Merry-Go Boomerang Round Page 3 Page 2 The Most Controversial College Wt:e~ly In N ew England VOL.UM E XL.I X SPRINGFIELD COL.L.EGE, SPRINGFIEL.D, MASS., FRIDAY, MAY 2.5, 1962. NUMBER 25 Six Faculty Appointments Announced Three Hundred Fifty-Two To Get By Academic Dean-Six More To Come Degrees At Annual Commencement'- The appointment of six new faculty members here at Springfield In less than two weeks Springfield College's has been announced by Dr. Cummins E. Speakman, Academic Dean. 76th Commencement exercises will begin. It is The new faculty members, two of whom are already at work at the the end of a long road, but in another sense, college, were named last week (May 16) by Dean Speakman at a the beginning of a longer one. faculty dinner honoring Dr. Ruth Evans, Director of Physical Education The Commencement exercises will be held for Women, who is retiring this at Bowling Green. while a sru­ in Memorial Field House at 2:30 year. Sunday, June 10. The main speak­ dent, he was employed part-time It has been announced by Six More Named in that college's registrar's of­ er will be General Alfred M. Or. Speakman also stated that Student Council that the proposed First Lady of P.E. Gruenther. president of the fice. Mr. Crist served in the referendum to continue the ten six more faculty will be named U. S. Navy from 1954 - 1958. American National Red Cross and before the start of the adademic dollar srudent assessmentfeefor former distinguished leader of RICHARD S. OFFENBERG, in­ the construction of a boathouse year next September. These 12 structor of History. Now a can­ Bows Out Gracefully World War II. A total of three new appointments will be the has been defeated by a vote of On Sunday, May 20, the hundred fifty-two wUl receive de­ didate for the Ph.D. degree in 338 against to 229 in favor of the largest number of additions to the history at New York University, Women's Physical Education grees. Two hundred seventeen faculty staff since 1946. proposed referendum. In order will receive a Bachelor of Sci­ Mr. Offenberg will join the fa­ for the referendum to have been Majors Club held a luncheon in Members Include CUlty next September. He holds Woods Hall honoring Dr. Ruth ence degree, one hundred one will passed, it would have required receive a Master of Education New faculty members include: a B. A. from the University of a two-thirds vote of those E. Evans. Director of Physical DR. HARRY M. SMITH, as­ Maine and an M. A. from Penn­ Education for Women at Spring­ degree, 6 a Master of P .E. de­ students casting their ballots. gree, 20 a Master of Science de­ selCiate professor of Biology. Dr. sylvania State University. Mr. Of the 567 ballots cast, it would field College. Dr. Dorothy Ains­ Smith, who started his teaching Offenberg, 26, has been a teach­ worth, a noted physical educa­ gree and 8 a ProfessIonal Certi­ have required 378 votes for this ficate. For the first time since duties last Winter, is an expert ing assistant for the past two referendum to be approved. tion leader affiliated with the on human blood types, and will years in the history department at AAHPER as well as many other 1954 (when the College initiated As the results have indicated, the awarding of this advanced be on leave at the American Un­ NYU. there were only 50 votes shy of organizations related to this iversity of Beirut in Lebanon MRS. JACQUELINE SEUSS, in­ field, and a very good friend of degree) no doctorates will be a two-thirds majority in opposi­ awarded. next year to conduct research structor in English. Scheduled to tion to this referendum. Dr. Evans, was the guest speak­ In this field. He will rerurn to start next September, Mrs. er. Her speech was related to the Five men will receive honor­ The defeat of this referendum past affiliations and poSitions that ary degrees from Springfield. the college the following year. Seuss, 24, holds a B. A. from the will reduce the students' financ ial MR. FRANKLIN J • WATSON, University of Massachusetts and Dr. Evans has had, as well as They are General Alfred M. burden ten dollars for the 1962-63 relating somewhat of a personal Gruenther, Doctor of Laws; Mar­ assistant professor of Sociology. is scheduled to receive her M. A. academic year. Mr. Watson will start teaching next fall. For the past year, Mrs. touch to experiences theyhadhad ion Folsom, Doctor of Public at Springfield College on J an­ Seuss has been a Teaching Fel­ together. The club presented Dr. Service; Lam Po Kwolc. Doctor of Humane Letters; Edwin E. Bond, uary 1, 1963. He holds bachelor low at the University of Mass­ EVans with the Dr. Evans Plaque and master's from Brown achusetts. that is to be awarded every spring Doctor of Humanics; and Leslie University, and will receive his Mr. Edward J. Sims in her honor to a woman who J. Judd, Doctor of Humanics. Sabbaticals meets the requirements set up by The Tarbell Medallion, the Ph.D. next January. He has taught highest award to alumni of S.C. in the high schools of Warwick, Three current faculty mem­ Dr. Evans. She also received bers have been granted Sabbati­ an engrav~ silver plate. for distinguished service to the R. I. and Great Neck. N. Y., Goes To Columbia alma mater will be awarded to and has served for one year as cals during the 1962-63 academic year, Dean Speakman revealed. Long Time Diredor Edward E. Bond and Robert J. a special research technician In "Bowing out graciously," were Wright at the annual Commence­ the Department of Sociology at the WAYNE OOSS, ass istant profes­ sor of physical education, will For Doctorate the exact words Dr. Evans used ment Dinner, Saturday. June 9. University of Connecticut. He is Mr. Edward J. Sims has been to reflect her views upon her The Commencement Weekend 36 years of age. spend the Fall and Winter terms to complete his work for a doc­ granted a sabbatical from the col­ coming departure from Spring­ will be held in conjunction with Four More torate degree; WERNER HAAS, lege to complete study for his field College. Dr. EVans has been the class reunions. The "Re­ MR. JULIAN WILDER, assis­ assistant professor of history and doctorate at Columbia Univers­ Director of the Physical Educa­ unions by Generations Plan" is tant professor of Education. Mr. modern languages, will spend the ity. He has two major areas of tion Department for Women ever in effect for the fourth year. The Wilder. 36, will begin his duties fall term on Sabbatical and the interest: Since the college began to admit classes rerurning to the campus at the college next September. Winter and Spring Terms on 1. 19th cenrury American women into its academiC pro­ this year are 1926, 1927, 1946, He holds B. S. and M. A. de­ leave to study and teach in Ger­ transiental literature gram. With her good-humored 1947, 1948, 1907, 1912, 1937 and grees from New York University many in conjunction with a Mid­ 2. college communications wit, independence, good judg­ 1952. and expects to receive his Ph.D. dlebury College program, and curriculum ment, and her belief in standing Schedule of events for the next August. His experience in­ EDWARD SIMS, assistant profes­ He was formerly Chairman of up for her ideals and support­ weekend: clUdes three years as a teacher sor of English. will spend the en­ the English Department and is ing those she believed in, she Friday. June 8 in the elementary schools of New tire academic year in complet­ now Co-ordinator of the Division will leave SC with the fondest of 8:30 a.m. - RegIstration of A­ York City, two years as depart­ ing work for his doctorate. of General Studies. memories and the highest re­ lumni and Guests - Carlisle ment coordinator and guid­ He collaborated with other au­ spect that anyone can give to Foyer ~ce counselor at Parsippany Promotions thorities to complete two texts anyone person. 10:00 a.m. - Coffee Hour-Alum­ High School, Parsippany, N. J. Other personnel changes an­ which are now in publication. a Educated At Columbia ni, Guests, Faculty - Foyer and four years as an instructor nounced by Dean Speak man in­ public speaking text and a jour­ Dr. Evans received her B.S. 12:00 noon - Informal Alumni In the department of secondary clude the following promotions: nalism text. Luncheon - Woods Hall edUcation at New York Univer­ From Assistant Professor to As­ Mr. Sims has been at Spring­ and M.A.. degrees from Columbia University. apd M.P.E. (honor­ 1:30 p.m. - Alumni-Senior-Fa­ Sity. 0 field College Since 1952. He re­ soc i ate Pro f e s s r--D R. ary) degree from Springfield Col­ culty Golf Tournament - Vet­ HOWARD A. CRIST, assistant GEORGE S. ELIAS, Guidance and ceived a B.S. from Springfield erans South Branch Parkway registrar and instructor. Mr. College in 1951; an M.A. from lege, and an Sc.D. (honorary) Personnel Services; DR. RO­ degree from Boston University. Golf Course Crist. 26. started work:" at the BERT B. RESNICK, English and Albany (N.Y.) State College: and 4:00 p.m. - Faculty Women's College earlier this month (May a Professional Diploma from She had served as Assistant SHERROD W. SHAW, Physical Supervisor and Supervisor of Club Tea - Carlisle Foyer 7).
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