European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 2019; 23(1 Suppl.): 67-72 The efficacy and tolerability of Streptococcus salivarius 24SMB and Streptococcus oralis 89a administered as nasal spray in the treatment of recurrent upper respiratory tract infections in children D. PASSALI1, G.C. PASSALI2, E. VESPERINI3, S. COCCA3, I.C. VISCONTI4, M. RALLI4, L.M. BELLUSSI1 1Department of Medicine, Surgery and Neuroscience, ENT Clinic, University of Siena, Siena, Italy 2ENT Clinic, Catholic University of Sacred Heart, Rome, Italy 3Department of Ear, Nose and Throat, San Giovanni Hospital, Rome, Italy 4Department of Sense Organs, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy Abstract. – OBJECTIVE: Nasal administration Key Words of Streptococcus salivarius 24SMB and Strepto- Streptococcus salivarius 24SMB, Streptococcus ora- coccus oralis 89a has been proposed to reduce lis 89 a, Pharyngitis, Adenotonsillitis, Acute otitis media. the risk of new episodes of adenoiditis, tonsillitis and acute rhinosinusitis in children. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We enrolled 202 List of Abbreviations children with a recent diagnosis of recurrent upper URT: upper respiratory tract; TLR: Toll-like Receptors; respiratory tract infection. All the patients were COPD: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease; LPS: treated twice daily for 7 days each month for 3 lipopolysaccharide; AOM: acute otitis media. consecutive months with a nasal spray whose active agents were two specific bacterial strains: Streptococcus salivarius 24SMB and Streptococ- cus oralis 89a. Evaluation was performed at the end of treatment and at follow-up at 3, 6, and 12 months. Introduction RESULTS: Patients who completed the entire 90-day course of bacteriotherapy and the follow-up period showed a 64.3% reduction in their episodes The capability of microbes to adapt to their of upper respiratory tract infections compared to environment is evident in the human body as in the number of episodes recorded in the previous other living organisms. Commensal microorgan- year. Treatment decreased the reported incidence isms and their metabolites maintain the stability of infection events by 52.4% in the first 3 months, of their habitat and the health of their host as a 31.2% at 6-month follow-up, and 20.8% after 12 symbiotic system. Even inflammation plays a role months. Enrolled patients tolerated the product in the creation of a microenvironment in which well, and there were no dropouts. CONCLUSIONS: Prophylactic bacteriothera- certain microbes can or cannot grow and repro- 1,2 py by administration of Streptococcus salivari- duce . Consideration of such changes in the mi- us 24SMB and Streptococcus oralis 89a in chil- crobiome as cause or effect of the counteraction dren with a history of recurrent upper respirato- of the host defense is still debated, particularly in ry tract infection could reduce the number of epi- a number of chronic inflammatory conditions as- sodes of otolaryngologic infections. Bacteriother- sociated with disrupted epithelia. The occupation apy can be even more clinically important due to increasing difficulty in finding new effective an- of upper respiratory tract (URT) niches by indig- tibiotic compounds. New alternative therapeutic enous flora can induce resistance against other approaches must be found with, in comparison pathogens. As a result, an invading pathogen has to antibiotics, greater specificity and safety with the unenviable task of competing with established respect to patients’ native beneficial flora; lack of commensal flora for adhesion receptors and nutri- drug interactions; the ability to leverage comple- ents on the mucosal surface – a competition that mentary systemic modes of action; and drastical- limits the chances of adhesion, replication, a dis- ly reduced risk of developing resistance within the patient population and the environment. semination of disease. Corresponding Author: Massimo Ralli, MD; e-mail: [email protected] 67 D. Passali, G.C. Passali, E. Vesperini, S. Cocca, I.C. Visconti, M. Ralli, L.M. Bellussi Microbes can physiologically develop the ca- Focusing now on the commensal microorgan- pacity to inhibit competing microbes using an- isms of the upper airways, the α-hemolytic strep- timicrobial compounds. A prime example is the tococcus is mostly present in the nasopharynx production of hydrogen peroxide by Streptococ- and may interfere with survival and multiplica- cus pneumoniae, which is bactericidal for Staph- tion of pathogens that are most often associated ylococcus aureus3. Moreover, some bacterial with development of acute otitis media (AOM) species produce peptides with antimicrobial effi- and its consequences such as acquired hearing cacy, generally referred to as bacteriocins4. This loss15,16. More recently, specific types of α-he- mechanism is clearly evident in the commensal molytic streptococcus have been isolated from streptococcal species Streptococcus salivarius, the pharynx of healthy subjects: Streptococcus which inhibits pathogenic Streptococcus pyo- salivarius 24SMB and Streptococcus oralis 89a. genes growth by the production of bacteriocins. These microbes are potential nasopharyngeal The large surface of the nasal cavity contains probiotics, with immunomodulatory and anti-in- niches shaping the ecosystem’s habitat, and an- flammatory skills, production of plasmin-encod- tibiotic treatment as well as invading pathogens ed bacteriocins and a good safety profile 17-19. The may break this balance5. Indigenous microbiotic first study with Streptococcus salivarius 24SMB, species make a large contribution to resisting col- recently published by Marchisio et al 20, reported onization by invading pathogens6. The presence significant activity against AOM pathogens when of so-called keystone species is strongly related Streptococcus salivarius is administrated intra- to the maintenance of biodiversity in ecological nasal in otitis-prone children. communities; their loss results in the extinction of The aim of this study is to evaluate the role of many other (micro-) organisms, hence decreasing Streptococcus salivarius 24SMB and Streptococ- the community’s biodiversity7. cus oralis 89a in the treatment and prevention of The diversity of the microbiota used by com- recurrent URT infections in children. mensal bacteria and pathogens is mainly due to the mechanisms of molecules of the innate im- munity8-10, specifically the expression of differ- ent Toll-like Receptors (TLRs) on the respiratory Patients and methods epithelial cells. In this case, an important role is played by inflammation. Bacteria that induce low- Two hundred and two patients presenting to our grade asymptomatic inflammation may create University Hospital from September 2016 to Febru- conditions enabling easier penetration and inva- ary 2017 were included in the study. The study was sion by pathogenic bacteria. For example, coloni- specifically approved by the Ethical Committee of zation with proteobacteria such as non-typeable our University Hospital. One-hundred forty-one Haemophilus influenzae, which is accompanied subjects were males and 61 were females, with a by mucosal inflammation, is characterized by in- median age of 7.5 years. The patients were included creased epithelial thickness of the large airways, after the collection of anamnestic data and clinical production of early pro-inflammatory cytokines, evaluation that reported recurrent URT pathology and damage of the epithelial barrier function11. treated with systemic antibiotic therapy by own In contrast, in Chronic Obstructive Pulmo- family physician. The URT conditions analyzed in nary Disease (COPD), commensal strains such as the present study were adenoiditis, tonsillitis, and Prevotella, antagonize pathogens lipopolysaccha- acute rhinosinusitis. ride (LPS)-mediated TLR4-signalling with damp- Patients with severe concomitant diseases or ening and downstream signaling, contributing to lacking consent from their parents/caregivers mucosal homeostasis and colonization resistance were excluded from the study. All patients were vs. pathogens12. treated with a nasal spray made up of a suspen- Skewed inflammatory mediator expression sion of two specific bacterial strains: Streptococ- can also be influenced by environmental factors cus salivarius 24SMB and Streptococcus oralis such as cigarette smoke13. These factors can also 89a. This topical treatment was administered via influence the interplay between innate immunity intranasal spray using a disposable device twice and mucosal microbial communities. The delicate daily for 7 days per month for 3 consecutive balance of these factors makes the healthy micro- months. Patients were previously treated with an biome an important component of the epithelial antibiotic and started the new intervention after barrier14. 10 days of washout from antibiotic therapy. The 68 Bacteriotherapy in children with recurrent upper respiratory tract infections treatment was concomitant with saline nasal ir- events (57.3%) occurred in the first three months rigations in 40% of patients, with vasoconstric- of treatment with a progressive decrease over the tor drops in 6% and with oral antihistamines in remaining period (24.9% at 6 months and 17.8% 6%. A questionnaire about the subjective efficacy after 12 months). This overall trend was con- of the therapy was collected from adult patients firmed for each pathological condition: the recur- and from children’s parents and/or caregivers and rence percentage in patients affected by adenoid- compared to clinical
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