List of Employees under PWD Nalbari Building Division, Nalbari Sl No. Name of Employee Designation Place of Posting Contact No. Gazetted Class-I 1 Mahendra Mohan Das Executive Engineer Nalbari 9435195114 2 Aswini Kr.Barua Asstt. Ex. Engineer Nalbari 8876232790 3 Ajoy Kr. Das Asstt. Ex. Engineer(T/C) Nalbari 9435082586 4 Pranjal Sarmah Asstt. Ex. Engineer Mukalmua 9435405493 5 GazettedDhajendra Class Kr. Nath-II Asstt. Engineer Nalbari 9435145479 6 Dwipendra Kr. Choudhury Asstt. Engineer Nalbari 9435307889 7 Dipak Ch. Bharali Junior Engineer Nalbari 8876845878 8 Basudev Das Junior Engineer Mukalmua 7086195682 9 Janiur Rahman Junior Engineer Mukalmua 9706064235 10 Khalilur Rahman Junior Engineer Nalbari 9435310108 11 Mahbub Ali Bhuyan Junior Engineer Nalbari 9435128784 12 Keshab Narayan Baruah Sr. Gr. Junior Engineer Nalbari 9435323044 13 Mrigen Deka Junior Engineer Nalbari 9435663243 14 Sanjib Kr. Deka Junior Engineer Nalbari 9435123442 15 Dipak Kr. Das Accounts Officer Nalbari 9859413800 16 GradeChabin- IIIBarman Deputy A. O. Nalbari 7035182223 17 Kshitindra Sarma Deputy A. O. Nalbari 8486786271 18 Khanindra Chakravarty Head Asstt. Nalbari 9864463864 19 Abinash Bhattacharyya Asstt. A.O. Nalbari 9864190573 20 Pranab Chakravarty Sr. Asstt. Nalbari 9126168520 21 Ikram Ali Sr. Asstt. (Cashier) Nalbari 7635828477 22 Sukramani Basumatary Sr. Asstt. Nalbari 9678362792 23 Biswajit Goswami Sr. Asstt. (Auditor) Nalbari 9435311329 24 Utpal Hazarika Sr. Asstt. (Auditor) Nalbari 9435329471 25 Gunindra Talukdar Sr. Asstt. (Auditor) Nalbari 8011190118 26 Jonali Barman Sr. Asstt. Nalbari 9706061837 27 Pradip Kr. Sarma Jr. Asstt. Mukalmua 9678875875 28 Sohida Begum Jr. Asstt. Nalbari 9957500676 29 Gobinda Haloi Jr. Asstt. Nalbari 9864748955 30 Nayanjyoti Barman Jr. Asstt. Nalbari 7086784963 31 Suren Barman Jr. Asstt. Nalbari 9864384118 32 Nabajyoti Patowary Jr. Asstt. Nalbari 9864388899 33 Jayprakash Bhuyan Jr. Asstt. Nalbari 9957209399 34 Biraj Das Jr. Asstt. Nalbari 7002896586 35 Basanta Kalita Jr. Asstt. Nalbari 9613116742 36 Chitralekha Das Tracer Nalbari 8876294203 37 Bhaben Ch. Medhi Plumber Nalbari 9678322098 38 Surendra Ch. Talukdar Plumber Nalbari 9010893044 39 Mesar Ali Sub-Eng. Gr-I Mukalmua 8822252557 40 Arjun Ch. Sarma Sub-Eng. Gr-I Nalbari 9954973514 41 Gajendra Dekabaruah Sub-Eng. Gr-I Nalbari 7635828575 42 Fazar Ali Sub-Eng. Gr-I Nalbari 9707092056 43 Joychandra Rajbongshi Section Asstt. Nalbari 9859924955 44 Umesh Mudiar Section Asstt. Mukalmua 9864402109 45 Tafiqur Rahman Section Asstt. Nalbari 8486844765 46 Niyamat Ali Section Asstt. Mukalmua 9707916933 47 Jogesh Ch. Sarma Section Asstt. Nalbari 9954273768 48 Jutika Duttabaruah Section Asstt. Nalbari 8751963430 49 Nilima Dutta Section Asstt. Nalbari 9706406622 50 Dipali Devi Section Asstt. Nalbari 9085775022 51 Sarat Ch. Sarma Section Asstt. Mukalmua 9854705145 52 Pratul Sarma Section Asstt. Nalbari 9954676460 53 Monoranjan Sarma Section Asstt. Nalbari 9864382644 54 Abdul Mazid Section Asstt. Nalbari 7896471832 55 Harkanta Deka Section Asstt. Nalbari 9085951131 56 Shukadev Talukdar Section Asstt. Nalbari 9613505949 57 Jagat Talukdar Section Asstt. Nalbari 9476818705 58 Satish Ch. Barman Section Asstt. Mukalmua 9707116189 59 Pratap Ch. Mazumdar Section Asstt. Nalbari 9707841183 60 Guneswar Baruah Section Asstt. Nalbari 9859482528 61 Nilamani Deka Section Asstt. Nalbari 8011991166 62 Anowar Hussain W/C S.A. Nalbari 8876295724 63 Jyotiprasad Sarma W/C S.A. Nalbari 7896629001 64 Pradip Basumatary W/C S.A. Nalbari 7896772126 65 Bhabesh Mahanta W/C S.A. Nalbari 9864335507 66 Akshay Kr. Sarma W/C S.A. Mukalmua 9854014284 67 Bipin Swargiary W/C S.A. Mukalmua 9678702103 68 Dwijen Barman Driver Nalbari 7823872991 69 Pulendra Baishya 2nd Class Fitter Nalbari 8723887299 70 Surendra Baruah Asstt. Carpenter Nalbari 8473820616 Sd/ Executive Engineer,PWD Nalbari Building Division Nalbari STATUS OF MAJOR SCHEMES IN NALBARI DISTRICT UNDER NALBARI BUILDING DIVISION (As on April/2018) Santion Phy. Prog.(In Sl. No. Name of Scheme amount (Rs in Remarks %) Lakh) 1 2 3 4 5 1 Construction of VIP Suit at Circuit House, Nalbari 53.58 75% Work in progress. Constn. Of Auditorium Hall at Chamata Higher Secondary Work almost 2 205.00 99% School under Nalbari completed "Construction of Model School at different District" under Completed and 3 RMSA, Assam at village Kaldi under Barkhetri Block in 362.00 100% haned over . Now Nalbari District Assam, functioning Construction of Girls Hostel at Chandi Medhi Balioka High 4 School under Barkhetri Block in Nalbari District under 155.00 100% Completed RMSA, Assam Const. of 2 stored R.C.C. Treasury Building with provision of Work almost 5 another one storey in future for Belsor Sub-Treasury under 107.58 99% completed the district of Nalbari Const. of office Bldg of the Asstt. Director of Audit (Local 6 120.45 78% Work in progress. Fund) GL Nalbari Circle, Assam with a provision of (G+2) Civil Work almost Construction of proposed sub-regional Science Centre Cum completed. 7 Planetarium for ASTEC under Department of Science & 257.43 98% Machineries and Technology, Govt. of Assam at Nalbari. furnitures are to be installed. Establishment of 21 Nos. new Polytechnic in different District of Assam under plan during 2011-12 at 8 780.90 100% Completed Chandkuchi, Bhajani in Nalbari District (Package No.Poly- 11) Construction of Circle Office Building, Brick Boundary wall and site development, RCC Staging and Electrification 100 9 119.15 100% Completed KVA Sub Station with HT & LT line in respect of Circle Officer, Banekushi Revenue Circle. Construction of Circle Office Building including Boundary Wall, Heavy duty Iron gate, raising Low site in respect of 10 97.13 100% Completed Circle Officer, Paschim Nalbari Revenue Circle under Nalbari Dist. Veterinary Hospital at: Completed 11 Barnadi 60.9 100% Completed 12 Ghograpar 58.9 100% Completed 13 Jagra 60.7 100% Completed 14 Satemari 64.3 100% Completed 15 Chanda Kushi 64.3 100% Completed 16 Nalbari 64.3 100% Completed 17 Rana Kushi 59.0 70% In progress 18 Debochara 100% Completed 19 Dhamdhama 40.1 100% Completed 20 Makhibaha 100% Completed Const. of IB at Bejisuti Bazar, Barsia (Char) in Barkhetri 21 50.00 80% In progress LAC in Nalbari Dist. 22 MSDP Sub centre 16-17 ( Total 21 Nos.) 255.00 Av. 81% In progress Untied Fund work for the year 2016-17 Improvement of Auditorium Hall Rupkonwar Kala parishad at Chamata in nalbari District under untied fund (State In progress 1 Specific scheme) for the year 2016-17 50.00 L 45% Construction of RCC 2 storied multipurpose building (Multipurpose Hall & Guest house) at Harimandir,NIC Nalbari. In progress 2 100.00 L 55% Santion Phy. Prog.(In Sl. No. Name of Scheme amount (Rs in Remarks %) Lakh) 3 Constn. Of Modern Toilet complex at Barkhetri 10.00 L 40% In progress Construction of Students Common Room with raising low site at Chandkuchi Public School, chandkuchi under untied In progress 4 fund 25.00 L. 28% Construction of RCC community Hall at Mahabishnu Work will be 5 Jagyadham at Village Barnaddi in nalbari District. 30.00 L started soon. UPCOMING MAJOR PROJECTS: Rs in Lakh “Construction of Medical College at Nalbari” in Nalbari Under tender 1 21782.1 district, Assam under NLCPR process Establishment of 10 (ten) Govt. B.Ed Colleges under the 817.72 2 Directorate of SCERT, Assam during 2017-18 (at Nalbari Under tender dist) process Augmentation of existing infrastructure in Govt Gordon H.S. 584.2 Under tender 3 School, Nalbari. process Augmentation of existing infrastructure in Debiram 131.26 Under tender 4 Pathsala H.S. School, Nalbari. process Construction of Indoor stadium & Swimming pool at Nalbari, 516.57 Under tender 5 North Kamrup Stadium complex. process Construction of Godowns/warehouse for proper storage of 218.13 6 EVM and VVPATS in the 50 election District of Assam for Under tender the year 2017-18 (At Nalbari) process NEW MAJOR PROPOSAL SUBMITTED: 1 Sariahtoli Stadium, Nalbari (Rs.55.00Cr) 2 Engineering College, Nalbari (Rs.50.00 Cr) Executive Engineer, PWD Nalbari Building Division Nalbari. NIC Progress / Status Report of work under (NEC Scheme) up to 31st March/2018 Tender Sl. Head of A.A Number A.A. Amount Dist Name of Scheme Value (Rs in No. Accounts and Date (Rs. In Lakh) Lakh.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4552-10 on North- Eastern Constn. Of Auditorium Hall at Area-00- PMA(S).16/ Nalb 1 Chamata Higher Secondary IV central 2015/70 Dt. 205.00 L 194.98 L ari School under Nalbari sector 17.06.2016 scheme during 2016-17 Progress / Status Report of work under (NEC Scheme) up to 31st March/2018 Financ Action Date of Phy ial taken F.W.O. No. & Target date Name of Completion sical Progre against Date of of Remarks Contractor (as per Progres ss defaulting Commencement Completion tender) s (In %) (Rs.in Contracto L) r 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 M/S Sunrise Enterprise, GMC10/2015/16 Prop. Md. Feb'2017 99% 163.80 Work almost completed Dt. 13-05-2015 Mainul Ali, Khanapara Executive Engineer, PWD Nalbari Building Division Nalbari. Progress / Status Report of work under (NEC Scheme) up to 31st March/2018 Remarks 15 Work almost completed Progress Report for Const. of Model School under P.W.D. Nalbari Building Division under RMSA Assam up to 31st March 2018 Name of Division:- P.W.D. Nalbari Building Division Name of Circle:- Guwahati Building Circle- I. Sl. Head of A/A No, Date Dist. Name of Scheme A.A. Amount. No. Accounts. & Amount 1 2 3 4 5 6 RMSA/Mdl- "Construction of Model School at different Scl/ District" under RMSA, Assam at village 4/2009/Pt/ 1 Bpt Chenga Musalma Goan under Chenga 3.62 Crore
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