D3.1 CRITERIA FOR SELECTION OF SAMPLE FOR SURVEYING THE DISADVANTAGED PEOPLE’S HAZARD VULNERABILITY Project acronym: BuildERS Project title: Building European Communities’ Resilience and Social Capital Call: H2020-SU-SEC-2018-2019-2020/H2020-SU-SEC-2018 This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 833496 Disclaimer The content of the publication herein is the sole responsibility of the publishers and it does not necessarily represent the views expressed by the European Commission or its services. While the information contained in the documents is believed to be accurate, the authors(s) or any other participant in the BuildERS consortium make no warranty of any kind with regard to this material including, but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Neither the BuildERS Consortium nor any of its members, their officers, employees or agents shall be responsible or liable in negligence or otherwise howsoever in respect of any inaccuracy or omission herein. Without derogating from the generality of the foregoing neither the BuildERS Consortium nor any of its members, their officers, employees or agents shall be liable for any direct or indirect or consequential loss or damage caused by or arising from any information advice or inaccuracy or omission herein. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon2020 1 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 833496 Project no. 833496 Project acronym: BuildERS Project title: Building European Communities’ Resilience and Social Capital Call: H2020-SU-SEC-2018-2019-2020/H2020-SU-SEC-2018 Start date of project: 01.05.2019 Duration: 36 months Deliverable title: D3.1 Criteria for Selection of Sample for Surveying the Disadvantaged People’s Hazard Vulnerability Due date of deliverable: 31.01.2020 Actual date of submission: 03.02.2020, revision 9.10.2020 Deliverable Lead Partner: TOI Work Package: WP3 No of Pages: 92 Keywords: Natural hazards, discharge areas, eco-social and physical damage, vulnerable population cohorts highly susceptible to hazard impacts, relief and evacuation operation, rescue from hazard discharge, homeless and people living behind national poverty line, refugees and migrants, social marginalization Name Organization Johanna Ludvigsen TOI Eija Parmes VTT Dissemination level PU Public This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon2020 2 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 833496 History Version Date Reason Revised by 0.1 29.5.2019 First draft Johanna Ludvigsen, Ronny Klaboe 0.1 21.10.2019 Hazard case input to chapter Eija Parmes 4 0.2 24.10.2019 Hazards statistics input to Johanna Ludvigsen chapter 2 0.5 8.11.2019 Hazard case input to chapter Eija Parmes 4 0.5 15.11.2019 Input to hazard table on Abriel Schlieffinger Belgium 0.5 15.11.2019 Input to hazard table on Jaana Keränen Finland 0.5 21.11.2019 Input to hazard table on Ömer Ceylan Hungary 0.5 27.11.2019 Input to hazard table on Margo Klaos Estonia 0.5 4.12.2019 Input to hazard table on Marco Krueger Germany 0.7 26.22.2019 Pre-review Claudia Morsut 0.71 12.12.2019 Text on Copernicus Alessandro Galvagni emergency system 0.72 19.12.2019 Part 1: Links between Johanna Ludvigsen Ambient Conditions, Fire and Flood Hazards and Mortality of EU Populations and the Most Fragile Human Cohorts 0.8 3.1.2020 Editing hazard case chapters Eija Parmes 4 0.81 16.1.2020 Added Issues chapter Eija Parmes 0.82 18.1.2020 Restructuring hazard case Eija Parmes chapters 0.9 17.01.2020 Input of Draft Part1 Johanna Ludvigsen 0.91 27.01.2020 Reviewed and edited Parts 1 Johanna Ludvigsen and 2 0.92 28.01.2020 Completion of Parts 1 and 2 Johanna Ludvigsen 0.92 Reviews EKU, GEO, VTT 0.95 2.2.2020 Review corrections Johanna Ludvigsen Eija Parmes 1.0 3.2.2020 Final version for submission Johanna Ludvigsen 1.1 28.9.2020 Revision Johanna Ludvigsen 1.2 30.9.2020 Review VTT 1.3 4.10.2020 Review corrections Eija Parmes 1.4 7.10.2020 Review EKU 1.5 7.10.2020 Review corrections Eija Parmes 1.6 8.10.2020 Formatting GEO Final 9.10.2020 Version submitted A-M Heikkilä VTT This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon2020 3 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 833496 Executive Summary Deliverable 3.1 links findings from empirical manifestations of human vulnerability and deficient social capital with satellite maps of hazards discharge and populations affected. The maps were retrieved from Copernicus emergency service and other disaster databases to visualise the scale of physical damages and emergency propagation and identify vulnerable human cohorts whose experience from hazard encounters will be recorded by Task3.2 and Task3.3 survey studies. The practical restrictions for the geographical areas of the interviews were that they should be in Europe, with ethical permissions and consent forms, information sheets and privacy documents translated for the country. Salvation Army should have resources there, or, in collaboration with the Red Cross, and/or first responder organizations in Norway and Italy. The geographical area must have experienced at least one large scale natural or man-made hazard between 2015 and 2019, with severe human impacts or large area material. Natural hazards with discharge areas and impacts were browsed from a number of disaster databases, emergency services and media. The typical hazard types in Europe were wildfires, floods, earthquakes, storms and heatwaves, and physical attacks, cyber-attacks and explosions. These hazards were mapped into GIS environment with population statistics, and the practical restrictions listed above. D3.1 mustered an array of empirical literature to establish how natural hazards elevated the risks of morbidity and mortality for the entire European population and particularly for its most fragile cohorts to provide on-the-ground-embedded evidence of scientific concepts of “human and social vulnerability” and various dimensions of “social capital” reviewed in the BuildERS theoretical framework’s D1.2. Based on the evidence collected and satellite maps the following social groups have been designated as socially, economically and medically vulnerable and has experienced hazard impacts, and their representatives should be polled by BuildERS surveys: 1) Elderly individuals 65+ who have suffered more than population at large from heatwaves 2) Homeless individuals, homeless families with young children, and young adults, who have faced an increased risk of cold-related injuries. Homeless people in regions affected by fires might have also suffered fatalities due to impaired perceptions of hazard dangers and/ or inability to access proper shelter is also worth to be verified empirically by the T3.2 and T3.3 survey studies 3) Homeless people with disabilities and their families 4) Homeless refugees and registered /unregistered migrants in large urban centres who have become very susceptible to weather changes, and natural and other hazards such as pluvial and fluvial floods and fire disasters The groups partly intertwine and homeless and migrant groups are heterogeneous and contain different social, age and gender groups and people with physical or cognitive disabilities. These groups should be interviewed in different countries, and with combinations of people from different groups – homeless migrants vs. homeless people in their own country, to get comparative information. People with mental disabilities will be further interviewed in WP 4 case studies for encounters on chemical explosion and on cyber hazards, in different cases. Elderly individuals, families with children and individuals with physical and cognitive disabilities, and migrants will be interviewed for earthquakes and floods. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon2020 4 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 833496 Table of Contents Disclaimer ..................................................................................................................................................... 1 Executive Summary ..................................................................................................................................... 4 Table of Contents ......................................................................................................................................... 5 List of Acronyms and Terms Used in D3.1 .................................................................................................. 6 List of Figures ............................................................................................................................................... 7 List of Tables .............................................................................................................................................. 10 List of Appendices ...................................................................................................................................... 11 1. Introduction and purpose statement for D3.1 ..................................................................................... 12 2. Methodology and Data Sources ......................................................................................................... 14 3. Hazards in Europe – an Overview ...................................................................................................... 16 3.1 Economic
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