih 1we excl. 1, Jar. _geme_!.; *~2-;x-.U!_l__ ~°..?.3', Jar. keyao; *hubih 'yam', Jar. hebei 'sneet potato'·· SIL-UND Workpapers 1957 -2- *lin a word-final syllable often becomes Jarai ai or ei and *U in a word-final syllable characteristically becomes-:iarai ao. *SUSuh fbreastsr, Jar. tesao; *WaRih 'day', Jar. hrei; *hasuh idog', Jar asao; "-1aki 'man''""Jar:' rekei; *kaki 'foot',~• tekai; *hakuh 'I 1,--:Jar. kao; *basih, besih 1iron ,-:raz:. E9Sei; taquh 'know', Jar. thao; *kutull"""''head lice', Jar. ketao; ifkayuh 'log', Jar. keyao;9°'i'Iakih 1male ', Jar. rekei; *baruh, berunlJiewr, Jar. phrao; *batuh •stone', Jar. petao; *kamih 'we excl. ', Jar. gemei; *baluh 'widow(er) ', Jar. plao; *kayuh 'wood', Jar. keyao *hubih 1yam 1, Jar. hebei 1Slreet potatoe '; */dD/uRih 'thorn r, Jar. -drei; *maluh 'shame r, Jar. -mlau. *S_)Jar. h Word-initial *qatav 'liver', )Jar. hetai 'heart'; *quzan (or *huDan) 1rain', Jar. hejan • Intervocalic *paqit 'bitter', Jar. phiq; *taquh 1know 1 , Jar. thao; *puqun 'trunk of tree r, Jar. phun; *taqun •year', Jar. ~; Word-final *?lJaRag 'blood r, Jar. ~; *basag 1wet 1, Jar. sah; *dilaq •tongue', Jar. jelah; *habig 'all', Jar.~; *daheq tfar r, Jar. ataih; *buhag 'fruit r, Jar. ~; *tanag, taneq 'earth', Jar. tenah; *huntag 'vomit', Jar. petah; *basaq 'wet', Jar. sah~ Word-initial *h in adjectives and verbs) Jar. m; *hasem 'sour•, Jar. mesam; *hiRa_g 'red', Jar. mriah; *hinum i'drink 1 , Jar. menum·.. Intervocalic*£!) Jar. h. Indo dahan 'large branch (of tree) 1, Jar. than, Word-final *h of unaccented syllable) Jar. p :U·hasuh 1dog 1, Jar. a~o; *basih";° besih 'iron', Jar. pese_:h; *baruh 'new', Jar. :phrao; *baluh 'widow', Jar. plao; *DaDah 'chest', Jar. ~; *taliNah 'ear', Jar. tengia; *hamah 'father', Jar.~; *limah 'five', Jar. rema *lakin 'male' J~r. rekei; *bahah 'flavor, smell', Jar. ~~o;*6i'iNah 'flower,; Jar. benga; *kakih 'foot•, Jar. tekai; *hakuh 'I', Jar. kio; *taquh 1know 1;-;far. t~o; *baruh, beruh 'new', Ja,z::~ ,E.,,...hl:~~; *maluh'shame ', Jar. ~a2,; ifbatuh 1stone ', Jar. 2etao; */smL.~2:h •thorn', Jar. dr~_!; *duwah 1two', Jar.~; *kamih 'we excl ', Jar gemei; *baluh •widow (er)', Jar. plao; *~ 'wood r, Jar. keyao; *hubih 1yam 1, Jar. hebei 'sweet potato'; ~word-final *h of accented syllable remains"'1i""I'n Jar. Indo. merah 'red', Jar. ~). - Word-initial *h in nouns) Jar, j. *hasuh 'dog', Jar. asio. *~ 'father', Jar.~; *hapni 'fire', Jaz,. apui; ...*hikan 1fish 1, Jar. akan; *hakuh 'I', Jar. kao; *hikuR •tail', Jar. ~; *haNin, quNin 'wind', Jar. angin:-- SIL-UND Workpapers 1957 -3 - Word-final *t; Jar. q. *paqiy 'bitter 1 , Jar. E_hig; *he(m)pat lfour r' Jar.-a; -11-zaqit 'sew'' Jar. ~<i; *~:i! 'skin'' Jar. kliq. Word-final *k of unaccented syllable> Jar. q. *anak loffspring', Jar. anaq. - - Word-final *k of accented syllable) Jar. k. *batuk 1cough 1 , Jar. hetuk. J. Voiceless Fricatives Word-initial *s > Jar. h. *Sira/q/ 'salt', Jar. hra. (Inda. seratus, 'hundred', Jar: haretuii); (Indo. sepulub _•ten r, hapluh). Intervocalic *S)Jar. s. *basih., besih •iron', Jar. pesei; *hasuh I dog I, Jar. - &Sa()-. - Word-final*~ )Jar. h• *!.~ 'cotton', Jar. kepaih, *Ratus 'hundred' Jar. ha retuh; *mamis, manis, Lt/a:mis •sv,eet', Jar. mih; *tikus 'rat•, Jar. te'kuih; *beRas 'rice (husked), Jar. braih. - Word-final *as )Jar aih. -11-kapa2, 'cotton', Jar. kepaih; *beRas rice (husked), Jar. ~~:- 4. Word Initia3:.__Voiced Oonsonant2_Voic~~~ *baluh 'widow(er) ', Jar. plao; *~~ 1stone r, Jar. petao; *baruh •new'., Jar. phrao; *DaDah 'chest', Jar. teda; *daheq 'far', Jar. ataih *basih, besih 'iron•, Jar. pesei; I'licio":' dahan 'large branch {of tree) Jar. than 'branch of tree '; *Zaqit 'sev,r'., Jar. siq. 5. Liquids Intervocalic *R) Jar. r. *EeRay 'give', Jar. brei; *waRih 'day r., Jar. hrei; * /dD/aRag •'blood', Jar. ~; (*beRas 'rice, (huskedl' Jar. braih-y--ihuRat 'vein', Jar. arat; .. ~-- - Word-final *R) Jar. /,. -i~hikuR 'tail~ Jar. ~; *lapaR 'hunger r., Jar.~; Word-initial *l) Jar. r. *limah 'five', Jar. rema; *lakih 'male', Jar. rekei; *iapaR 'hungerr;-Jar. repa; · - Intervocalic *.!) Jar • .!• ·U·baluh 'widow', Jar. ~. 6. Monosylia~__!;y A first syllable vowel before *R, *r, *l, or *g is lost. *paqit 'bitter', Jar. E!:ii_g; *@/~~ Tblood', Jar. ~; Indo dalam 'deep', Jar. dlam.; *bulan •moon', Jar. blan; *taq1_lll 1year', Jar. ~hun; *baRa/h/-'shoulder', Jar. bra; *~ 1day 1 , Jar. ~; *~~l 'give', Jar. ~; *baruh, beruh 'new',· Jar. ~ao; *beRas 1rice (husked)', Jar. braih; -ifsira/a/ 1 1 Salt , Jar. a; *kUlit fskinl, Jar. kliqj *maluh I shame I, Jar 0 mlau; *hiRaq 'red I, Jar. JDriahj */dD/uRin •thorn I, Jar. drei. -- ....... --.. &.\.A"o···--· ..=-·-·--·- -- SIL-UND Workpapers 1957 - 4- A disyllabic word may also become monosyllabic simply through the loss of the first syllable. *sisiLr/ •comb', Jar. si; *he(m)pat 1four I, Jar • .E!S,j *lesuNsimortar I, Jar. S~;lip. also *zaqip •sewt, Jar siq;) *mamis, manis; /t/amis 'sweet', Jar. mih; *basaq 1wet•, Jar. ---sah. 7. Loss of Second CV In some cases a ~fY~ltbic yo1d3may become monosyllabic according to the pattern CV CV c3)C V C *sagat 1bad', Jar. sat; *buhuk 'hair', Jar. buq, buk; *buhaq 'fruit, Jar. boh. ~ -.... ··- _..._ Word-initial *b'),Jar. h. -!fbatuk 'cough', Jar. hetuk (cp. Jav. watuk). - ..... vford-initial *! ) Jar. h• *'ivaRih 'day', Jar. ~- Intervocalic*!) Jar • .J. ~~ (or*~) 'rain', Jar. hejan. Word-initial *2_)Jar. 1• *dilaq •tongue', Jar. jelah; *dalan, zalan •way, road', Jar. jelan. 'Vford-fina~ *!l) Jar. ~, !:!· *E.~R~ 'give', Jar. brei. But cp. *qatay 'll.ver•, Jar.~~.• *j" Jar. ~ or ;!, -i~h,_~eN, hujiN, Jar. he4iang; ~~pajay 'rice (harvested but unhusked)', Jar. pedai. Many of the words for parts of the body in Jerai begin with the syllable te- • -!fDaDah 'chest 1 , Jar. teda; *taNan 'hand', Jar. tengan; *°s~3-~ 1breasts 1, Jar. tesao; *taliNah 'ear•, Jar. tengia; *Kakih 'foot•, Jar. tekai. SIL-UND Workpapers 1957.

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