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Kinoshita, Plant expression value for the specialized metabolic related gene clusters display heightened levels of Cell Physiol. 52, 213–219 (2011). gene-containing clusters (0.390) was significant- gene coexpression in Arabidopsis. Collectively, 17. K. Yonekura-Sakakibara, K. Saito, Nat. Prod. Rep. 26, 1466–1487 (2009). ly higher than the mean for the remaining clusters these properties constitute a set of genomic sig- (0.289) (P = 0.020, Wilcoxon rank sum test) (Fig. natures of specialized metabolic genes that may Acknowledgments: We thank A. Osbourn, E. Sattely, 3D). Coexpression of genes within the 62 spe- serve as a tool for the accelerated and rational and K. Dreher for comments. Supported by a Becas Chile- cialized metabolism–related clusters differed sig- discovery of genes involved in the synthesis of Conicyt postdoctoral fellowship (R.N.-P.) and by NSF grants P 4 5 17 DBI-0640769 and IOS-1026003. Data are available as nificantly from randomized clusters of genes ( = novel specialized compounds ( , , ). supplementary data files S1 to S5. The enzyme annotation −7 2.71 × 10 , Wilcoxon rank sum test) and neigh- program is available for download at https://dpb.carnegiescience. boring genes in the Arabidopsis genome (P = References and Notes edu/labs/rhee-lab/software. − 3.56 × 10 5, Wilcoxon rank sum test) (Fig. 3D) 1. B. M. Schmidt, D. M. Ribnicky, P. E. Lipsky, I. Raskin, Nat. (6). In contrast, coexpression values within the 66 Chem. Biol. 3, 360–366 (2007). Supplementary Materials 2. P. R. Ehrlich, P. H. Raven, Evolution 18, 586–608 www.sciencemag.org/content/344/6183/510/suppl/DC1 nonspecialized metabolism-related clusters were (1964). Materials and Methods similar to the examined controls (random clus- 3. M. Wink, Biochemistry of Plant Secondary Metabolism Figs. S1 to S9 ters, P = 0.191; neighboring genes, P = 0.817). (Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, UK, 2010). Tables S1 to S4 These results indicate that gene clusters containing 4. A. L. Schilmiller, E. Pichersky, R. L. Last, Curr. Opin. Data Files S1 to S5 Plant Biol. 15, 338–344 (2012). References (18–51) specialized metabolic genes are more likely to be 5. J.-K. Weng, R. N. Philippe, J. P. Noel, Science 336, coexpressed than their nonspecialized counterparts. 1667–1670 (2012). 11 February 2014; accepted 7 April 2014 Given that genes in the same metabolic pathway 6. See supplementary materials on Science Online. 10.1126/science.1252076 hosts, and to evade frequency-dependent con- Deception by Flexible Alarm Mimicry straints on deception, by changing their signal when hosts habituate to a previously used signal. in an African Bird We investigated the deceptive tactics of an African bird, the fork-tailed drongo (Dicrurus Tom P. Flower,1,2* Matthew Gribble,2 Amanda R. Ridley1,3 Deception is common in nature, but victims of deception discriminate against and ultimately 0.3 ignore deceptive signals when they are produced too frequently. Flexible variation of signals could allow evasion of such constraints. Fork-tailed drongos (Dicrurus adsimilis) use false alarm calls to scare other species away from food that they then steal. We show that drongos mimic the alarms of targeted species. Further, target species reduce their response to false alarm calls when they 0.2 are repeated. However, the fear response is maintained when the call is varied. Drongos exploit this propensity by changing their alarm-call type when making repeated theft attempts on a particular species. Our results show that drongos can evade the frequency-dependent constraints that typically limit deception payoffs through flexible variation of their alarm calls. 0.1 nimal signals tend to be honest (1–3), but imposes a constraint on payoffs for individuals deception can persist where it is benefi- possessing a single inflexible deceptive signal cial for individuals to respond to a signal whose success depends on the abundance of A of targetLikelihood alarm mimicry type on average (4). Such deception stops working honest models (5). Novel deceptive signals can 0 when deceptive signals occur too often relative confer benefits because individuals that produce Other species Target species to their honest counterparts (5, 6). This balance rare signals are at a selective advantage (7, 8). Species type Nevertheless, individual success still declines as Fig. 1. Mimicry of target species alarm calls 1 7 8 Department of Science and Technology/National Research signal frequency increases ( , ). Some deceivers in food-theft attempts. Drongos mimicked a Foundation Centre of Excellence at the Percy FitzPatrick Ins- can tune their signal to better deceive their host target species’ alarm calls more often in food-theft titute, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch 7701, South Africa. (9, 10). However, the benefits available from 2Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge attempts on them (target species) than in attempts CB2 3EJ, UK. 3Centre for Evolutionary Biology, School of Animal flexibly alternating between different deceptive on other target species (other species) [generalized 2 Biology (M092), University of Western Australia, Crawley 6009, signal types remain unknown. We tested whether linear mixed model (GLMM) (binomial), c 1 =2.55, Australia. such flexible variation enables individuals to pro- P =0.011,n = 147 food-theft attempts by 10 *Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] duce the specific signal most likely to deceive drongos (table S1)]. Error bars indicate SEM. www.sciencemag.org SCIENCE VOL 344 2 MAY 2014 513 REPORTS adsimilis), which uses false alarm calls, including uated to observers and individually recognizable alarm calls, as well as those of other species in the mimicked alarm calls, to scare and steal food by color rings (14). Drongos in this population environment, and flee to cover in response just as from a variety of targeted species (11–13). We spend over a quarter of their time following target they do to conspecific alarms (11, 12, 15). Addi- hypothesized that wild drongos use vocal mim- species, including habituated groups of individu- tionally, target species benefit from drongo sen- icry to flexibly vary their false alarm calls and ally recognizable southern pied babblers (Turdoides tries by reducing their vigilance and increasing thereby (i) increase the likelihood of target de- bicolor) and meerkats (Suricata suricatta)(11, 12). their foraging returns (12, 16). When a target in- ception and (ii) maintain target deception during When doing so, drongos honestly produce true dividual finds a large food item, however, attend- repeated interactions. Our research was conducted alarm calls when they observe approaching pre- ing drongos may produce false alarm calls, causing in the Kalahari Desert on 64 wild drongos habit- dators (11, 12). Target species eavesdrop on these the target to flee to cover and enabling the drongo Fig. 2. Effect of alarm mimicry on target response. (A) Spectrograms of call types played to pied babblers (i to iv) to determine whether mimicry of alarm calls increases target alarm response. Drongo mimics of glossy starling and babbler alarm calls (mimic) are shown alongside these species’ alarm calls (true alarm). (B) Response duration was longer to mimicked babbler (target species) or starling (other species) alarm calls than 2 to drongo-specific alarm calls [LMM, c 1 = 38.38, P <0.001, Tukey tests, *P < 0.001; n = 80 alarm responses by 20 babblers (table S2)] and longer to all alarms than to control nonalarm calls [Tukey tests, **P < 0.001 (table S2)]. NS, not significant. A 15 Call 1 Call 2 Call 3 B Same call Change call 0.7 (i) Same 10 5 * ** Drongo-specific 0.6 15 (ii) Same 10 0.5 Mimic glossy starling 5 0.4 (iii) Change 15 0.3 Mimic glossy starling 10 5 Drongo-specific Frequency (Khz) 10 0.2 15 (iv) Change Log Response time (s) 0.1 Drongo-specific 10 Mimic glossy starling 5 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 First Second Third Time (seconds) Call number Fig. 3. Effect of alarm variation on target response.
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