RED BANK REGISTER VOLUME LXX, NO. 32. RED BANK, N. J.. THURSDAY. JANUARY 29, 1948 SECTION ONE-PAGES 1 TO 12 Firemen Set Date Moves To New Studio Mayor English Is Chamber Asks For Annual Ball Rumson Budget 9 The Red Bank fire department Board Approves New President Of Residents Help will hold its 23d annual ball Satur- Has Estimated day, February 28, at Molly Pitcher hotel. Fred Brown has again been Riverview To Form Program selected to head the committee in Rate Of $53.58 charge. School Budget Members of the committee are Annual Meeting Public Questionnaire Terence O'Donnell, Joseph Oalvtr Slight Reduction and Joseph Fix of Hook and Lad- And Election Held Prepared In Hope der; Raymond Brower, Augustus From Last Year— $500 Teaching Bonus Denied— Colmorgen and Joseph Holiday, Re- Hearing Feb. 11 Monday Night Of Obtaining Ideas lef; Harry Aumack, Abram Zager $410,850.80 To Be Raised By Taxation and Allen Collins, Independent; The municipal budget for Rum- David W. Russell, newly re-elect- The annual meeting of the board Dominic Figaro, Charles Douglas son borough waa passed on its first Tho Red Bnnk board of educa- ed president of Red Bank Commun- of trustees of Riverview hospital and Jacob Bloom, Liberty; Harry reading at the meeting of tho tion Monday nljrht adopted a $524,. ity Chamber of Commerce, is call- wag held at the hospital Monday Hoffman, Kenneth Drury and Fred mayor and council last Thursday filH.IU M-II.IUI lMlilg.it lor the 19-18-49 night, with an exceptionally large ing on residents of this area to Jordan, Union, and Vernon Dey, night and provides for an estimated Loeal F.B.I. Agent .s^Hiion riftr'i- m<iinhor3 wont into number of the trustees present. help the Chamber develop a pro- Andrew DePonti and Councilman tax rate of $53.58 per $1,000 of «j- I'Xi'fiitivo senior nn<l rulwl thni- rill gressive community program, A Mrs. George T. Llnton, S. Burrltt J. Albert VanScholk, Wejtslde. ««sed valuation, as compared with omployeoH' fnlnrirs he maintained public questionnaire, which is Boynton and Thomas Irving Brown, $53.62 last year, a sllg-ht reduction. To Address Local at prf'M'-r.i. N'Vfl.n ami th.it no C03t» printed elsewhere in this issue of a* the nominating committee, pre- As stated in tho budget, "Final de- of livim; hprjnil.-i. h*i ir\surrl this cur- sented a slate which proposed the The Register, has been prepared, termination of the 1048 tax rate irn*. M h<i"I yrar. Tbo amount to be renomination and election of the asking readers to give ideas for Leaders Prepare will bo made upon notification of Methodist Men raised by district tax 1* 5110,850.80, trustees whose terms expired De- such a program. f the exact amount to bo collected an UUTI'IIKO of J.'!2,7 Jl.U3 over tho cember 31, and suggested the board Explaining the purpose of the be Increased by five members. Their by tho borough for the county and WilNiini Fl. amount mis'"! l.-ist year. Tho bud- questionnaire, Mr. Russell this For Community local school district" Rumson's (rct ILS mlvortlsivi will l,o submitted suggestions were unanimously en- Joseph Trlglli week said: "for Red Bank area to school budget, which will bo voted tn Mb; V')'c::i at tb*j February 10 dorsed. The flvo new trustees are CHARLES R. ENGLISH be In tuno with the times and bo To Tell Of LatoHt V. i F. Palmer Armstrong of Keyport, on at the school election February wiujtil ':l^irMfjn. able to accept itH many new busi- V Campaign 10, shews a reduction in tho amount Ilff'jru ti^y ,'irtion on tba budget Mrs. Helen Jarvio of Shrewsbury, ness opportunities which are com- In Delecting Crime Frank F. Blalsdell of River Plaza, of school taxes to bo raised In the Joseph's Studio \v;m t.,'iicn, Charl™ Gallagher re~ ing our way, a community thought, next fiscal year, while In many (Iii'sU'.l tii.it the t>oaifl'.s personnel Harry Klatsky, Red Bank attorney, Drive Executives Tho Men's club of tho Reel Hnnlt by a true croea-section of the citi- other communities the school tax i '•oninii't<"> inf'jrm the whola board and Mrs. Edwin L. Best of Middle- Two Girls Hurt Methodist church la planning for n zens themselves must be formu- rato will be higher. This rcduc- '< ns to whu!hi:r any commitments or town township. Appointed By J. C. To Be Located t)lK ni^ht next Tuesday, when they lated." tlon may be offset by a higher coun- promi.-M.H IHKI tuM.n made to the will lmvo as their (,'ucit speiikT The trustees whose terms ex- The officers, directors and com- ty tax rate, but the prospects arc ' ti\ar-hrr:-.' wolfnrt; committee which In Auto Accident Irwin, President William II. McLmiRhlln of Colonial pired, and who have been re-elect- mittees of the Chamber for 1948ure: that the flnal rate will be lower In Modern Home would nffect the budget. Mr. Gal- ««, are Mrs. Ella C. Blel of Ocean- Ofnceri—David W. Russell presi- court, Fair Haven, special nfiont of More than 50 area leaden and than last year. 1'iKhur reasoned that arry such com- port, Willis A. Clayton, Rabbi Ar- dent, Robert L. Snowden first vice the Federal Huretm of Invc.sti^n- miimi>nta shmild be brought to the thur H. Hcrshon, Rev. John A. At Fair Haven team captains this week are com- Public hearing on the budget will tlon, U. a. Department of Justus. president, Robert de la Reusaille be held Wednesday night, Febru- Photographer Moving attention of the board on u wholo, Hayes and Mrs. Leon de la Reus- second vice president, John E. Bail- pleting their working staff organ- Tho olHccra of tho club arn making sllle, Sr. of Red Bunk; C. IX. Cub- ization In preparation for the $33,- ary 11. To His Own Properly an extra effort to have a I.II^G at- ami [IF! cilod list year's cusc in Katharine Labrecque, ly, Jr., treasurer and Ray E. Tay- The budget, which appears In to- which tha luard was criticized for bag* and Mrs. George T. Llnton of lor executive secretary. 000 Community Y.M.C.A. general tendance, fifl Mr. MCULUKIIIIM Middlotown township, and Mrs. J. campaign which opens with a kick- day's Issue of The Register In its acting hastily on a salary plan at Susan Lynch Taken Board of Directors—Thomas Irv- Opposite Carlton promises to bring beforo his au- the. last minuto. Knodell of Rumson. off dinner at 6:30 o'clock next entirety In legal form, contains the lilenca an opportunity for them to ing Brown, Percy Sherman, Frank following explanatory statement: Ho urged Uia.t if any changes Newton Doremus of West Front To Riverview Hospital Thursday night in the "Y" gymnas- lenrn of tho Intent tnctira uncd In Merritt, Paul T, H. Mclvcr, Felix "Tho 1048 budget of tho Borough Joseph's studio, which hn« been were to be made that the money tw street, who has served the hospital Santangelo, Howard Leon, George ium. successfully conducted by Joseph detecting crime. In order lo doubly At the dinner, leaden, captains of Rumson submitted for your ap- npprcclnto Mr. Mcl,ausililln'n Uik- raised by atMitlunal district tax and many years In various capacities, Two 11-year-old girls were taken Yanko, David Russell, William D. Trlglli at 14 Monmouth street for not from a:i t'stimnted $.80,000 sur- and who has been president several and workers alike will receive their proval Is prepared on a full cash Ing time out from his innny duties, to Riverview hospital Saturday Bradley, James Humphreys, Robert basis, a required statutory proce- the last six years, will be locntcd plus, years, advised that due to ill evening by the Fair Haven first aid Snowden, Robert Roussille, John E. campaign instructions and be after next Tuesday at 108 Mon- tho olllcora of tho Men's club hnvn health he was unable to carry on brifcd upon the Importance of their dure. extended an Invitation for erw:li .Stanley Havlland, opeaking tot squad following an accident on Ri- Bailly, Jr., Kenneth Walker and mouth street, opposite the Carlton thu honrd'd neraunncl committee), as president. The nominating com- Paul Joy. work. These will be the people who "The amount to be raised by tax- member of tho organization to feel ver road, Fair Haven, in which ation for local government pur- theater. said that no commitments had been mittee, feeling that some recogni- they were struck by a car. Katha- will visit the homes in this section perfectly froo to bring a nmlo ijucet. tion should be given Mr. Dorcmus Membership — Ralph Belknap and invite the residents to invest poses Is $137,214.15. Estimates of The two-story house which Mr. maflo with Uio teachers but said rine Labrecque, daughter of Mr. chairman and Leon Rosenfeld co- Trlglli bought from the Oschwald Following Mr. Mclaughlin's ad- for his faithful service, suggested in youth by buying |5 and $10 "V" county and local school taxes are drc&s thcro will bo an extra spnc'ul tho teachers had requested a $500 to the trustees that when the of- and Mrs, Theodore J. Labrwque, rrhalrmnn; automotive, J. Ray Pe- based on those levied for tho year Rcnlly company has been convortod butwi.i.
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