Publications reviewed in Archaeology Ireland Volumes 1 - 29 Author Title Issue Aalen, F.H.A. et al. (eds) Atlas of the Irish Rural Landscape 42 ADS Peatland Excavations at Mountdillon 87 Aitchison, Nicholas B. Armagh and the Royal Centres 33 Aitchison, Nicholas B. Scotland's Stone of Destiny 55 Alcock, Olive et al. (eds) Archaeological Inventory of County 49 Galway - Vol II Aldhouse-Greene, Miranda The Celtic Myths 111 Andrews, John H. A Paper Landscape - The Ordnance 60 Survey Andrews, John H. Maps in those days 89 Andrews, John H. & K.M. Davies Mullingar 21 Archaeological Survey of Ireland Archaeological Inventory of Kerry - vol 89 1 - South West Kerry Archaeological Survey of Northern Understanding Historic Monuments on 6 Ireland the Farm Armit, Ian Scotland's Hidden History 49 Ashmore, Patrick Neolithic & Bronze Age Scotland 39 Aston, Mick & Chris Gerrard Interpreting the English Village 104 Atkinson, John A. et al. (ed) Nationalism & Archaeology 39 Bagnoli, Martina et al. (eds) Treasures of heaven 98 Bahn, Paul & Bill Tidy Disgraceful Archaeology 101 Baillie, M.G.L. A Slice through Time 36 Baker, Christine Antiquities of Old Fingal 94 Barber, John A Stalled Cairn at the Point of Cott 46 Barber, John (ed) Excavations on Arran 46 Barclay, Gordon Farmers, Temples & Tombs 46 Bard, Kathryn A. Àncient Egypt 83 Barnes, Michael et al. The Runic Inscriptions of Viking Age 42 Dublin Barry, T.B. Archaeology of Medieval Ireland 1 Barry, T.B. (ed) A History of Settlement in Ireland 51 Bartlett, John R. & Stuart D. Kinsella Two thousand years of Christianity in 87 (eds) Ireland Bass, George F. (ed) Beneath the Seven Seas 75 Beglane, Fiona Anglo-Norman Parks in Medieval Ireland 112 Bell, Jonathan & Mervyn Watson Irish Farming Life 110 Bennet, Julian Towns in Medieval Britain 58 Bennett, Isabel (ed) Excavations 1998 53 Bennett, Isabel (ed) Excavations 1999 54 Page 1 of 27 Publications reviewed in Archaeology Ireland Volumes 1 - 29 Author Title Issue Bennett, Isabel (ed) Excavations 2000 59 Bennett, Isabel (ed) Excavations 2001 65 Bennett, Isabel (ed) Excavations 2002 69 Bennett, Isabel (ed) Excavations 2004 81 Bennett, Isabel (ed) Excavations 2005 86 Bennett, Isabel (ed) Excavations 2007 92 Bennett, Isabel (ed) Excavations 2008 96 Bennett, Isabel (ed) Excavations 2010 104 Bennett, Isabel (ed) Excavations2009 100 Bergh, Stefan Landscape of the Monuments 32 Bermingham, Nóra & Máire Delaney The Bog Body from Tumbeagh 74 Bermingham, Nóra & Máire Delaney The Bog Body from Tumbeagh 76 Bermingham, Nóra et al River Road 106 Berry, Joanne The Complete Pompeii 82 Bhreathnach, Edel Ireland in the Medieval World 107 Bhreathnach, Edel Tara: A Select Biography 35 Bhreathnach, Edel The Kingship & Landscape of Tara 75 Bhreathnach, Edel & Conor Newman Tara 35 BIAB British & Irish Archaeological 44 Bibliography Binford, Lewis R. In Pursuit of the Past 7 Blake, Tarquin Abandoned churches of Ireland 114 Blake, Tarquin & Fiona Reilly Ancient Ireland 106 Bogucki, Peter The Origins of Human Society 50 Bolton, Jason Antiquities of the Ring of Kerry 86 Bolton, Jason et al. The Martello Towers of Dublin 101 Bourke, Cormac Patrick: The Archaeology of a Saint 26 Bourke, Cormac (ed) Studies in the Cult of St Columba 42 Bourke, Edward et al. Skellig Michael 99 Bourke, Lorraine Crossing the Rubicon 58 Bowler, Peter J. & Nicholas Whyte Science & Society in Ireland 43 (ed) Boylan, Henry Valley of Kings 5 Boyle, Paddy Ireland's Mysterious Fort - Drumanagh 57 Boyle, Patricia John O'Donovan 3 Bracley, Richard Image and Audience 88 Bradley, John Drogheda, its Topography & Medieval 43 Layout Bradley, John et al. (eds) Dublin in the Medieval World 89 Bradley, K. et al. Environmental Impact Assessment 16 Bradley, Richard Altering the Earth 26 Page 2 of 27 Publications reviewed in Archaeology Ireland Volumes 1 - 29 Author Title Issue Bradley, Richard The Archaeology of Sacred Places 53 Bradley, Richard The Prehistory of Britain and Ireland 81 Bradley, Richard The Significance of Monuments 45 Brady, Karl Shipwreck Inventory of Ireland 87 Brady, Karl et al. Warships, U-Boats & Liners 102 Brady, Niall Exploring Irish Medieval Landscapes 65 Breen, Colin An Archaeology of Southwest Ireland 81 Breen, Colin Dunluce Castle,History & Archaeology 101 Breen, Colin La Surveillante 58 Breen, Colin & Wes Forsythe Boats and Shipwrecks of Ireland 69 Brennan, Éilis Heritage - A Visitor's Guide 13 Brett, Davis A Book around the Irish Sea 92 Brew, Frank The Parish of Kilkeedy 48 Brindley, Anna L. The Dating of Food Vessels & Urns in 80 Ireland Brindley, Anna L. & Annaba Kilfether Archaeological Inventory of County 27 Carlow British Museum The World of Money 47 Broderick, David The First Toll Roads - Irelands Turnpike 61 Roads Broodbank, Cyprian The Making of the Middle Sea 106 Brophy, Kenneth & Gordon Barclay Definig a Regional Neolithic 90 (eds) Buckley, Laureen et al. Treatment of Human Remains 50 Buckley, Victor M. Burnt Offerings 15 Buckley, Victor M. & P. David Archaeological Survey of County Louth 17 Sweetman Burl, Aubrey Stone Circles 74 Burl, Aubrey The Prehistoric Stone Rows of Britain 34 Bushe, Paddy & Catriona O'Connor To Make the Stones Sing 39 Butler, Hubert Ten Thousand Saints 98 Butler, Patricia & Mary Davies Wicklow through the artist's eye 112 Butter, Rachel Kilmartin 50 Buttimer, Neil et al. (eds) Heritage of Ireland 55 Buxto, Richard The Complete World of Greek Mythology 68 Cabot, David Ireland: A Natural History 49 Cahill, Mary & Maeve Sikora (eds) Breaking Ground, Finding Graves 99 Camp, John & Elizabeth Fisher The Ancient Greeks 63 Canavan, Tony Museums in Longford, Mayo & 47 Tipperary South Riding Carew, Mairéad Tara & the Ark of the Covenant 64 Carey, John Ireland and the Grail 83 Page 3 of 27 Publications reviewed in Archaeology Ireland Volumes 1 - 29 Author Title Issue Carlin, Neil et al. The Archaeology of Life and Death in 85 the Boyne Floodplain Carman, John & Anthony Harding Ancient Warfare 52 (eds) Carr, Peter The Most Unpretending of Places 3 Carroll, Judith Archaeological excavations at Glebe 86 South and Darcystown, Balrothery, Co. Dublin Carroll, Judith Archaeological excavations at 86 Rosepark, Balrothery, Co. Dublin Carroll, Judith Dublin City - sources for Archaeologists 63 Carthy, Hugh Burren Archaeology 96 Carver, Martin O.H. Arguments in Stone 30 Carver, Martin O.H. Sutton Hoo 46 Carver, Martin O.H. & Jan Klapste The Archaeology of Medieval Europe 101 (eds) Volume 2 Casey, Christine & Alister Rowan The Buildings of Ireland 28 Cherry, Jonathan & Brendan Scott Cavan - History and Society 112 (eds) Christie, Neil & Paul Stamper Medieval Rural Settlement 99 Clark, Anthony Seeing Beneath the Soil 43 Clarke, Howard B. Dublin 1 - Irish Historic Towns Atlas 61 Clarke, Howard B. Dublin c.840 - c.1540 63 Clarke, Howard B. & Ruth Johnson The Vikings in Ireland and Beyond 113 (eds) Clarke, Howard B. et al. Dublinia 62 Clarke, Howard B. et al. (eds) Ireland & Scandinavia in the Early Viking 47 Age Clarke, Howard B. et al. (eds) Ireland & Scandinavia in the Early Viking 50 Age Cleal, Roasmund & Ann Grooved Ware in Britain & Ireland 55 MacSweeney Cleary, Kerri & Graham McCarthy Association of Young Irish 78 Archaeologists - Proceedings 2006 Cleary, Kerri (ed) Archaeological Networks 112 Cleary, Rose M. & Hillary Kelleher Archaeological excavations at 100 Tullaheady Cleary, Rose M. et al. Archaeological Excavations on the Cork- 4 Dublin Gas Pipeline Clinton, Mark The Souterrains of Ireland 58 Clinton, Mark The Souterrains of Ireland 59 Clyne, Miriam Kells Priory, Co. Kilkenny 82 Page 4 of 27 Publications reviewed in Archaeology Ireland Volumes 1 - 29 Author Title Issue Cody, Eamon Survey of the Megalithic Tombs of 63 Ireland - Donegal Cole, Grenville Memoir of Localities of Minerals… 49 Coleman, Simon & John Elsner Pilgrimage Past & Present 46 Coles, Bryony et al. (eds) Bog Bodies, Sacred Sites & Wetland 53 Archaeology Coles, John & Bryony Enlarging the Past - 1995 Rhind 39 Lectures Coles, John & Bryony People of the Wetlands 12 Colfer, Billy The Hook Peninsula 69 Colfer, Billy Wexford Castles 104 Colfer, Billy Wexford, a Town and its Landscape 85 Colgan, Edward For Want of Good Money 65 Collins, Tracy & Anthony Cummins Excavation of a Medieval Ringwork at 59 Ballysimon Conlan, Patrick Franciscan Ireland 10 Conlin, Stephen & John de Courcy Anna Liffey - the River of Dublin 6 Connolly, Michael Discovering the Neolithic in Kerry 49 Connolly, Michael & Frank Coyne Underworld - Cloghermore Cave 73 Connolly, Michael (ed) The Unquiet Grave 106 Conran, Sheelagh et al. (eds) Past times, changing fortunes 97 Conran, Sheelagh et al. (eds) Past Times, Changing Fortunes 98 Conway, Malachy Director's Findings - Cabinteely 54 Conyers, Laurence & Goodman, Ground-Probing Radar 43 Dean Cooke, Pat The Containment of Heritage 65 Cooney, Gabriel & Eoin Grogan Irish Prehistory - A Social Perspective 31 Cooney, Gabriel & Eoin Grogan Irish Prehistory: A Social Perspective 50 Cooney, Gabriel & Stephan Mandal The Irish Stone Axe Project 44 Cooney, Gabriel (ed) World Archaeology - Seascapes 68 Cooney, Gabriel et al. (eds) Relics of Old Decency 90 Cooper, Emmanuel Ten Thousand Years of Pottery 62 Copeland, Tim Geography and the Historic Environment 26 Coppack, Glyn The White Monks 49 Corlett, Christiaan Antiquities of Old Rathdown 50 Corlett, Christiaan Antiquities of West Mayo 58 Corlett, Christiaan Darkest Dublin 86 Corlett, Christiaan Inscribing the Landscape 109 Corlett, Christiaan Jane W.Shackelton's Ireland 101 Corlett, Christiaan The Liam Price Notebooks 63 Corlett, Christiaan Unearthing
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