January 31, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S839 they are not burdened with the respon- as an outcome of this debate we end up he proved himself a leader in many sibility and debt of the obligations of jeopardizing Social Security or Medi- areas, including the fight against drugs our generation. care, then we have not met our moral and violence, the assessment of the What does a national debt of $5.7 tril- and social obligation to the millions of proper role of the Justice Department, lion cost us? Literally, we collect $1 Americans who have paid into these and the protection of victims’ rights. billion a day in Federal taxes from in- systems and depend on them to sur- But, having heard the relentless dividuals, families, and businesses to vive. drumbeat of accusation after accusa- pay interest on old debt. That is $1 bil- I believe the good news about the tion in recent weeks, I can fairly say, lion a day that isn’t being spent to put surplus should be realistic news. We in my view, that there has been an a computer in a classroom or to make should understand that surpluses are unyielding effort to redefine this man America’s national defense any strong- not guaranteed. We ought to make cer- of unlimited integrity. Some have er. It is $1 billion a day which instead tain that any tax cut we are talking termed the statements made by John is being spent for interest on old debt. about is not at the expense of Social Ashcroft, during the nearly four days Many of us believe if we truly are at Security and Medicare. We should of hearings in the committee, a ‘‘con- a time of surplus, this is the moment focus the tax cuts on working families firmation conversion’’—‘‘a metamor- we should seize to pay down that na- to make sure they are the beneficiaries phosis.’’ tional debt, bring it down as low as we so that they have the funds they need On the contrary. The true metamor- can conceivably bring it so that future to make their lives easier. That should phosis of John Ashcroft is in the mis- generations and our kids and grandkids be the bottom line in this debate. leading picture painted of him by nar- won’t be burdened with this debt and As I said at the outset, Democrats row left-wing interest groups. In fact, I responsibility. and Republicans alike believe these tax welcomed them to the committee, and As you pay down the national debt, cuts are going to happen. I believe it is said: We haven’t seen you for 8 years. I the competition for money in the mar- a good thing to do. Let us pay down think there is a lot to be garnered out ketplace is reduced. The Federal Gov- this national debt. Let us provide a tax of that statement. ernment is not out there borrowing and cut for the families who need it. Let’s As my colleagues are well aware, servicing debt. Therefore, interest make sure we protect Social Security John Ashcroft has an impressive 30- rates tend to come down. Now not only and Medicare in the process. year record of loyal public service as a will we be taking the burden off of fam- I yield back my time. state attorney general, a two term ilies who pay $1 billion a day for inter- f Governor, and then—of course—as Sen- est on the old debt, we will also be re- ator, for the State of Missouri. I should ducing the interest rates they pay on CONCLUSION OF MORNING also mention that as Missouri’s attor- their homes and their cars and their BUSINESS ney general, he was so well respected credit cards. Families win both ways. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- that he was elected by his peers across Ultimately, this is as good, if not pore. Morning business is closed. the nation to head the National Asso- better, in many respects, as a tax cut. f ciation of Attorneys General, and It reduces the cost of living for real again as Governor, he was elected by families facing real difficulties. EXECUTIVE SESSION this nation’s governors to serve as the Let me speak for a moment about the head of the National Governors’ Asso- tax cut itself. There are a variety of NOMINATION OF JOHN ASHCROFT ciation. ways we can approach this tax cut. That really defines John Ashcroft TO BE ATTORNEY GENERAL Some have suggested cutting marginal rather than some of the accusations rates. That is a shorthand approach to The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- that have been thrown against him in a tax cut which would, in fact, benefit pore. Under the previous order, the the Senate. some of the wealthiest people in this Senate will now go into executive ses- I have said this before and I will say country more than working families sion and proceed to the Ashcroft nomi- it again, of the sixty-seven Attorneys and middle-income families. That is nation, which the clerk will report. General we have had, only a handful where I have some difficulty. The assistant legislative clerk read even come close to having some of the I know what is going on in my home the nomination of John Ashcroft, of qualifications that John Ashcroft State of Illinois now. I know because Missouri, to be Attorney General. brings in assuming the position of chief my wife called me a few weeks ago and The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- law enforcement officer of this great said: I just got the first gas bill for the pore. The Senator from Utah. nation. winter. You will never guess what hap- Mr. HATCH. Mr. President. I am The Department of Justice, of course, pened. It is up to $400 a month in pleased that the Judiciary Committee encompasses broad jurisdiction. It in- Springfield, IL. It is about a 40-percent yesterday evening favorably reported cludes agencies ranging from the Drug increase in my hometown. I hear this the nomination of Senator John Enforcement Administration, the Im- story all over Illinois, all over the Ashcroft to be the next Attorney Gen- migration and Naturalization Service, country—energy bills up 50 percent, eral of the United States. I look for- the U.S. Marshal’s Service, the Federal natural gas bills up 70 percent. If we ward to a fair debate of Senator Bureau of Investigation, the United talk about tax cuts, we ought to be Ashcroft’s qualifications and am hope- States Attorneys, to the Bureau of thinking about families who are lit- ful that we could move to a vote on his Prisons. It includes, among other erally struggling with these day-to-day confirmation this week. It is important things, enforcement of the law in areas bills. Whether it is the need to heat that we confirm Senator Ashcroft as including antitrust, terrorism, fraud, your home or to pay for a child’s col- soon as possible so that the President money laundering, organized crime, lege education or perhaps for tuition in has his Cabinet in place and he can drugs, and immigration. To effectively a school, should we not focus tax cuts move ahead with the people’s agenda. prevent and manage crises in these im- on the working families who struggle John Ashcroft is no stranger to most portant areas, one thing is certain: we to get by every single day? of us in this body. We have served with need, at the helm, a no-nonsense per- I always express concern on the Sen- him during his 6 years of service as the son with the background and experi- ate floor that we seem to have more Senator representing Missouri, some ence of John Ashcroft. sympathy for the wealthiest people in had worked with him when he was Gov- Those charged with enforcing the law this country than for those who are ernor and some others had worked with of the nation must demonstrate both a really struggling every single day to him when he was the Attorney General proper understanding of that law and a build their families and make them of Missouri. determination to uphold its letter and strong. If we are going to have a tax In the Senate, he served on the Judi- spirit. This is the standard I have ap- cut—and we should—let’s make sure ciary Committee with distinction over plied to nominees in the past, and this the tax cut benefits those families. the past four years—working closely is the standard I am applying to John I also want to make certain we pro- with members on both sides of the Ashcroft here today in my full-hearted tect Social Security and Medicare. If aisle. As a member of the committee, support of his nomination to be the VerDate 31-JAN-2001 01:39 Feb 01, 2001 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G31JA6.011 pfrm02 PsN: S31PT1 S840 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 31, 2001 next Attorney General of the United sleep at night without worrying about have a right to impugn a man’s integ- States. the safety of their children or about be- rity, or distort his record, which I During John Ashcroft’s 30-year ca- coming victims of crime themselves. think they have done. reer in public service, he has worked to As someone who both knows John Sometimes in life, though, the meas- establish numerous things to keep Ashcroft as a person and who is famil- ure of a person is best seen in times of Americans safe and free from criminal iar with his distinguished 30-year adversity.
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