u this book is not to b© taken from the Librarf MARCH 20, 1936 u/>e NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC .^•-i \ 4v,. 0 K^^V Volume Sixty-nine Number Twenty •WlimiMMM COLLEGE PARADE By Anthony F. O'Boyle A recent Associated Collegiate Press dispatch contained the infor­ mation that Dean Young B. Smith of Columbia University Law Schools' be­ lieves that "law students of today are being trained to be young provincials and that something should be done about it." According to this same dispatch it is Dean Smith's opinion that the budgets of most law schools are woefully inadequate and that it is imperative that the law schools be allowed greater operating funds. Tliis contention of the Dean's is based on a comparison of the budgets of law schools with medical and various other professional schools. The St. Thomas College A (/uwias re­ cently came forward with an amusing- bit of information accounting for the breakdown of a history professor's resolution never to reveal some of the ridiculous answers he received from students on examination papers. The professor in question is Professor Mc- Chrystal of Marquette University. His laudable promise was abandoned, however, when to a list of identifica­ tion questions he received some of the following answers. One student in­ formed him that De Valera was a Mexican bandit, while another an- swei-ed that the word Anabaptist sig­ nified "the sister of St. John the Bap­ tist." Two more equally amusing identifications were the ones that made St. Ignatius of Loyola "a Span­ ish pirate" and the one that defined a cotton gin as "a drink made by Southern negroes from cotton flowers." —o— o save time—to contact more people more frequently The 1935 college market survey T—to increase sales and reduce selling costs, business has the following to offer in the way of a statistical record on the prefer­ more and more turns to the telephone. ence of college boys and coeds when New ideas for systematic coverage of markets, for more purchasing tobacco, radios, and kin­ dred articles. The survey makes no efficient purchasing, collections, administration, are con­ mention of the trade names of the articles that are purchased but con­ stantly being devised by Bell System men as a result of fines itself to a report on the total their experience with the application of Long Distance in quantity sold. This reveals that 59% of college students smoke; the men the business world. use on the aver-age 19,123 packages Through developing new ideas to meet changing needs. of cigarettes a week, while the girls use only 5,064 packages. Bell System service grows Only 20 per cent of college stu­ dents own cars, but the great ma­ more and more valuable. Why no* coll your folks at least jority consider them an invaluable once a week? For lowest rates asset as evidenced by their resolution to mos^ points, call statlon-to- to get them as soon as possible. stGtJon cf*er 7 P. AA. daily, or Various other incidental details any time Sunday. uncovered by the survey that might be of interest are: only 1.2 per cent never read their school publications; twenty per cent refuse to chew gum; and about 42 per cent of college stu­ dents have radios in their own BELL TELEPHOXE SVSTE>I quarters. c CALENDAR Friday, March 20 Fifth Annual Bengal Bouts, Gym­ nasium, 8:00 p.m. Eight champion­ ship matches, two special features; "Scholastic of the Air," broadcast from campus radio studio, 3:15 p.m. Saturday, March 21 Fencing, Notre Dame vs. Michigan State, gymnasium, 3:00 p.m.; Track, Notre Dame team entered in Butler relays at Indianapolis and Armour Relays in Chicago; Movie, "Special Agent," Washington hall, first show, 6:40 p.m. Sunday, March 22 Student Masses, 6:00, 7:00, 8:00 and 9:00 a.m.. Sacred Heart Church; Knights of Columbus Officers' meet­ ing, Walsh hall clubroom 10:30 a.m.; Interhall basketball games 9:00 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Opening of Music Week with Glee Club concert in Washing­ ton Hall 8:00 p.m. Monday, March 23 "Readers' Spotlight" program from campus radio station, 4:30 p.m.; Fac­ ulty radio lecture 7:00 p.m.; "History of Church Music," broadcast by Rev. James Connerton, C.S.C, and the Moreau Seminary Choir. Tuesday, March 2i Radio program, "The Speech We Use," 4:30 p.m.; "Headline Personali­ ties" from Engineering building stu­ dios 7:30 p.m.; Second Music Week event, the Moreau Seminary Choir concert in Washington Hall, 8:00 p.m. Wednesday, March 25 Radio programs, "Stories of the Classics" at 4:30 and "You The De­ fendant" at 7:30 p.m.; Debating, Uni­ versity of Alabama vs. Notre Dame, tentatively set for Engineering build­ ing auditorium. Thursday, March 26 Radio programs, 4:30, "Athletics in Education," 7:30 "Stories of Great Lives"; Debating, Creighton Univer­ sity vs. Notre Dame, here; Third Music Week program featuring the Little Philharmonic Orchestra, 8:00 p.m., Washington Hall. GLASSES Properly FIHED ANNUALS <. BOOKLETS COLLEGIANA A course in etiquette offered by PRINTED OR ENGRAVED Muhlenberg College, Allentown, Pa., 1900 INVITATIONS has attracted 298 students. DANCE PROGRAMS Cleveland College, Ohio, students STATIONERY receive complete semester gi-ades in photostat form. AN NOUNCEMENTS Bernard alumnae earned an aver­ age of $1,962 each last yeai*. DR. J. BURKE The New York board of aldermen DR. W. G. BOGARDUS McCLAVE PRINTING CO. voted $50,000 to aid 7,000 Hunter DR. E. C. BERRY GRAPHIC ARTS CRAFTSMEN College students when a college build­ 4-7361 ASS E. LASALLE. SOUTH BEND ing was burned recently. Optometrists and Mfg. Opticians Yale fraternities are successfully weathering the new "nine college sys­ 228 S. Michigan St. PATRONIZE SCHOLASTIC South Bend, Indiana tem" set up a year ago. ADVERTISERS March 2 0, !936 SEE you AT THE BENGAL BOUTS. MARCH 20 Th r e e Fists Will Flyllr Tonight at 8:00 FIFTH ANNUAL BENGAL BOUTS Student Ticket, 25c General Admission, 35c 8 Championship Bouts Also Cy Conner vs. Nick Tancredi A Wrestling Circus Tickets on sale in all the Halls after supper, and at the Box Office The Notre Dame Scholastic entered as second-class matter at Notre Dame, Indiana. Acceptance for mailin^l C at special rate of postage. Section 1103, Oct. 3, 1917. Authorized June 25, 191&J Vol ume LXIX March 20, 1936 No. 20 Sixteen Bengal Boxers Await Finals Tonight Scholastic's Ace Reporter LLOYD, LAYDEN. PROCTOR HONORARY JUDGES Interviews The Wrestlers SHEEHAN AND YOUNG TO ACT AS OFFICIALS ' By John A. Gillespie An Honorary Judge Tickets On Sale At Gym Protected by three G-men and a squad of state police, your reporter, this morning, threw caution to the winds and sneaked into the garrulous The grand finale of the winter Cy Conner's mansion on the fourth season on the campus. THE SCHOLAS­ floor of Walsh. Our TIC'S Bengal Boxing Show, will be­ caution hit the come a reality tonight in the Notre winds and blew Dame fieldhouse at 8:00 p.m. The back into our face. mightiest of the mighty will be pitted Cy was gnawing against each other to decide who on the springs of shall reign supreme over the campus the bed. We waited pugilists for another twelve-months. until he had finished An imposing list of officials, headed his metallic meal by Mr. Frank Lloyd, Elmer Layden, and had begun to and Robert Proctor, '04, of Elkhart, pick his teeth with CY Cox>rER as honorary judges, will supervise to­ a hunting knife. night's show. The referee will be "Now listen, Cy, don't get sore, but Dominick Neapolitano, the judges how about a statement for THE SCHO­ will be William F. Sheehan and Eu­ LASTIC?" gene "Scrap" Young, both of whom "What's the SCHOLASTIC?" growled are registered oflRcial Aj\..U. judges. Cy. Tom Conley and Chet Grant will act After that difficulty had been as timers, and Bill Cemey will an­ smoothed out, Cy had this to say: nounce the show. "I ain't nervous, and I ain't stale. I didn't have no trouble making the For the convenience of students who have not yet secured their tick­ weight, and I ain't got no plan of MR. FRANK LLOYD attack. I'll just throw him out of the ets. SCHOLASTIC staff members will ring and go back to my boots and have the pasteboards on sale in the different halls after supper this eve­ saddles." Danno O'Mahoney Accepts "I won't swell a muscle until I ning. Tickets may also be purchased make sure Tancredi has no camphor Invitation To Appear at the box ofiice in the fieldhouse. in his tights. He's a wrong gee. I gotta think of my artistry." Cy At Bouts Tonight sighed and rolled his eyes to the ceil­ ing. "Me and Laacoon." Danno O'Mahoney, colorful Irish We next jumped over to Sorin Hall wrestler, has accepted THE SCHOLAS­ to see how the other half of the Con- TIC'S invitation as honorary referee ner-Tancredi wrestling circus was at the Bengal Boxing Bouts tonight passing the last in the local fieldhouse. few hours before the slaughter be­ Danno since his coming to this gins. country about one year ago has lost Up from the only one wrestling bout, and this cost depths of the sub him the championship at Philadelphia came a groan, then two v/eeks ago.
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