NWFB and Citybus Special Service Arrangements for Chung Yeung Festival (3 October 2018, Hong Kong) New World First Bus (“NWFB”) and Citybus will operate special routes to facilitate travel for passengers to the Cemeteries in the Southern District and Chai Wan during Chung Yeung Festival. Details are as follows: NWFB Route 388 Between Chai Wan Station and Chai Wan Cemeteries (Cape Collinson) Date Service Hours Headway Fare 7, 14, 21 and 28 Oct 8:00am to 5:00pm 15 mins 13, 20 and 27 Oct 9:00am to 4:00pm 20 mins 17 Oct (Chung Yeung Festival) 7:00am to 6:00pm 6 – 10 mins $7.2 4 Nov 9:00am to 2:00pm 30 mins NWFB Route 389 Between Shau Kei Wan Station and Chai Wan Cemeteries (Cape Collinson) Date Service Hours Headway Fare 7, 14, 21 and 28 Oct 9:00am to 5:00pm 15 mins 17 Oct (Chung Yeung Festival) 7:00am to 6:00pm 6 – 10 mins $7.8 20 Oct 9:00am to 4:00pm 20 mins NWFB Route 971R Between Cyberport and Mong Kok (Bute Street) via the Chinese Christian Cemetery on Victoria Road From Mong Kok Date From Cyberport Fare (Bute Street) 17 Oct (Chung Yeung Festival) 9:00am to 3:46pm 9:30am to 5:30pm $14.5 Citybus Route 347 Between Admiralty (West) and Aberdeen via the Chinese Christian Cemetery on Victoria Road and the Aberdeen Chinese Permanent Cemetery Date From Admiralty (West) Headway Fare 17 Oct (Chung Yeung Festival) 8:00am to 3:30pm 10 – 15 mins $7.8 Twelve routes of NWFB and Citybus travelling via Wan Tsui Road will be temporarily diverted on 7, 14, 17, 21 and 28 October. NWFB Routes include 8H, 81, 82, 106, 682 and 694. Citybus Routes include 8X, 19, 118, 606, 780 and A12. Due to road closures and diversions in Pok Fu Lam, Aberdeen and Chai Wan during the Chung Yeung period, bus service may be adjusted subject to actual conditions and the instructions of the Police on the spot. We are sorry for any inconvenience it may cause to passengers. Page 1 of 2 For further enquiries, please call the NWFB Customer Service Hotline at 2136 8888 or Citybus Customer Service Hotline at 2873 0818 during service hours; visit the NWFB website at www.nwfb.com.hk or the Citybus website at www.citybus.com.hk; refer to notices at bus stops or download the NWFB & Citybus Mobile Application to keep track of our latest updates on the service information. NWFB and Citybus are wholly owned by NWS Holdings Limited. Like our holding company, NWFB and Citybus are committed to improving the quality of life for the public we serve, and providing reliable bus services. - END - New World First Bus Services Limited Citybus Limited NWFB and Citybus are wholly owned by NWS Holdings Limited. NWS Holdings Limited (“NWS Holdings”, Hong Kong stock code: 659) is the infrastructure and service flagship of New World Development Company Limited (Hong Kong stock code: 17). It has diverse businesses and investments predominantly in Hong Kong and Mainland China, comprising toll roads, environmental management, port and logistics facilities, rail container terminals, commercial aircraft leasing, facilities management, healthcare services, construction and public transport. Please visit www.nws.com.hk for details. Page 2 of 2 *C201801976a02* 發佈日: 2018年10月2日 張貼至: 2018年11月4日 C201801976a02_ODN 重陽節特別路線 Special Service for Chung Yeung Festival 柴灣站 歌連臣角 Chai Wan Station ↔ Cape Collinson 行車路線:柴灣站、寧富街、吉勝街、柴灣道、環翠道、連城道、歌連臣角道、石澳道、大潭道、柴灣道、東 區走廊支路、寧富街、柴灣站。 Routeing: Chai Wan Station, Ning Foo St, Kut Shing St, Chai Wan Rd, Wan Tsui Rd, Lin Shing Rd, Cape Collinson Rd, Shek O Rd, Tai Tam Rd, Chai Wan Rd, IEC slip road, Ning Foo St and Chai Wan Station. 服務時間 班次(分鐘) 日期 Dates Service hours Headway (min) 2018 年 11 月 4 日 4 Nov 2018 09:00 – 14:00 30 2018 年 10 月 7、14、21 及 28 日 7, 14, 21 & 28 Oct 2018 08:00 – 17:00 15 2018 年 10 月 13、20 及 27 日 13, 20 & 27 Oct 2018 09:00 – 16:00 20 2018 年 10 月 17 日(重陽節) 07:00 – 18:00 6 - 10 17 (Chung Yeung Festival) October 2018 班次及服務時間會因應客量及天氣而調整。Headway and service hours might be adjusted subject to demand and weather. 收費表 Faretable 每單程收費:$ 7.20 per single journey 巴士站位置 Bus stop locations 1. 柴灣站 Chai Wan Station 2. 連城道華廈街後 Lin Shing Rd after Wah Ha St 3. 歌連臣角道近華人永遠墳場 Cape Collinson Rd near Chinese Permanent Cemetery (前往天主教墳場、華人永遠墳場及靈灰閣之乘客可於此站下車步行前往 Passenger may use this stop for Cape Collinson Catholic Cemetery, Cape Collinson Chinese Permanent Cemetery and Cape Collinson Second Columbarium) 4. 歌連臣角道西灣國殤紀念墳場對面 Cape Collinson Rd opposite Sai Wan War Cemetery 5. 歌連臣角道佛教墳場外 Cape Collinson Rd outside Buddhist Cemetery 6. 歌連臣角道石澳道前 Cape Collinson Rd before Shek O Rd 7. 石澳道大潭道前 Shek O Rd before Tai Tam Rd 8. 大潭道女童軍馬沈慧芙野外訓練中心外 Tai Tam Rd opposite HKGGA Cecilia Mar Venture Hse 9. 大潭道山翠苑對面 Tai Tam Rd opposite Shan Tsui Court 10. 柴灣道樂民道後 Chai Wan Rd after Lok Man Rd 11. 柴灣道近高威閣 Chai Wan Rd near Koway Court 12. 柴灣道康民工業中心外 Chai Wan Rd outside Hong Man Industrial Centre 13. 柴灣站 Chai Wan Station 敬請留意。Thank you for your attention. 營運部 啟 Operations Department RM/ipw *C201801977a02* 發佈日: 2018年10月2日 張貼至: 2018年10月28日 C201801977a02_ODN 重陽節特別路線 Special Service for Chung Yeung Festival 筲箕灣站 歌連臣角 Shau Kei Wan Station ↔ Cape Collinson 行車路線:筲箕灣站、愛秩序街、寶文街、望隆街、東喜道、東區走廊、柴灣道、環翠道、連城道、 歌連臣角道、石澳道、大潭道、柴灣道、愛秩序街、南安街及筲箕灣站。 Routeing: Shau Kei Wan Station, Aldrich St, Po Man St, Mong Lung St, Tung Hei Rd, IEC, Chai Wan Rd, Wan Tsui Rd, Lin Shing Rd, Cape Collinson Rd, Shek O Rd, Tai Tam Rd, Chai Wan Rd, Aldrich St, Nam On St and Shau Kei Wan Station. 服務時間 班次(分鐘) 日期 Dates Service hours Headway (min) 2018 年 10 月 7、14、21 及 28 日 7, 14, 21 & 28 Oct 2018 09:00 – 17:00 15 2018 年 10 月 20 日 20 Oct 2018 09:00 – 16:00 20 2018 年 10 月 17 日 (重陽節) 07:00 – 18:00 6 – 10 17 (Chung Yeung Festival) Oct 2018 * 班次及服務時間會因應客量及天氣而調整。Headway and service hours might be adjusted subject to demand and weather. 收費表 Faretable 每單程收費:$ 7.80 per single journey 巴士站位置 Bus stop locations 1. 筲箕灣站 Shau Kei Wan Station 2. 連城道華廈街後 Lin Shing Rd after Wah Ha St 3. 歌連臣角道近華人永遠墳場 Cape Collinson Rd near Chinese Permanent Cemetery (前往天主教墳場、華人永遠墳場及靈灰閣之乘客可於此站下車步行前往 Passenger may use this stop for Cape Collinson Catholic Cemetery, Cape Collinson Chinese Permanent Cemetery and Cape Collinson Second Columbarium) 4. 歌連臣角道西灣國殤紀念墳場對面 Cape Collinson Rd opposite Sai Wan War Cemetery 5. 歌連臣角道佛教墳場外 Cape Collinson Rd outside Buddhist Cemetery 6. 歌連臣角道石澳道前 Cape Collinson Rd before Shek O Rd 7. 石澳道大潭道前 Shek O Rd before Tai Tam Rd 8. 大潭道女童軍馬沈慧芙野外訓練中心外 Tai Tam Rd outside HKGGA Cecilia Mar Venture Hse 9. 大潭道山翠苑對面 Tai Tam Rd opposite Shan Tsui Court 10. 柴灣道筲箕灣東官立中學外 Chai Wan Rd outside Shau Kei Wan E Gov Sec Sch 11. 柴灣道阿公岩道前 Chai Wan Rd before A Kung Ngam Rd 12. 筲箕灣站 Shau Kei Wan Station 敬請留意。Thank you for your attention. 營運部 啟 Operations Department RM/ipw *C201801978a02* 發佈日: 2018年10月2日 張貼至: 2018年10月17日 C201801978a02_ODN 重陽節特別路線 Chung Yeung Festival Special Service 數碼港 特快 旺角 Cyberport ↔ Mong Kok 經 域多利道墳場 乘客可於旺角、油麻地及佐 via Victoria Rd Cemeteries 敦的一段彌敦道上落(與路線 971 同站) Passengers could make use of the bus stops along the section of Nathan Road at Mong Kok, Yau Ma Tei and Jordan for boarding and alighting. (Same stops with Rt.971) 由旺角 (弼街) 開出 (約) 由數碼港開出 日期 Dates from Mong Kok (Bute St) (appro.) from Cyberport 09:00 - 10:00 09:30 - 15:00 2018 年 10 月 17 日(重陽節) 17 October 2017 (Chung Yeung Festival) ^10:16 – 15:46 * 15:15 - 17:30 ^ 班次先由數碼港開出,此為預計到達旺角(弼街) 之時間 Estimated arrival time on Mong Kok (Bute St) which originally departed from Cyberport * 以彌敦道弼街前為終點站 Terminate at Nathan Rd before Bute St 收費表 Faretable 數碼港 Cyberport $14.50 旺角(弼街) Mong Kok (Bute St) --- $14.50 數碼港 Cyberport 敬請留意。 Thank you for your attention. 營運部 啟 Operations Department RM/ipw *C201802066a02* 發佈日: 2018年10月3日 張貼至: 2018年10月17日 C201802066a02_ODI 重陽節特別服務 Chung Yeung Festival Special Service 金鐘(西) 域多利道墳場 香港仔 特快 Admiralty (W) Victoria Rd Cemetery Aberdeen Express 經:堅尼地城 Via: Kennedy Town 班次(分鐘) 服務日期及時間 Operating Hours and Routeings Headway (min) 金鐘(西) 開出 From Admiralty (W) 2018 年 10 月 17 日 (星期三) 上午 8:00 a.m. - 下午 3:30 p.m. 10 - 15 17 October 2018 (Wednesday) 路線 Routeing 經 紅棉路支路、琳寶徑、遮打道、昃臣道、干諾道中、港景街、交易廣場總站、干諾道中、四號 幹線天橋、山市街、卑路乍街、域多利道、薄扶林道、石排灣道、香港仔海旁道、香港仔大道、 香港仔海旁道、石排灣道、薄扶林道、域多利道、加多近街、吉席街、堅彌地城海旁、西祥街北、 四號幹線天橋、民寶街、民耀街、康樂廣場、干諾道中、夏慤道、紅棉路支路、金鐘道及添馬街 via Cotton Tree Drive slip rd, Lambeth Walk, Chater Rd, Jackson Rd, Connaught Rd C, Harbourview St, Exchange Sq Terminus, Connaught Rd C, Route 4 flyover, Sands St, Belcher’s St, Victoria Rd, Pok Fu Lam Rd, Shek Pai Wan Rd, Aberdeen Praya Rd, Aberdeen Main Rd, Aberdeen Praya Rd, Shek Pai Wan Rd, Pok Fu Lam Rd, Victoria Rd, Cadogan St, Catchick St, Kennedy Town Praya, Sai Cheung St N, Route 4 flyover, Man Po St, Man Yiu St, Connaught Place, Connaught Rd C, Harcourt Rd, Cotton Tree Drive slip rd, Queensway and Tamar St. 班次會因應客量而作出調整,短途加班車會以域多利道(美景臺)為終點站。 Headway may be adjusted to suit actual traffic condition. Additional short-working trips will terminate at Scenic Villas on Victoria Rd. 收費 Fare 金鐘 (西) Admiralty (W) $7.80 沙宣道,域多利道 Sassoon Rd, Victoria Rd $7.80 $5.30 田灣街,石排灣道 Tin Wan St, Shek Pai Wan Rd --- --- $7.80 碧苑,域多利道 Blarney Stone Villas, Victoria Rd --- --- $7.80 $5.30 金鐘(西) Admiralty (W) 年滿 65 歲或以上之長者使用長者八達通卡繳付車資,優惠票價為 $2.00。 Seniors aged 65 or above can use their Senior Octopus cards to enjoy the $2.00 concessionary fare.
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