S. HUROK presents MARIAN ANDERSON America's Great Singer LADY FROM PHILADELPHIA Manan Anden,on' history•making tour of the Far Ea>t Inspired this draw1ng by joseph Hir ch which RCA Victor made into the cover for it recording of "The Lady from Philadelphia." Once, perhaps, in a generation a phenom­ enon appears in the music world: that rare artist, who in his own lifetime, becomes sur­ rounded by the aura of legend. Jenny Lind, Paganini, Liszt, Caruso, Pavlova, Chaliapin were such fabulous figures for their contem­ Edward R. Murrow, Miss Anderson and S. H urok poraries; such a legend for our own time is before the great inger's departure for the Far Ea t. Marian Ander on. It is not Mi s Anderson's remarkable voice alone which has brought her to this estate, but also some unique, almost mysterious quality that makes her singing seem to par­ take more of the spirit than of the display of a mere physical gift. Possibly it i this spiritual quality that has made Marian Anderson so important to our uncertain era, for her art both stems from and communicates a deep faith, infinitely touching and reassuring in its certainty. Thi quality, the splendor of her voice and the rare dignity and modesty with which she has conducted her brilliant career have brought her the tributes of the world's great: governments, kings, univer ities, cities and organization . T oscanini said, "Yours is a voice heard once in a hundred years." ibelius told her, "The roof of my house is too low for your voice." Stanislavsky brought her white lilacs in the depths of a Moscow winter. The King of Thailand broke all precedent by rising from his throne to greet her. A soloist with the Bombay Symphony, the only such And the world's little people have honored orche tra between T okyo and T el Aviv. Miss Anderson, too: No greater tribute could have been paid an artist than the amazing out-pouring of 7 5,000 persons who gathered After receiving an honorary degree from EWHA University in Seoul, Korea, Miss Anderson sings "He's Got The Whole World In His Hands." to hear her ing from the steps of the Lincoln Americrt was fortunate that C.B.S.'s Memorial. Edward R. Murrow and Fred Friendly sent Recently, when the Metropolitan Opera a crew with Miss Anderson to make a record signed her a the first of her race to become of her impact on the Far East. The result a member of the company, the paean of ac­ was "The Lady from Philadelphia," surely claim in the world's press testified to the re­ one of the most impressive films ever made spect in which she is held. and one that its millions of viewers on televi­ sion will never forget. Editorials across the Despite the universality of her art, her country from Milwaukee to Atlanta hailed fellow countrymen may be proud that Miss Anderson, and the tate Department Marian Ander on's story and achievements ent scores of copies of "The Lady from are uniquely American. Philadelphia" around the world. Such pub­ When the U. S. State Department sent lications as N.ewswee~ , 'Time and Life called Miss Anderson to the Far East as a "Cultural the singer "America's secret weapon." Ambassador," they gave the great singer only In Augu t, 1958, President Eisenhower one instruction: "Be yourself." As the Satur­ appointed Marian Anderson to the United day Review aid, "She gave her own message State Delegation to the United Nations. It - in her in pired artistry, her joy, enthusiasm, was the highest honor ever accorded an compassion, humility and religious faith. Her American artist, and Miss Anderson filled music was, in turn, a deep yearning, an adora­ the post with the rare dedication and dignity tion, a cry for freedom, a national anthem, that her fellow countrymen have come to ex­ a morality le on, and a Christian hymn." pect from her. With Mrs. Golda Meir, Minister of Secretary of State John Fo ter Dulles and Henry Cabot Lodge, Foreign Affair for I rael. head of the American Delegation to the U . ., congratulate Mi Anderson. America·, great inger reaks frc m the rostrum to the General A embly of the United Said one press report, ··From the moment he said, ·Mr. Chairman: in that voice that has thrilled millions around the world, every conver ation in the room stopped." With other delegates in the Trusteeship Committee, listening to a simultaneou translation of a speech being given. With Prince Norodom Sihanouk of Cambodia. ~ 1nothers gift ... GRACE BEFORE GREATNESS By Marian Anderson F t\ILURE and fru trat:on arc in the unwritten page of Future," a ge ture of love and confidence impossible everyone's record. I have had my share of them. But to forget in a lifetime. When I come to Philadelphia, I if my mother' gentle hands were not there to guide me, alway try to ee some of these people who have been perhaps my ltfe in mu ic would have ended long ago. o important to me, and though it ·ldom i possible the e The faith my mother taught me i my foundation. It days, I love to sing in their choir. is the only ground on which I stand. With it I have a My father died when I wa twelve, and my mother's freedom in life I could not have in any other way. What­ burden became heavier. Before he became a housewife ever is in my voice, my faith has put it there. and the mother of three daughters, she was a school­ teacher. Now he became a father to us as well as a Her presence runs throu6h everything I ever wanted mother and earned our whole livelihcod by whatever she to be. The particular religion a child echoes i an accident could find to do. It was terribly difficult for her, I know, of birth. But I was converted to my mother's faith and but he would not even hear of any of u children leaving patient understanding long before I could define either. chool for work. We were poor folk. But there was a wealth in our During the e years I began to have my first opportunity poverty, a wealth of music, and love and faith. My two to earn a little money by singing. Almost entirely they sisters, Alice and Ethel, and I were all in the church were Sunday evening concerts for the church, or for the choir- the junior, not the senior one. There is still a vivid YWCA and the YMCA. At these affairs I could sing, memory of our mother and father, their faces shining with perhaps, two or three songs, and my fee was a very grand pride, watching us from the front pews. And when I 50 cents, or once in a great while, $1.00. Sometimes I was six I was once fortunate to be selected to step out would dash to four or five of these concerts in one evening. in front of the choir and sing "The Lord Is My Shepherd." M any people were kind to me: teachers who took no It was a Baptist Church we attended in Philadelphia. fees, those who urged me forward when I was discouraged. But my mother taught us early that the form of one's Gradually I began to sing with glee clubs and churches faith is less important than what is in one's heart. in other cities. After one minor effort in Harlem, a group "When you come to Him," she said, "He never ask of well-meaning people hastily spon ored me for a concert what you are." in T own Hall in New York. We children never heard her complain about her lot; lt seemed at once incredible and wonderful. But I or criticize those who offended her. One of her guiding wasn't ready: indeed, I was far from it either in experi­ precepts ha always been: "Never abuse those who abuse ence or maturity. On the exciting night of my first you. Bear them no malice, and their's will disappear." real concert I was told T own H all was sold out. While My i ters till attend the Bapti t Church in Phila­ waiting in dazed delight to go on, my sponsor said there delphia. It is a church and a congregation I hold most would be a slight delay. I waited five, ten, fifteen minute . fondly in my heart for many rca on . The c were the Then peeked through the curtain. people who, year ago, pooled their pcnnie into what The house was half empty! I died inside. But when they grandly called "The Fund for Marian Anderson' the curtain went up I ang my heart out. And when Miss Anderson and the Younger Generation discuss topics of interest at the E. M. Stanton Grammar School. Slowly I ca me out of my despair. My mind began to clear. N o one was to blame for my fa ilure. Self-pity left me. In a burst of exuberance I told my mother : "I want to study again. I want to be the best, and be loved by everyone, and be perfect in everything." "That's a wonderful goal," she chided. "But our dear Lord walked this ea rth as the most perfect of all beings, yet not everybody loved Him." Subdued, I decided to return to my mus1c to seek humbleness before perfection.
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