•' '. • „ • • i -- '-.i -- ,-1 ..;. -y--^ ■- 'A t : - i- A ■ ■ ■ . ti-'., . ' ;. , • %i'r . ‘ ■?« -Vi'si'-sS KBT PRESS RUN THE WEATHER AVERAGE DAIU¥ CIHUULATION PerMMt bir U. 8. Wrather Bareavi for the month of Angnst, 1028 r Naw Haven ^ C i t ' ■ ' .^ V . $tate Library } 5 , 1 2 5 Cloudy tonight; Friday fair. Membev of tko Aadlt Rurotia of CireolalloBO * VOL. XLII., NO. 307. (Classified Advertising on Page 12) MANCHESTER, CONN., TOURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1928. (FOl^atEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENT'S SEN.B0RAHN0W KID McGOY PUTS At New York Sewer Graft Trial OUT JAIL FIRE SON OF Famous Pugilist is Only Con­ SPOKESMANFOR vict Fire Chief in the World Today. G. 0. PJOMINEE San' Quentin, Calif., Sept. IN NEW HAVEN AUTO CRASH 27.— “ Kid” McCoy, former champicn of the prize ring, un­ dergoing life sentence for mur­ ‘lo n e Wolf” of Senate Is der here, today saved San >• Governor Trumbull’s Car Quentin and its evirons from ST. PAUL WILL Note To Anglo-Britain ^ disaster by fire. Hoover’s Right Hand McCoy, who Is the only con­ Strikes Another— Wil­ vict chief of a fire department In the world, extinguished a BE NEXT STOP Is Man— To Play Big Role blaze which originated In the fred Veno, Professional diet kitchen of the prison hos­ In Campaign. pital here. McCoy and his de­ Washington, Sept. 27.— Diplo-<ato have lurking in the background Hockey Player, Who Was tachment of convict-fire fight­ ON AL’S TRIP matlc Washington was awaiting ex-' — a virtual military alliance. The ers extinguished the flames In pectantly today the. publication r£ President also has indicated his ob­ Washington, Sept. 27.— After record tiihe. Secretary of State; Kellogg’s ' joint jection to discussion of naval dis­ In Other Auto is Seriously McCoy, whose real name Is note to France' and Great Britain, armaments by the governments spending four presidential cam­ Norman Selby, was convicted His Fifth Major Speech of expected before the end of thb concerned through the press as a Injured— His Mother Al­ paigns on the sidelines. Senator for the slaying of a woman in week Los Angeles. means of forcing the British pror William E. Borah, the “ Lone W olf' Western Tour to Be De­ That President CoQlidgs Is re­ gram to limit the tonnage of cruis­ ot the Senate, has assumed so im­ sentful of the indirect diplomacy of ers carrying eight inch guns naed- so Hurt— John Coolidge portant a role in the drive to elect livered Tonight—-Subject the British and French foreign ed by the United States, while leav­ Herbert Hoover President that he ROBT. J. FINNEGAN offices, and the uncoBventional ing Britain a free hand in the con­ Who Had Been Visiting has become the Republican nomi­ manner in which .the fact that struction of the lighter craft carry­ Transportation Problems. France and Britain had reached a ing six inch guns. nee’s “ right hand man,’’ it was secret agreement was announced, Further, the President believes Mother in Plainvilie, Was learned today at Hoover headquar­ IN CEMETERY RACE together with leaks as. to the actual if and when the time comes for the ters. The opening of New York’s $30,000,000 sewer scandal trial Is pic­ contents, has been clear here for United States to offer a plan as a tured here. In the top photo, Maurice E. Connolly (right) former pres­ Detroit Lakes, Minn., Sept. 27.— The nominee and Senator have weeks. substitute for the Franco-Brltlsh On His Way to Work; ident of Queens Borough and a defendant, is shown conferring with his En Route with Gov. Smith in Min­ Officially, the Americian govern­ “ compromise” as Chamberlain re­ established such Intimate political attorney, Max Steuer. Inset is Frederick B. Seeley, co-defendant. relations, it was said, that Borah Sixth Candidate in Field for nesota— Leaving North Dakota and ment has never been Informed as to ferred to the instrument, it will be Crash a Pure Accident. has the right to be called “ Hoover’s its baffling cross-currents of politi­ just what thq agreement was. The done through a proper tribunal— summary sent here by Sir Austen Spokesman,” if the title goes to Office of East Cemetery cal insurgency. Gov. Smith swung the preliminary commission on dis­ any one. Hoover was reported so Chamberlain was known to be in­ armament of the League of Na­ pleased with Borah’s speaking ac­ UNKNOWN DRIVER KILLS over into Minnesota today, another complete and lacking information tions. The United States is already New Haven, Conn., Sept. 27.— tivities that he personally asked Superintendent northwestern state upon which his In what publicity later has shown represented oh this commission. Driving into New Haven more than the Senator to extend them in the managers have been casting covet­ half an hour late to his work, midwest and to conduct a major ous eyes. 5'oung John Coolidge, son of Presi­ tour of the east. MAN ON SILVER LANE TURN BACK YOUR CLOCK Robert J. Finnegan, of 17 Ford Tonight in St. Paul the Demo­ Party’s “ Big Gun” cratic nominee will delivti the fifth NEED A $7,000 FUND ON SATURDAY NIGHT dent Coolidge, figured in a serious If Hoover has his way, it was street, an employee of the Metro­ major speech of his western trip. automobile accident* today. said, Borah will be the Republican politan Life Insurance Companv. ai It probably will be devoted to New York, Sept. 27.—-Next The car in which he was a pas­ Manehester Bound Autoisl ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ T A R , Sunday morning residents of party’s “ big gun” in the closing transportation problems, a subject senger, owned by Gov. John H. drive to win the Industrial east. the local office is the sixth man to FOR lOTH ARMISTICE daylight savings sections of the seek the office of superintendent of in which the agricultural north­ Trumbull of Connecticut, collided At Hoover’s personal request. It Doesn’t Slop After Hilling KISSLESS MAID west is keenly interested. United States will regain the v/as added, Borah-will be scheduled the East cemetery. Mr. Finnegan Minnesota, a normally Republi­ hour’s sleep they lost ' last with another causing the Injury of for at least twenty major speeches decided to enter the race yesterday Made Vow Years Ago to Kiss can state, piesents mountainous spring, if they remember to turn two persons In the second machine. in the large cities of New York, afternoon. Alexander Duncan, sex­ Men Leaving Bus— Local No Man Unless She Marries difficulties to the Democrats this General Committee Com­ their clocks back an hour be­ John Coolidge was unhurt. Massachusetts and New Jersey be­ fore retiring on Saturday night. He despatched the Trumbull ton of the cemetery for the past six Him. year— as always— but Gov. Smith fore the campaign ends. If this is entered the state today with no lit­ pletes Budget for Cele­ The official time for setting chauffeur, William Cunningham, carried out, Borah probably will years, is also a candidate for the Party Takes Injured to London, Sept. 27— Boasting tle confidence that he will bo able back the clocks is two a. m., tor aid, and a few minutes later close the campaign in New York office again and other in the elec­ a vow that no man shall kiss Sunday morning, when the helped the victims into a passing City, a choice spot heretofore re­ to so appeal to the old La Follette her until she is married to insurgent following as to give him bration Here Nov. 12. time-pieces should be set, car which rushed them to New Ha­ served for Charles Evans Hughes, tion fight are Selectmen Albert '1'. Hospital. ven hospital. J him. Miss Mercedes Gleitz.e, at least “ a good fighting chance” though train schedules, as a the Republican standard-bearer of Jackson, Former Assessor Jiihn the pretty London stenogra­ rule, are not affected by the The injured are Wilfred 'Veno, 1916. to carry the state’s twelve electoral well known hockey professional, Jensen, Former Selectman James pher who achieved world fame votes in November. change. Reports that the Republican H. Johnston and Walter Walsh. Manchester people played a by swimming the English The general committee In charge -«> who played on the Boston and New nominee was displeased with Haven clubs. It is feared that his •^n Athlete. prominent part in the handling of channel and the Strait of Gi­ is’ever Carried of Manchester’s big Tenth Armis­ Borah’s utterances in the midwest Mr. Finnegan who enters the braltar, is betrothed to a man tice celebration on November 12 skull was fractured. "Veno’s mother, were emphatically denied at his the dead and Injured in a hit and The fact that no Democratic can­ Mary, about 55, suffered from contest now is a member of Cen­ she never met. last night set $7,000 as the amount headquarters. It was said, on the ter Hose Company No. 2 of the run automobile accident on Silver j The courtship has been car­ didate for the presidency since re­ ICE BOX BANDITS lacerations to her face and body. contrary, that Hoover had received South Manchester Fire department, Lane, East Hartford, last night] ried on by mail' and all ar­ construction days has ever carried of funds ceeded- to put the affair Confusion at the scene increased such encouraging reports of the and of Manchester lodge of Masons. when John Jensen, an employee (if rangements for the wedding Minnesota has not discouraged him. across. George H. Weddell, town when young Coolidge’s Identity He was one of the town’s leadliic: have been made by telegfam The closest any Democrat ever treasurer, was named chairman of and the ownership of the car he oc­ (Continued on Page S) the Silver Lane Pickle Company, ARE FOUND GUILH cupied were disclosed.
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