************************5-DIGIT 02906 ??~9 11/ 30/88 ** 29 R~l~ JEWISH HISTOR ICAL ASSOCIATION 130 SESSIONS ST . Local News, pages 2-3 Chanukah Drawing PROV IDENC E, RI 02906 Inside: From The Editor, page 4 Contest Winners Around Town, page 8 Pages 15-18 THE ONLY ENGLISH-JEWISH WEEKLY IN R.l. AND SOUTHEAST MASS. , VOLUME LXXV, NUMBER 3 THURSDAY,DECEMBER17 35¢ PER COPY Soviet Official: Strike Is Averted At Jewish Home: Rally Won't Increase 3 Year Contract Ratified Jewish Emigration by Robert Israel PROVIDENCE - A strike at the J ewish Home for the Aged has TEL AV IV (JTA) - The mas­ But he disputed the number of been averted. A new , three-yea:­ sive demonstration for Soviet Jews said to be seeking permission contract between the employees J ewry in Washington December 6, to emigrate. "Anyone on the Soviet and members of the New England just prior to the Reagan-Gor­ side who deals with this problem Health Care Union, Dist ri ct 11 99 bachev summit meeting, will have considers as fantastic the figu res has bee n ratified. according to no effect on Soviet emigration pol­ which are sometimes mentioned - uni on spokesperson Stan Israel (no icy, a senior Soviet official told Is­ 400,000, 40,000 - I don't know relation to this reporter) and the rael Radio's Washington corre­ how many thousand. Home's management . spondent. "So in this sense I don't think " We met throughout the night According to Vitaly Jurkin, the demonstration influenced the (Monday. December 14) and early deputy director of the Soviet Insti­ Soviet position," Jurkin said . "But Tuesday morning," Israel sa id in tute of the U.S.A. and Canada, the at the same time, in this dimension the lobby of the Home al a press " Freedom Sunday" rally "will have which has nothing to do with the conference. "Our members voted no influence at all on the sit ua ­ demonstration - in the dimension to approve the contract. 86-8. It's a tion." The rally drew more than of the increasing democratization three yea r contract which ca ll s for 200,000 people of all faiths to de­ in the Soviet Unio n, of glasnost an increase in salaries. T here were mand free emigration for Soviet (openness), an attempt to settle re­ language improve ments made and J ews. ally many of the problems which do the give bac ks that were mentioned He said "the Soviet Union is ex ist - I think this process will prev ious to this settlement were moving ahead along many areas of continue." taken away." human rights, including the issue J urkin maintained that relations Israel was referri ng to what he which I personally consider to be a between Israel and the Soviet termed the "negat ive ince ntives" very diffic ult issue - that of emi­ Union have improved in recent t hat surfaced during initial con­ An elderly resident is helped from her wheelchair into a wait­ gration." years, and he suggested that the is­ tract negotiations with the Home's He defended new regulations sue should be discussed "calmly ing car at the Jewish Home for the Aged earlier this week. A management whi ch ca ll ed for cut­ total of 87 residents were relocated, although a strike was that Sovi et Jewry activists say and practica lly." backs on henefits. averted. (Herald photo by Robert Israel) make it more difficult to apply fo r Foreign Minister Shi mvn Peres, ··Th re we re lanhruage improve­ an exit visa. "The new regulations, meanwhile, said he was pessimistic ments and a benefits package in ­ Res idents Relocated and 7 residents were brought to as you know, were adopted and the about chances that the summit cluding dental and disability bene­ On Sunday, December 1:1, and nearby hospitals. All 87 residents Soviet Union started implement­ meeting between President Reagan fits fo r wo rk ers." Israel said. ''I'm Monday. December 14, a total of87 that we re relocated were due to re­ ing them at the beginning of this and Soviet leader Mikhail Gor­ glad there wasn't a st rike a nd I'm residents we re relocated, to pre­ turn to the Home by today. year. The number of emigrants bachev has changed the Soviet po­ look ing fo rward to peace here fo r pare fo r a strike. According to Although the relocation process from the Soviet Union increased," sit ion toward the Middle East. the rest of the year. Let's hope we Home social worker Norma Cohen, was conducted in an orderly fash­ Jurkin said. (Continued on page 9) ca n a ll get bac k to the business of 60 residents were re located to their ion, the elderly residents were running the Home up t.o the in ­ families' homes, 20 residents were clearly upset by the move. This re- Chanukah Greetings spection level it should be. ,. relocated to other nursing homes (Continued on page 9) Violence Erupts In West Bank .JERUSA LEM - T wo more Gaza Strip this morning, accord in~ Police responded with patrols, Palestinians died December 14 as a to both the Israeli Army and Pales­ roadblocks, curfews and, on a num­ result o f clashes with security tinian sources. ber of occasions, gunfire. forces in the occupied territories. Four Wounded In Clash The unrest, a United Nations The deaths ra ised the toll to The army announcement said he reli ef official said, was "the most eight dead in si x straight days of had been shot while throwing a serious revolt in the Gaza strip in clashes that some Israeli commen­ l{asoline bomb at the soldiers, and the 20 years of Israeli occupation.'' tators and United Nations reli ef that four other Pa lest.inians we re " We are definitely at a new officials describe as the most vio­ wounded. phase here, both in terms of the lenl in recent years. After the young man was killed, Palestinians and the Israeli reac­ Throwing rocks and barricading youths paraded his body in a coffin tion." another United Nations offi­ streets wit.h burning tires, hun­ through the district, attracting a cial said. dreds of Palestinian youths fought crowd of several thousand, leading "Increasingly the younger kids Israeli soldiers again today in the to further clashes with the troops, are no longer afraid," he added. squalid refugee districts of the with more shooting and more casu­ "They are willing to stand in front Gaza Strip, while Arab towns in alt ies. one of whom, Shaban Mo ­ of the Border Police and bare their the West Bank were shut down in hammed Mifleh, 25, was cri tically chests. And when they throw a the third day of a general strike. wounded in the head. stone, they hit what they're aiming The growing violence in the oc­ Ahmad Abu Khussa, a 2 1-year­ at. Now the Israelis are shooting cupied territories is causing grow­ old Palestinian shot in the head by first." ing concern to the Government , soldiers dispersing a crowd in Gaza " In my opinion/' the military with Israeli newspapers speaking on December 9, died at Tai correspondent Zeev Schiff wrote in of a "civil revolt." Hashomer Hospital near Tel Aviv. the newspaper Haaretz, "the day Comparison To Past the Palestine Press Service, a will come when we will beg some­ Outbreaks Palestinian-owned news agency in one to take the Gaza Strip and all Yehuda Litani, a specialist in Jerusalem, reported. its problems away from us. " Arab affairs for The ,Jerusalem The current round of clashes, "Some people here say this is the Post. described the current round part. of an increasing cycle of vio­ worst since 1967, '' said a senior of fil:{h ti ng- as more violent than the lence in the last year, began after a United Nations official in the Gaza major previous outbreaks of unrest traffic accident last Tuesday in Strip. "Others say no, since 1948" in the occupied territories in l 97f> - which an Israeli Army truck col­ A key factor in the clashes, some 76 and 1980-8 1. lided with two vans bringing day commentators say. is the· effect of .. The difference is," Mr. Litani laborers back home to Gaza. killing the daring hang-glider raid at Gi­ said in an interview, "that now it four Palestinians. bor army base in northern Israel lasts longe r, more people are in­ Rumors spread in the vo latile last month in which a Palestinian vol ved. and they are not afraid to district, pac ked with some 650,000 guerrilla killed six Israeli soldiers confront the army. It 's like a fire. it Palestinians, most of them before being slain. catches a nd spreads ... refugees. that the crash had been Mr. Litani wrote in T he "They're in despair,'' he said. deli beratP. in retali ation fo r an in ­ J erusalem Post that Palestinian ''I'm talking about the youth, they cident I he previous Sunday in youths we re attacking Israel De­ have nothing: to lose." which a n Jsraeli was stabbed to fense Force patrols "with stones. Israeli soldiers shot dead a 2f, ­ deat h in Caza's main square. bot ties, Molotov cocktail s and iro n vear-old Palestinian, Hassan Demonstrat io ns (}u ic kly spread A young woman lights the Chanukah candle~. Chanukah con­ bars, knowing the I.D.F. soldiers :Jarhoun . during a clash near the thruu1d1 (;crza to the West Bank. tinues through D ~~ember _22, 1987.
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