r i A wnpnpjR New Seiiies NO 48. VOL. III. K. SATURDAY, LEXINGTON, NOVEMBER 29, 1817. VOL. XXXI. SEASONABLE FRESJI GOODS, rcuLrxuxo xveut Saturday mokhiso, HORSE MARKET. ed in our port a Schooner from Ameri- lines THE CKAGE AJVJ) shew that by the influence of these Bl' PA PIE CE. POETRY. ca, ofamostbeautifiil construction, ele- great NORJTSLL & CO. gantly geological causes the temperature BYJNO. On evemSctmfllay Morning at 0 o'cltck, sound very light, and formed in Subscribers have received, and now rnoM the exetm watchmax, for fast points situated under the same Will be regular sale at Auction, of THE for sale, at store sailing, constructed and armed se ,1, .,.,.. i their on.Mill street,' THE ROSE Plcalldl.. iinrl that .kit hill 5CP The price of subscriptions to the Horses, Cattle and other live Stock; Wag- between and OF AUPUMN. iiko our light vessels'. It- was namtSO .J aa,Ulj ill ,;,pUlHU Main Short streets, ahandspme diffftring in Latitude, mildly-closin- g M. Humboldt has Kentucky Gazette, is, Three Dol- ons, Carriages and Farming Uten- assortment ot seasonable Gem of the year, the Cleopatra, belonging t0 a very On ! illustrated the laws of per annum, paid in advance, or isfc. nature's breast reclining ricn this diyersity in a lars sils, tsY. ! traveller, George Grwnlnshield,.of DKY GOODS, Oh who would leave thy wlldness here "unuummous manner. ' Four Dollars at the end of the year. Persons wishing at any time to sell any of the aaiem, tyho constructed IiW for his own purchased x or uuMcrs, in ocauiy sinning r The terms of advertising in this above articles, are requested to make entry of the most of which have been at thU alom-- use, JC? A ; and for the rovaces he hal udder- - nt iwlJ... ... .. .. m.I l! .1 T W . Jt ' Bk'hen U&nai.hJlL for first inser- the same with us, some days prior to, or at; !.. li-- - iotefulhmtlr.-Wc'r- papT, arc, .50 cents the no Tti'le luuid in'tltd 1 WsfewrLi company wiA nenjaminj t: infortneet least uctoretuo day ot sale. " bOtlrt hyfteTiaiwte, piece, or entire invoice, capt. tion ete'ry L5 linos. Qr under, and 25 litv flowers, like ljqhs, MQ. flourish still Ls.:JTS New-Bedfo- rd of iujta$Kttni$ fb about UQQ dollars) at tha nisco,nsin. Eesjfles vu the, Mercuiv of the toTeacri, continuance; longer ad- When.SH, butlhiiie, hayeraled." . xiyjp"Ju -- cents AuW U Com. Olerchants. IPlrlfepelphia cash prices, with thd additional extreme neatness of '"evey thing about' Hf ram.; mat at tne oupremc juniciat vertisements in the same proportion. October 11 tf. expense .ot transportation consisting pt the sit Coiirt, now Go wreathe thopensive formtliatlies vessel to her for sea, her accom-"- " sitting at Taunton, in this oupernne, secona, and coarse Mroaa VtoUts COUntV, Malhone-Hvifrt- r. ns l'rp,.fn,vn Ladi, O'er love's last mansion bending, moclations were surprising and wonder-fn- l. s' Pelisse and Habit ditt6 , Auction Commission Bu- p And sinks, like day slciesj Below and sour of his sons, AUCTION OFFICE, & Shepherd's best London double mild in summer was a hall of uncommon ex- were indicted for ' Or evening's sjar descending. tent, in which the luxury of taste, various offences three of his sons have siness. Bmile en her humble coueh the , Fine and low priced ditto ditto ofrest riches and elegance of the furniture, the! been, tried-- convicted, and sent to the &j subscribers inform the public, that And droop not thus in sorrow, Jeremiah Neavq San, Rose and Point Blankets, assorted in bales ' State's Prison, one iof THE have taken, for a teim ofycars, laTge For sure .M regions of the blest harmony of the drapery, and of all thai' them sir six years. Red 6--4 friends that they havo ami anu at lute and green Hackings her'jhome orpaments, their commodious iiooms cellars tne Red, Shall be inspired pleasure and gal- INFORM with their COMMISSION BUSI- Kentucky Hotel, where they vjill attend to the white, andyellow Flannels lantry. The apartment Super Mlhite ; of the stern was , Busby's NESS, the selling of MKRCIlANQIZE regu- above business exclusively. All orders and hhirting ditto Go and witji patent uatcr.".vheeL The in 6-- 4 fadingjjarlands bind equally rich and consignments, will superfine stout dark Gingfiama interesting. Five con ventor of larly at AUCTION, when consigned to them be attended to and executed The dark, stern brow of madness ! venicnt this valuable machine, is Mr. eale"s Superfine and low priced CeVicoes bed chambers displayed 'with: -- . 11 for that purpose. Cincinnati, Oct. 11 tf. with punctuality and despatch Regular And melt that d mind A. u toy, architect, from Potnittire plate ditfej the same Eniriand. at auction on WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY elegance, were at the service New-Yor- To more than childhood's sadness. but now a resident of k; Elejjant rich Chintz ditto ot .a gen- mornings. Tell her of him, whose lowly grave the captam, with an apartment for tleman talent"s,and BIRD SMITH & Low priced and superfine fashionable Fur- of erudition, which he A. LE GRAND CO. Shall meet her dark eje neverj the plate of every kind, with which it was niture Dimities has improved . bv travelling S now on hand a GENEitAL Asson-rMEir- Auctioneers & Commission Merchants. Hii pillow in the stormy wave, in Eurone. Cloths, and other Shirting- .Miislins filled. Near was another anartment. o( GROCERIES, which he will sell low N. R. They will also attend particularly to Long forever-- This invention promises important bene- Bleached The deep his home, ! which admitted all the for Cash, AVholcsalc or Retail, at his stand on saies oi jtfpt isnte, furniture, domestic ditto officeffof a kitch fits tp Jhe copimunity. The wheel, when &c. A handsome assortment of 4-- 4 Irish linens en, and in it was a pumn Cheapsidc, Stock, &c. on favorable terms. , Then rest thee, autumn's lingering withifcree tubes appljetLto will ' ditto French Ijneti Cambriiks slower, steam boats, increase their .' Lexington, 'S$t. 13," 1817 tf of Tn IltfC Itct Cmmmnna ItrtVirw which passed through the vessel - Jamaica Sn'rits, French Brandy, 9-- 6-- to'sup- velocity hitiu-rt- 8 and 4 Cambrick .Muslins beyond any method dis- Whiskey, Holland Gin, And droop along thy golden bower, piy water irom the sea, or discharge' Irish Black and assorted colored ditto ;, covered by removing the impediments NEW GOODS. Cheilpside. Still lovely, though m dying. what they pleased, with tlie Old Whiskey, Linen Damask for Table Clotjis While greatest arising from baok water, causing the And thou shalt seem, fading there ease. The rich and distinguished Madeira, Sherry, Tennerijfe, Malaga, Cotton ditto In ruin calm repojing, owner paddles to rise edgewise and obliquely, LLIAM R. MORTON4, & Co. have ?us JMudras Handkerchief's, various qualities had with him, and Claret WIJYRS. Like virtue on tlasscerftTbf care besides his family ser and will diminish the risk of injury from. received from Philadelphia and Balti 8-- 4 Cashmere Sltaivls Teas, Coffee, Loaf, Lump and Iirown Sugar, Her weary eye-fid- s closing ! vants, several distinguished persons of more, and are now oheninc- Jit the llnnermost Dark Loom Chintz ditto ice or other floating bodies. Many pther Pish, Segars, Snuff, best chewing Tobacco, high talents in music, and an house on Cheapsids, a general assdftment of Scarlet Waterloo Cloth ditto excellent advantages, it is alleged, will attend it, Spices, West India Jriines, Rasins, Cheese, THE NEGRO'S RETORT. painter. Every anii:se,. .ntMVUJlJflJlZE, .consisting pt Dry Goods, Black and coloured Bombazetts thing to makes as respects stean-boat- s, both as Windsor, Rose and Transparent Soap, &c. &c. - ' it regards Hard-war- 4-- As laU'v rcturn'd from theTslaa nfiht- a and Cutlery, Ciitia, Glass Queens 4 rich orange and scarlet printed Rat-- part of the daily entertainment. October 1J, 1817 tf & health wt' The safety anq convenience. Such a wheel H are, and Groceries, which tlvey pledge Loronzo.itli and prosperity blest, owner and captain allot tfnetts surrqanifed by were affable, pleasing has beeii Joflg an object of anxipus k And friends, at his study, themselves' to sell as cliehp as any Goods tlia Jaconett, Nansook, and table pre ana civil, and gave a full evidence of Partnership Dissolved. have evepbpen brought to tttk market. 'Mwfins smuti, but bad hitherto ejnded every attempt to m t&e tajnts the. iodustryjrtjwl- - '. the jfoodtlriitgd f thia the gqp oeeufp4h it. We trust the ingisnioui "VTOTICE. The Copartnership heretofore Lexicon, AprU2i.jlerti vnliw UtsTe of theirnation, 1 csjsVni, iactwecir e bscribcra '.tmlcrr 44ando4superfineecotchBpoK ditto whicJiVieWs to none inventor will realize the full amount of mestic, with Africa's 011 firm J. WTXTER 6? GO. was Ditto imitation India ditto hue his skin. in good sense and trtie civility. The ms the ofElJSIIA BLEU ANT C A ii FETING. basVct of apples and chesnufs just expectations, And this sug- dissolved the 4th instant by mutual consent. Corded Muslins bromrht in. abovetraveller having on L renzo, with wine and complied with the gests a hint respecting a material defect El.sha Winter will settle the concerns of the Superfine Baftas, Sauns, .ind other India good fellowship warm, usual J. .Just received and for sale at the Store of 1 laugh atpoor Mungo, tonceived rules of the city, havintr exnressed in the patent law of United Partnership. ELISHA J. A INTER, Muslins it no harm ; the States. A d exclaim'd, 33 he the due respect to the 'Apostolical Dele- TIIOS. II. PINDELL. T. E. BOSWELL Sc CO. Chocolate, scarlet, yellow and slag Silk Hand- held up the fruit to hij By the provisions of this law, as it stands, 1CIV, gate, upon receiving a invita- Lexington, July 26, 1817.
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