![Architectural Lighting JULY/AUGUST 2002 V0L17, NUMBERS](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
• • JULY/ AUGUST 2002 0 0 iKe: Designing Students Lighitfair In Living Color NU Business Publications USA I S, S7.00 green peppers reeessed parabolie sun-dried tomatoes RP-1 low glare mushrooms shallow 2'//' profile sausage "Huro" styling onions high effieieney olives soft perf glow n f'y C*!umbia 5.S()S North Sulliv;in Road • Spokane.Washinuion 99216 LIGHTING tcl: S()9.924.~()()() • vv^'vv.coliimbialighling.com/brio Circle No. 1 on reader service card or visit lightforum.com Ultra Reflective, Super Effective, Highly Selective. The fastest, easiest way to reduce control than any other lighting costs is with Alanod®, surface in the indus• America's leading supplier of reflec• try. For light dis• tive surfaces. For the past five years, tribution patterns Alanod has developed most of the and optical effects, new energy-efficient surfaces in the Alanod offers a lighting industry. 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Only MIRO has unique characteristics that give Specify MIRO, the leading it greater total reflectivity and far better optical edge in lighting technology alanod MIRO^ The fastest, easiest way to reduce lighting costs Eastern us Sales: 718-321-0002 • Western US Sales: 208-726-3003 • Canada Sales: 905-840-6868 • www.alanod.com Circle No. 2 on reader service card or visit lightforum.com Light pollution is robbing our country of the universe's most glorious spectacle; a brilliant star-lit sky. That's why Spring City, the company most known for traditional lighting design, is about to introduce the very latest in luminaire technology to help solve this growing problem. We want the skies to be as dark as they were when we made our first lamp posts 160 years ago. Call 610-948-4000 for information. SPRING CITY Klectrical Manufacturing ( .oinpan> Circle No. 3 on reader service card or visit lightforum.com architectural lighting JULY/AUGUST 2002 V0L17, NUMBERS DESIGN FEATURES 14 2002 lALD Lighting Design Awards Award of Excellence 16 Gateshead Millennium Bridge Awards of Merit 1 8 Jefferson Nalii)nal Expansion Memorial GATESHEAD MILLENNIUM BRIDGE Gatevkay Arch 19 Lum inous Arc 20 MoMA Design Store. SoHo 21 Mdrimoto Restaurant 22 Oiora Store & Spa Citations 23 Frist Center for the Visual Arts 24 Glowing Walls Honorable Mentions 25-6 AIST Tokyo Wulerfroni: Aqua Hall: Mickey A Friends Harkini; Sinu liirc at llic Disnniami Resort: SenJai MeiJiatlieqiw: Suha: The Thomas Jefferson AIST TOKYO WATERFRONT Memorial 2(H)I Relif;hlinii IN FOCUS 28 Uppcrclassmcn—Winning Student Designers POST-LIGHTFAIR REVIEW 32 Technology Rcptrt 38 New Product Showcase STUDENT DESIGNERS DEPARTMENTS 8 Kditor's Note 10 News 10 The Inhox 12 DatehiM>k 48 EndpoinI Retail: How to S;iiisl\ IX'sign and Meel Knergy Rec|uircments NEW PRODUCT SHOWCASE ViihiUMiir.il 1 ii!liiinv-i\..l 1^ S.I s ( SI'S K4<. ISSN ((WM^U Wii iv |iiihliJ«'>l ..•vcn lime [XT vtjr I»iiii..mhl\ .-wcin V1.mlhK in Maa1i .md Join-1 h> % Nl Busiiics-Mului. IIK . ^1) Hi<udu.i% ScA ^ mk S> IIIIM '<VJS .m\ IN iliMnhuiiil tm- iil LIUI|K'm IIHIIVHUUN IIIIIIN miiJ^Til in lie spnilKJIiiin ol li}:tilin|: prnduilN in the I S jnd Icmkncv The ci>sl iil all olhLi -ubxn|4u»iN inihc I S jnil k-mkoKv IN%4)< per >t-iir A iw yrai ( .uuilun Nubs^npnoi. |xi\jhlc m I S Julkir.. i>ikl« SNI-ind jll<«hrr Imripn. Vth L-OIMLI P<H PUNUIMIN Mail -Vpmnmi N.. J(IH|7N IVn.iJ»jl» h.s»j).i-I'JKI Ji Now N> and jildiiM«nl iiiailini: .ifficfN Pnmcil in ihc I SA RJSTMASTRR SendilMn|Jcs .i« addn:x> i.i Aalnlcilural Ijphiing. PO Box HK.I .Sk.ikic. II NII7«Hl«ltil Anhikvliiial I i(:hliii|.' i- .1 ii.«k iii.iik IWIHII .•>. lii.ui K In VM Uiisim s. Mnli.i IIK ( upvn^hl 2I>I2 \ NL Hu«iiii-i.s SUIIM, IIK All njihls ivscfved. RcprnduilHHi nl IhiN ma);j/inc. in nlKilc iif in p.111 IN pnihihiirtl iiiikss auih-m/cil h> ilu- IKININIX-I luliliitial and ailvcniMnf- iiflices 770 B«tiadwii>. Ni-» Ymt. NY Kill? Hhmr iMhi ^'K^45«I Cusjomcr Servue lixiuiix-s lt« aikki-w chan)ie\. -iinik- iiip\ sale* lV> in IIK- I S. S"? • pi>Ma(.v iiuKKk- ilk- I S. piiyabk- 111 adiaiK'Ci and >uhv.iip«»ni iik^ino. wnk- ki AiihiUXIural |ji!h(iii):. PO Box Iflhl. SkiAkr. IL Ninh-Mlhl Kiallrusliimef Senu*allW7iM7 7<«7.luiMilr Ihe I S ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING si X V. architectural lighting JULY/AUGUST 2002 V0L17, NUIVIBER 5 EDITORIAL STAFF EorroR-iN-CHiEF CHKISTINA TR.SITHWEIN PUBLISHER IM6I6S4-44KI SUZANNE TRON HAHEK (ax (646)654-5816 (646) 654-5756 ciiiiiilliwriiif'wiihtispiihs.com la-x (646) 654-4484 sihahi'r<ffvmihuspul>s.c(im ART DIRECTOR Jo.NATHAN MAR.SI.ANI) GROUP MARKETING MANAGER (646)654-4472 KELLY CAR.SON fax (646) 654-4480 (646)654-7654 jmiir.yl(iiul(P'\iiiihiisi>uhs.rinn lax (646) 654-7365 kcarson vmihiapiibs. com SENIOR EorroR ALICE LIAO ((-46)654-4482 fax (646)654-5816 iiliao¥'riiiihuspiibs.com ADVERTISING SALES NORTHEAST/INTERNATIONAL CONTRIBUTING EDITORS CLIEF SMITH WANDA JANKMWSKI. JEAN NAVAR. Naiioiial Business Devekipmeni Manager DAVID HoixinwN. PH. C'KAIC DILOI II . (646)654-4478 MARK NEWMAN lax (646)6.54-5816 < .smilh k' vimbuspiihs. t am EDITORIAL ADVISERS RENEI-. C(X)U;Y. C(X)li;Y MONAIX) .SnJDU) SOUTHEAST HOWARD BRANDS ION. LC. FIALD. .SCOnClNNINdllAM FIES.BRANDSTON l-'ARl'NIUtSIIII' (770)91.1-0271 GARY SIT-RT. LC. I-IALD. lax (770) 91.1-0275 CiARY .S n:iiT LuiiriiNc, DIUSKIN u iiniiiiit;li<iiiiU>'(ii< hili; liiivma>;.rom MIDWEST/CENTRAL SUPPORT Ron BROCKI.I.V (3I2)581-.5.S()5 PRODUCTION lax (312) 583-5507 ViNCE HABICK rbrocklcy (<" urchiwctiimmif;. com (M6) 654-72.18 lax (646)654-7.117 WEST JON HENU / PAI RIL IA OEAIZ HENG CIRCULATION MANAGER (626)799-.1610 MoLLiE MI:RRAY lax (626) 799-5853 (646)654-7254 pol.Kbca&m.w.com lax (646) 654-7265 SPECIAL PROJECTS, ADVERTISING LIST RENTAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (8451 62()-')(HK) MU IIAI;E PARRISH lax (845)620-4035 (()46| 6.54-5763 lax (646)6.54-5816 CUSTOMER SERVICE mpaihsh (" vmdnispubs.com (847)647-7')S7 lax (732) .180-2422 REPRINTS HIM MER OSIIORNE DESIGNER PARS iMiiRNATKiNAi.. INT. ROBERTO FIORATO (212)221-9595 ExL 333 hcalhcr(S piirsintl.com ifR 77(1 Broiidwiiy. New N.irK. NY mm Real l-.slali' .mil Di-si-jn (iroup HIP RulurJ O'L ..iiiutf. Pr<'«i.l<-nl PROSMADE WALL PROSHADE FLOOR PROTECM PROGRILL Sun lllk.mil:. \ T. Oper.ill.xi> Ri-.il Eslju- .inJ IVxiKti (irKiip I'lihlitalixn-: \i, hiii> i.ir.il I iuhlin;;. -\r> luu^tuti.-, LIGHTING SOLUTIONS INTEGRATED WITH ARCHITECTURE ('.oiiinitTi i.il l'ri>|vti\ \in>, I'.mir.ui. f-.i. iliiu s IV-ii;ii i> M.in.ii.'cincni. Hi»pii.iliu IViinn. KiKlicn 6. Biiih I1ii«ini'". .Vliilii-I loiiMnii Nowv OiluT \'NL' Business I'uhlicjlions Gmup^ Recessed wall/floor mount luminaires. Variety of ( ii. i.il ,111.1 Spi'. ii.lh RfMilmi;; R. i.iil ,iml F.HKI ,\U-,li.i; Rti.iil IV-Myn; Tnivi-I. 4 different covers. Die-cast non-corroding aluminum IVrliiniMiuc .Hill I KMIIIICIIII- material available in white, black anodized, metallic ^'vnu IJIISIIII'S'. ()iil)li(.ilions gray. Polymer gasket, stainless steel locking screws, I'tiM.lrni 6; I Mich.n-I M.itilu-Mnn, I liii l ( V<'''"ini; OHKIT: How.irJ Liin.lix Excculivo Vice PrcMilcnis; .Miirk IXncv (Miiikriiui:. MrJi.i 6; Ri't.nl). RulvirJ iVConn.ir low protusion recessed body made of V-2 rated ( I r.ivel, IVrtiTiii.imi-, Real H.Mnii/1 VMi.n> .in.l Fi«sl SoiA icr); Viimr V'lii- PrciJi-nl Tutu self-extinguishing technopolymer. Ni-vitt iM.uki-iiuu Inl.iiniMii.iii). N in- Pri-MJciiis: liicllcn Stnunici (BUMIII-S~ .\l,in.ii;cmcni). li>.uinr Whc.ult-v (I 'licul.ilu'n) ^vnu business media PRISMA NORTH AMERICA. INC. I'rrMiliMii 6i (!10: Muli.icl M.irilu-v.iiio. I 'lm-I L>|x-i;iimi; Llllicci: l l.iw.iiJ Eaiuli-n 300 PETTY ROAD. SUITE C VKI' I'rfsulfiii/lluMiiU''.N 1 VMl.ipiiii'ni: loliii V;HI JIT Valk; Vitc PrcMdi'nl/liuiii.m Ki-s<iurccs: Shan 111 SliiTTi l.'lm-l iTiiaiuTal l^llinr; |IH' l-iiri'v; l'n'>uloni - VNl/' Hx|x»itiiin>: lirci; harrar. LAWRENCEVILLE. GA 30043 PRISMA I'uM.I.'iil \ NI; >Mi,l..i: l. r.-inv I ".r..v:i'l VOICE 770.822.2115 - FAX 770.822.9925 ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING EMAIL: [email protected] VBPA I ..pvniHii *" JlXV I'V VNU Hu>incs> M.-d.,i. Inc All nuliis K->-n,-.l ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING Circle No. 5 on reader service card or visit lighttorum.com (0 o c c/3 0) CD CD CD c/: E Q. CO CL-^ CC CT3 X3 8 (/) CD C/D CD O CD CD 9^ CO i£ O O) CO ^ c' Ct3 >8? CO *--p^5:= O •Q ^ "D C CO ^ -S :^ CO o£ ^ 0^ CD CD CO Qj ^ o^rt c^) c/) CO o ^ O CO P : ^' ™ CO CD Q3 I " O -^^ Q.
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