6. Economic Development Introduction The most significant accomplishments from 2010 • The Cedar Avenue Redline Bus Rapid Tran- to 2019 have set the stage for growth to 2030 and sit (BRT) Service, the first in Minnesota, of- Land use planning is foundational to address the 2040. Examples include: fered transit services to major employers, re- economic development and redevelopment op- tailers, and regional, national and global mar- • Business attraction, retention and expansion portunities of Apple Valley to 2040. In this chapter, kets from MSP Airport. valued at more than $100 million from 2011 the City outlines strategies to create jobs; expand to 2015 that occurred during a time period • The City has established multiple AAA bond the property tax base; attract and retain busi- more notable for the national trend of eco- ratings for fiscal responsibility and demon- nesses and industry; and build the Apple Val- ley nomic downturn. strating good business practices. “brand”. • Identifying a development direction for the • The City has embraced education and busi- In 2019, the City celebrated being 50 years as a 400 acre active mining area; guided in 2010 ness development in science, technology, city; was incorporated in 1969, and has be- come as a “mixed business campus” of health, fi- engineering and math (STEM). Successful a major hub of commercial activity in the south nancial and business services with support- curriculum enhancements by Independent Greater Twin Cities metropolitan area (MSP). ing retail and housing, two of Apple Valley’s School District 196, energy efficient munici- The City is well served by large retailers, global strengths. pal buildings and resource management pri- orities continue to evolve to becoming best in corporate employers and smaller niche busi- • The hot housing market offering over 400 class. nesses that bolster community identity and add to sought after single family homes in new the residents’ quality of life. Apple Valley is rou- neighborhoods and over 1,800 modern tinely named by Money Magazine as one the apartments during the growth period of 2015 “Best Places to Live”. In 2013, it was ranked 17 to 2019. out of the 50 cities that were recognized. This • The reinvestment in the core retail area of recognition is partially due to the vibrant local the downtown business quadrants of Cedar economy, amenities, high performing schools, Avenue and Dakota County Road and strong safe neighborhoods. Maintaining a vi- 42, where another $100 million was added tal economy requires focused planning and con- from 2015 to 2019. The quadrants are repo- tinued investment through policies and actions sitioned to complete and be an active distri- that grow and adopt the marketplace. bution point for e-commerce. CITY OF APPLE VALLEY | 2040 Comprehensive Plan Update Economic Development 6-1 Strategic Plan of Action 2. Unify the Downtown through infra- structure and design Looking toward 2040, there are six pillars to the The layout of Downtown is defined by large quad- economic development plan. They are summa- rants focused around Apple Valley’s most import- rized below further and expanded upon in the ant intersection, Cedar Avenue and County Road chapter. 42. These wide highways convey high volumes of 1. Attract large employers and busi- traffic, limiting connectivity and cohesion. The City ness investment to the Mixed Business must respond to increasing traffic and congestion Campus in a way that strengthens connectivity and prevents conversion to a grade separation and a freeway- The main goal of Apple Valley’s economic devel- like environment. Where feasible, multimodal con- opment strategy is to continue to increase local nectivity should be enhanced across Cedar Ave- employment; specifically, to increase the number nue and County Road 42; however, some re- of jobs that pay well enough to sustain a house- sponses may be prohibitively expensive and/or in- hold. Attracting large employers to areas adjacent effective, given Downtown’s priority for business to Downtown will counter the effect of out-commut- access. Because heavy traffic limits the potential ing and improve the jobs/housing balance. The for “main street” style development on Cedar Ave- Twin Cities metro is an attractive headquarters for nue, it may be more feasible to make improve- national and regional businesses, including hospi- ments within the surrounding superblocks. Break- tals and supporting medical offices, corporate of- ing up these superblocks with multimodal connec- fices, and manufacturing. With available land and 3. Reinvest in Downtown, adapting to tion will support redevelopment opportunities by a clear vision for redeveloping the Fischer Mine changing retail trends creating flexibility for a variety of smaller users to into a mixed-business campus, Apple Valley is the take root. The Downtown design guide- lines pro- The nature of American retail is changing. Thanks best regional location for these uses. With great vide a framework for guiding the evolution of Down- largely to the rise of e-commerce, many brick-and- places to live, play, shop, and do business, Apple town to a more walkable, sustainable business mortar specialty chains are evolving to offer in- Valley already has many qualities that are valued center. Enhancing multimodal facilities, extending store and become rapid locations of distribution. by prospective employers and working families, the Ring Route design concept, and developing While a pattern of extensive commercial value de- but more can be done to build on the City’s em- connections between Downtown and surrounding cline is not evident in Apple Valley, some proper- ployment potential and its close proximity to the neighborhoods will strengthen cohesion and further ties are under-performing. Revitalization will run MSP International Airport. develop the identity of Downtown. the gamut from adaptive reuse of serviceable structures, to larger-scale rehabilitation and rede- velopment. The City prefers business to imple- CITY OF APPLE VALLEY | 2040 Comprehensive Plan Update Economic Development 6-2 ment market-based solutions when possible. The produced, processed, and shared, Apple Valley rived from its connections to regional, national, City will leverage tax incentive policies, such as tax must continue to expand its digital communication and global economies. When conditions in these increment financing (TIF), to prepare sites for re- networks. Likewise, it is essential to maintain and economies change, the City is affected. The last development, improve the design and resource ef- expand transportation connections. Apple Valley recession is a prime example. The demonstrated ficiency of infrastructure and attract additional in- benefits from its regional highway location. The resilience must continue to help Apple Valley with- vestment from the private and public sectors. De- extension of the Red Line bus rapid-transit (BRT), stand future shocks to the local economy. Apple velopment and redevelopment will be guided by with service to the Mall of America and other re- Valley can build resilience by implementing policy enduring partnerships between the City, private gional destinations, is a key catalyst for economic initiatives that diversify local industry, increase ac- business, and other stakeholders. development in and around the Cedar Avenue cor- cess to local employment, reduce reliance on ridor. Leveraging and expanding these and other long-distance car travel, and develop the ability of networks make the City more profitable and create workers to adapt to changing economic conditions. new and added value that will retain our competi- Another strategy, discussed above, is to expand tiveness in the region and the world. and diversify the infrastructure which supports economic function, including a priority in energy 5. Support STEM-related businesses systems, broadband networks, and high-quality and workforce development “connected” housing. Traditional retail development – national chains and local businesses – connected to e-retailing Regional Economy are part of the business community profile of the Economic development does not happen in a vac- future. In the knowledge economy, the City will uum. Apple Valley is part of a thriving, broad-based need to lead and attract new business investment regional economy. Understanding regional indus- 4. Develop connections within the Twin that advances the themes of science, technology, try strengths will help the City narrow its economic Cities metro and beyond engineering, and math (STEM disciplines). These development strategies, target investments, and professional disciplines provide good incomes, position itself as a favorable partner with key ac- To succeed in a globalized economy, Apple Val- ley which is a key part of Apple Valley’s overall eco- tors in regional industry. must enhance and maintain connections to the nomic development strategy. Apple Valley is com- Twin Cities metro and beyond. Some connections Apple Valley is 15 minutes from the airport. There mitted to supporting STEM initiatives through busi- are physical. Others are social, economic, finan- is an emerging effort to treat the center of business ness development, financial investment, educa- cial, or digital. In a digital society, most communi- growth and opportunity for the Greater MSP area tion, and workforce training. cation relies on fiber optics, satellite, and wireless from this center. In global cities, this has been systems. Global enterprise is data-driven, and
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