VOL. X X X . PHILLIPS, MAINE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1907. PRICE 3 CENTS SUCCESSFUL SONS OF WELD. ON THE FRONTIER. ENGLAND'S APPLE TRUST. Newman Brothers j] Worth More Than a Phillips Water Works Case. Excellent Play AdmirablyjJActed Drew COMBINATION CONTROLS PRICE OF Million In Kansas. The following communication from Big Audience. MAINE APPLES IN LIVERPOOL. Samuel Farmer off Arkansas City, a Company Insists That Village Corpora­ “ An excellent drama admirably act­ ed,” was the unanimous] verdict of the Maine man and former resident of John Crossley, Liverpool Apple Buyer Pur­ packed house |*hat greeted the'Jrepro- Franklin county in reference to George tion Must First Agree to Buy. duction of “ On the Frontier” at Lam­ chases Largely In Phillips and Frank and Fred Newman, also formerly of bert hall, Wednesday evening for the Franklin county, now wealthy residents Corporation Claims That According to .Contract the benefit of the graduating class of the lin County, Says England Needs a Phillips High school. That Phillips of Emporia, Kansas, will be of interest Theodore Roosevelt to Curb Trusts. to readers of the ]M a i n e W o o d s m a n . Water Company Should Appoint Appraiser. Hon. possesses in an unusual degree] ama­ In a former letter Mr. Farmer spoke of teurs of professional ability was clearly In Business 30 Years Will Come to the success of A'. A. Newman another Herbert M. Heath Is Selected by Corporation. Water demonstrated and the unstinted ap­ Live In Maine, plause bestowed by the delighted au­ brother and a resident now, of Arkan­ Company Refuses to Choose Their Man. Case Goes sas City. dience was indicative of this. The John Crossley, of Liverpool, England, audience overflowed the seating capac­ He says: ‘T visited Emporia to at­ to Law Court In December on Questions of Law. was in Phillips this week and purchased tend the annual meeting of an oil com­ ity of the hall, large delegations] com­ 1,500 barrels of apples for export. Mr. pany in which I am a stock owner, and ing from Strong, Rangeley and ^nearby Mr. Fred Newman was elected presi­ At the December term of the Law W. Butler of Farmington and D. R. towns. — Crossley has been in Franklin county dent of the company. I was quite sur­ Court sitting at Augusta will be heard Ross of Phillips are the attorneys for The drama, with almost the same several weeks with headquarters in prised at the attentions shown me by the bill in equity brought by the Phillips the corporation, the bill of complaint cast, was given here last April, but Farmington and has purchased several Village Corporation to compel the Phil­ last night’s performance was even more the two Newmans, George and Fred, being signed by G. B. Sedgeley, N. H. hundred barrels of the fruit for ship­ who introduced me to their foreman lips Water Company to carry out the finished and smoother and went with a Harnden and J. B. Morrison as asses­ ment across the pond. and showed me over their premises. terms of a contract entered into Sept. sors. dash and swing that savored of pro­ George is understood to be the sole 15, 1896, one article of which provides In the complaint appear the articles fessionals and much careful stndy and Mr. Crossley states that the crop of owner and proprietor of his mammouth that the corporation was to have the of agreement entered into between conscientious work on the part of the Franklin county this year is one of the department store carrying a stock of right to purchase the company’s entire both parties. Article eleven contains cast. finest he has ever seen and he has been $125,000 on an average and quite a works and rights at the expiration of this: It is doubtful if there could be found 30 years in the apple buying business multitude o f clerks and he himself giv­ ten years from the date of the contract “ And in consideration o f the above anywhere in Maine in a town of the and has made eight trips across the ing his full attention to business. for 10 per cent additional to the ap­ promises and agreements of said com­ size of Phillips amateurs who excelled pond but has never been in Franklin Fred C. Newman is president of the praised value. pany, the said Corporation hereby the principals in the cast. H. B. Austin county before whose fame as an apple Citizens National bank of Emporia and The appraisal should be determined agrees to pay said company for the use as John Benton, the ranchowner, N. P. growing section reached him in the West. one of the biggest stock owners. This as follows: That said Corporation in of water for the purposes aforesaid and Noble as Col. Norwood 11U. S. Cavalry, bank has increased many thousand case it availed itself of its rights in the manner and on the conditions Mrs. Flora C. Pease as Mrs. Benton, Maine apples Mr. Crossley says have dollars each year under Mr. Newman’s under this contract should select one aforesaid, the sum of eight hundred (800) Miss Blanche Kenniston as Stella Nor­ the call in England and bring higher management and is one of the sound appraiser, said Water Company one dollars per annum, for the said term of wood, Mrs. Montie Cragin as the ranch­ prices than from elsewhere. The aver­ banks of the state of Kansas. appraiser, and those two select a third, twenty years, said sum to be paid in ers daughter, D. F. Field as Lieut. Ste­ age price they bring now is from $3.50 Mercantile and banking is not the and that said committee of appraisal so forty equal semi-annual payments. vens, D. R. Ross as Capt. Grandby and to $4.00 a barrel. Mr. Crossley says only business carried on by the New­ formed and created, after due notice T. J. Seller as Pedro Alvarado. that the crop is very plentiful and de­ Answer Of Water Co. man’s in Emporia as they are among and hearing given all parties interested’ Equally excellent were others in min_ spite that fact growers are storing their Jn answer, the Phillips Water Com­ the biggest farmers in the county. should appraise and fix the value of said or parts, Elma Byron as Miss Plymp- apples and holding out for bigger prices pany in substance says that the Phillips They own two farms only a mile water-works and all the property of ton, the schoolmarm, John Russell as which he believes will not come. The Village Corporation must first signify outside of Emporia. George W. New­ said Company, and that the said Cor­ Dr. Waters, Mrs. Everdene S. Austin- money panic has had a serious effect its consent to purchase the water works man’s farm o f 450 acres is valued at poration should have the right to pur­ as Charlotte Ziegler, H. H. Berry as upon the marxet and in his opinion before the appraisal is made. They $50,000 with a $10,000 house on it for chase and take over said works, riglits Sergant Ziegler, R. H. Brann as Lieut. apple growers face losses. deny the legal authority of the corpo­ his workmen and with barns and sheds and franchises of said Company at the McNeil, Norman Butler as Major Wey English buyers refuse to buy in large ration or its assessGi S to enter into any to house his herds of cattle, hogs, and amount of said appraisal, with a sum mouth. quantities at present prices. Western contract other than for a water supply, horses and hay, consi.-ting of 300 hogs, added thereto amounting to 10 per cent Especially striking was the work of shipments of Maine apples contracted and also claims that said Phillips Vil­ 350 head of cattle and 500 tons Alfalfa thereof. _________ Harry B. Austin, Flora C. Pease and for early in the season are not going lage Corporation should elect at the Mrs. Montie Cragin as husband, wife out because of the buyers were unable hay. Over 100 head of his cattle nearly Corporation Selects Appraiser. expiration of said ten years, whether or and dashing daughter of the Catawba to get ready currency and in order to all of the Short horn, Durham stock The corporation selected Hon. Herbert not it will purchase and take over said ranch, and equally clever were N. P. get rid of the apples that were already 3 or 4 years old, fat as butter, will M. Jleath of Augusta as one of the ap­ entire works and rights at such ap­ Noble, as the colonel, and Blanche on their hands it was decided by most weigh on an average of 1,500 pounds praisers through a committee chosen at praisal as named in said contract, and Kenniston as his wife, while the dif- of the growers to consign1 them to the each, are now ready for the market and a meeting of the corporation August 27, that whatever right or option to pur- ficultTrote of Lieut, Stevens was well commission houses in Portland for ship­ will sell for about 8 cents a pound. 1906, consisting of D. F. Field, W. A. chase was thereby given to the said taken by D. F. Field with whom D. R. ment to England and get what price Fred C. Newman, who took me out D. Cragin and S. G. Haley and on Dec. Phillips Village Corporation, must and Ross as Capt. Granby shared honors.
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