Fall 2007 THE DEXTER BULLETIN Vol. 46, No. 3 <Enjoy fiJe! Sop occasionaff-y and smeU tfte fCowers! Official Publication of the American Dexter Cattle Association, the original, founding Registry of Dexter Qlttle in America ~ Bar None's MixiGturu Home of Champion Texas Bulls Winestock Rufous Res. Gr. Ch. Bull 2007 HLSR ~ 8 Moore Sugar Bear Youth Gr. Ch. Bull 2007 HLSR David Jones 6730 Delbello Road • Manvel, TX 77578 281-692-0325 • www .dextercattleintexas.com Block Creek Ranch 430 Old #9 · Comfort, TX 78013 830-995-3016 · blockcreekranch.com Irish Dexters in the Texas Hill Country Selling Registered Heifers, Cows and Bulls GRAND CHAMPION BULL • HLSR 2006: 1-2 YO BULL • 2007: 2-4 YO BULL Mickey V. Bush, M.D. ) L KAHN ~ ~ne1' ~ulletin • 'Fall 2007 American Dexter Cattle Association 4150 Merino Avenue Watertown, MN 55388 952-446-1423 · www.dextercattle.org CJ{{icer /J)irector ~ The "BULLETIN" Board ;I messages Pg. 10: Financial Statement President 6 Pg. 12: Focus on Youth Pg.l3: Chondrodysplasia Testing Update 5/07 Vice !'res. 1 Pg.l5: 2007Talisman Award Recipient 7reasurer 8 Pg. l7: AGM Sale Results Pg. 18: Nebraska State Fair Results .Secretary Pg. 21: AGM Minutes ,Region I Pg. 24: AGM Photo Show Results .Region 2 16 Pg. 25: AGM Video Show Results Pg. 26: 2007 National Show Results .Region 4 Pg. 30: W ashington State Meeting and Fair Region 6 14 Pg. 32: Nutrition is Important Part of Success in the Show Ring, ,Region 1 18 by Dr. Steven Blezinger [CatdeToday.com] Pg. 36: Col'l5ider Several Factors Before Creep Feeding, ,Region 8 12 by Jane Parish [Catde T oday.com] ,Region 9 9 Pg. 41: Invitation to 2008 Annual National Meeting ,Region 10 16 Pg. 44: 2008 Houston Livestock Show&: Rodeo Pg. 46: AI. Bull List Region II 9 Pg. 47: Promotional Merchandise Region 12 II r'[J,is issue oJ 'lhe 27edu '7Ju/lefit, \\'ltls proclucal by 9ftmcy CJ>hillips, ali/or, mul prinlal by Lone Oak CJ>rinling Co. Crocher, ..7\10 • &pt 2007 ON THE FRONT COVER. .. ON THE BACK COVER. .. Jerico Bo Peep Shadlow David & Caroline Ames lecturing Grace & Cole E PIC FARMS about pond ru les. Marshfield, MO Submitted by Carol Koller 2 'l'be COexter <Bulletin • 'Fall 2007 NOTICE: ~~W American Dexter Cattle Association 4150 Merino Avenue UIAULI~~§ Watertown, MN 55388 www. DexterCattle.org Deadlines for articles, photos, and advertising for the 2007 Dexter Bulletin are as follows: 2007-8 Officers President Dexter Bulletin Submission Dates: David Jones 6730 Delbello Road · Manvel, TX 77578 Spring issue: Feb 1 281-692-0325 Summer issue: May 1 djones2for2 @yahoo.com Winter issue: November 1 Vice President Pat Mitchell Dexter Bulletin Print Dates: 7164 Barry Street· Hudsonville, MI 49426 616-875-7494 Spring issue: Feb 8 shamrockacres@ hotmail.com Summer issue: May 10 Secretary Winter issue: November 8 Carol Ann Traynor ~-----"1:......:4=27..:..... 17 Road· Fruita, CO 81521 I NEW # -+ I 970-858-2423 secretary@ dextercattle.org Treasurer mo James Smith l::exter 6907 W. Alfalfa Lane Brookline, MO 65619 417-868-8166 :8reeders jwslms@ atlascomm.net Association Staff The MDBA opens its membership Registrar/W ebmaster to Dexter breeders from all states. Chuck Daggett 4150 Merino Avenue ..-----__,Watertown, MN 55388 Buford Kanatzer ~IN__ E __W__ # __-+___J I 952-215-2206 adca@ dex tercattle.org P.O. Box A Sturgeon, MO 65284 Editor Nancy Phillips [email protected] 10975 Barnard Road www.MissouriDexters.org Crocker, MO 65452 573-687-3756 573-736-3024, cell: 573-528-0697 [email protected] Cfhe ~exter <Bulletin • Cf'all 2007 a 2007-2008 1\.egional Directors Region 1: Arkansas, Missouri, Dlinois John Foley 5668 North Farm Road 189 • Springfield, MO 65803 Next election 1112009 417-833-2186 • [email protected] Region 2: Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Sandi Thomas I (Interim Director for Reg. 3) Washington; Arizona, California, P.O. Box 135 • Antelope, OR 97001 New Mexico, Nevada, Hawaii 541 -489-3385 • thomas9700 1 @yahoo.com Next election 11/2009 (Reg. 3 Next elec: 11/2007) Region 4: Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Carol Ann Traynor (Interim Director) Wyoming 1427 17 Road • Fruita, CO 81521 Next election 1112009 970-858-2423 • [email protected] Region 6: Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma Joanie Storck 401 W. 89th Street So. • Haysvi1Je, KS 67060 ='lext election 1112007 316-524-0318 • storckranch @yahoo.com Region 7: Louisiana, Texas Pam Malcuit 17087 Dixie Farms Lane • lola, TX 77861 ~ext election 1112007 936-394-2606 • [email protected] Region7texla @cs.com Region 8: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Sally Coad Mississippi, North Carolina, 17 Lloyds Way • Louisburg, NC 27549 South Carolina, Tennessee 252-492-6633 • [email protected] Next election 11/2007 Region 9: Delaware, District of Columbia, Robert Seddon Kentucky, Maryland, Pennsylvania, 77 5 Spring Road • Mineral, VA 23117 Virginia, West Virginia 540-894-5571 • robert5721 @firstva.com Next election 1112008 Region 10: Indiana, Michigan, Ohio Roberta Wieringa 5160 Whitneyville Road • Middleville, MI 48333 Next election 11/2008 269-795-4809 • [email protected] Region 11: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, Carol Koller New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, 7951 Erdman Hill Road • Little Valley, NY 14755 Rhode Island, Vermont 716-699-2071 • [email protected] Next election 11/2009 Region 12: Iowa, N01th Dakota, Soutl1 Dakota, Rick Seydel Minnesota, Wisconsin 10 J 1 Chestnut Road • Coon Rapids, Iowa 50058 )Text election 11/2008 712-684-5753 • [email protected] Canadian members please use the region closest to your Province. 4 'J'he <Dexter cBulletln • 'fall 2007 COMMITTEES ADCA GOALS TASK FORCE FINANCE & FUNDING JOHN FOLEY. CHAlR Matt DeLaVega JOliN FOLEY. CHAIR Jim Smith Daryl Frank Wendy Fultz Joanie Storck Rick Seydel Pat Mitchell Judy Nocks John Derrick Julie Phippen Gene Pittman Robert Seddon Star Walkup JOB DESCRIPTIONS Susan Yehl JOHN FOLEY, CHAIR Jim Smith Bonnie Boudreau Becky Eterno AGM I SHOW & SALE PAM MALCUlT. CO-CHAIR RICK SEYDEL, CO-CHAIR MARKEIT\G & ADVERTISING Chris Rjcard Joanie Storck ROBERT SEDDOON. CHAJR Gale Seddon John Foley Roberta Wieringa Joanie Storck Rick Seydel Sandi Thomas Carol Traynor David Jones Gene Pittman Gene Pillman Mary Young Bruce Barbour Nancy Phillips Tammy King Richard King NOMINATIONS & ELECTIONS DAVID JONES, CHAIR Bonnie Boudreau CHONDRODYSPLASLI\. REPORT TEAM Tom Gray Susan Yehl Pam Malcuit Kirk Fackrell Barbara Netti John Potter ON-LINE PEDIGREE PROGRAM REVIEW Sandi Thomas Chuck Daggett SANDI THOMAS, CHAIR Patti Adams Dan Butterfield CLASSIFICATION COMNllTTEE PEDIGREE & GENETICS SANDI THOMAS, CHAIR Patti Adams SAJ"'DI THOMAS, Co -CHAJR JOHN POTIER, CO-CHAIR Dick Clark Bruce Barbour Barbara Netti Carol Koller Tom Gray Dan Burterfield Dan Butterfield Jeff Chambers CLASSIFICATION COMM. ADVISORS R&R/ BYLAWS BROWN SWISS ASSOC: Dr. Roger Neitzel Cl-IRIS RICARD, CHAIR Buford Kanatzar TEXAS A&M: Dr. Larry Bolemau Nathan Fleming Susan Yehl TEXASA&M: Dr. Steve Hammack TALISMAN AWARD HisTORICAL COMMI1.fEE JOANIE STORCK, CHI\TR Diane Mills-Frank PATII ADAMS, CO-CHAIR SANDT THOMAS, CO-CHAIR Becky Eterno Tom Gray Marcia Read Don Campbell WEBSITE & TECHNOLOGY WORLD CONGRESS CHUCK DAGGETI, CHAIR Robc1t Seddon CAROL DAVIDSON Dan Butterfield 'fbe ~exter cBulletln • crau 2007 6 Membership Form American Dexter Cattle Association You may copy this slletit ur go to our Website Wll w.dextercattle.org And dcnwzload a printo.bl.s copy (Print) Name ------------------------------------------------- Street Address or Rural Route------------------- acy _______________________ State _ ___ Zip _________ Fann or Herd Narne --------------------An.illl31 Name PrefL"{ (If there ts a duplication of Herd ~ame or 1\nimal Prefi."\: you mll be caruacted) E-Mail Address ____________________ Website ----- -------- Date Submitted I Phone ~umb-er ------------- Thee fee rate~ iJI'f for 2007. l\ew ~!ember (mth c:~ttlt!) fa-ee ;.. i\cw ~!ember· (m±bout cnttle) 530 FormeJ· Member SJ~ Yearly Dues S30 (S2S if paid befoy·c Feb 1) "'Xf"w ru~mbers tltnt <»m o,. become owH~'I's ofADC..A regi$t4?red cn.tfls will re,cei••e tJrrirfirst .vear membersfrip fi'e.e fo,. tiiP ccr.l~mlar year. Costs of .Animal Registrations and Trausfetrs: Ree:tstrations are a separate ccst even if done at the same time as ilie tramfer. • c~ws up to 1 year old S20 • Bulls up to 2 yeaE old S20 • Cows over 1 year old S40 • Bulls o\·er 2 years old S40 • Steers SIO Transfers • Regular Transfers ~20 (any age) fi1'te d1eck to ADC!. and mail to: American De.:tter Catde Associatiml .fl50 j'Yferin.o Ave TTatm1olm MN 55388 1101107 6 crhe 'Dexter .Bulletin • 'Fall 2007 FROM THE PRESIDENT ••• by David Jonczs Welcome to the fall edition of the Bulletin. The could only do so much to expedite the process, Pam Bullerin i ~ vour publication and the ADCA's primary Malcuit diligently prodded them along to the comple­ tool for conununicating to the membership. Please tion of the licensing between Australia (who owns the review carefu]]y any requests for nominations, upcom­ rights to the test) and the ADCA/A&M pattnership. ing votes and requests for contributions. Our editor Thank you again Pam for taking on this difficult task. welcomes any suggestions for topics or articles that you. the membership. would like made available. The Nuts and Bolts of the Board of Directors ongo­ ing body of work will focus on: Let me introduce myself- I am David Jones, a member of Region 7 living near Houston, Texas and I A review and rewrite of the documents that govem am your new ADCA President. Many of you will rec­ the Board procedures including an over­ ognize me as your Interim Vice President having view by an attorney who specializes in served in that position the past 6 or 7 months. Delaware corporate law. Conduct and finalize Regional Director Elections I feel honored to have the privilege of being your which ru·e moving forwru·d at this time.
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