JUDGE JULES;- THE "BACARDI CLUB CHART":- 04.12.1992 10 Definitive Two "I'm stronger now” 9 Dina Carroll "Why did I let you go?" 8 Jacko (from Sheffield):- "Show some love" 7 D.Patten "Who's the bad man?" 6 Secret Life "As Always" (Coyboy records) 5 KWS and the Tramps "Hold back the night" 4 Sugarcubes "Leash called Love" (Tony Humphries) 3 Sounds of Blackness "Joy" (A. & M.Records) 2 Leftfield "Song of life" 1 (Clovillis) Soul System "It's going to be a Lovely day" Judge and the Jury:- Panellists:- Benji Candilario,Smiley,Dave Morales ., Records in the Dock:- l.West End,feat Sybil "The Love I lost" 7" BC) 2. Slipstream "We are Raving" (Rod Stewart Classic) 3.Arressted Development "Mr Wendell" 4. Ground Level "Dreams of Heaven" 5.Paris "Days of Old"., 6. Shawn Christopher Thinking about the Day" GRAHAM GOLD;- THE "MALIBU DANCE CHART":- 05.12.1992 39 Oral Five Project "Ghan Harva" 37 Definitive Two "'m stronger now" 35 Altern 8 "Brutal Eight E" (Brutality) 32 Visions of Shiva "Perfect day" 25 C.C.Penistone It should have been you" 24 KWS (Joey Negro in the mix) "Hold back the night" 20 The Aloof "Purity" 19 Run Things "Back again" 18 Top Buzz "Living in Darkness” 17 Whitney Houston "I will always love you" 16 Dina Carroll "Why did let you go?" 15 Lion Rock "Lion Rock" (De-Construction records) 13 The Prodigy "Out of Space" 12 (Junior Boys Own) "Interrupt;-Dirty” 11 Metropolis "Metropolis" 10- The Reese Project ”1 believe" 9 Prince and the NPG "Seven" 8 Baby Dee "Let me be your Fantascy" 7 808 State and UB40 "One in Ten" 6 Heal the World "Want to be starting something" 5 Club 69 "Let me be your Underwear" 4 Leftfield "Song of Life" 3 Wrexx-n-Effect "Rumpshaker” 2 Secret Life "Always” 1 Metal Head "Terminator" NB "The Love I lost",by West End,feat Sybil is a 1970s Dance classic with Lyrics from "Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes" NB- (16.55) CAPRICORN "TASTE":- THE KILLER CUT STEVE JACKSON;- THE "HOUSE CHART":- 08.12.1992 19 Top Buzz "Living in the Darkness" 16 Lemon Interrupt "Dirty" 13 Metropolis "Metropolis" 12 Metal Heads "Terminator EP 10 Lion Rock "Lion Rock" 9 SL2 "way in my Brain" (Remix) 8 The Shamen "Forever People" 7 Altern 8 "Brutal Eighty" 6 KWS "Hold back the night" 5 The Prodigy "Out of Space" 4 The Reese Project ”1 believe" 3 Club 69 "let me be your Underwear" 2 Leftfield "Song of Life" 1 SECRET LIFE "AS ALWAYS" (STEVIE WONDER ORIGINAL) JUDGE JULES;- THE "BACARDI CLUB CHART”:- 11.12.1992 ** NB "Ms.Thing,Ms.Thing:- She had to pawn her Diamond Ring! So she went down to BURGERKING!!-But found,that they weren't "Hiring"!! 10 Tonto's Drum "Where Eagles pray" 9 Leftfield "Song of Life" 8 Pharghetta "Music:-My first love" (Remix):- 1970s original? 7 Hustler's Convention "The Groover's Delight" (EP) 6 C.C.Penistone "It should have been you 5 SNAP "EXTEMINATE2 (Trance style) 4 Paradise Organzation "Prayer Tower" (Cowboy records) 3 Soul System "It's going to be a Lovely day" 2 Uncanny Alliance "I got my Education 1 Sounds of Blackness "Joy" Judge and the Jury:- Panellists:- l.Andy Weatheall 2.Jamiroquai 3.Jazzy M 4. GRAHAM GOLD;- THE "MALIBU DANCE CHART":- 12.12.1992 38 Shy "If I ever fall in Love” 36 De-Cruze "World without a World" 34 Arrested Development "People Everyday" 28 Opaz "Don't say Nothing" 26 Chantay Savage (Hurley in the mix) "If you believe" 25 Kriss-Kross "It's a shame" 24 Boyz-ll-Men "Motown Philly" 19 Nasty Habits "Here come the Drums" 18 Lisa Stansfield "Someday" (Absolute) 17 The Reese Project "I believe" 16 Stereo Mcs "Step it up" 15 Uncanny Alliance "I got my Education" 14 The Prodigy "Out of Space" 13 Baby Dee "Let me be your Fantascy" 12 Dina Carroll "So Close" 9 4 track 12") 11 Eastside Beat "Alive and Kicking" 10 Wrexx-n-Effect "Rumpshaker” 9 Leftfield "Song of Life" 8 Brand New Heavies "Stay this way" 7 Roger Sanchez "Don't stop (Till you get enoug)" 6 SECRET LIFE "AS ALWAYS" 5 Metal Heads Terminator EP" 4 Whitney Houston "I will always love you" 3 808 State and UB40 "One in Ten" 2 SL2 "Way in my Brain" (Remix) 1 Madonna "Deeper and Deeper" NB 16.15 I,MYSELF WAS MENTIONED LIVE ON AIR;- IE "THANKS,MR 3AMES TURNER AND THREE OTHERS FOR THE CARDS AND LETTERS! JUDGE 3ULES;- THE "BACARDI CLUB CHART":- 18.12.1992 10 Groove City "Greed EP" 9 Sounds of Backness "Joy2 8 Pharghetta "My Music (was my first love)" 7 Uncanny Alliance "I got my Education" ******Camden Palace Special:-(Kiss-FM Live):- 17.12.1992 6 WEST END,FEAT SYBIL "THE LOVE I LOST" 5 DOP, "Oh Yeah" (mixed by Merck Posse) 4 The Paradise Organization "Prayer Tower" 3 Sunscsreen "Broken English" 2 Arrested Development "Mr Wendell" (Paul Oakenfield) 1 GROUND LEVEL "DREAMS OF HEAVEN" GRAHAM GOLD;- THE "MALIBU DANCE CHART":- 19.12.1992 40 Nino "World Champion" 39 Subterrenia and Anne Consuelo "Do it for Love" 38 Kim Mazelle "Love me the Right way" 33 House of Pain "Jump" 32 Stictly Rhythym (Soul Fusion) "We can make it" 28 Disposable Heroes of Hypocrisy "Televsionl-The Drug of the Nation ii 27 Psychic "Knowledge,EP" 23 The Aloof "Purity" 22 DOP (Gorilla records) "Oh Yeah" A LK) Shine "II ever fall in Love" 19 The Prodigy "Out of Space" 18 Dina Carroll "So Close" (Brothers-inRhythym remix) 17 Lisa Stansfield "Someday" (on Absolute) 16 Boyz-ll-Men "Motown Philly" 15 Uncanny Alliance “I got my Education" 14 The Stereo Mcs "Step it up" 13 The Source "Rock the house" 12 Hardfloor "Hard Trance EP" (Malibu mix:- 12.11.92) 11 Metal Heads "Terminator EP" 10 SECRET LIFE "AS ALWAYS" 9 Wrexx-n-Effect "Rumpshaker" 8 Brand New Heavies "Stay this way" 7 Madonna "Deeper and Deeper" 6 Leftfield "Song of Life" 5 Michael Jackson "Don't stop til you get enough" 4 Baby Dee "Let me be your Fantascy" 3 SL2 "Way in my brain" (Remix) 2 Whitney Houston "I will always love you" 1 808 State and UB40 "One in ten" Judge and the Jury:- Panellists:- l.Fat Tony 2.Jay Strongman (Club Deejay) 3.Mixmaster Maurice STEVE JACKSON;- THE "HOUSE CHART":- 22.12.1992 16 Psychic "The Knowledge,EP” 14 Metal Heads "Terminator,EP" 13 De Cruze "World within a world” 12 Top Buzz "Living in the darkness" 10 Altern 8 "Brutal Eighty" 7 DOP "Oh Yeah" 6 The Source "Rock the House" (Shades-of-Rhythym mix) 5 Secret Life "As always" 4 Hardfloor "Hard Trance appearance,EP" 3 Leftfield "Song of life" 2 SL2 "Way in my brain (Remix) l The Shamen "Forever people" STEVE 3ACKSon;- THE "HOUSE THAT HACK BUILT":- 29.12.1992 1 liquid "Sweet Harmony" 2 Aly-us "Follow me" 3 Acen "Trip to the Moon:-Part 1" 4 Felix "Don't you want me?" 5 Ratpack "Searching for my Rizla" 6 One Tribe "What have you done?" 7 SL2 "On a Ragga tip" 8 Future Sound of London "Papua,New Guinea" 9 The Shamen "Love,Sex,Intelligence" 10 Egyptian Empire "The Horn track" 11 Danube Dance "Unique" 12 Anne Consuelo "See the day" 13 The Aloof "On a Mission" 14 Blue Sky Day (Morris Lester) 15 Andronicus "Make you whole" 16 Nino "The Gun" 17 Peter Bouncer "Raving,I'm Raving" 3UDGE 3ULES;- THE "BACARDI CLUB CHART":- 01.01.1993 10 Liberation "Liberation" 9 Wag-ya-tail "Xpand your mind" 8 Sounds of Blackness ”Opgtimistic/-Testify" 7 Inner City "Pennies from Heaven" 6 Secret Life "As Always" (Stevie Wonder classic) 5 Shawn Christopher "Don't lose the Magic" 4 The Reese Project "The Colour of Love" 3 Degrees of Motion "Do you want it right now?" 2 Nu Colours "The Power" 1 Clovillis and Cole "Pray" (Pride;-a deeper love) GRAHAM GOLD;- THE "MALIBU DANCE CHART":- 02.01.1993 NB;- THIS WEEK'S KICKING CUT;- NEW ATLANTIC "TAKE OFF SOME TIME" 40 TC1992 "Funky Guitar" 39 Top Buzz "Living in Darkness" 38 Nebula Two "Peacemaker" 34 The Disposable heroes of Hip-Hypocrisy" 31 Soul Fusion "We can make it” (Strictly Rhythym) 30 The Reese Project "I believe" 28 DOP "Oh Yeah” (Gorilla records) 26 The Prodigy "Ot of Space" 21 Subterrenia with Anne Consuelo "Do it for Love" 20 Metalheads "Terminator,EP" 19 Stereo Mcs "Step it up" 18 Arrested Development "People every day" 17 Nino "World Champion" 16 Kriss-Kross "It’s a shame" 15 Opaz "Don't say nothing" 14 Apache Indian "Arranged Marriage" 13 Hardfloor "Hard Trance,EP" 12 Kim Mazelle "Love me the right way" 11 Urban Hype Living in a Fantascy" (Faze 2) 10 Brand New Heavies "Stay this way" 9 Michael lackson "Don't stop til you get enough" 8 808 State and UB40 "One in ten" 7 Whitney Houston "I will always love you” 6 Leftfield "Song of Life" 5 SL2 “Way in my brain (Remix) 4 Baby Dee "Let me be your Fantascy" 3 Sunscreen "Broken English" (Slam mix) 2 Arrested Development "Mr Wendell" (Perfecto mix) 1 SNAP "EXTERMINATE" STEVE JACKSON;- THE "HOUSE CHART":- 05.01.1993 20 GTO "Love is everywhere (in the air)" 17 Nino "World Champion" 16 Psychic "Knowledge,EP" 10 The Source "Rock the house" 9 DOP "Oh Yeah" (on Gorilla records) 8 Leftfield "Song of life" 6 Soul System "It's gonna be a lovely day" 5 Urban Hype "Living in a Fantascy" (Former Steve lacskson exclusive) 4 SL2 "Way in my brain" (Remix) 3 The Shamen "Forever people" 2 Sunscreen "Broken English" 1 Snap "Exterminate" 1UDGE JULES;- THE "BACARDI CLUB CHART":- 08.01.1993 10 GTO "Love is everywhere" 9 Arrested Development "Mr Wendell" (House mix) 8 Gwen Macrae "All this love I'm giving" 7 Deja Vu "Never knew the Devil" (Cowboy) 6 Capricorn "Taste 5 DOP "Oh Yeah" (on Gorilla records) 4 Groove City "Greed,EP" 3 Azzurra "Open your mind" (De-Construction) 2 Ground Level "Dreams of Heaven" (Faze 2) 1 WEST END "THE LOVE I LOST" Panel Game:- (Judge and the Jury):- Panellists: 1.Rozalia 2.Smoking Toe 3.Tames Hamilton STEVE JACKSON;- THE "HOUSE CHART":- 12.01.1993 NB;- 071-607-7100 (Faxes) 20 Azzurra "Open your mind" 17 Drum Club "Alchemy" (on Gorilla records) 12 Capricorn "Taste" (Former
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