Amalgamated, PAC 5 ——- ——— Back FDR > U. S. Needs Clothing 'Workers The Leadership, . ■' j CIO PAC Warns tit'll. Parley in Unanimous May NEWS, CHICAGO, 20—President Franklin I). Roosevelt is the na- Vote For 4th Term tional leader best fitted to guide CHICAGO, May 20—FDR in definitely the choice of the May this nation to a victorious peace, Amalgamated Clothing Workers. From start to finish of the the CIO Political Action Com- j union’s week-long convention, the 971 delegates, representing 22, mittee said this week in calling a peak membership of 325.000, refused to leave anyone in doubt unanimously for his re-nomina- for a moment. tion, and re-election as Com- , Nearly every mention of the President’s name—and there mander-in-Chief. were plenty—was greeted with an ■ 1944 ovation. The climax was a cheerful, In a meeting participated In by again into competing groups— wo snake-dancing demonstration when CIO Pres. Philip Murray, Chairman must have no dollar imperialism." the convention unanimously called Sidney Hillman of the PAC said Murray praised upon “the American people to make Hillman’s lead- that at a later meeting Vice-Pres. ership of ClO's political manifest their common will to draft activities. Henry A. Wallace probably would He compared Franklin D. Roosevelt for another the attacks on the also be endorsed for CPAC way re-nomination term in office.” with the the CIO it- and re-election, since nearly all CIO self was “castigated in the press." The resolution was adopted im- ; unions have endorsed him as well ClO’s political as FDR. mediately following announce- roniniittee is "typically American,” he said, ment that the CIO Political Ac- “be- The PAC said that It believes—- cause it reflects tion Committee, meeting in the the thinking of as do the overwhelming ma- the great majority the Pres. Philip Murray, left, and Sid- same hotel with ACW Pres. Sid- of people. jority of ClO's more than five D Cnp, CIO Like the C'lO, it will grow, Af*!/ * ney Hillman presiding as eliuir- be- million members—that President ney Hillman, head of the Amalgamated cause the people man and with CIO Pres. Philip want it.” Roosevelt is the most competent Clothing Workers and CIO Political Action Citing the Committee, Murray participating, had unan- Roosevelt's record in man to lead the nation to victory talk over their joint support for a fourth term at the Amal- imously endorsed Roosevelt for a leading the country out of the In the shortest possible time and gamated’s ! last depression and giving work- to build an ordered convention. fourth term. and endur- : ers the right to organize, Murray ing peace after victory Sharing honors with FDR was Is won.” expressed his firm conviction that The PAC described Vice Pres. Henry Wallace, whose President the President of the United States as “a man of renomination and re-election was Roosevelt experience should be re-elected,’’ and said he and leadership—a urged by the ACW in a separate demonstrated had complete confidence In the man resolution. whose performances, rather President'* ability to he reelect- than his promises, entitle him to PRAISE MURRAY ed.” the confidence of nation." Equally emphatic was the ovation the The ACVV voted to waive the accorded ClO’s Philip Murray, MEMBERSHIP'S SENTIMENT who payment of initiation fees by de- won hearts of the delegates Pointing out that the PAC Is the mobilized servicemen and women and loosened their vocal chords simply recording the already ex- who obtain employment in the in- with his eloquence. pressed sentiment of the CIO mem- earnest dustries under its jurisdiction bership when it urges FDR to run While political action held the within two years after their demob- Pres. again, the PAC statement said: HBa ’V, 5-c.Nxy' ? chief spotlight. Hillman ilization. also had substantial record of “Wo know that this position a The convention pledged unquali- organizations progress to report, corresponds not only with the fied support to the CIO Political and the convention unanimously sentiment of the membership of Action Committee and especiallv threw its weight behind ClO's , CIO. but with the belief of the 'piaised Hillman's work on behalf program for revision of the Little overwhelming majority of all of the American Labor Parly in Steel formula and all-around Americans in every walk of life, New York State. economic stabilization. and regardless of their formal International labor Blaming “reactionary and parti- unity was party afliliation, that Franklin D. stressed in a resolution san forces in Congress" for t lie calling Roosevelt is the only man in for an international organization failure "to stabilize our national public life today qualified to lead embracing “the labor movement* economy,” the convention declared the nation during the next four *“ of all the United Nations with- the Little Steel formula to he years. UNITED out discrimination, including ACTION ;£•“*£ "unrealistic, unworkable and ob- the minority labor movement of liberated "A small, but powerful every big CIO union. Among those at the Amalgamated solete.” In which fought ! Italy," and asking that the world this nation has BACK STEELWORKERS at every during Clothing Workers’ convention discussing the campaign were, labor conference originally the President turn It pledged its support to the years, will redouble left to right: Textile Pres. Emil Rieve, Amalagmated Pres. planned for be convened the past 11 United Steelworkers’ efforts "on their today,” PAC Hillman, Bittner, as soon as possible in Canada, attack the Sidney and Van A. assistant to the presi- behalf of the whole labor move- the United States or any other warned. dent, United Steelworkers. ment” to have the formula modi- DIVISIVE FORCES country where wartime condi- fied,” to permit wage increases tions permit. “They regarded the present which will realistically reflect the The CIO Committee on Latin political campaign and the Novem- rise in living costs." American Affaic. of which ACVV ber elections as their final op-, t The War Labor Board was also Gains Sec.-Treas. Jacob Potofsky is complete Roosevelt Hails chair- portunity to prevent the asked “to modify its application of out man, was praised for its work In liquidation of fascism, to wipe the sub-standard wage doctrine to during a resolution which denounced the the gains we have won the permit wage increases up to a point past 11 years, place reaction In Of Clothing Workers fascist regime in the Argentine and substantially in excess of 50 cents warned against attempts impose the saddle, and make impossible the an hour." to postwar CHICAGO, May 20—The CIO Amalgamated Clothing Work- similar regimes in other countries. realization of our goals. The executive board reported attempt ers this week won high praise from Pres. Roosevelt in a special “In their to come to I that the ACW ban gained 00.000 POSTWAR JOB PLANNING power, they will hestiate at convention message addressed to Pres. Sidney Hillman. J new members since its last con- Expressing sympathy with the nothing to confuse, divide and “Your organization has blazed a path of progressive and vention, reaching a new high of proposal* made in the Baruch weaken labor and the progressiva sfarsighted trade unionism.” Roose- 5‘15,000 members. The union has report and now embodied in the forces,” the I’AC said, In calling said. “You a particularly In the George-Murray bill, the ACW sibly to “investigate campaign ex- velt have set standard expanded for Intensive political action by for others to follow. South, where 10,000 new members urged amendment of this bill to all CIO affiliates to halt the reac- penditures.” Smith could not be include of “You have effectively demon- were obtained, and in the cotton provisions the Kilgore tionary drive and elect to office ( content this innocuous state- bill prompt witli strated how statemanship and for- garment, laundry and various for re-employment men who will support the war ment, however, so he added more ward-looking trade union policy service industries. 10,000 union of workers displaced in the re- and desires of the people for a conversion process providing he talked to reporters, can operate to promote better un- members are In the armed forces. and sound peace. to it when supplementary derstanding between employers and ASKS UNITED FRONT unemployment in- saying: surance. workers and to assure industrial In his keynote speech, Hillman “The Attorney-General has said peace. stressed a united home front and he couldn’t see anything wrong to United Nations unity as prime es- CIO Politkal “Yours is a fine record of volun- "Rubber Stamp Headquarters" CIO. ! victory and en- date in the activities of the tary and wholehearted dedication > sentials for speedy Stencils Dues Bronze I’m putting in this bill with the to the tasks of the nation in these during peace. lie declared there Badges Ruttons Tablets Action Hurts; not a single violation of . has been Idea that we may be able to bring critical years tbe no-strike pledge by the Amal- THE improve “The Amalgamated has always out some things that will gamated. BAUMGARTEN Smith Yells! refused to rest upon past glories COMPANY his eyesight.” and achievements. Its ever re- “There Is no longer any room 925 11th St„ N. W. Washington, May 20—Labor that he asked current for isolationism,” Hillman said. ‘ Smith’s beef is pioneering in new fields 100c0 UNION MADE when it helps “Those who hide behind that political action hurts tho Attorney-General before to of endeavor convinces nia that SEALS unseat a polltaxer or an ex-Dies you your membership ran word today are men who do not Investigate CIO Political Action and man—and the survivors are both be relied upon to make your con- mean well for the nation.
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