OUR CONCEPT: THE RACING SPIRIT. Aerodynamics that were polished on the circuit now maximize the potential of 280 PS of power. Aero Kit Type GT-Concept designed for the New RX-7, is a new pinnacle in RX-7 evolution. Wrap yourself In the finest that racing technology has to offer as you speed off into a world where you are the king. NEW RX-7(FD) AERO KIT TYPE GT-CONCEPT .&FRONT NOSE Improves cooling performance while reducing air resistance for high performance in circuit drjving. PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATION 9CD7 50 910 FRONT NOSE ol-·1 Flberglass,unpalnted 9CD7 50 970 FOG LAMP BRACKET for Mazda genuine fog lamp Wlng:Fiberglass,unpainted 9CD7 50 920 REAR WING Wing stay and mount:Aiuminum 9CD7 72 900 REAR SKIRT SET '"2 Flberglass,unpalnted .&REAR WING A REAR SKIRT SET Tho cross-section shape of lhe wing reduces Designed to look like the side spats and ·!·1 Only compa t•ble wlih the new RX·7 (1999112·).We are currently develoPing a converSion kJt that air resistance ;>nd lifl during hlgh· speed cliffuSQr.l used In r\l~ing car$, 1M rQ!l! $klrt $&1 will allow lnstallahon on RX-?s before lhe m1nor change (1999112-). driving. Can be adjusted to your choice of (left /right set) otters substanUal Improvements ':<2 Remove the slde marlier valve when lnslalling on new RX·7s ( 1999112·). three angles. in high-speed stability. •c.nnot be l.tHd wl,tl ~•·bot• rnum.ts (rlon-M.Lt~. RX-7(FD)AERO KIT TYPE-J5th PART NUMBER I DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATION 9CD6 50 910 IFRONT NOSE -----'~-<1-l Fiberglass,unpainted 9CD6 50 920 1 REAR WING Fiberglass,unpalnted 9CD6 70 900 I SIDE SKIRT SET Fiberglass,unpalnted RX-7(FD)AERO KIT TYPE-H 9CD6 70 40X FENDER FINISHER SET ii2 Polyurelhan,unpalnted PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATION 9CD6 52 310 AERO BONNET GPPG(autoclave),unpainted 9C05 50 910 FRONT NOSE Fiberglass,unpainted 9CD5 50 920 REAR WING * Fiberglass,unpainted •>·1 Mazda genUine projec1or log lamps (F132 V7 220 / Ft33 V7 220) will not Ill -- - ·"2 TypeD SIDE SKIRT SET (9COS 70 900) will also lrl. 9CD5 70 900 SIDE SKIRT SET Fiberglass,unpainted For use w11h lha Type n FRONT NOSE (9C05 60 910) or anginal Iron! bumper. some modifications Will bo requ1red. "·. For cars not equ•ppod w11h Mazda genu•ne tog lamps, bolh 1he log lamp sw11ch and relay w1 11 be reqwred Can nol be •nslallod wtlh Type GT-C From Nose (9C07 50 910) and Rear Sk•n Se1(9C07 72 900) J ooncurrenlly RX-7(FC) PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATION 9CC5 50 910 FRONT SPOILER - li<1 Fiberglass,unpainted - ---9CC5 50 650 INTERCOOLER SCOOP Fiberglass.unpainted 9CC5 50 920 REAR SPOILER BASE ·!!2 Flberglass,unpalnted ·:·t Exclusive for 1989-91 model +2 Exclusive for Mazda genuine rear spOIIC1(F610 V4 920) ROADSTER(NB) PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATION 9EP7 50 910 FRONT SPOILER Fiberglass,unpainled 9EP7 50 740 HEADLIGHT FINISHER Flberglass,unpainted -- 9EP7 70 900 SIDE SKIRT SET Fiberglass,unpainted --- 9EP7 50 920 REAR WING Flberglass,unpainted 9EP7 72 900 REAR SKIRT Flberglass,unpalnted --------------------------ROADSTER(NA) AERO KIT TYPE-I PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATION 9E1D 50 910 FRONT NOSE Rberglass.unpainted AERO KIT TYPE-II 9E1D 50 140 NUMBER PLATE HOLDER PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATION 9E10 50 920 REAR WING Fiberglass,unpainted 9EP5 50 910 FRONT SPOIL_E_R___ ----1-Fiberglass,unpainted 9E10 70 900 SlOE SILL SET Polyurelhan,unpainte_d___ _ 9EP5 50 920 REAR WING Fiberglass,unpainted 9E10 68 845 AERO BOARD ~ 9EP5 70 900 SIDE SKIRT SET Fiberglass.unpainted .,. Musl be Installed wllh Roll Bar Set (9EP5 53 64019EP5 53 645) 20%LIGHTER THAN ORIGINAL: LIGHTWEIGHT HARD TOP FOR ALL ROADSTERS (NB/NA}. FRP makes this hard top the lightest around while dramatically improving the twist rigidity and bringing more direct handling. The air outlet is reminiscent of those found on the race track. e LIGHTWEIGHT HARD TOP FOR A LL ROADSTERS (NB/ NA) PART NUMBER I DESCRIPTION I SPECIFICATION EPG R Equipped with air outlet Hard Top:FRP finished with white gel coat 9 1 810 ___ -+-- --------1-Rear Window:Polycatbonate fimshed with hard coat Ep R Not Equipped with air outlet Hard Top:FRP finished with white gel coat 9 7 1 810 Rear Window:Poiycarbonate finished with hard coat 2 LANTIS(CB) PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATION 9005 50 910 FRONT SPOILER Flberglass,unpalnted 9DD5 50 920 REAR WING Flberglass,unpainted 9D05 50 930 REAR SPOILER Polyurethan,unpainted 9005 70 900 SIDE SKIRT SET Fiberglass.unpainted ExcluSive lor the coupe PRES SO (EC) PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATION 9SR5 50 910 FRONT NOSE Flberglass,unpainted 9SR5 50 970 FOG LAMP BRACKET tor Mazda genuine fog lamp 9SR5 50 920 REAR WING Flberglass,unpainted 9SR5 70 900 SIDE SILL SET Flberglass,unpainted (1996-98) FAMILIA SEDAN(BH) PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATION 90B6 50 710 FRONT GRILLE * 1 Fiberglass,unpainted 9DB6 50 910 FRONT SPOILER * 2 Flberglass,unpainted 9DB6 70 900 SIDE SKIRT SET Fiberglass,unpalnted 90B6 50 920 REAR WING Flberglass,unpainted 'i·1 No! applteable 10 US model. f.·2 Applicable to 1994·96 model. (1994-96) PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATION 9DB5 50 910 FRONT SPOILER Fiberglass,unpalnted 90B5 50 710 FRONT GRILLE Rberglass,unpainted 90B5 50 920 REAR WING Rberglass,unpainted 9DB5 50 990 GARNISH KIT Polyurethan,unpalnted 90B5 70 900 SIDE SKIRT SET Rberglass,unpainted 90B5 72 900 REAR SKIRT SET Rberglass,unpainted !I! 1 No! applicable to US model. !1!2 Applieat>le to 1996·98 model. AZ-J PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATION PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATION 9WC5 50 910 FRONT SPOILER Flberglass,unpainted 9M1D 52 310 BONNET Flberglass,unpalnted 9WC5 50 970 REAR WING Flberglass,unpalnted 9M1D 50 020 FRONT SPOILER Flberglass,unpainted 9WC5 51 580 ORNAMENT BASE Polyurethan,unpainted 9M10 51 960 REAR WING Flberglass,unpainted 9WC5 70 900 SIDE SKIRT SET Fiberglass,unpainted PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATION front bumper base, front grille, 9UE5 50 910 FRONT BUMPER SET * 1 chrome-plated bumper 9UE5 50 220 REAR BUMPER SET ll!2 rear bumper base, chrome-plated bumper 9UE5 50 91X BUMPER FULL SET a set of front and rear bumper 9UE5 51 750 RACING STRIPES a set of stripes for front and fear, -04 white· 10 dark blue 9UE5 50 810 SIDE STRIPES a set of stripes for fight and left side, -04whlte,-10 dark blue EXCLUSIVE ALUMINUM WHEEL (9MS6 33 444S) V26.000/each >l' 1 Front bumper base is made of PPE·w/o paint. 13 inches, 4.5J, ollsel:+44 Front grille and Chrome·plaled bumper are made of ABS·w/ chrome-plated. Recommended tire size 165160· 13 1~ 2 Rear bumper base Is made of PPE·w/o paint. or 155165· 13 Chrome-plated bumper Is made ot ABS·wl chrome-plated. 3 FAMILIA 5-WAGON (BJ) - PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATION .a. FRONT BUMPER FACE 9BG5 50 910 FRONT BUMPER FACE !!!1 Flberglass,unpainted 9BG5 70 900 SIDE SKIRT SET *2 Flberglass,unpainted \ 9BG5 50 920 REAR WING Flberglass,unpalnted 9BG5 72 900 REAR SKIRT !!!3 Flberglass,unpainted ,;, 1 Mazdaspeed ornamenl in above pi>OIO is sold sepera1ely. Can no1 be lnslalled with Mazda genuine log lamps. ·1:2 Can nol be lnslalled wilh Mazda genuine mud flaps (Fr.) Applicable 10 Familia Sedan. .a.REAR WING .a. REAR SKIRT '~3 Can no1 be lnslalled wllh Mazda genuine mud flaps (Rr.) DEMIO(DW) .a.FRO NT GRILLE/FRONT SPOILER PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATION 9GF5 50 710 FRONT GRILLE ll!1 ABS,unpalnted 9GF5 50 710M FRONT GRILLE Chrome plated ~ SIDE SKIRT SET 9GF5 50 910 FRONT BUMPER FACE Polyurethan,unpainted 9GF5 50 970 FOG LAMP BRACKET l:< 2 for Mazda genuine fog lamp 9GF6 50 910 FRONT SPOILER Flberglass,unpalnted 9GF5 70 900 SIDE SKIRT SET ABS,unpainted 9GF5 62 9AO WINDOW FINISHER ABS,unpainted 9GF5 50 920 REAR WING Fiberglass,unpalnted 9GF5 72 900 REAR SKIRT Flberglass,unpainted '!! 1 Mazdaspeed omamen11n above pholo Is sold separalely. ?.1 2 Exclusive lor Fronl Bumper Face (9GF5 50 910). • REAR WING mSome dilference on IM slay. .a.REAR SKIRT 4 CAPELLA WAGON (GW) PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATION 9VH6 50 710 FRONT GRILLE ll' Fiberglass,unpalnted 9VH6 50 910 FRONT BUMPER FACE Fiberglass,unpainte_ _d____ _ 9VH6 50 970 FOG LAMP BRACKET for Mazda genuine fog lamp 9VH6 70 900 SIDE SKIRT SET Flberglass,unpainted 9VH6 72 900 REAR SKIRT Fiberglass, unpainted + Mazdaspeed ornament 1n photo •s sold separately CAPELLA WAGON (GV) PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATION :<·1 Not applicable to FX Cruls•ng and SX Cruising models. 9VH5 50 910 FRONT SPOILER r:: 1 Flberglass,unpainted ·i·2 Applicable to Capella Cargos (up to t0/'94) .n some grades Front Sp01ter and Front Gnll can not 9VH5 50 7 10 FRONT GRILLE * 1 ABS,unpainted be Installed on Capella Wagons in some grades after the last m•nor model change. 9A1D 50 A20 ADDIT IONAL AIR GU IDE e Installation ol Rear Wing on the vehicle equipped with Mazda genuine spoiler requires following pans: 9VH5 70 900 SIDE SKIRT SET * 2 ABS,unpainted • Rear Window Top (9VH5 50 611) 9VH5 70 900·4Z SIDE SKIRT SET ok 2 ABS,silent silver metallic • Back Window Mole Set (SAGS 50 6t6) • Upper Joint Mote (A) (GS77 50 615) 9VH5 50 611 REAR WINDOW TOP Polyurethan,unpainted -- • Upper Jo1n1Mole (l) (G$77 50 616) e Tatt Finlshor can not be Installed on the vehi:le's 9VH5 50 920 REAR WING *2 Flberglass,unpainted alter the last m•nor model change. 9VH5 50 855 TAIL FINISHER oi-: 1 Acrylic+ ABS FRIENDEE(SG) MPV(LV) ( 1995-) PART NUMBER DESCRIPTlON SPECIFICATION 9TH5 50 710 FRONT GRILLE Rberglass.unpainted 9TH5 50 9 10 FRONT BUMPER FACE "' Rberglass,unpainted 9TH5 50 970 FOG LAMP BRACKET for Mazda genuine fog lamp 9TH5 70 900 SIDE SKIRT SET Rberglass,unpainted ·:··- Mazdaspeed ornament in above photo Is sold separately.
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