THE LEADING CHESS MONTHLY News. Pictures. Games. Problems LETTERS CHESS SUGGESTS AMATEUR DEPA RTM ENT REVIEW S i rH : You speak of the possibility of enlarging CHI·:SS H8VIEW if the subscriptions could be VoL IX, No.7, Aug.-Sept., 1941 increased. .\tight I suggest an Amateur De· (WI,'I CIAL DHGAN ()f' 'I'1·m partment? orrel· a year·s subscription and the IJ. S, CH I ~SS F r;])8H,\'i'ION putJli~ation of one 01" his games to every per· EDITOR L A, H orowitz ~on sendiug" in ten lIew subscribers. "M A NAGING EDITOH Kenneth Hal'kness lJENJAM IN K . HA YS, '\1.D. Oxford, N. C. ASSISTANT l~])['l'OR i\\ a tthew Green • DEPARTM I!:N T EDlTORS Subscriber Hays gets his wish. W e will Reu ben Fine- Game o f the Month Vincent L , Eaton- Proble m Department begin an Amatetlr Games Department as soon 11 "villK Cheruev- Ch es8 Qu i ~ as material is available. However, we will PHOT OGRA PI-! ER- Hanu! Echpvel'l'ia exact no conditions, offer no rewards. If read. Publislled monthly October to :\fay, bi-monthly ers will make g ift subscriptions or get sub. June to September. by CHESS REVIEW, 2.5 0 scriptions from friends the increased circula. \Vest 57th Stred, New Yor'k, N. Y. T elephone tion will, of course, enable us to devote more CIrcle 6-8258 . space to this and other departments. S ubscript ions : Oue year $3.00; Two years Amateurs are requested to send in their $5 .50 ; !.' ive yeal'S $12.50 in the United States, games. T wo or more will be published each U. S. Possessions, Canada, .\Jexieo, Ce ntral and South America. Other countries $3,5 0 PC I' month with brief annotations by our editorial yeal', Re-e ntered as second class matter July staff. These notes will ca il attention to your 26, 194 0, at the post onlce at New York, N. Y .. good moves, help you to correct mistakes, unller the Ad of Murch 3. 187 !J. give in~tr u c t ion to all This servi ce will be fl ee to subscribers. If you would like to see this department in CHESS R EVlE W, you must co.operate by send. ing in one of )'ONI" games. Only home or STA Y- PUT amateur tournament games will be published. G ive name and address of opponent, if J)()s, sible; state the occasion, if any. Ad ress Amateur Games Department, CHESS REVI EW, 250 W est 57th Street, New York, N . Y .- Ed. * * * * SAYS WE H AVE OOMPFI Sirs: I want to congrat ulate you on tbe form of t he CHESS REVIEW. It is just swell. Hark· ncss knows how lo usc the King's English as an instrument 01" pre cision- and of oo m pf i BARNIE F. W INKELill AN Philadelphia, Pa. "* WH O* IS *HAR * KN ESS? Sirs : Let me congratulate you OJ I the excell ent An Ingenious ~ n d int ensely practical new editioll s that you are publishing at present. ty pe of pocket chess set . The pieces atand The format is par excelle nee. the news cur· up and fa ll down by themselves as you open rent. the ~ ove rage terse and language a model or close the board. Slots at the side for of clarity. Truly the CHESS HEVIEW is a ca ptu red men. Convenient pocket 5 ize whe n scholarly llIagazlrle wOI·thy of the subscribed closed. support of chess players t hroughout these CAT. NO. 233~Late$ t Mode l, Stay· $2 Un ited States. put Pocket Chess Set , w ith zipper _00 Hal s off to you and K en neth Harkness 1 fa stener, comple te with men and four extra pawns fo r play ing Prof. PA UL J . MILLER checkers. Chess ErlilOl·, The \Vas hinglOn (D. C.) Star CHESS EQUIPMENT CO. P. S. WHO IS HARKNESS? 250 W EST 57th ST., NEW YORK, N. Y. Born in Glasgow, Scotland, 44 years ago, Managing Editor K EN N ETH HARK NE SS IS a 145 retired radio eng ineer, author of rad io text. books, former editor of R ADIO NliWS. Prac_ ticed in translating technical subjects into lay. CHESS BOOKS man's language, Harkness is trying to do Ihe same thing for chess, is g lad to know that his Here are the book,; )'OU ca n'l arronl eliorls are appreciatc<1. A member of the to do without. · If rOll don ', own the m Marshall Chess Club, an enthusiastic Class B all HOW, YOU I' li bl':lI')l is not c OIll]lh! h l . chess player, H arkness believes that CHE SS We highly "ccommf'lul each alHl every REVIEW must broaden it s appeal , ~Jad l y flC_ on!! of them . cepts suggestions like that of Reader Hays above, will welcome Ot hers. Harkness is also Modern Cheta Openings- By H eubc u ori~inator and edit or of CHESS CHARTs- an Fine (Gl'tJllt h & Whi tfl). An abllo, engineer's conception of how chess openings lute MUST. The reference book should be d ass ificd,- Ed, of the open i ng ~ ___ _______ ____ $2.50 My Best Game. of Chess (1924·1937) * * • * l1 y D r. A . A. A lekll i ne. T h e worler !! WANTS HELP ON RECO RDED GAMES c hamllion nnnOlllHlS and eX lllalns his best gamel!. Full of vital In· Sirs: fOrlnatlon __ __ ________ ____ ___ __ •• $3.50 Playin~ che~s fo r about 5 year~ and c1a~ ~l ng mysel f a~ a fa irly ~ood 13 player, I IIl1tU"nllly want to improve my .l{lItlle. Going over ~ome My Beat Games of Chess (19 08·1923) or my t ext·books alld Ihe Issues of CHESS By Dr. A. A. Alekhlne. ReJJI'l llled RF.JVIE\V, I play OV e l" some of the ma~ter from the o riginal which sold at n games. I mu st say, how(lvel", that I never much higher price ___ ______ _• ___ $1 .70 find myseJr In a lI itua tloli wh(lre I can make use or what I see in tiL!' ;'I' g:lmes. Would you give mil II hint of how to Utilize How t o P lay Chess F.ndlng 5 ily F; u­ Ihese J:'ames. how 10 '::0 o ve r them. since I J:cne Zno ~ k o-Bo . · ow s ki. S t udy thlll fi nd it tiring when II number of val'iations are book a nd your e nd·game play will give n. Perha llS you could explain the under· !l lIow II. big imllrOl'cmcnt ____ ____ $4.00 lyi ng 11l0Uves o r IntentiOn!; o f t he players. WILLIAM Pt:ET',' J<; R Practical E nd.Game P lay By FrCI I Nell' York, N. Y. R"infl' ld, An ex ccllelll treat ise on Reader Puetter is referred to the article in the e nd·ga me fJ'om a purely prac· this issue on how to enjoy recorded games­ lIeal point or view. Includes mJ\ny and the succeeding article which will explain rille Hlle clnlcnll from master ga m e~ $2,00 how to study and learn from them. CHESS REVIEW now publishes master games from cur. My Sy~tem By Aaron Nlmzovltch. I n· rent tournaments with brief comments. Reader " ~ Jlu ~ Jb \ e t1" e lltl ~ e un t he IJr ine iplcli or eheS!!. Guarante ed to imIWOW' Puetter, and others who feel as he does. should your /(ame ___ __ ____ ____ ___ ___ __$3 ,75 start wit h these, later g raduate 10 fully an_ notated games- Ed, The Game of Chess Uy D .'. Tarras Ch. Still one or t hl' bl'!It chellll book!! {'VI'I' w rI tten ___ _____ ____ __ ______ $4,00 FRONT COVER Strategy and Tact ics in Chess By Dr. 'l'imelv Is OUI' rront CO I'('I' portrait Max I;:u\\'c, A hook fUI' the pmerl· 0 1" Gramt Mllliter REUBP-N FINP-, the c he~ " player or the momh. c;\l p l a~' el '. Clearly cx v lainll u ndc l" Iyin/o: thcorles __ __ ____ ___ ___ • ••• $2,75 ~'ille WOII the U. K C he.'!~ }'e tleratioll O lleu 'I'out'tlamC llt In July. proceetletl to Hamilton. N. Y. In August antl won the Order from New York State Chnnlllionship, OUlI)()l nt· fog Ueshe\'s k)" l\ashtlan, De nker :a n ti CHESS EQUIPMENT CO. otller master plu yer!!. Portrait of Reuben I"ine is by CH E SS 250 Weat 57th Street, New York, N. y , RP,VIF;W I)hotographer Ilaoul ~~heve lTi a , !(" l( 10" prints or t h! lI IlO rt rllit, wit hout lettel'jng, suil ablc fOr rraming, mar be . 'I'ht~ Is ju ~ t II partial list of OUI ' hll',I( c nbtained by se nding $1 to CHESS m£· ~(o c k or new and used che s ~ bnok~ , VIEW, 250 West 57th Street, l'>ew York, Writ!.' for c Oll1 lJ lctc price list. N. Y. (Adl't) 146 Fine Wins St. Louis Tourney Retains Federation When the tourney was over, Steiner visited New York, called at the CHESS REV IEW office. Championship Title The friend ly California internationalist told us of his plans for the future, incl uding a tour through the southwest, culminating in a giant Grandmaster R IiUREN FINE successfully de.
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